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How Does Alcohol Addiction Affect The Family

Advanced Litigation And Case Services

How Does Alcohol Addiction Affect Families?

We are also different from other firms in that we not only practice in automobile accidents but have advanced experience litigating motorcycle and bicycle accidents, which often prove very challenging. Higuera Law Offices doesnt just provide legal services, but we go the extra mile for our clients, providing assistance placing you with health and medical experts, as well as doctors that can help advance your recovery. We can even connect you with other attorneys with additional areas of practice if these needs arise during your case. Unlike other firms, we also dont charge upfront costs, and there are no unexpected fees when working with us. We focus on having a relationship-driven business by providing you with the necessary support to physically and mentally recover from your injuries.

Effects Of Alcoholism On Unborn Children

Getting drunk can result in unplanned pregnancies, and not everyone will be able to stop drinking as soon as they learn about the child. You must take the time to understand how drinking can impact unborn children if you want to give them a fair shot at life.

Since unborn children share blood, oxygen and nutrients with their mothers, women who drink will pass the alcohol to their unborn child. This issue will increase the childs chance of being born with defects that can impact physical features and mental functionality. Pregnant women who are addicted to drinking must seek help right away so that they can protect their unborn children from harm.

Support Groups For Family Members

When a loved one is receiving treatment for an alcohol use disorder, family members can also benefit from educational and support programs such as Alateen and Al-Anon. There are a number of important benefits of participating in support groups:

  • They may help reduce the risk of kids developing alcohol or substance use problems.
  • Such programs may help identify kids that are in need of additional treatment for problems such as anxiety and depression.
  • These educational and supportive resources can help kids and other family members understand that they are not responsible for their loved one’s problems with alcohol.
  • They can help family members feel less isolated and understand that there are other people out there who have also been affected by alcohol misuse.

These support groups can serve as a source of stability, resources, and advice for people who have loved ones who are struggling with alcohol addiction. In addition to finding people who have had experiences similar to your own, you can learn more about how to care for your own health and well-being.

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How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth

Every type of personal injury case is unique. There are a wide variety of factor that can determine the success of your claim. Our team of experienced injury lawyers are successful in getting clients the results they want and deserve. Some of our past successes include:

  • $208K for a car accident claim
  • $1M for a medical malpractice claim
  • $2.5M for a wrongful death claim
  • $1.63B for a class action product liability claim

To learn more about our successful cases, visit our Results page to see our featured verdicts and settlements.

How Palladium Private Can Help

Effects of alcoholism

At Palladium Private, our approach is quite different to anything you may have tried before. Our immersive therapy does provide a full suite of care, counselling and in an environment that is recovery-friendly.

We consider alcohol abuse to be a coping mechanism. We believe that people who deal with stress properly and have a healthy level of self-worth are unlikely to abuse alcohol, even if they have the gene for alcoholism. This means we dont believe that hereditary genes dictate how you react to substances.

However, if you have underlying stress conditions and they are not identified and corrected, these may result in turning to alcohol in times of despair or trauma.

The Palladium Private Program provides a set of coping mechanisms that can be used to break this cycle permanently.

These include reprocessing old events to deal with grief and regret and learning how to measure self-esteem and self-worth properly

These both make for an incredibly effective combination.

We cannot change what happens to you in life, but we can teach you how to react to life events in a different way, which will cut off this cycle of behaviour at its source.

Our qualified therapists use evidence-based techniques to teach you how to adopt new behaviours, apply and entrench them and engage in new ways of thinking.

Our programs offer change that is lasting because our unique range of therapies go deep to the underlying root cause.

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Santa Ana Personal Injury Attorneys Serving All Of Southern California

Aitken * Aitken * Cohn is one of Californias most respected personal injury law firms, dedicated to providing legal counsel to anyone who has been seriously injured at the hands of another. If youve been seriously injured in an accident due to someone elses negligence, our experienced Orange County personal injury attorneys will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

We understand the profound impact a serious injury has on someones physical, mental, and financial health, and we want to help. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury due to the negligence of another, contact us today to discuss your case

Effects On A Spouse Or Partner

It will become difficult to live with a spouse or partner who is abusing alcohol. There will often be a conflict between wanting more to drink and not wanting to harm the family, and when this happens, the drinker may start to blame their partner for why things are going wrong.

This leads to self-doubt in the partner, who will begin to wonder if they arent good enough. They will take on the added burden of wondering how to hide the problem from family, friends, and neighbors and even be concerned about protecting their children. They might be overcome with feelings of failure and sadness, all while taking on additional responsibilities.

Unfortunately, alcoholism often involves some physical and emotional abuse. A high percentage of domestic violence disputes are associated with alcohol or other drugs. While drinking is not necessarily a cause of these situations, it is certainly a factor, as it impairs the persons judgment.

In other situations, the partner may become an enabler, rather than seeking help. A spouse may lie for their partner and protect them because they love them, but this actually makes it easier for the partner abusing alcohol to continue their drinking. In this way, the spouse enables the problem to get worse. The only way things will get better is for both partners involved to confront the problem, and get help.

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Substance Abuse: How Big Is The Problem

In popular cultural stereotypes of the American family, drugs and alcohol are not part of a happy household. Yet statistics indicate that the problem of substance abuse affects people from all walks of life, including parents, children, spouses, and partners living in otherwise normal homes. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health of 2014, one out of 10 Americans age 12 and older used an illicit drug in the past 30 days a number higher than any year since 2002. The primary reasons for this increase include the rise in abuse of marijuana and nonmedical use of prescription drugs, especially narcotic pain relievers like OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, and fentanyl.

Alcohol abuse is also prevalent among American households. Out of the 139.7 million Americans age 12 and older who reported drinking alcohol in 2014, 16.3 million defined themselves as heavy drinkers, and 60.9 reported that they were binge drinkers, according to the NSDUH.

Although alcohol abuse has declined among young adults age 12-20, the NSDUH indicates that underage drinking is still a problem in the US:

  • Current alcohol use was reported by 22.8 percent of underage Americans.
  • Binge drinking was reported by 13.8 percent of this group.
  • Heavy drinking was reported by 3.4 percent.
  • In total, approximately 30 percent of underage Americans engaged in binge drinking, and over 10 percent engaged in heavy drinking.

Finding Help For Alcoholism

How Does Addiction Affect Family & Friends

If you are a friend or family member of an addict or are addicted and want to stop drinking before you have an impact on your family, you have come to the right place. When you enlist help from the staff at SpringBoard Recovery, we will learn about you and your unique situation so that we can craft a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Admitting that you need help and reading this guide are the first steps toward a solution, so you are already on the right track. Our caring staff will take you by the hand and guide you through the healing and recovery process to optimize your odds of reaching a favorable outcome, and you are invited to start right away.

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The Power Of Environment

Ones environment plays a large role in daily life. Environment here refers to the people and places one frequently interacts with. There are several ways that ones environment can promote unhealthy habits. For example, the level of access to drugs or alcohol in ones environment can present a dangerous situation. If ones parents, spouse, or roommates have alcohol in the kitchen or other places or keep prescribed medications on countersespecially without providing proper warning and education regarding such substances this can be tempting to those predisposed to substance use issues or those looking for something to alter their mental state. Not only can this make obtaining alcohol for any given reason much easier, but it also introduces these substances as a normal thing to keep on hand, further dismissing the dangers that come with the use of these substances.

Even if an individual does not interact with these substances frequently, having a roommate or family member who regularly engages with drugs or alcohol can impact an individual when it is a part of ones everyday environment. Seeing regular use normalized can alter ones perception of addictive substances, not only making them seem less dangerous but also creating unrealistic ideas surrounding drugs or alcohol and what constitutes safe or unsafe use.

What Type Of Relationship Problems Come With Alcoholism

The constant agitation, drowsiness and confusion experienced by those suffering the effects of alcoholism are likely to cause problems for anyone in a relationship with the sufferer. People who find themselves in a romantic relationship with someone struggling with alcoholism may end up making excuses for their lack of attendance or improper conduct at social functions. They may find their options for other social interaction limited, and this may further be compounded by financial troubles or other problems related to the incidence of alcoholism. Heavy alcohol users may have trouble relating to teetotalers or those who do not share their propensity for drinking to excess, and they may attempt to convince friends or loved ones to join them in drinking. This can lead to additional problems as others experience the challenges faced by having a sufferer in their personal relationships.

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Child Of An Addicted Parent

Children of addicted parents are often in the unique position of having to become caretakers to their parents, even if the children are young. Rather than focusing on school and friendships if the child is young, or on their own family and careers if the child is an adult, the role of caregiver is put on the child. This can have a significant impact on the childs development, especially if the parent ultimately overdoses.

Many children of addicted parents show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, or depression. This can impact their ability to make and keep friends, trust adults in their lives, and do well in school. Some children also develop behavioral disorders or experience bullying, and others ultimately drop out of school and/or develop a substance use disorder of their own. Studies show that children with parents who suffer from addiction are more likely to develop addictions of their own.

How Can Families Support Their Alcoholic Loved Ones In Recovery

Alcoholism and Family

Families can do so much to support their alcoholic loved ones while they are in recovery. They can:

  • Agree to be available for family sessions during rehab.
  • Visit them while they are receiving treatment.
  • Offer to go to AA meetings with them.
  • Give them a lot of encouragement and be there to listen to them when needed.
  • Make sure to avoid serving alcohol at functions so that they are not tempted to drink.
  • Families with loved ones in recovery should also consider getting professional help for themselves. They can learn how to continue avoiding enabling behaviors and how to take care of themselves as they provide support.

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What Puts Someone At Risk For Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Substance use disorders can be an incredibly debilitating disease that can affect anyone. While certain images may come to mind when discussing addiction, like an individual stumbling drunk in the morning or looking for the next source of drugs, the reality is that these are highly stigmatized notions, and this disorder can manifest in a variety of different ways, often invisible to the casual observer.

Nobody is naturally completely immune to substance abuse, regardless of their race, education, sex, age, socioeconomic status, or any other demographic. However, it is possible that an individual can be at an increased risk of developing substance use disorder and knowing the risks can help individuals better monitor their use and relationship with addictive substances to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How Does Alcoholism Affect The Family Finances

Alcohol abuse is expensive. While the actual cost varies from family to family, it can be estimated that most addicted persons spend at least several hundred dollars on drinking each month and for some, that number can climb even higher, depending on what they drink, how often they drink and how much they consume each time. For a lot of families, that expenditure is incredibly draining and has a huge effect on savings or even the ability to pay necessary household expenses.

There are other ways finances can be affected by alcoholism, too. If drinking and driving is a factor, the risk of criminal charges for driving while intoxicated is a distinct possibility and the costs associated with a DUI are high. In North Carolina, a Level I DWI conviction carries fines of up to $4,000, and that doesnt include costs such as legal fees, medical bills for injured parties, tow and impound fees and insurance increases. On top of that, DWI convictions come with jail sentences of up to two years, so drivers can expect to be out of work for at least as long as their sentence lasts.

Lost jobs dont just result from drinking-related offenses. Alcohol abuse often directly correlates with poor performance at work, and its not uncommon for those who suffer from alcoholism to lose their job, which ultimately destroys family finances.

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Alcohol Harms Financial Stability

Excessive alcohol consumption damages family finances in two ways. First, the alcoholic who continues to work funnels more and more of his/her income to his/her drinking habit. The more he/she drinks, the more he/she spends to do so. Eventually, the drinker does not have enough money to pay the other bills.

Things can quickly and substantially worsen should the alcoholic lose his or her job which is not all that unusual, by the way. This creates a double-edged sword scenario in which the individual starts drinking more to cover-up the misery of losing a job, which, in turn, requires more money the individual no longer has because there is no income.

It is normal for families dealing with alcoholism to see financial problems so significant that homes are lost and bankruptcies are declared. It is also not unusual to see alcoholics turn to crime to support themselves and their drinking.

Results You Can Count On

Why Do People With Addictions Choose Drugs/Alcohol Over Their Families?

Instead of opting for cookie-cutter law firms where your case is just a number, choosing Higuera Law Offices provides you with a personal, client-forward approach to litigation. Additionally, our team has more than 22 years of experience in personal injury and wrongful death litigation. We have successfully litigated more than 2,000 cases, resulting in more than $70 million for our clients.

When youve been wronged or are the victim of an accident, you need to minimize your downtime and receive the monetary compensation you deserve. Higuera Law Offices understands that accidents dont always happen during business hours, which is why we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your questions or concerns. We focus on supporting you and are committed to providing top-notch service and representation to our clients. We will even visit you while youre undergoing hospital or medical treatment.

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Characteristics Of Children Of Alcoholics

While each child is different and responds in their own way to alcoholism in the home, certain characteristics are frequently seen in children with alcoholic parents.7,8 These characteristics can appear during childhood or adolescence and often persist through a persons lifetime.

Children who take on a parenting role often accept more responsibilities than other children and base their self-worth on helping others.7,10,11 This type of person may put a lot of effort into being successful at anything they do, often striving for perfectionism.7,8 This can be a way to get attention in a way they may not be able to at home, or it can be an attempt at exerting control over an area of their life that they are able to.7,11 Often, people in this group experience feelings of guilt, have unrealistic expectations, and are excessively self-critical.7,10

Growing up with a parent with an alcohol use disorder can cause adolescents and adult children to be hypervigilant when interacting with others.7 They may be guarded when communicating and especially sensitive to criticism or conflict, whether actual or perceived.7,11 It can be difficult to put trust into other people when a parent isnt always trustworthy.8,11

Children growing up in alcoholic homes may internalize what occurs and become anxious, especially if they worry about a parent or the situation at home.8,10 If their home life is unstable or there is a lot of fighting or domestic violence, this can also contribute to anxiety.8

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