Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Admit You Have An Addiction

Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment For People With Stimulant Use Disorders: Counselor’s Family Education Manual W/cd

How To Setup and Use Waiting Rooms for Office Hours & Drop-Ins

This comprehensive kit provides substance use disorder treatment professionals with a year-long intensive outpatient treatment model. Professionals can use this model when treating clients who are dependent on stimulant drugs, such as methamphetamine and cocaine. Access family education sessions and handouts.

Find New Ways Of Socializing

Moving abroad means leaving your friends and loved ones behind and building a whole new network of friends and acquaintances. If you research how to meet other expats in your new home, youll likely be told to pay a visit to the local expat bar. A surprising number of cities have these foreigner-friendly bars; they can be an excellent way to socialize with other expats. Youll be able to build friendships in a welcoming environment over a game of pool, a plate of wings, or a bottle of beer. But as great as these bars are, theyre not the best option if youre looking to lay off the booze.

If youre used to heading to the bar every evening, it might seem alien to do anything else to make new friends. But changing the way you socialize can help tackle your dependency on drink and youd be surprised at the other options available. From expat-friendly sports clubs to dance class meet-ups, there are plenty of ways to meet other foreigners without getting drunk first. Taking up a sport to keep fit can also be a great way to distract yourself from alcohol. This gives you another outlet for your time and attention. Check social networking sites online and discover a whole world of alcohol-free activities in your new home.

Its Not The End Of The World

People who hold powerful positions may feel guilty about their addiction because they know the responsibility they have been given. They may feel that they should have known better, being an educated, respected person, not realizing the role that genetic predisposition often has to play in addiction. They may fear that they will never work in the same field again if they confess to struggling with substances.

But asking for help for an addiction is not the end of a professional career. Indeed, there is even specialized help available that takes into account these professionals specific situations and their need for anonymity, while also ensuring that they complete rehabilitation and become able to do their job again.

In all professions, it is far better to seek help before suspicious colleagues pick up on any issues and before any substance-related incidents at work occur. However, should it be too late for that, the focus of licensing boards tends to be to rehabilitate and monitor the professional in question, rather than immediately revoke their license.

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The Problem With Denial Instead Of Admitting Addiction

Denial is the willful refusal to accept the truth. The reason this empowers addiction is because the only way to take strides towards sobriety is to accept that you need to be sober in the first place. There is no shame in being addicted, and there is no shame in struggling to overcome that addiction. In fact, if you try to fight against your addiction, then youre already making massive headway. But if you let it overcome you, then shame wont matter. Because itll be over.

There is no other way to put it being in denial is tantamount to letting addiction win. But if you end up admitting addiction, youre already one massive step ahead of the disease.

Help For Drug Addiction For A Family Member

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On the flip side, it can be just as challenging trying to figure out how to approach a family member with a drug problem.

You cant talk your loved one into getting sober, advises Robin Barnett EdD LCSW, author of Addict in the House: A No-Nonsense Family Guide Through Addiction and Recovery. But you can start building a healthier relationship, whether she accepts it or not.

Barnett says that communicating your concerns with someone who has a substance use disorder may be difficult and should be approached with caution. Placing blame, pleading, demanding, threatening, judging, or berating tend to carve deeper divides between people, even though those kinds of statements are rooted in hope as much as they are driven by logic, anger, and shame.

Because they focus on the behavior rather than the addiction, statements such as, Cant you see what youre doing to yourself? wont necessarily work on a person with a drug dependency. That kind of argument focuses on the symptoms, not the disease.

It is similar to treating Lyme disease. Yes, you have Lyme diseases characteristic rash and flu-like symptoms, but antibiotics target the bacterial infection that brought on the Lyme. Treating the infection may end the disease as well as chasing off the chills that result.

As for the best time to talk, dont wait too long. If your loved one isnt under the influence or potentially violent, it might be time to discuss the problem.

Take The First Step Towards Recovery

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The Effects Of Drug Abuse And Addiction On Family And Friends

Witnessing someone you care about battle a substance use disorder can be extremely distressing and take a heavy toll on your own mental and emotional well-being. Whether the drug abuser is a close friend, spouse, parent, child, or other family member, its easy for their addiction to take over your life. It can pile stress upon stress, test your patience, strain your bank balance, and leave you racked by feelings of guilt, shame, anger, fear, frustration, and sadness.

You may worry about where your loved one is at any given time, their risk of overdosing, or the damage theyre doing to their health, future, and home life. You may be in debt from paying their living expenses, the cost of legal troubles resulting from their drug abuse, or from failed attempts at rehab and recovery. You may also be worn down by covering for your loved one at home or work, having to shoulder the responsibilities they neglect, or being unable to devote more time to other family, friends, and interests in your life.

As despairing as you may feel, youre not alone in your struggle. A Pew Research Center survey in 2017 found that nearly half of Americans have a family member or close friend whos been addicted to drugs. Across the Western world, the abuse of prescription pain relievers and tranquillizers has skyrocketed in recent years, creating a public health crisis.

Does Aspenridge Help All Severity Levels

AspenRidge Recovery has created a renowned Colorado alcohol and drug program center helping in all stages of recovery. While we offer a step-down approach from higher levels of care to lower levels, we also recognize that everyone experiences drug dependency differently. Some clients, therefore, can enter at lower levels if theyve self-identified patterned misuse, but are not yet at risk for severe dependency.

If admitting you have a problem is the first step, how are program options then selected? This is a valid question that many clients attempt to identify on their own. The good news is, our addiction specialists are here to guide you through those initial steps.

AspenRidge is able to help determine the severity level using thorough assessments and evaluation processes.

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Am I Overreacting To A Substance Use Problem

If you are noticing problems in friend or family members work, health, family, finances, relationships, social functioning, legal issues, self-esteem or self-respect, you are not overreacting.

Continuing to use substances in spite of the fact that such behavior is causing problems, is a problem in and of itself. It shows that substance use has become more important than the problems it causes. Someone who is unwilling to discuss the issue or consider whether there might be a problem is a strong indicator that a problem exists.

Why Is Admitting A Problem So Important

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So, admitting you have a problem is the first step, but why? Many addiction specialists suggest that this step indicates the person struggling is aware or becoming aware of their problematic behaviors and how those behaviors contribute to a larger health concern.

Admitting there is a problem creates a healthy mindset to begin working on many difficult components of addiction, which were previously avoided or otherwise ignored. Admitting there is a need for a change is certainly not easy. For this reason, talk therapy and other treatment modalities aim to support a person as they discover the truths of their substance abuse habits.;

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How To Overcome An Addiction

This article was co-authored by Tiffany Douglass, MA. Tiffany Douglass is the Founder of Wellness Retreat Recovery Center, a JCAHO accredited drug and alcohol treatment program based in San Jose, California. She is also the Executive Director for Midland Tennessee at JourneyPure. She has over ten years of experience in substance abuse treatment and was appointed a Global Goodwill Ambassador in 2019 for her efforts in residential addiction treatment. Tiffany earned a BA in Psychology from Emory University in 2004 and an MA in Psychology with an emphasis on Organization Behavior and Program Evaluation from Claremont Graduate University in 2006.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 25 testimonials and 100% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,122,411 times.

Theres a myth out there that addiction is inescapable or something thats locked in for life, but thats definitely not the case. In fact, more people succeed at overcoming their addiction than fail.XResearch source Acknowledging that youre addicted to something and wanting to change are the first steps, so youre on the right track! This article will show you how to come up with a plan for overcoming your addiction and stick with it, even when things get tough.

Next Steps Towards Recovery

Its important to have quick access to treatment. If you or someone you know has an addiction, call 1-800-622-4357 for free and confidential treatment referral and information from SAMHSA. You can also seek help from your doctor, local treatment center, or support group.

Addictions often affect many areas of a persons life. The most effective treatments are comprehensive. They often have several steps that vary from person to person. These steps can include detoxification, behavioral counseling, and long-term follow-up.

Here are some ways you can support a friend or family members recovery process:

  • Learn more about the substance or behavior dependency and the treatment.
  • Stay involved, like offering to go to meetings with them.
  • Provide a sober and trigger-free setting.
  • Speak up and express concern when there is a relapse.

While you can treat addiction, in most cases, someone with addiction must want to change for recovery to be successful.

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Support The Process Of Change

If you have a friend or loved one with an addiction, let them know you are willing to support them, for example, by coming with them to family or couples counseling. You can even help them take the first stepwhether it’s bringing them to a doctor’s appointment or a support group meeting.

They’ll likely feel encouraged by the fact that you are making changes in your own life to help them with their addiction.

Express Your Desire For Help

Why do people take drugs

If youve already researched what help is available, bring this with you to the conversation. Be prepared to express your desire for help and what options you have in mind.

On the other hand, if you dont have any options in mind, ask your friends and family if they can help you research what your next steps should be. They can help you search for addiction treatment centers, 12-step groups or a therapist.

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How Can I Tell If My Friend Is Addicted To Drugs

Their behaviour, their physical appearance, and certain stuff in their environment can provide clues as to whether your friend might be addicted to drugs.

Behavioural clues

  • sudden changes in behaviour or mood swings
  • withdrawal from family members and old friendship groups
  • carelessness about personal grooming
  • loss of interest in hobbies, sports or other favourite activities
  • neglect of responsibilities.
  • red, glassy or bloodshot eyes, or pupils that are smaller or larger than normal
  • sniffing or a runny nose
  • frequent nosebleeds
  • shakes, tremors, incoherent or slurred speech, impaired or unstable coordination
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain.

Other clues

The following items could also be a sign of addiction:

  • spoons and syringes
  • small, resealable baggies that could be used to store drugs
  • pipes, plastic bottles, or cans that have been pierced or tampered with
  • burnt foil
  • stuff missing, such as money, valuables or prescription drugs.

Hiding Your Addiction Behind A Successful Career

If you keep up with your job, fulfill your family duties and maintain friendships while also having a drug or alcohol addiction, youre known as a high-functioning addict. These types of addicts maintain a level of success professionally and battle their addiction behind the scenes. Essentially, youre living a double life.

One of the biggest issues high-functioning addicts face is denial. You feel like youre in control because your life remains pretty normal by all appearances. However, your addiction is likely worse than you know.

Eventually, alcohol and drug use will catch up to a high-functioning addict.

Some people can struggle with addiction for years before the facade begins to fall apart. For others, it can take a life-changing event, like getting a DUI or an accidental overdose, to force them to address the issue. Instead of waiting for one of these life-changing events to happen to you, its better to get help as soon as possible.

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Why People Are Fearful To Talk About Recovery

Many people are afraid to admit theyre recovering addicts, even to their friends and family. This fear stems from a variety of factors, including:

  • Societal pressures to be perfect
  • Being judged as a failure by friends and relatives
  • Being rejected from jobs
  • Being unable to succeed in academics

Societal PressuresModern society sets a very high standard for people to be flawless and the same as everyone around them. Not only does peer pressure play an important role in initiating drug and alcohol use, but societal expectations can prevent a person from seeking treatment and getting the help they need.

Friends and RelativesPeople who receive harsh judgment and criticism from their friends while battling drug abuse might be uncomfortable talking about their recovery. It feels safer never to bring up drugs and alcohol again. Also, theres the worry that relatives who dont know about the substance use will find out whats been going on if one talks about recovery. As a result of these fears, recovering addicts dont receive the support they need from the people that matter the most to them.

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If the problem has only occurred over a short period of time or has not reached a severe stage, it is possible that the adult you care about could successfully cut back on the use of alcohol or other drugs. If the person has not tried cutting back, you could suggest this strategy as a first step. Some people in the risky stages of substance use, or even in the early stage of addiction, are able to cut back and consistently use only minimal amounts in the future.

You may find, though as many do that people who can cut back are the exception, not the rule. Many people try to cut down and discover that they cant, or that they can only cut back for a few days or a few weeks before resuming heavy or excessive use. Trying to cut down and failing may help the person realize that the problem is more extensive than once thought.

You may also find that the person is able to stop completely. But many struggling with addiction have tried this strategy and couldnt stop or remain abstinent for a significant amount of time. Ideally, the person should be assessed by a professional who can determine the best course of action depending on the severity of the problem and the persons medical, psychological, and social history. If you sense the person is willing to consider that there is a problem, suggest that an evaluation or a consultation with a trusted medical or mental health professional.

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What To Expect In Rehab

If your loved one has decided to enter a treatment program for their addiction, they can expect to first check-in and complete an intake interview. This will allow the program to create a plan tailored to their needs.

The next step involves detoxing to remove any substances from their body. This process can take anywhere from three to 14 days and can be aided by medications to ease withdrawal symptoms.

After detox, the next step involves therapy to help them adjust and develop new thought and behavior patterns that will support their long-term recovery.;

Is My Addiction Bad Enough

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, its difficult to be objective and admit you have a problem. If substance abuse is causing negative effects in your life, its time to take a closer look and come to terms with the fact that you might have an addiction. Once you can accept that, youre already on the path to recovery. The next step is to decide how to get sober.

This can be confusing if youre questioning whether your addiction is severe enough to require rehab.

According to SAMHSAs 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, only 10 percent of those struggling with substance dependence or abuse received treatment.

Many people decide to forego treatment because they havent hit rock bottom or they simply dont think their problem is bad enough. The truth of the matter is: if youre questioning whether or not you need help getting sober, you likely do. This is especially true if you think you need treatment for addiction to heroin or other opioids.

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