Thursday, May 9, 2024

How Do I Know If I Have An Addictive Personality

Do You Have An Addictive Personality 3 Signs & When To Worry

One Simple Fix for An Addictive Personality | Using Fitness and Endurance Cure

This morning, I picked up my phone to look at Instagram no less than 20 times. I’d just posted something new and wanted to know what people were saying about it. But as I reached for my phone yet again, a thought crossed my mind: Was I addicted to my phone?

I tend to get really excited about things, like new hobbies and activities, and this felt a little bit addictive, too. I’d heard people talk about addictive personalities on occasion, so I wondered: Do I have an addictive personality?

Whatyou Can Expect In Your Relationship

Whileits true that you should be wise and cautious about beginning a relationshipwith someone who has an addictive personality, its important to understandthat you dont necessarily need to avoid spending time with people who aredealing with these traits.

Instead,take the time to learn more about this type of personality and how you can helpthose you care about as they work to overcome these traits. You should,however, make sure that the person youre dating is aware of the problem theirfacing and is actively working to improve.

Now,lets talk about a few of the things your significant other may struggle withif he or she has an addictive personality. Your partner may:

  • Suffer from anxiety.
  • Be impulsive and take risks often.
  • Seem unnaturally cautious at times.
  • Struggle to connect with you emotionally.
  • Have a hard time controlling his/her feelings.
  • Show signs of instability in various areas of life.

Sometimes,the person you care about may struggle to regulate his or her emotions. Thiscan negatively impact the way he or she interacts with you. And, since yourloved one may have trouble expressing whats going on in their life,misunderstandings can happen frequently.

Asyou work to establish a meaningful and successful relationship, its importantto understand that things will be far from easy. It may be beneficial to getcounseling and learn how to work through difficult moments.

Addictive Personality Risk & Protective Factors In Children And Adolescents

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration , risk factors increase the likelihood of negative consequences later in life, while protective factors decrease the likelihood.9 Some risk and protective factors remain the same throughout a persons life, and some are variable, depending on life circumstances.

Those who have more risk factors, such as neglect or abuse, are more likely to have adverse outcomes. On the other hand, those with more protective factors, such as a stable home, family, and school, are likely to have better outcomes. 9

Risk Factors

  • Prenatal exposure to substance use
  • Parents who abuse drugs or alcohol
  • Child abuse
  • Mental illness in the household
  • Parental divorce or separation
  • A lack of economic opportunity
  • Early aggressive behavior
  • Drug availability 9, 10, 11

Protective Factors

  • Positive community relationships
  • Economic opportunities 9, 11

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You Require Constant Stimulation

For the average person, theres a balance between needing to be active and enjoying time relaxing. A person with an addictive personality has trouble creating that balance.

Theyre constantly looking for ways to stimulate themselves whether that be through eating, drugs, or other high-risk adrenaline producing behaviors. The term adrenaline junky and people who are addiction-prone are typically one in the same.

Effective Addictive Personality Treatment Program And Addiction Counseling

Do I Have an Addictive Personality?

When participating in rehab for addiction, it is important to be evaluated for personality traits that can have an impact on sobriety. It will only benefit your cause to ensure that the outpatient treatment programs have the available capacity to provide care. Not only that, but underlying mental health disorders that go undiagnosed go on to encourage relapse later on in recovery.

Substance abuse and addiction is the type of illness that gets worse the longer that it can continue. The very same is true about having an addictive personality, despite the behavior, and has serious mental health effects. Learning how to deal with an addictive personality is what rehab is all about. Taking the time to invest in yourself and make quality changes to benefit your future gives you back control.

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Youre Not Really Into Setting Long

Long-term goals? Who needs âem? At least thatâs your take on it. According to LIVESTRONG, addictive personality types have trouble planning out long-term goals and aspirations because theyâve become used to instant gratification. They donât like the idea of having to wait to get pleasure out of something.

Treatment And Therapy At 1st Step Behavioral Health

If you are suffering from an addiction as a result of an addictive personality or you want to avoid relapse, just contact us here at 1st Step Behavioral Health. Let us help you overcome addictive personality traits once and for all! Call us today:

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Brittany Polansky, MSW, LCSW

Brittany has been working in behavioral health since 2012 and is the Assistant Clinical Director at our facility. She is an LCSW and holds a masters degree in social work. She has great experience with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health diagnoses as well as various therapeutic techniques. Brittany is passionate about treating all clients with dignity and respect, and providing a safe environment where clients can begin their healing journey in recovery.

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What Mental Disorder Do I Have

Mental health challenges can be difficult to navigate, as there are often symptoms that overlap between varying conditions. If you are just starting out on your journey to learn more about your emotional health, it may help to take a general mental health quiz. This simple quiz can help you identify and narrow down your symptoms to get an idea of what might be going on.

Personality disorders, a type of mental health condition, involve a cluster of symptoms that can make interpersonal relationships difficult to navigate. A personality disorder quiz can help you determine whether your symptoms may indicate a personality disorder. Finding out more about your specific symptoms and needs can help you to find the treatment that effectively addresses your emotional health.

Personality Traits And Addiction

Does The INFJ Have an Addictive Personality?

Addiction is defined by scholars as a biopsychosocial disorder characterized by persistent use of drugs despite substantial harm and adverse consequences”. Substance-based addictions are those based upon the release of dopamine in the brain, upon which the range of sensations produced by the euphoric event in the brain changes the brains immediate behavior, causing more susceptibility for future addictions. Behavior-based addictions, on the other hand, are those that are not linked to neurological behavior as much and are thus thought to be linked to personality traits it is this type of addiction that combines a behavior with a mental state and the repeated routine is therefore associated with the mental state.

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How To Help Someone Who Might Be Dealing With Addiction

Addiction can be hard to talk about. If youre concerned that someone close to you needs help, here are some pointers that can help:

  • Get more information about substance misuse and addiction. This can give you a better idea of what theyre going through and the type of help that might be available. For example, will treatment need to start with detoxification under medical supervision?
  • Show support. This can be as simple as telling them you care for them and youre worried and want them to get help. If youre able, consider offering to go with them to see a doctor or counselor.
  • Stay involved in the treatment process. Ask how theyre doing, or offer to spend time with them if theyre having a tough day. Let them know youre available if they find themselves in a rough spot.
  • Avoid judgement. Theres already a lot of stigma around addiction. It can make some people hesitant to reach out for help. Reassure them that their experience with addiction doesnt make you think any less of them.

when someone doesnt want help

Try not to take it personally if your loved one doesnt want help or isnt ready to start treatment. If they dont want it, theres not much you can do to change their mind. This can be hard to accept, especially if youre very close to them.

Consider reaching out to a therapist for support. You can also drop by a Nar-Anon or Al-Anon meeting in your area. These meetings offer a chance to connect with others who have a loved one experiencing addiction.

Warning Signs And Red Flags Of An Addictive Personality Type

Again, the takeaway is that there is a difference between having an addictive personality, versus having dedication and persistence. Being enthusiastic about an interest is different, and can include many of the same activities. However, when these begin to interfere with everyday life, especially in unhealthy ways, this is cause for concern. It is especially concerning when alcohol and drugs are involved, as addiction affects the lives of everyone around them.

Some of the signs to be on the lookout for with an addictive personality include:

  • Rarely feeling satisfied and always with an urge to have or do more.
  • Frequently suggesting activities that revolve around the idea.
  • Unfavorable outcomes rarely deter the behavior.
  • Feeling as if it is physically impossible to stop.
  • Behaving obsessively and acting out when unable to participate.
  • Lack of respect for rules, regulations, and laws in place.
  • Allowing addictive behaviors to take the place of meaningful relationships.
  • Lying, cheating, or being secretive to be able to continue without hassle.

In many ways, the signs of having an addictive personality and a substance addiction are very much alike. The one way they are different, however, is that an addictive personality doesnt always choose drugs or alcohol. Instead, it could be work, fitness, or even rehab.

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Is There Such A Thing As An Addictive Personality

According to Rachel ONeill, Ph.D. LPCC-S, and Ohio-based Talkspace therapist, there is no official mental health diagnosis to support an addictive personality.

However, she confirmed that there are certain personality traits that are associated with addictive tendencies. As she shared, Individuals who tend to feel over-connected to certain activities or processes at the expense of doing other things in their life may demonstrate traits of an addictive personality.

I resonate a great deal with the word over-connected because while I never felt like I was putting myself in danger with my drinking or disordered eating habits, I was definitely aware that I cared a lot about having a glass of wine to take the edge off or eating as few calories a day as possible.

Using Marijuana To Relax

7 Characteristics of an Addictive Personality

Tense? Anxious? You may have found that a joint can help you relax at the end of a stressful day. But did you know that weed has a rebound effect that increases anxiety after it wears off? Or that it can seriously interfere with your motivation in life, or trigger serious psychological problems?

Healthy ways to meet this need: The younger you are, the riskier it is to smoke pot. But even for older folks, the idea that pot will help you relax is, overall, incorrect. Instead, look to safer methods of stress management and relaxation.

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An Inability To Say No

For some people, saying no is second nature For others, its impossible.

The inability to say no is one of the key drivers behind peer pressure. This apprehension stems from being afraid of judgment from people around you.

While not saying no may seem like the trait of somebody who is simply pleasantly accommodating, not saying no also means having no boundaries. Without boundaries, its impossible for people to manage their well-being. Therefore, not saying no is a tell-tale sign of an addictive personality.

Normal Behavior Can Easily Turn To Addiction With Some People Here Are The Danger Signs

Not everyone who has addictive tendencies is an addict. And yet people wonder about this all the time. Everyone has idiosyncrasies, small neuroses or vices that make them human. The difficulty is knowing when one of those little things needs your attention. Given the right set of circumstances, anyone can become an addict.

It’s human nature to want to soothe both physical and emotional pain. Sometimes this is done through the legitimate use of medication, hobbies, therapy, exercise, or other healthy activities. But sometimes, these substances and behaviors can escalate to unhealthy levels, or morph into using damaging substances and behaviors.

Addiction can come in many forms. They can include, but are not limited to:

  • Smoking
  • Indulging in Too Much Food, Alcohol, etc
  • Collecting Massive Amounts of Unnecessary Items

In moderation, much of this does not typically pose any serious problem. However, non-threatening behavior become problematic when a person relies on impulse at the expense of acknowledging and experiencing feelings – especially painful ones. For some it can very easy to become addicted to avoiding normal and healthy, albeit uncomfortable, feelings.

To stay vigilant against tendencies that could turn into addictions, here are risk factors Graham recommends everyone monitor:

1. You often use a form of “medication/behavior” to discomfort, despite the and adverse consequences.

2. You lie or tell half- about your “medication/behavior.”

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A Guide On How To Recognize The Signs

Not everyone with an addictive personality becomes an addict. Although, it does make repeated substance abuse more likely. Having an addictive personality is a common character trait that tends to run in families, much like an addiction. Or more specifically, alcoholism. While facing the ups and downs of chronic substance abuse, ignoring personality traits like this could lead to future relapse.

Becoming aware of tendencies that facilitate addictive behaviors often leads toward the exposure of an addictive personality. How to deal with an addictive personality is a major part of addiction treatment, typically coinciding with addictive personality treatment. So, how do you know if you have an addictive personality?

First, youd have to receive an accurate diagnosis, and learn how to manage it moving forward. Recognizing the signs of an addictive personality is crucial. Here is our guide to answering your question: do I have an addictive personality?

  • Substance abuse drugs and/or alcohol
  • Sex

The idea is that the behaviors harm the life of the individual. The harmful impact is what sets them apart. Because whats to say that an individual having an addictive personality wouldnt prefer an activity like yoga, or even fitness. Having these options available, especially during rehab for addiction, can ease into a healthier lifestyle. This is why, especially in recovery, professional treatment offers long-term solutions with individualized recovery models

Lack Of Impulse Control

What exactly is an “Addictive Personality”?

While it may be easy to argue that having an addictive personality is obvious to the individual, it usually isnt. Most of the time they are motivated by subconscious urges, or more commonly, lack forethought. Examples of this may be to thoughtlessly take money or possessions from another, as a means to get what they want. The thoughtlessness of how this would affect the other was nonexistent, and therefore, nothing was holding them back. Another example would be getting behind the wheel when intoxicated.

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Overcoming Harmful Addictive Personality Traits

If you are currently dealing with the effects of an addictive personality disorder, then you probably know that it can be very hard to break out of the grasp of this disorder. It can be extremely challenging to fight the urges of impulsivity, compulsive behaviors, depression, and anxiety. Overcoming these challenges is far from easy. But, that doesnt mean that its impossible!

Many people feel that its not possible to overcome addictive personality traits. They feel that, if you have this disorder, you will inevitably struggle with addiction and will, most likely, never break free from these problems. But, this is definitely not true. You can certainly become free from these issues through commitment, dedication, and professional treatment.

There are plenty of ways in which you can work to overcome the effects of addictive personality traits. Here are 5 of them:

  • Talk about it. Theres nothing like talking about your problems to someone who can offer you help and comfort. Sometimes, your family members or friends will misunderstand what youre going through. They may not understand the struggles youre facing. So, speaking to them will help you to feel less alone and isolated, which are two things people often feel when theyre dealing with an addictive personality disorder.

Miracles For Recovery Can Help You Take Control

Having an addictive personality can make you feel like you have lost control. Learning how to deal with an addictive personality can give you back your confidence on the way to recovery. If you or someone you love is struggling to get sober, Miracles Recovery is only a call away.

How do you know if you have an addictive personality that is keeping you from living a healthy sober life? Where can you get addictive personality treatment and counseling to overcome addiction? Miracles Recovery has all that you need to get started and begin making consciously healthy decisions about your future wellbeing. The only question now is why wait? Contact us today to find out about getting started.

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You Have A Serious Love For Excitement

Addictive personalities are often very keen on living on the edge, and have a love for excitement, according to WebMD. This could include things like driving way faster than the speed limit, putting their life on the line doing extreme sports, and indulging in illegal substances, just to name a few. Why? All of these big risk give off a rush of dopamine in the brain that makes them feel pleasure. J. Wesley Boyd, MD, PhD, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School told WebMD that once theyâre used to experiencing it, those with addictive personalities begin to crave that rush more and more.

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