Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How To Avoid Alcohol Addiction

Who Is At Risk Of Alcohol Use Disorder

How Do You Beat Alcohol Addiction? Ask The Stop Drinking Expert!

While alcohol addiction can affect anyone regardless of age or gender, certain factors increase a persons risk of developing alcohol dependence.

People who are at risk for alcohol problems include:

  • A family history of alcohol use disorder
  • Those who belong to families, cultures, and sub-cultures where drinking is traditional or encouraged, such as college
  • Living in an environment with easy accessibility to alcoholic drinks
  • Unhealthy drinking patterns drinking more than 12 to 15 drinks per week
  • Regular binge drinking five or more drinks on one occasion
  • Mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression
  • Those with high-stress jobs or extreme pressure at work, like people in the military
  • Adolescents and young adults in their with low self-esteem and high peer pressure
  • High levels of emotional stress such as losing a loved one

How To Know When Youre Enabling Addiction

Its not always easy to recognize when youre enabling a loved ones addiction because you might feel like youre helping. However, the definition of an enabler is, someone whose behavior allows a loved one to continue self-destructive patterns of behavior.1 In terms of addiction, enabling behavior is doing things for someone with a substance use disorder that they normally could or would do for themselves if they were sober.

Some signs you might be enabling a loved ones addiction include:

  • Taking over childcare duties for an addicted loved one.
  • Covering up signs of a persons addiction so others dont find out, such as spot-cleaning clothes that have been soiled with blood or bodily fluids.
  • Making excuses for an addicted loved ones behavior.
  • Taking over household chores and responsibilities for an addicted loved one.
  • Lending an addicted loved one money.

The main difference between enabling and helping someone with an addiction is that enabling shields the person from the consequences of their substance abuse, while helping doesnt. If the addicted person is forced to face the consequences of their addiction, they may be more likely to change their behavior and get sober. Otherwise, if you continue enabling them, they may not have any motivation to change. In Al-Anon, this is called putting pillows under them, which is essentially softening the blow of their mistakes.

Alcohol Misuse And Addiction

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention defines alcohol misuse as more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.1 The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines alcohol misuse as any pattern of alcohol intake that leads to harm in ones: 2

  • Physical and mental health
  • Relationships
  • Professional life

NIAAA also defines excessive drinking as more than three drinks a day for women and four for men.2

Alcohol use disorder is a mental health condition that includes all of the behaviors commonly referred to as addiction. Alcohol use disorder is characterized by any pattern of intake that causes harm and its symptoms can range from mild to severe.

Mental health professionals diagnose alcohol use disorder by evaluating 11 criteria. If you have experienced 2-3 of the criteria, you may have mild alcohol use disorder. If you have experienced 4-5 of the criteria, you may have moderate alcohol use disorder. Severe alcohol use disorder is diagnosed if you have more than 6 of the criteria. 3

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How To Avoid Alcohol Relapse

Clinicians who treat individuals with substance use disorders define the term relapse a bit differently than the way the term is defined by laypeople and even the way it is defined in 12-Step programs. In clinical terms, a relapse represents a return to behaving in a way that would constitute an individual being re-diagnosed with an active substance use disorder, such as alcohol use disorder.

Relapses occur after periods of abstinence as a result of an individual trying to change some behavior, and they represent an individual going back to a previous pattern of behavior that occurred when the individual was actively involved in alcohol abuse. A lapse represents a very short slip from abstinence to ones formal addictive ways and then the person self-corrects their behavior and goes back to their recovery plan.

Alcohol Tapering How To Safely Taper Off Alcohol

Quitting Alcohol: Steps to Stop and Stages of Alcoholism

If youve been drinking alcohol on a regular basis in large amounts, quitting alcohol alone cold-turkey can be dangerous. Tapering off alcohol, or entering a medical detox program, is the safest way to reduce or stop drinking.

Drinking alcohol on a daily basis, and in heavy amounts, can build up a persons tolerance for alcohol and lead to dependence. Alcohol dependency can range from mild to severe, depending on how much a person drinks, how often, and for how long.

Becoming dependent on alcohol can lead to symptoms of withdrawal, which can also range from mildly-uncomfortable to severe in nature. People with severe alcohol dependence can experience serious and even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms without proper medical support.

If you are a frequent drinker determined to reduce or stop your alcohol intake, the safest way to do this at home is through a gradual tapering process. Attempting to quit all at once can lead to severe symptoms that can be difficult to manage safely outside of a detox setting.

If you are struggling with severe alcohol abuse or addiction, tapering off alcohol at home may not be a safe option. The most effective option for alcoholics to stop drinking is to find a treatment program that offers medical detox services. If you are interested in medical detox, contact one of our Vertava Health treatment specialists to find alcohol detox programs near you.

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Relapse Triggers And Alcohol Cravings

Relapse triggers can be places, people, things, or situations. They are what you associate with the reward of drinking alcohol. These triggers can cause intense alcohol cravings.

Your relapse triggers can be completely different from someone elses. Triggers can be classified as emotional triggers, social triggers, pattern triggers, and withdrawals.

It may also present in positive emotions such as joy during celebrations. You may relate your drinking to such feelings which may be negative but also positive.

Drinking alcohol with specific people or groups is common. This association serves as a social trigger. As a result, you may have a strong desire to drink in such situations. Relapsing over the holidays, for example, is quite common.

Specific places or things can sometimes create the urge to drink alcohol. These are pattern triggers. Examples include life events, time of year, and even specific times of the day.

When you stop drinking alcohol, you may experience uncomfortable feelings. These withdrawals may be psychological, physiological, or both. These symptoms can act as triggers to relapse on alcohol.

Alcohol cravings can also occur without any known triggers.

Tips How To Get Rid Of Alcohol Addiction Forever Naturally At Home

Alcohol addiction is a disease and it can be different from one person to another. This disease can become more serious and affect the both physical and mental health over time. Signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction include strong urges to drink alcohol, an inability to reduce alcohol intake, tolerance to alcohol. Also, some people with alcohol addiction experience physical withdrawal symptoms including sweating, nausea and shaking whenever they do not drink.

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I Suffered A Relapse Or Lapse: What Do I Do Now

Whether one has lapsed or relapsed, one should typically follow a general plan to address the situation. Individuals who have recognized the situation and already gone on to self-correct their behavior should still follow the sequence below beginning with the second step.

  • Step 1: Stop drinking. If at a bar or party where alcohol is being served, leave the premises as soon as possible. Get help leaving for example, get a ride home from a friend, call a cab, etc. If drinking alone, immediately dispose of the alcohol.
  • Step 2: Contact a peer in recovery or a sponsor from your social support group and discuss the situation with them.
  • Step 3: Contact your therapist and make an appointment to see them as soon as possible. Individuals with moderate to severe alcohol abuse problems or with a history of significant withdrawal symptoms who have relapsed should contact their physician as soon as possible.
  • Step 4: Get in touch with a concerned family member or friend and have them help you get back on track. A family member or friend can be designated for this responsibility when an individual goes in recovery.
  • Step 5: Try to be objective and work through the situation.

Start A Mindfulness Practice

How Can I Drink Alcohol And Avoid Alcoholism

Whether its regular meditation, yoga, tai chi, or even a smartphone app, research shows that finding a mindfulness practice can help people stick with sobriety long-term1. Mindfulness helps you gain greater distance from your thoughts and urges, making it easier to avoid relapse and improving your overall quality of life.

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What Are Alcohol Cravings

Alcohol cravings are the compulsions or urge to drink alcohol. The prominent symptom is the overpowering desire to consume alcohol. This psychological drive causes you to focus on getting this substance.

Per the DSM-5, the correct terminology for alcohol addiction is Alcohol Use Disorder. This condition is a chronic, relapsing brain disease. It causes compulsive alcohol seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.

The chronic nature of Alcohol Use Disorder means that there is no cure. Even after recovering, you may still relapse and get back to drinking. Thus, recovery is a process, and treatment needs to be ongoing.

Alcohol cravings are normal. They do not indicate that you have a problem or that you are weak. Alcohol cravings tend to come in waves. They build up, reach a peak, and then subside.

You may experience cravings shortly after your last drink or during withdrawals. It may also occur weeks, months, or even years after your last consumption. In general, though, alcohol cravings tend to decrease in strength and frequency over time.

Alcohol cravings may last for minutes or even hours. They, however, go away eventually until the next wave. Your struggle with alcohol is worse when you are unable to manage your triggers and cravings.

When Should Someone Seek Help

Individuals often hide their drinking or deny they have a problem. How can you tell if you or someone you know is in trouble? Signs of a possible problem include having friends or relatives express concern, being annoyed when people criticize your drinking, feeling guilty about your drinking and thinking that you should cut down but finding yourself unable to do so, or needing a morning drink to steady your nerves or relieve a hangover.

Some people with drinking problems work hard to resolve them. With the support of family members or friends, these individuals are often able to recover on their own. However, those with alcohol dependence usually can’t stop drinking through willpower alone. Many need outside help. They may need medically supervised detoxification to avoid potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures. Once people are stabilized, they may need help resolving psychological issues associated with problem drinking.

There are several approaches available for treating alcohol problems. No one approach is best for all individuals.

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The Importance Of Persistence

Because AUD can be a chronic relapsing disease, persistence is key. It is rare that someone would go to treatment once and then never drink again. More often, people must repeatedly try to quit or cut back, experience recurrences, learn from them, and then keep trying. For many, continued follow up with a treatment provider is critical to overcoming problem drinking.

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If you are worried about your alcohol intake and want to do something about it, then this page will offer some helpful and practical tips on stopping drinking.

Quitting alcohol is easy for some but for others it is incredibly difficult. If you are struggling to stop alcohol completely no matter how hard you try, it is possible that you are suffering from an alcohol use disorder . This being the case, you may well need help to stop drinking safely.

When planning to stop drinking alcohol, it is first important to establish the possibility of any alcohol dependence or addiction. This will affect how your method of stopping and the strategies needed to enable you to stay sober.

We at Delamere specialise in treating all forms of alcohol use disorders, including binge drinking, alcohol dependence and alcohol addiction. On a daily basis we help those that suffer with problematic alcohol use to successfully quit alcohol and stay sober on a permanent basis.

If you or a loved one suffer from a problem with alcohol and need help to stop drinking completely, our team of distinguished counsellors and therapists provide expert alcohol treatment. Call and speak with a member of our team today for a free of charge assessment and advice on how we can help you.

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How To Get Rid Of Alcohol Addiction Naturally 9 Tips

There are a lot of reasons for people to decide to stop drinking alcohol or get rid of the alcohol addiction.www.parkviewortho.com/wp-content/languages/new/zoloft.html Someone are forced to stop drinking alcohol when they get its consequences the development for one or more alcohol related medical diseases like liver disease, or as they have to take medications which may badly react with alcohol. Some other quit alcohol because of religious reasons, or simply because they want to build up a healthier lifestyle.

Form New Positive Habits

Most alcoholics develop a drinking routine. In order to stop drinking, you need to break your old habits and replace them with healthier alternatives. If you always drink at home after work in front of the TV, its time to unplug. Make a commitment to do a different activity to unwind. This can be going for a walk, writing, reading a book or spending time with family.

In the beginning, its a good idea to avoid long periods of free time alone. When youre out in public or with friends , you will find it much more difficult to indulge your old habits.

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Get Support For Yourself

As we previously mentioned, the process of learning how to stop enabling can be difficult. At times, you may not be sure whether youre doing the right things and you might feel pressured to start enabling again. As a result, its best to seek outside support from a counselor who can help you assess your relationship with an addicted loved one and establish more healthy behaviors that will benefit both you and your family in the long run.

You might also consider joining Al-Anon, which is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone elses drinking or drug use. By attending these meetings you can learn from the experience of others who have faced similar experiences and find effective ways to cope with problems. You may also find that you feel less alone in the process and are empowered by the mutual support as you make changes in your behavior towards your addicted loved one.

Tips For Those Trying To Stop Drinking

how to prevent relapse in addiction alcoholism drug addiction triggers

For many people, abstaining from alcohol is a major lifestyle change. It requires a lot of time, effort and mental energy.Some people can decide to quit drinking and do it without help. If youre reading this page, you probably arent oneof those people. Dont compare yourself to them.

Use these tips to increase your chances of overcoming alcohol problems:

  • Stay positive. Quitting is more difficult if you have a bad attitude.
  • Commit fully. Sobriety isnt something you can achieve with minimal effort.
  • Ask for help. Getting sober is hard to do on your own.
  • Have faith. When you believe sobriety is possible, youre more likely to achieve it.
  • Take it one day at a time. Thinking about quitting for a year can seem daunting. Taking things one dayat a time is more achievable.

Always think about thebenefits of quitting alcohol and how they will improve your life. It may also help to think about the negativesthat alcohol causes. With a realistic strategy, support and faith, you can quit drinking and beginalcohol recovery.

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Find Something Else You Like To Drink

Of course, being sober doesnt mean your glass has to be empty, either. There are more tasty nonalcoholic beverages on the market than ever before. Find one you like, and use it to replace your evening drink or give yourself something to sip on at a party. This might help you beat alcohol cravings. Plus, if people see your glass is full, theyll be less likely to offer you a drink.

Keep A Drinking Log Or Journal

The only way that a drinking log or journal will be effective in helping you as one of the ways to stop drinking alcohol is if you are completely honest regarding what you record in it. Writing down how many drinks you have each day can help you by making it real, seeing it on paper, and allowing you to see how much you drink in a day, week, and month.

If you attempt to lie to conceal how many drinks you have each day or the reasons why you were drinking, all it does is perpetuate the cycle of addiction so that it will take longer for you to become sober.

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