Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Jobs For Recovering Addicts

Individual And Family Services

New Hampshire Initiative Helps Those In Recovery For Addiction Find Jobs | NBC Nightly News

This field includes a variety of service providers, including those focused on individual and family counseling, immigrant and refugee services, disaster relief, and welfare services. Addiction and recovery specialists may take part in all aspects of delivering these services.

Average Salary: $50,700

Careers In Substance Abuse

The Indeed Editorial Team comprises a diverse and talented team of writers, researchers and subject matter experts equipped with Indeed’s data and insights to deliver useful tips to help guide your career journey.

Careers in substance abuse can help change patient lives and allow them to reach their highest potential. Whether you are interested in working directly or indirectly with individuals who struggle with substance abuse, you can positively influence someone’s life. Guiding and supporting patients throughout their journey may give them the resources they need to live healthy lifestyles. In this article, we outline 16 substance abuse careers, reference their annual salaries and explain their primary duties.

Assessment And Treatment Planning

To gain these critical skills, students practice gathering client history, choosing appropriate assessment tools, and explaining results to clients and their families. They learn how to collaborate with clients to establish immediate and long-term goals. Students also gain practice in writing treatment plans that use specialized behavioral terms to explain treatment methods and resources.

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Build Stability Through Routine

People who become substance use disorder counselors often need routine and stability in their own lives. Working as a substance use disorder counselor can help others develop this normalcy for themselves. They know how how to create and keep a calendar full of events that will support their efforts toward recovery and can, in turn, teach others who are entering recovery.

The Benefits Of Appropriate Employment In Long

Employment Programs For Recovering Addicts

Finding a job often brings benefits that have a positive impact on your journey through recovery:

StructureJobs that have a set schedule and reasonable level of predictability help to establish a routine. This regularly structured time creates a rhythm so your mind and body can learn to adjust to the repeated behavior. Youre setting the right patterns and habits into place.

ResponsibilityTaking responsibility can be difficult, especially for those who have spent years shifting the blame for their substance abuse onto others. Every job comes with expectations and responsibilities. Youre responsible for arriving on time, completing tasks, meeting deadlines, et cetera. Its an excellent way to train your brain to accept responsibility again.

AccountabilityWhile responsibility is task-oriented, accountability requires taking ownership. Its essential for building trust and preparing for any leadership role.

Social InteractionStrong social networks have a positive impact on recovery. Those who suffer from substance abuse often withdraw from friends and loved ones. Seeking employment while in recovery doesnt necessarily mean your coworkers will become your new best friends, but those basic interactions can help you develop your social skills and improve communication skills.

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Counselors Therapists And Doctors

The primary job that comes to mind when people think of recovery is the addiction counselor. Some addiction counselors are licensed psychiatrists and others have a masters degree in counseling with a concentration in substance abuse or addiction. Both psychologists and psychiatrists are employed by hospitals, treatment facilities or work in private practice, and each play a specific role in the addiction recovery process.

Psychologists focus on understanding the cause of addiction through talk therapy and help those in recovery learn coping strategies for dealing with drug cravings, recognizing triggers and avoiding relapse. Psychologists also oversee group therapy sessions and provide family counseling to help repair relationships between the addict and their family members.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have completed medical school, spent one year as interns and three years as residents in the assessment and treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatrists are able to diagnose any underlying mental illness that is contributing to or causing the addiction and prescribe medications to aid in their patients recovery.

Find Meaning In Your Journey

Even people who have been clean for years sometimes need a reminder of what it all means. If you need motivation outside of its the right thing to do for me, being a substance use disorder counselor for others can be a way to find meaning in your own life. The struggles you have faced are experiences that can help others in their journey to recovery. Not only are you doing what may be right for your life, but youre also helping others find a career that works for them.

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Jobs For Recovering Addicts: How To Get Your Career On Track

One of the most important ways to stay sober is to occupy your time and energy with a career. Heres how to find the best jobs for recovering addicts.

Living with purpose is a cornerstone of the recovery process. Thats why pursuing a career is one of the most beneficial steps a person can make.

Careers not only develop purpose, but they also cultivate accountability, responsibility, management, communication, and more. In fact, the skills you learn in recovery overlap with the skills you gain from a rewarding career.

Most importantly, you need a stable career that aligns with the goals of your long-term recovery plan. This means some jobs are more suited for people leaving recovery than others.

Lets take a look at the best jobs for recovering addicts to help you find the right career path.

Employment Guide For Recovering Addicts & Alcoholics

The high cost of treatment for an addict

Jobs in recovery

If youre recently out of treatment or are looking to make a fresh start, taking that first step into finding a new job while in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction can be a big one. Where to start? How to address those gaps of employment? Do you have to disclose past substance use?

Outside of the obvious, there are plenty of benefits that come along with having a job. In fact, having a job can help you maintain recovery. According to a prominent study, successfully finding jobs in recovery is associated with lower rates of relapse.

And often, employers want to hire people who are in recovery for good reason, too. People who are in recovery frequently give back to their community at a rate about double than the general population. Employers know youll be dedicated, thankful, grateful, and a hard worker. Who wouldnt want to hire someone like that?

Of course, its up to you to decide if you want to disclose your substance use history to a potential employer. Just remember: Employers and potential employers cannot legally ask if a recovering addict or alcoholic.

Heres how you can overcome barriers and fears while maximizing your job opportunities.

Expand your network

Adjust your expectations

One of many, many things you likely learned in addiction treatment is the need to adjust your expectations. The same rules adjusting or even letting go of your expectations apply when it comes to searching for jobs in recovery from alcohol or drugs.

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More About The Author

One of the many questions people have about sober living and addiction recovery is how to address employment for recovering addicts.

As clients begin the process of recovery, sooner or later their attention will shift to the necessities of daily life. Although learning how to embrace a sober lifestyle and building a new and healthy life that revolves around recovery becomes an addicts number one goal, establishing ones independence is critical to long term success. This independence helps build a strong sense of confidence as an addict learns to adapt to the challenges of day-to-day living and is often done in vocational development programs.

One great way for addicts to gain a sense of confidence and self-esteem in their sobriety is through finding and maintaining employment.

Finding employment does many things besides pumping some much needed cash into ones wallet. Building self-esteem and establishing independence are important to be sure, but so too is the ability to be able to handle the stresses of employment. No job is without stress and sober living is a great place to start to ease into a routine.

Plus, on the job stresses are more easily handled while an addict has the support of his sober living community.

What Did Your Career Trajectory Look Like After You Graduated How Did You End Up In Your Current Position

After I graduated with a BA in psychology from Pennsylvania State University, I went on to West Chester University to get a master’s degree in criminal justice because I was interested in studying the criminal mind and how it works. After that, I went back to clinical psychology to get my Ph.D. because I wanted to focus on therapy and life coaching in the addiction arena.

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What Are Some Of The Most Challenging Aspects Of Working In Addiction Psychology And Counseling Some Of The Most Rewarding Aspects

The most challenging aspect of working in addiction psychology and counseling is having to deal with negative people on a daily basis. A lot of people who suffer from addiction do not want to change, and I spent a lot of my time in the beginning convincing them that they need to and explaining to them how they can have a better life. This can be very draining if you’re doing it day in and day out and don’t take enough time for yourself and practice self-care.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this career is when I see a client one year, two years, or even five years later and they are successful and thriving. I recently saw one of my clients on a billboard because she won a Grammy. Five years ago, she would never have done that because she was drinking too heavily. So it was very awesome to see that, and it was rewarding to see I was able to impact someone’s life in that way.

Another big rewarding aspect is when someone sends me a private message on Facebook or an email telling me I impacted their life, even though they were never a client. They saw a post or a TV show interview or something I did that made them change their thought process, get sober, and have a better life. Both of those things are super rewarding.

Become A Yoga Instructor

Employment Programs For Recovering Addicts

As a yoga instructor, you can lead a group through a comprehensive sequence of poses. Apart from that, you can take them through breathing exercises, contemplations, and meditation.

It is also important as a yoga instructor to show, describe and even change the asanas to help your clients. Another role is to demonstrate how to properly practice pranayama techniques.

This helps your clients to lead a healthy and sober life. Remember, finding the right rehab near me is not as difficult as you think especially if you come across a relapsing client.

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Client And Community Education

In addition to providing clinical services and counseling, professionals in this field act as formal and informal educators who help individuals, families, and communities understand drug use and abuse. Students learn how to present information about health and social services and provide referrals for external resources and additional support.

Writer For Websites And Magazines

If you enjoy writing but are looking for a way to monetize your skills, becoming a freelance writer is a great option. Many businesses and individuals hire freelance writers to write short articles, blogs, or book reviews. This is a great way to make money when you want to write, and is also a great way to use your writing skills.

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What Advice Would You Give To Recent Addiction Psychology Graduates Seeking A Job In The Field

I would say learn everything you can, do an internship, and get a really good mentor. I learned from my mentor about body language and how to understand someone just by watching their body cues and their social cues. This is important because when an addict is talking, they may be lying to you, so you need to know how to read that.

Addiction And Recovery Career Outlook

North St. Louis church providing treatment, jobs for those recovering from addiction

Although careers with an addiction and recovery degree may not be the most lucrative, the people who take on these roles typically do so for the opportunity to help others. As you advance in your career, you may find more opportunities to move into roles featuring more responsibility and greater salaries. Additionally, social workers tend to make higher pay than addiction and substance abuse counselors.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 25% job growth for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors between 2019 and 2019 considerably higher than the average growth rate for all careers nationwide.

The table below includes salary information and data for several common careers in addiction and recovery.

Median Annual Salary for Addiction and Recovery Careers

Job Title

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More Therapy Careers To Consider

Art therapy is one of many therapy jobs for recovering addicts. If you dont want to become a therapist, but enjoy the field, you can always work as a therapy office manager or assistant. This is a good way to get your feet wet before pursuing a therapy career or degree.

You could also pursue a career in physical therapy, eating disorder therapy, trauma therapy, or social work therapy.

Become A Substance Abuse Counselor

Want to stay connected with the sober community and help to change the lives of countless addicts? Become a substance abuse counselor. With your experience, you can inspire others to change their lives and become sober.

Why are you perfect for this job? For starters, you have a unique understanding of the recovery process. As a recovering addict, you can identify signs of relapse or distress among your clients.

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Are You Ready To Find Employment In Long

Despite the benefits of a get-well job, you shouldnt rush back into the workforce if you arent ready yet.

Its tempting to try and resume normal life again, but adding too much pressure and stress too soon can have a negative rather than positive impact. Pay close attention to your overall mental health throughout your recovery.

Considering the current labor revolution and the pandemics impact on new addictions and relapses, the world is a chaotic place right now. Its okay if you need more time.

Have a support system in place to help you. Consider going to therapy so you can deal with any underlying issues or trauma that led you down the road to addiction in the first place. A therapist or counselor can also help you find healthy ways to cope with the stress of searching for a job and readjusting to new responsibilities.

A therapeutic community is a safe, supportive environment as people in recovery return to the working world. Here at Ethos Recovery, our goal is to create a community support system for those in long-term recovery.

Contact us for more information about how we can help you or a loved one.

How To Start Your Career In Addiction And Recovery

Extended Care Options: Why Aftercare is VITAL to Recovery Success

Your career options in addiction and recovery greatly depend on your education level. With a bachelor’s degree, you can work as a health educator, community service coordinator, or behavioral health technician.

Most counseling positions require practitioners to hold a master’s degree and specific licensure and/or certification. By enrolling in a master’s program in addiction counseling, learners prepare for careers as substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors where they can help patients overcome addictions and eating disorders.

They may also pursue roles as mental health counselors in hospitals, inpatient and outpatient clinics, and correctional facilities. Additional career options include social worker, school/career counselor, and social service manager.

With doctoral training, professionals can work as university professors, organizational directors, clinical psychologists, and psychiatrists.

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Members Of The Military

While active-duty military personnel undergo frequent drug testing, they tend to show higher rates of alcohol usethan the general population. According to research released in 2015, 1 in 5 veterans had a substance use disorder . Additionally, veterans with a substance use disorder are more likely to also have a mental health disorder, particularly PTSD or a depressive disorder.

We all find ways to cope with lifes stress, including stress from work. Sometimes those coping mechanisms can turn into substance abuse. In fact, nearly 10% of Americans have a drug use disorder at some point in their lives, but only 25% report receiving treatment. If you or a loved one are dealing with an addiction, today. We offer individualized treatment programs that can help you overcome your addiction and put you on a path to recovery.

Disclosing Your Addiction To Employers And Coworkers

Federal civil rights laws protect American workers from being discriminated against on the basis of having a disability, under the American Disabilities Act . Mental health disorders, including substance disorders, are included under these protections.

Even still, having concerns about discrimination, or facing judgment from people in your workplace because of your substance use history is valid. Regardless of the legality, its possible that employers may still be prejudiced in their hiring practices.

Disclosing your addiction to a potential employer or new coworkers is a personal decision. It is also voluntary. However, some people may feel that its important to their recovery to be honest about their past. This may be especially true for people applying to work within the field of mental health or substance abuse treatment.

Preparing for the possibility of self-disclosure, or whether youre willing to provide that information to an employer, is something you can discuss with a counselor. A substance use counselor can help walk you through all the possible scenarios of what could happen, and help you feel more confident in what information you do choose to share.

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