Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Am I Addicted To Weed

Are There Medications Available To Help If I Am Addicted To Marijuana

Am I Addicted To Weed? | How my 18 years of chronic use ended

Currently, there are no medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat cannabis use disorder. Some medications have been studied to help with treating withdrawal symptoms that may come with stopping marijuana:

These may help improve symptoms like inability to sleep, irritability, and anxiousness. However, none of these have been studied extensively enough or have good enough evidence to be approved by the FDA at this point. Additionally, an over-the-counter supplement, N-acetylcysteine, has been studied for its potential to lessen withdrawal symptoms by stopping the breakdown of the bodys own endocannabinoids.

Some behavioral treatments can be effective in treating marijuana use disorder. These include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Motivational enhancement therapy

  • Contingency management

Talk with your healthcare provider if you would like to learn more about your options for treatment.

The Dangers Of Marijuana

The majority of Americans dont have any more of a problem with Marijuana than they do with alcohol. Some states have even legalized recreational Marijuana use. This doesnt mean Marijuana use is risk-free.

The psychological consequences of prolonged Marijuana abuse arent completely understood. Some studies suggest that Marijuana addiction may increase the chances of developing mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, motivational disorder, and schizophrenia.

It isnt surprising that Marijuana use affects short-term memory and the ability to retain new information. The long-term effects on memory and learning, however, are uncertain.

Immediate Side Effects Of Marijuana Abuse

The short-term side effects of Marijuana arent life-threatening, but there are potential dangers of use. Marijuana-related emergency room admissions increased by 59% from 2006 to 2010, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Some of the immediate side effects of Marijuana include:

  • Paranoia

Possible Effects On Teens

The potential long-term risks of Marijuana abuse were highlighted in a study conducted by Duke University. It was shown that, among 1,037 people, those who regularly used Marijuana as teens experienced an average decrease of 8 IQ points. However, the study also noted that IQ differences could be due to other factors.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Marijuana Use

People who smoke weed, eat, or inhale a form of marijuana often show signs and symptoms, such as:

  • A feeling of euphoria
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Heightened senses
  • A distinct odor from the marijuana residue
  • Food cravings of certain foods at unusual times

Long term use can:

  • Lower interest in activities or developing relationships

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Help For Marijuana Addicts

People that require assistance in managing their use or ending use of marijuana completely have a number of effective treatment options. They include:

  • Patient education.
  • Family education.
  • 12-step supports.

There are no approved medications that can aid in recovery from addiction to marijuana directly, however pharmaceutical management with more appropriate psychiatric medications may be helpful if marijuana use is a method of self-medication for an underlying mental health issue.

Tolerance & Lack Of Control

Am I Addicted to Weed? Take The Test!

The first real sign that you have succumbed to an addiction to marijuana comes when you develop a tolerance to the drug and, despite your goal to moderate your marijuana use, you have lost control over your drug use. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana use is also linked to mental illness so if youve lost control over your use of pot, consider seeking prompt treatment to ensure your safety.

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Do You Delay Reschedule Or Skip Social Events Due To Your Marijuana Use

If you find yourself cancelling on friends so that you can get high, then you may have a marijuana use disorder. Addiction functions where you seek to take care of your needs first. It’s why many addicts can go long stretches of time without using their drug of choice, but every “choice” they make in the mean time is in service of getting their high. So, similarly, if you find yourself agreeing to attend certain events because you know you can get high and canceling others so you can make time to get high, then you have an addiction.

Recognizing A Marijuana Addiction

One of the biggest signs of a Marijuana addiction is an insatiable urge to use Marijuana no matter the negative outcome. This could mean getting high at work or spending more on the drug than is affordable. Generally, most people addicted to Marijuana dont feel normal unless they can get high.

Some clinical warning signs of Marijuana addiction include needing larger amounts of Marijuana to get high and prioritizing Marijuana use over social or occupational responsibilities. Learn more about the clinical criteria used to diagnose an addiction.

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Addiction Treatment For Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana addiction is a substance use disorder that should be taken seriously. Addiction treatment centers routinely see patients with marijuana problems, and treatment programs use therapy and counseling to change behaviors associated with use.

To learn about our treatment options, please contact us today.

Seeking Help For Marijuana Use Disorder

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If you found yourself saying yes to these questions, it’s very likely that you’re addicted to marijuana and you should seek out help. For people with marijuana use disorder, there are many options available including outpatient rehabilitation although some people find therapy to be the most effective. Therapy can help you realize why you started using marijuana in the first place.

One of the upsides to marijuana being legal is you don’t need to worry about being arrested for using an illegal drug. For many addicts, the fear of being arrested or getting a mark on their permanent record is enough to ward them away from seeking help. Marijuana, like alcohol, is widely accepted so seek help if you need it.

Another element to bear in mind however is how you’ve gone about using the drug. Because marijuana is mostly legal, there’s a purity to the drug if you buy it from a licensed business. In the past however , you did run the risk of it being cut with other drugs, such as stimulants, opioids or hallucinogenics. While that’s less common today, if you’re not buying marijuana from a business, this can be something you should disclose and ideally get treatment for. In many cases, marijuana has been cut with opioids and stimulants to create a more addictive drug. This means you run the risk of becoming addicted to more than one drug. Again, while far less common today, it’s another reason to seek professional help.

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Suffering From Withdrawal When You Try To Quit

Have you tried to quit smoking pot? Do you feel anxious, agitated or sick to your stomach when you dont smoke? Have you had trouble sleeping or do you have strong cravings when you arent smoking pot? These are all signs of withdrawal and they signify your bodys physical and psychological dependence on marijuana also known as marijuana addiction. If youre feeling symptoms of withdrawal when you dont smoke, youre likely addicted to marijuana and should accept this as a sign that you need further help.

What Causes Addictions To Form

When you do something that makes you feel good, either physically, emotionally or both, its entirely natural to want to recreate those enjoyable feelings over again. Whether its smoking cigarettes, using drugs, eating, gambling, or pretty much anything else if it feels good we are likely to do it again, and probably develop a regular habit.

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Can I Smoke Pot Without Being Addicted

About one in eight American adults smoke pot, and almost half have tried it once .

The NIH reports that anywhere between 9 to 30 percent of people who use marijuana may be either physically dependent on it or have what is called a marijuana use disorder .

So yes, you can smoke pot without being addicted. A lot of people experiment with marijuanaespecially in their teens or young adult yearsand then stop as they grow up. Some people will recreationally use marijuana their whole lives without being addicted. There are regular pot users over the age of 65.

But for others, marijuana use can become problematic. Some research shows that using marijuana can set off psychosis early in people who are already at risk. People who develop an addiction may see problems in school, work, or relationships. And the habit can be expensive.

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How To Use Medical Marijuana


In some states, doctors can prescribe cannabis. Thereâs research into its health benefits. Itâs used to treat pain that doesnât go away and may help with symptoms of Parkinsonâs disease, multiple sclerosis, or glaucoma. Write down what type of cannabis you use. Keep track of how it makes you feel. Tell your doctor about any bad side effects. They can prescribe a different kind or dose.

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A Doctors Opinion About Marijuana Addiction

A Doctors Opinion about Marijuana Addiction Marvin D. Seppala, MD Chief Medical Officer, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

I hope that this brief writing may provide those who are seeking help a general understanding of the disease of addiction, and some specific aspects of marijuana addiction.

Many people say that marijuana is not addicting, but this is simply not accurate. People do become addicted to marijuana, just as they do to alcohol, opioids and stimulants. Marijuana addiction differs from these other types of addictions primarily by the outward or social manifestations, but internally, the same pain and anguish exist.

Studies show that about 9% of those who use marijuana become addicted to it. The unfortunate truth is that the lack of serious, early consequences to marijuana addiction allow for a long, slow decline, often without recognition, resulting in later-stage addiction before the problem is confronted. An individual may wake up years into this chronic illness, without a reasonable understanding of how their life got so far off track. Often one has no major medical or legal problems, no sudden tragedy that drives the search for an answer. However, isolation from friends and family, loss of interest and lack of participation in those activities that used to bring joy, and the crushing weight of missed opportunities add up. If this is where you find yourself, you are reading the right book .

Am I Addicted To Marijuana

With marijuana becoming legal in more and more states, the use of this drug may seem to be more common than ever, whether its for medicinal or recreational reasons. But as with any drug, you must be careful as use can easily turn into misuse. If you use this drug frequently, you may find yourself asking, Am I addicted to marijuana?

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In fact, 30 percent of people who use marijuana are considered to have marijuana use disorder, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Usually, it takes the form of marijuana dependence. As with many other drugs, habitual marijuana use can trigger a tolerance that may lead you to increase your intake of marijuana to get that relaxed, mellow feeling you crave. This can become a problem if your marijuana use is disruptive to your daily life and you find yourself spending more and more time chasing that high. A marijuana addiction assessment may help you determine if your use is becoming a problem that hampers your ability to lead a productive life.

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How To Stop Smoking Weed For Good: How Do I Treat My Weed Addiction

1. Admit your weed addiction problem and accept it


2. Assess your usage habits and modify your regimen, if needed.

3. Re-create your life without weed

  • Stay busy. Busy brain + busy body = too busy for weed.
  • Reconnect with people you may have lost touch with because of your addiction.
  • Surround yourself with sober individuals who make a great support system
  • Focus on your work. Take time to appreciate that motivation that may have been lost or clouded from weed.
  • Find a new hobby or learn a new skill.
  • Join a support group like The 12 Step Program.
  • Consider addressing yourself to a rehab centre. Is rehab effective? Read more here.
  • Avoid situations where weed may be present this is where sober friends fit in the picture really nice.

4. Address the underlying issue

5. Use mental tools to strengthen your power over the addiction

6. Know your limit

knowing and respecting your limit

7. Use vaporiser or other tool

  • Vaporization

weed shop

  • Hookahs
  • Hand Pipes
  • Water Pipes
  • Rolling Paper
  • Bong or Water Pipe

8. Choose a wide range of strains to avoid tolerance buildup

9. Do not add tobacco

10. Do not smoke in the non-smoking area

11. Dont drive

Am I Addicted To Weed If I Smoke Every Day

Am I addicted to marijuana? | Intro | How my 18 years of chronic use ended

With recreational and Washington D.C., and medical marijuana legal in another 37, millions of Americans are picking up the pipe daily. For most people, pot isnt a problem, and they can use it and not develop a dependency. Thats not the case for everyone. Contrary to popular opinion, marijuana is an addictive substance. If youve been smoking a lot more than you used to, you might be wondering: am I addicted to weed if I smoke every day?

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Myth: Marijuana Is Not As Harmful As Other Substances

It is important to look at the acute effects of marijuana use. Immediately after the drug enters the brain, the effects begin and can last from one to three hours. If marijuana is consumed in food or drink, the short-term effects begin more slowly and last longer. Smoking marijuana deposits several times moreTHC into the blood than does ingesting the drug.

In the minutes following inhalation the heart begins beating more rapidly, usually increasing by 20 to 50 beats per minute. The bronchial passages relax and become enlarged, and blood vessels in the eyes expand, making the eyes look red. THC begins to enter the brain causing the euphoric feeling high by acting on the brains reward system. THC activates the reward system much the same as nearly all drugs, by stimulating brain cells to release the chemical dopamine. The THC effects on the brain disrupt balance, posture and coordination of movement and reaction time. Sensations, colors and sounds may seem more intense and time seems to pass more slowly. Users tend to experience dry mouth, hunger and thirst. The hands can become cold and may tremble. After the euphoria passes users can feel sleepy or depressed. On occasion marijuana can produce anxiety, panic, fear or distrust as the euphoria dissipates.

Effects on the Lungs

Health Consequences of Marijuana AbuseAcute


Impairs memory and learning skills Impairs motivation


Is Marijuana A Gateway Drug

Marijuana is not generally considered a “gateway drug” because the majority of those who use weed do not go on to use harder substances, including cocaine and heroin.

Social environment might be a more critical factor in determining someone’s risk for trying harder drugs.

If someone is vulnerable to getting involved with drugs, they generally start with substances that are readily available, such as alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana.

However, a person is also likely to start using the same substances that are used by the people in their social environment, no matter how addictive the drug.

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How To Treat Cud

Most people with CUD donât seek treatment. But you may get better if you try psychotherapy, or talk therapy. That includes cognitive behavioral therapy , motivational enhancement therapy , and contingency management . These can help you change thoughts and behaviors that make it hard to quit. You could also try to use marijuana only on certain days of the week, like the weekends. Meditation may also help you use less.

The Illusion Of Functionality

Am I Addicted to Drugs?

Accepting defeat to cannabis, usually considered a lightweight drug, can be humiliating. Its akin to being the hare who loses a race to a turtle or to wetting your bed at your first sleepover. The two realities shouldnt mix. When they do, a deep sense of shame is the natural response.

No person likes to admit they have a deficiency or that theyre uniquely flawed compared to all the normal people out there.

Addicted to weedare you joking me? Its not even a drug. It grows in the backyard, its NATURALno one ever died from weed

If your justification for using substances is that no one has ever died doing itthen you might have a problem.

Cannabis addiction veils peoples perceptions of reality. It is the slowest yet most reliable form of slow-sand. It sinks people before they notice theyre stuck. Similar to a frog in boiling water. The temperature adjusts so slowly that by the time the water is deadly, the frog is unaware of its impending doom.

Grasping for a sense of assuredness, people often resort to comparing themselves to other addicts to lesson the pain of their reality. This is a form of avoidance and a strategy for the marijuana addict to lessen their shame by thinking about all the other addicts who are worse.

At least I dont drive drunk and crash my car.

At least Im not a junkie lining up at the safe injection site.

Recommended Reading: How To Know If Your Addicted To Weed

Future Directions For Treatment Research

Over the last 15 years, we have witnessed great advances in the empirical base for treatment approaches to marijuana use disorders. Clear evidence has accumulated for the efficacy of behavioral treatments similar to those used for disorders involving alcohol and other drugs of abuse. The goals for future research are more potent treatment approaches and intervention strategies.

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