Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Break Marijuana Addiction

Addictions Effect On Ones Life


As we all know, addiction has a direct impact on the brain. Specifically, it affects the part of the brain that controls emotions, impulses, habits, & motivation. So when ones brain starts noticing changes due to drug addiction, their behaviors will soon follow suit.

Drug use, in addition to harming physical and mental health, can be detrimental for a persons personal life. Addiction can cause an individual to:

  • Have problems at work or school
  • Lose their job
  • Have difficulty with social situations and relationships

Quitting Cold Turkey: Tips To Quitting

If you must stop smoking marijuana immediately at home, remember to surround yourself with a wide support network. In times of withdrawal and craving, having safe and healthy people around you can serve as a way to protect you against relapse. Here are some of our suggestions:

Though our tips for quitting marijuana cold turkey may help, your best option may be to reach out to a treatment provider that specializes in cannabis abuse treatment for professional guidance on how to quit. With the recovery expertise of a treatment provider, one can determine their best course of action when trying to stop using this drug.

Effectively Manage Your Urges

When you are trying had to quit smoking, a strong urge to smoke increases like a counter-attack. Managing and discarding your urges to smoking is the key to successfully quitting the habit .

You can quit smoking cold turkey by strongly arresting your cravings.

Avoid the locations and friends circles that persuade you to smoke again. You must flee the scene where you get the urge to smoke.

When you have an intense feeling to smoke, take deep breaths through your mouth and hold the air in the lungs for 5-7 seconds before you let it out. Repeat this breathing exercise for a few minutes till your attention is totally diverted from the urge to smoke.

You can curb your cravings for smoking by using substitutes like sugarless gum, candy, toothpicks, diet, tea, or coffee.

Staying hydrated by drinking water at regular intervals will help you to reduce the urge to smoke.

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Find The Help You Or Your Loved One Needs

It can be overwhelming to feel like you are caught in a struggle with marijuana. Concern about withdrawal symptoms may even lead you to delay quitting marijuana. You dont have to do it alone. Withdrawal does not need to be a roadblock to your recovery from marijuana. Our caring experts at The Recovery Village can help you detox gently and put you on the road to a new life without marijuana. Contact us today to learn more.

Can You Stop Smoking Weed

Use These Tricks to Break Down Cannabis Without a Grinder

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is it depends on your dedication and willingness.

Even the heaviest marijuana users can give up weed given the structured support and help.

This guide MAY HELP.

We prepared a comprehensive guide so you can learn how to cut out cannabis.

The best part?

This guide will help you understand why you have developed marijuana addiction.

So you will learn how to cope with quitting weed and recover successfully.

If you are ready, lets start.

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What Is Marijuana Withdrawal

If you suddenly stop taking marijuana, your bodys chemistry is, therefore, off-balance. Your body is no longer getting the marijuana you take regularly, and its not producing its usual amount of cannabinoids. The side effects that you experience as your body tries to recalibrate itself are known as withdrawal. Marijuana withdrawal is also known as weed withdrawal or marijuana withdrawal syndrome.

Subtle Signs Of Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore

Begin a program of meditation right now, today. Currently this is being called “mindfulness” but really, it is good old-fashioned meditation, an activity thats been used to help people with mind problems for almost 5000 years. It is not hard to learn, try it today. Simply sit down somewhere and for three or four minutes, partly shut your eyes and try to pay attention to your breath, breathing in and breathing out. You don’t have to breathe particularly deeply, just breathe your normal way. You can count each breath with each exhalation. Or you can say silently, to yourself “I’s breathing in, I’m breathing out.” If three minutes is too long, do it for two minutes.

Start taking walks every day, the longer the better. Any physical activity or exercise you even half enjoy will help you. And exercise has been demonstrated to help rewire your brain more efficiently. Like anti-depressants, it kicks your brain into gear so that it begins making more BDNF.

Educate yourself about addiction disease. There are many books out there about it, many of which are written by recovering addicts just like you. Read their stories, learn about this disease that is as they say in AA “cunning, baffling and powerful.” It is but it can go into complete remission and stay there by the simple method of not using any mind-altering, recreational drugs.

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Choosing How To Detox

Marijuana detox can help you move on from regular drug use. At an inpatient rehab facility, detoxification is usually the first step in the recovery process. If you do choose to detox on your own, be aware of the risks and limits of what you can do at home. Ensure that you have a loved one who can monitor you for any withdrawal symptoms, and consult with a doctor before tackling any major medical milestones.

Are You In A Codependent Relationship

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If you are in a codependent relationship with an addicted friend or family member, your first course of action should be to stop looking at that person and take a look at your role as an enabler.

Some common characteristics of enablers include the following:

  • They tend to love people they can pity and rescue
  • They feel responsible for the actions of others, particularly the addiction
  • They do more than their share in the relationship to keep the peace, and do not confront the addicted person about their substance abuse
  • They are afraid of being abandoned or alone
  • They feel responsible for the other persons addiction
  • Their self-worth depends on the approval of others
  • They have difficulty adjusting to change, so they do not try to stop the addicted person from using
  • They have trouble making decisions and often doubt themselves, especially when deciding to intervene with a loved ones substance use disorder
  • They are reluctant to trust others and do not believe that individuals can change and become sober

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Set A Small Realistic Goal

Youre more likely to stick to small, achievable goals.

For example, if youre smoking six joints a day, perhaps you could cut down to five.

Or you could carry on smoking six joints but put slightly less cannabis in each one.

Once youre confident youve achieved this goal you can think about your next step and so on.

Our online tool will help you take the first step towards your goals.

Get Help For Withdrawal Symptoms If Needed

Not everyone experiences cannabis withdrawal symptoms, but for those who do, they can be pretty uncomfortable.

Common symptoms include:

  • fever, chills, and sweats
  • low appetite

Withdrawal symptoms generally begin a day or so after you quit and clear up within about 2 weeks.

A healthcare provider can help you manage severe symptoms, but most people can handle symptoms on their own by:

  • drinking less caffeine to improve sleep
  • using deep breathing and other relaxation methods to address anxiety
  • drinking plenty of water

If you use a lot of cannabis and smoke regularly, quitting abruptly might be difficult. Slowly reducing use over time may help you have more success and can also help decrease the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Here are some pointers to get you started:

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How To Deal With Marijuana Addiction

It is also important to remember that recovery is not necessarily linear. For some, getting sober may take months or years. The struggle could continue for a lifetime due to the complex effects of the drug. Remaining patient and focused through challenges can help people stay on the path towards recovery.

Joining a support group, seeking medical help, and seeing a therapist can help people deal with marijuana addiction. Addressing the physical, psychological, and environmental triggers for marijuana use can help individuals make better informed decisions in the future and stay sober.

Who Becomes Addicted To Marijuana And Why

How to Break Marijuana Addiction

Genes are one strong predictor of developing an addiction, said Dr. Alex Stalcup, medical director of the New Leaf Treatment Center in Lafayette, California.

Studies of identical twins raised in different families support this theory. They have higher rates of an addiction co-occurring, which means that if one of them develops an addiction, the other is at greater risk for developing one, than fraternal twins raised apart.

But family ties may also help some people avoid progressing to a state of addiction.

When we look at the criteria for addiction, it has a lot to do with people tempering their behavior, explained Carl Hart, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at Columbia University in New York and author of High Price, in a 2016 interview with Healthline.

It has a lot to do with responsibility skills Its not perfect, but when you look at the people who are addicted, and you look at people who have jobs and families, they have responsibilities, theyre plugged into their societies, they have a social network, the addiction rates within those kind of groups are dramatically decreased from people who are not plugged in with jobs, families, social networks.

Those who dont become addicted also tend to have more options.

Mental health conditions, which have both genetic and environmental causes play a large one in a persons chance of developing an addiction.

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The Effects Of Smoking Cannabis

In the first months of your marijuana consumption, smoking might have helped you calm down or uplift your mood.

Considering the positive side effects in the beginning, cannabis dependence may be inevitable when used frequently.

You may experience short term effects of joy or calmness. But you may also experience the following during or after smoking:

  • Altered sense of time

If you recognize any of the side-effects mentioned in your own experience or loved ones, its important to take action to quit smoking marijuana now.

Every user of marijuana has a different experience of consumption and dependency.

Equally, there are many different reasons why people decide to quit marijuana. Whether its the financial cost, relationship problems or health worries, there are always ways to quit the habit.

The following tactics and methods of how to quit smoking weed can be approached as single solutions or combined as a strategy for kicking the cannabis habit.

You should ASK YOURSELF:

Can you notice how this substance harms your life?

If your answer is yes, lets continue.

What Is Cannabis Dependence

Cannabis dependence is associated with cannabinoid receptor type 1 downregulation. The more CB1R in your system, the more dependent on and tolerant of cannabis you are.

In one study, peoplesâ CB1R receptor density returned to normal levels after about 4 weeks of not using marijuana. The study showed how your brain uses the CB1R receptors to increase your cannabis tolerance.

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Where Do I Go From Here

Getting started with SMART Recovery is easy! If you would like to get started right away, you can join our online support group where you can read, share and learn from our worldwide community of members at any time of the day or night. You can also find a local SMART Recovery meeting, or, if we dont have any meetings in your area yet, you can join us at one of our online meetings.

If youd like to have printed material to refer to, you can purchase the SMART Recovery Handbook.


How Do I Stop Smoking Marijuana

How to Stop Smoking Weed NOW – Step By Step Guide To Weed Addiction

SMART provides our members with tools and skills that they can use to help them recover from marijuana addiction as well as alcohol, or other drugs or negative behaviors. SMART Recovery, which can be used as a support group alternative to Marijuana Anonymous , uses a 4-Point Program®, with each element designed to help you overcome your problems with abusing marijuana:

  • Building & Maintaining Motivation Helps you identify and keep up with your reasons to quit. Why do you want to quit smoking pot what will keep you focused on that goal?
  • Coping with Urges Dealing with urges and cravings is part of recovery. SMART has tools designed to help our members cope with urges to use or smoke pot that can help you maintain abstinence.
  • Managing Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors We frequently turn to using drugs to either escape from or avoid solving our problems. Learn problem-solving tools to help you manage challenges along the way.
  • Lifestyle Balance When you are addicted to, or abuse a drug like marijuana, your life frequently falls out of balance you may find yourself opting to smoke pot rather than go to work or school. You may find that things you used to enjoy arent fun anymore. SMART Recovery helps members build skills to help balance both short and long-term goals, pleasures and needs that were once out of balance due to drug abuse.
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    First Figure Out Why You Want To Stop

    Our why is an important piece because it provides information that anchors us, says Kim Egel, a therapist in Cardiff, California. Clarity on why we want to change can validate our decision to break habits and motivate us to seek out new coping methods.

    In short, your reasons for quitting can help strengthen your resolve to stop smoking and outline goals for success.

    Maybe you started using it to relax or manage anxiety. Perhaps it helps you deal with chronic pain or sleeplessness. But over time, the downsides may have started to outnumber the benefits.

    People often consider cutting back when they notice cannabis affects their quality of life, often by:

    • becoming a go-to method for managing emotional distress
    • causing relationship problems

    Theres no perfect way to quit smoking cannabis. What works for someone else may not help you much, so its often necessary to go through some trial and error before you land on the best approach.

    Considering pros and cons of different methods can help.

    Maybe you want to do it quick, like ripping off a bandage. In that case, you might decide to try packing up your cannabis and going cold turkey.

    If youre concerned about withdrawal symptoms or think youll need some support to quit, you might decide to talk to a substance use counselor or call an addiction helpline for a few pointers.

    Feel like youre ready to stop using cannabis immediately? Here are some general steps to consider:

    Getting Help For Withdrawal

    During the withdrawal process, you can always ask help to manage these symptoms.

    Some of them are related to concurrent diseases which are the reasons for marijuana use in the first place, like addressing your anxiety or depression problems.

    Recovery from this addiction will give you the opportunity to address your issues with a therapist in a progressive way, rather than masking them with weed.

    It is always important to note that, you may struggle to fulfill your professional and personal responsibilities during the first two weeks of the withdrawal process.

    So, it is important to be aware of this when quitting cannabis.

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    What Is Marijuana And How Is It Used

    Marijuana is the name for the dried stems, seeds, flowers, and leaves from the Cannabis indica or Cannabis sativa plant. The psychoactive chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol, which is commonly referred to as THC. Although the drug has been legalized in several states across the country, it is still illegal on the federal level. People typically smoke marijuana in joints, blunts, or water pipes.

    In recent years, some people have begun using vaporizers, which use a liquid extract to create vapor. It is also common to bake marijuana in brownies or cookiesthese are called edibles. A new method of administration is known as dabbing, which involves smoking THC-rich extractions in the form of hash oil, shatter, or wax.

    On average, these extractions contain much more THC than unprocessed marijuana plant materials, which increases the risk of experiencing dangerous effects. There have been reports of people going to the emergency department for detrimental side effects of resin use.1

    How To Deal With A Tolerance To Marijuana

    Marijuana Addiction Treatment Fort Lauderdale, FL

    Once someone develops a tolerance to marijuana, there is a chance that they will need help to stop using the substance. It is important to remember that marijuana is a drug. There are clinical signs that indicate that a person is struggling with marijuana addiction.

    The treatment needed for marijuana dependence or addiction is similar to the treatment required for any drug addiction. The first step is determining if the person will most benefit from inpatient or outpatient treatment.

    Outpatient programs can provide the appropriate setting for people who can continue with everyday life while receiving treatment. These programs allow people to go to work, live at home, and attend school while they receive treatment.

    An inpatient program requires that people in recovery from substance abuse to live at a treatment facility. The average stay is 30 to 90 days. How long someone needs to attend an inpatient program will depend on their needs and their level of dependence or addiction.

    Whether someone chooses inpatient or outpatient treatment, the overall programs are similar in what they offer. The first step provides detox if the person requires it. This may include medications and behavior therapy.

    Group therapy and individual counseling are common elements of the recovery process, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

    Therapy can be individual or in a group. Group counseling might also include peer-to-peer support.

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