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Does Hypnosis Work For Drug Addiction

How Does Hypnosis Affect Addiction

Hypnosis For Addiction – Does It Work?

Your brain will achieve a complete state change that will release the habitual and compulsive thoughts that cause addiction relapse.

  • Daily Videos Start every day with a commitment as you watch the video. I will show you exactly what we are going to achieve each day.
  • Journal Writing Process your feelings, thoughts, and accomplishments and put your commitments in writing.
  • Audio SessionsMy Powerful, proven hypnosis sessions will completely change the triggers, urges and subconscious reactions. You will feel better with every hypnotherapy session.
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Can Hypnosis Help During Addiction Recovery

Hypnosis is an alternative care approach. Not many rehab facilities offer it. However, the ones that do frequently see good results. How does hypnotherapy work? An experienced hypnotherapist works with you. This specialist helps you relax your mind and body, and following their suggestions puts you in a suggestive state. The therapist now makes positive reinforcement statements about long-term recovery. So, can hypnosis help during addiction recovery? Yes, it can. However, its not a treatment that can stand alone.

Hypnosis For Weight Loss Smoking Anxiety Fear In New York

Hypnosis is a popular relaxation technique that is also thought to be effective in helping with behavioral problems such as stress, anxiety, and addictions. When it comes to overcoming drug and alcohol addiction, hypnosis is a highly sought after method.

If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, seeking a good hypnotist for drug addiction and alcohol issues in NYC can be your perfect solution. However, there are many things that you should know about hypnosis before considering it as the only solution.

How Hypnosis Help with Drug & Alcohol Addiction?

Hypnosis reprograms the subconscious mind to help a person overcome drug and alcohol addiction. . A professional hypnotist performs the hypnosis to implant suggestions to change the clients behaviors during a hypnotized state. The treatment can either be a short-term fix or a long-term solution depending on the condition of the addicted person.

Most hypnotherapists use the technique to:

  • Understand the root cause of certain behavioral problems
  • Creating suggestions to alleviate the severity of withdrawal symptoms
  • Developing deeper conversations with patients to make them understand the dangers of drugs and alcohol

However, the biggest question is should hypnosis be used for drug and alcohol addiction.

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Help For Alcohol And Drugs

If you are seeking treatment for your drug or alcohol problem in Chicago, a great place to consider is Hazelden an organization we are not affiliated with but certainly recommend.

Additionally, the Gateway Foundation also offers several meaningful programs for substance abuse, including inpatient and outpatient care.

Once you have experienced a period of sobriety, you may want to include hypnosis to your overall approach to wellness.

Can Hypnotherapy Treat Alcohol Addiction

Hypnotherapy In Addiction Treatment

Hypnotherapy is not a proven technique for alcohol addiction treatment, but it may be used as an alternative treatment method to aid in the recovery process alongside techniques like dialectical behavioral therapy that are evidence-based. While there is no research to support that hypnotherapy is an effective means of treatment, there are some who believe in its power.

Those who support the use of hypnotherapy for alcohol addiction treatment claim that it can help the participant understand why their behaviors qualify as use and not merely use. Also, it may help them learn and understand how to implement good behaviors in place of old, destructive behaviors resulting from use. Further, during hypnosis, a person may be able to examine his or her life. This allows the person to pinpoint the areas that need change in order to cope and to view alcohol in a different light.

Many people suffering from alcohol use find it hard to admit that they have a substance use problem. For this reason, alcohol use can go untreated for years, but recovery is possible.

This page does not provide medical advice.

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Can Hypnosis Treat Addiction

Addiction doesnt only affect whats on the surface of a persons life. Substance use and addiction can also take a psychological and emotional toll, often leading to significant stress and other emotional difficulties.

In combination with other addiction therapies, hypnosis may be used to address the internal and external struggles experienced by those with substance use problems. Getting sober requires stopping the use of a drug or substance, but staying sober requires treating both the mind and body.

Many people undergoing treatment for addiction have a hard time opening up about their experiences. Hypnosis may help some people relax the mind and make it more suggestible to healthy changes in behavior.

It may also ease some of the physical symptoms of early sobriety that can act as barriers in the treatment process. This includes common symptoms of muscle tension, spasms from withdrawal, and bodily pains.

When combined with proven treatment methods, other potential benefits of hypnosis for addiction treatment may include:

  • increased focus and mental alertness
  • introducing positive imagery to increase motivation and sense of well-being
  • reduced drug or alcohol cravings
  • recalling forgotten or repressed memories
  • encourages positive changes in behavior
  • reframes how a person perceives their use of drugs or alcohol
  • eases feelings of anxiety or depression

Hypnotherapy For Drug Addiction

Hypnotherapy is one approach that, especially when combined with other forms of treatment, can be incredibly helpful for those in recovery. Heres a brief explanation of how hypnotherapy works:

A hypnotherapist will encourage you to settle into a state of deep relaxation. In this state, its believed that your unconscious is more open to suggestion. Our unconscious is responsible for a huge amount of our behaviours and habits its thought to be responsible for around 90% of our functioning.

Using suggestion techniques, hypnotherapists look to change the way you react to certain things. For example, in hypnotherapy for drug addiction, the suggestions made would aim to help you not crave the drug anymore. Suggestions may include not needing drugs anymore or associating drug-taking with something unpleasant.

Some hypnotherapists may also teach you self-hypnosis techniques, allowing you to continue the work and support yourself after the sessions are over. These self-hypnosis techniques also work to reinforce the work youve done with your hypnotherapist, giving you a greater chance of success.

Hypnotherapy for addiction is not a one-stop cure, however it can become a welcome tool in the recovery process. Search for a hypnotherapist near you.

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Improving Sleep And Overcoming Sleep Disorders

Sleep problems are common in the adult population, affecting learning, cognition, and mental and physical wellbeing.

Hypnosis, in addition to being useful for treating pain and relieving cancer treatment side effects, is also a promising standalone treatment for sleep disturbance, potentially avoiding the need for pharmacological intervention .

Research comparing multiple intervention strategies, including sleep hygiene, relaxation, mindfulness, and hypnotherapy, found that CBT was an effective treatment. However, because of hypnotherapys promising results , researchers suggest combining approaches to maximize the benefits .

Hypnosis May Enhance The Effect Of Other Treatment Methods

Hypnosis for alcoholism… does it work?

In addition to treating addiction directly, hypnosis may be useful in addressing some of the factors that contribute to addiction. These typically include mental health issues, such as major depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and others, trauma, and dysfunctional relationships–in addition to genetic factors, which, unfortunately, weâre stuck with for the moment. Insofar as hypnosis can help improve these issues, it can help your chances of long-term recovery success too.

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How Hypnosis Can Help You Overcome Sugar Addiction

Weve talked a little bit about the conscious and subconscious minds. But here well go into a little more detail to help you understand how they operate, and how hypnotherapy enables you to change yourself from within.

Conscious vs. Subconscious Mind. The conscious mind is what were most familiar with. Its the thoughts you have on a daily basis, the voice you hear in your head. Your conscious mind is rational, its always seeking to explain and justify the world around you. The subconscious, or unconscious, mind, on the other hand, works in the background and its fully automatic. When you touch something, you dont have to think about how it feels. Instead, your subconscious mind informs you instantaneously based on your memories and sensory inputs.

The Critical Mind. If we know sugar in excess has adverse health consequences, why dont we just give it up? Thats an important question.

The conscious mind is rational its constantly looking for reasons to justify habits. Thats why you can accept that you need to reduce sugar, but struggle to overcome the urge. The conscious mind might say: Well, Ill just have one piece of chocolate tonight.

The habit, though, is being kept in place at a deeper level buried in the subconscious mind. Thats why so many self-help programs that focus solely on reframing conscious thoughts are ineffective. Theyre not getting to the root of the problem.

Using Hypnotherapy To Stop Drinking At Florida Center For Recovery

Florida Center for Recovery is located in Fort Pierce, Florida. Our Fort Pierce facility welcomes locals and people from nearby areas in Florida.

Here at Florida Center for Recovery, we support the use of hypnosis to stop drinking. We also support the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool for addiction. By combining other therapies, we treat the entire person and any co-occurring disorders that he or she may suffer from.

Florida Center for Recovery believes in a customized treatment approach for each person. Thus, when deciding what addiction treatment programs and therapies that each patient should be a part of, we consider the patients lifestyle, health history, family, and all other applicable factors.

Our team of experienced and trained professionals provide compassionate support for addiction treatment with a goal of helping people permanently beat the cycle of alcohol addiction. Living a fuller life free of addiction is a rewarding experience that we want everyone to achieve.

To learn more about the different forms of treatment and therapy that we use here at Florida Center for Recovery and to learn more about hypnosis to stop drinkingcontact us today!


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Finding A Specialist In Addiction

One of the most important considerations in seeking hypnosis as a treatment for addiction is who will actually be carrying out the therapeutic process.

There are relatively few regulations controlling who can and cannot perform hypnotism, which means it is worth doing research and shopping around for the best specialists.

To a certain extent, the level of expertise required from a specialist depends on the depth of the therapy.

For recovering alcoholics who are simply seeking to arm themselves with strategies for fending off cravings and relapse, a behavioral therapist trained in addictions may be a smart choice.

Any professional practicing clinical hypnosis as a treatment for addiction should be licensed in mental health certified by a recognized organization, according to most professional organizations.

To find a professional hypnotherapist in your area, consider visiting Psychology Today. Simply type in your zip code to see who is available in your area.

Chicago Hypnosis Associates

Hypnotherapy Is A Holistic Approach To Addiction Treatment Where The Person Is Made Susceptible To Change It Can Approve The Outcomes Of Comprehensive Treatment Plans For Substance Use Disorders

Does Hypnosis Work for Drug Addiction?

Rob Alston has traveled around Australia, Japan, Europe, and America as a writer and editor for… read more

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Hypnotherapy is a holistic therapy that can be used to treat a variety of ailments, including for addiction treatment. Therapeutic hypnosis involves the use of hypnosis to alter the way a person unconsciously approaches their disorder and the factors that influence their decisions. Hypnosis for addiction treatment can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes therapy, group support and/or maintenance medication.

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How Hypnosis For Drug Addiction Work

When someone is under the effects of hypnosis, theyre more passive and compliant with the therapists suggestions. People are more open to fantasy, sometimes can access long-forgotten memories, and become more imaginative. Thanks to this, they can adopt a different perspective on their addictive behaviors. Suddenly, what seemed impossible, like quitting an addictive substance, seems achievable and desirable.

One study found that of all participants that received hypnotherapy, 90% completed treatment. After six months of completing treatment, 100% of them were still clean and sober. After the two-year mark, almost 78% of those in the study remained abstinent. These results position hypnotherapy as a useful tool for addressing long-term drug and alcohol recovery.

While this study was done on a small group, it shows the potential of hypnosis for drug addiction treatment. When incorporated with other evidence-based therapies like CBT, hypnosis can help:

Woman Uses Hypnosis To Beat Cocaine Addiction

One study in particular shows that there might well be more than one way to use hypnosis in the fight against addiction.

A case report by Roger A. Page Ph.D. & George W. Handley, both of Ohio State University, tells of a female in her twenties with a $500-a-day cocaine habit.

In an attempt to wean herself off the drug, she got hold of a commercial weight-control hypnosis tape. She used the tape to stop smoking cigarettes by mentally replacing the term weight-loss with smoking. It had the beneficial side-effect of helping her come down from a cocaine high.Realizing this, she tried using the tape to overcome her cocaine addiction. According to Page & Handley, she listened to the tape 4 times a day every day for 4 months. At the end of that period, she was cured and had remained clean for a 9-year period lending up to the time of the report.

The authors in the above study concluded that the females recovery was extraordinary for two reasons:

1. She used only hypnosis and no other therapy or intervention2. She had no support network to fall back on

So hypnosis can be used to overcome addictions, although this is an isolated example.

It may be that not everyone has the willpower and strength of mind to be able to do what she did. But thats what hypnotherapy and related treatments are for, after all.

Even so, why are addictions so difficult to break? And does hypnosis for addiction really work?

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What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Also visit the online treatment locator.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help Someone With Addiction

Hypnosis – Overcome Drug Addiction Now Using Self Hypnosis 1

Many people who want to stop an addiction or dependence may have already made multiple attempts to do so before trying hypnotherapy. This pattern can lead to feelings of discouragement, frustration and even hopelessness.

Hypnotherapy increases a persons chance of success by addressing some of the contributing factors to dependence including low self esteem and emotional trauma, as well as resolving conflicts between conscious and subconscious motivations.

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How Does Hypnosis For Addiction Work

Hypnotherapy is a process that involves the use of hypnosis to alter physical or emotional sensations and promote healthy changes in behavior. Using hypnosis, patients are guided through relaxation techniques and exercises to open the mind and introduce new associations with certain behaviors or experiences.

Hypnosis can make a person more open to suggestions, and increase focus. Through a guided process, it may also promote a feeling of calmness in patients and elicit changes in negative habits or behaviors.

Hypnosis can tap into areas in the mind that may be closed off when someone is in their normal state. This can affect a persons sensations, thoughts, emotions, and reactions to certain stimuli. While hypnosis has proven effective in treating some physical conditions, it is commonly believed by those who practice it to be a beneficial technique for emotional and spiritual healing.

Common practical uses for hypnotherapy include:

  • acute and chronic pain
  • mood disorders
  • gastro-intestinal disorders

Hypnosis can be used in addition to traditional psychotherapies as a beneficial aid within the treatment process. Its role within the treatment process can be determined both by the patient and their treatment team.

Where Does Tough Love Come From

Most practiced instances of tough love in the United States date back to the 1950s, and a single rehabilitation program, Synanon. This program focused on using a tough approach, punishing ‘bad’ behavior severely, eventually resulting in the death of several people. The program was closed in 1959, but was quickly adopted by multiple other organizations with an incarnation eventually becoming part of an international program pushed by Nancy Reagan.

As a result, a single program advocating punishing mistakes and slipups in recovery became a standard in national recovery methods, and therefore a standard in home care. Today’s professional treatment facilities often don’t use tough love standards, but it’s still used at home.

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What Would A Hypnotherapy Session Be Like

Hypnotherapy starts with a consultation during which the two parties can discuss a variety of personal details for the participant. In subsequent sessions, hypnosis can begin. The pace of this alternative treatment is different for each person but often is structured around the following format:

  • Introductory greeting and conversation to foster relaxation and comfort
  • Induction: during this point, the participant hopes to enter a state of deeply relaxed physical calm
  • While the person is in this deeply relaxed state, the leader is able to start the change work during which the techniques and approaches previously agreed upon are used
  • After this stage is complete, the person will slowly come back to wakefulness
  • Questions and discussion

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