Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Nicotine As Addictive As Heroin

How Nicotine Affects You

Nicotine Like Heroin

Researchers are also looking at other chemicals in tobacco that make it hard to quit. In the brains of animals, tobacco smoke causes chemical changes that are not fully explained by the effects of nicotine.

The average amount of nicotine in one regular cigarette is about 1 to 2 milligrams . The amount you actually take in depends on how you smoke, how many puffs you take, how deeply you inhale, and other factors.

Endocannabinoid System In Brain Reward Circuitry

The initial events that lead to drug addiction involve acute effects at the specific sites of action of the abused drug. These sites of action typically activate neural circuits associated with positive reinforcement/reward, particularly the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system. This system, originating in the ventral tegmental area and projecting to the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, frontal cortex, and amygdala , interacts with glutamatergic projections from the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala, and thus regulates responses to natural reinforcers such as food, drink, social interactions or sex . The mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system is part of a brain reward circuit that has long been thought to play a major role in mediating the reinforcing/rewarding effects of drugs of abuse . Abused drugs directly or indirectly elevate extracellular levels of dopamine in the shell of the nucleus accumbens .

The dopaminergic system has a well-established role in the reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse. It has become increasingly clear that the endocannabinoid system can modulate dopaminergic reward circuits, which suggests that endocannabinoids also play a major role in the mechanisms underlying drug addiction.

Immediate Effects And Toxicity

Nicotine on direct application in humans causes irritation and burning sensation in the mouth and throat, increased salivation, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Gastrointestinal effects are less severe but can occur even after cutaneous and respiratory exposure. Predominant immediate effects as seen in animal studies and in humans consist of increase in pulse rate and blood pressure. Nicotine also causes an increase in plasma free fatty acids, hyperglycemia, and an increase in the level of catecholamines in the blood. There is reduced coronary blood flow but an increased skeletal muscle blood flow. The increased rate of respiration causes hypothermia, a hypercoagulable state, decreases skin temperature, and increases the blood viscosity.

Nicotine is one of the most toxic of all poisons and has a rapid onset of action. Apart from local actions, the target organs are the peripheral and central nervous systems. In severe poisoning, there are tremors, prostration, cyanosis, dypnoea, convulsion, progression to collapse and coma. Even death may occur from paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or central respiratory failure with a LD50 in adults of around 30-60 mg of nicotine. In children the LD50 is around 10 mg.

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Are There Other Chemicals That May Contribute To Tobacco Addiction

Research is showing that nicotine may not be the only ingredient in tobacco that affects its addictive potential.

Smoking is linked with a marked decrease in the levels of monoamine oxidase , an important enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of dopamine, as well as a reduction in MAO binding sites in the brain.42 This change is likely caused by some as-yet-unidentified ingredient in tobacco smoke other than nicotine, because we know that nicotine itself does not dramatically alter MAO levels.Animal research suggests that MAO inhibition makes nicotine more reinforcing, but more studies are needed to determine whether MAO inhibition affects human tobacco dependence.42

Animal research has also shown that acetaldehyde, another chemical in tobacco smoke created by the burning of sugars added as sweeteners, dramatically increases the reinforcing properties of nicotine and may also contribute to tobacco addiction.43

Most Addictive Drugs: The Basis Of Our Ranking Most Addictive Drugs


Our list is based on information gleaned from two different studies. The first was published in The Lancet in 2007, from a team headed by British psychiatrist David Nutt. The idea was to create a system for assessing the addictive level of various types of drugs. Three different aspects were measured, including physical dependence, psychological dependence, and pleasure generated by the drug.

The findings of this study were somewhat controversial because it was found that alcohol and nicotine, two legal and commonly accepted substances, were more addictive than ecstasy. Various newspapers in his homeland and the public ridiculed the studies and called for Nutt to resign.

Though he didnt resign, the controversy led to him being fired and another study was allegedly undertaken to confirm the truth of his hypothesis. This study has been reported to agree with Nutts findings, though no online publication of the study has been found.

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Alcohol Is One Of The Most Addictive Drugs

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Although the typical view of cocaine is that its very addictive, its dependence level is not as high as either nicotine or heroin. Even though people do experience a euphoric rush from this drug, fewer will actually develop an addiction. Relapse rates are also significantly lower due to an easier withdrawal and less intense cravings. However, these rates tend to be higher for the cheaper cocaine derivative known as crack cocaine.


Intensity of withdrawal symptoms for cocaine is considered to be the lowest out of all four drugs discussed here. In fact, there are often no observable physical symptoms associated with cocaine withdrawal. Instead, victims tend to experience simple fatigue, malaise, depression, agitation, restlessness, and a general slowing of activity. Cravings can still be very intense during the worst of the withdrawal, but chronic users often quit because the high has started to produce unpleasant effects.


Surprisingly, tolerance to cocaine is also lower on the spectrum than heroin, nicotine, or alcohol. This is likely why its dependence level is not as high as expected, as tolerance and addiction are closely linked.



The cocaine high is not as noticeable as heroin or alcohol intoxication. It often gives people a serious boost of energy and may cause them to become very active and talkative. They may actually appear to simply be in a very good mood.

The 5 Most Addictive Drugs And How You Can Get Help

According to 2019 Department of Health and Human Services data, about 20 million Americans live with a drug or alcohol addiction. In the past month:

  • 35.8 million people used an illegal drug
  • 140 million people drank alcohol
  • 45.9 million people smoked cigarettes

Addiction is a compulsive need to use a substance despite the consequences, and there are some drugs that could be more addictive than others.

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Is Smoking Tobacco Really Addictive

Addiction is marked by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite its harmful effects and unwanted consequences. Addiction is mental or emotional dependence on a substance. Nicotine is the known addictive substance in tobacco. Regular use of tobacco products leads to addiction in many users. Nicotine is a drug that occurs naturally in tobacco and its thought to be as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

What Does It All Mean

Why is Nicotine Addictive

A grand total of 23.5 million Americans are considered to be in need of treatment for addiction, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Looking at the data, although nicotine has the highest rate of dependence, heroin has right rates across the board. If you factor in withdrawal symptoms, tolerance development, reinforcement, and intoxication, heroin could be considered the most addictive drug. It also tends to cause more general harm than nicotine a factor that many experts include in their analysis of drug addiction. One particular ranking based on harm to the user and to other people, including society at large, ranked alcohol as its top substance, far ahead of both heroin and cocaine.

On an individual level, its impossible to tell which drug will be the most addictive. People can have immediate adverse affects to drugs like heroin and cocaine, keeping the risk of becoming addicted to these drugs at bay, but they may end up with a severe addiction to caffeine. There are also many human factors that play into the risk of developing any kind of addiction, including genetic factors, environment, mental health, and body type. No matter who you are, however, the risk of addiction is always present if you choose to abuse a drug.

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Scale Of Addiction: What Drugs Are More Addictive Than Others

There is no straightforward answer to the question of which drug is most addictive. The subject of addiction in general does not come in black-and-white terms. Theres a lot of gray area when it comes to figuring out if a person has an addiction disorder, and the very definition of the word addiction leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

Most addiction experts agree that theres both a physical and a psychological aspect to addiction. Addictive substances have physical effects on the brain and cause pleasurable sensations that prime the brains pleasure-reward response. At the same time, a persons stress levels, life satisfaction, attitudes about drug use, and the presence of other mental illnesses are all considered to be factors in the development of an addiction disorder. People can even become addicted to substances that are not considered to be physically addictive because they can form an emotional attachment to the drug and any kind of intoxicant will cause the brain to associate that drug with a pleasure reward.

There is therefore no definitive way to measure how addictive a drug is. However, experts and researchers have found way to rank common drugs for addictiveness based on five factors:

  • Withdrawal: The severity of the symptoms that arise when addicted persons stop taking the drug.
  • Tolerance: How soon users find that they need to take more of the drug to get the same effect and how much more they need to take.
  • The Top 10 Most Addictive Drugs

    There are a variety of dangerous drugs in the world and the addictive levels of each vary wildly. Some are relatively non-addictive, while others cause addiction very quickly. Understanding the most addictive substances available can help you understand whether you or someone you love is at high risk for addiction. While drug use of any kind is typically dangerous and potentially addicting, these substances are the most problematic.

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    How Powerful Is Nicotine Addiction

    About 2 out of 3 of people who smoke say they want to quit and about half try to quit each year, but few succeed without help. This is because they not only become physically dependent on nicotine. Theres also a strong emotional dependence. Nicotine affects behavior, mood, and emotions. If a person uses tobacco to help manage unpleasant feelings and emotions, it can become a problem for some when they try to quit. Someone who smokes may link smoking with social activities and many other activities, too. All of these factors make smoking a hard habit to break.

    In fact, it may be harder to quit smoking than to stop using cocaine or opiates like heroin. In 2012, researchers reviewed 28 different studies of people who were trying to quit using the substance they were addicted to. They found that about 18% were able to quit drinking, and more than 40% were able to quit opiates or cocaine, but only 8% were able to quit smoking.

    Counseling And Psychological Support

    How Do I Know I

    Reviews have indicated that NRT and other medications are most effective when supported by counselling and psychiatric care.

    This can range from counseling as simple as advice from a primary care physician to stop smoking to individual, telephone, and group therapy.

    These interventions can help people with nicotine dependency overcome the psychological aspects of withdrawal, such as low mood and irritability, while the medications help tackle the chemical side of dependency.

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    Myth: Nicotine Is As Addictive As Heroin And Cocaine

    But, you may be wondering, since nicotine is addictive as heroin and cocaine, then surely e-cigarettes are still really addictive? The big problem with this statement is that it says nicotine instead of smoking, and there are many differences between the two when it comes to addictiveness.

    There are many reasons for this, but the point is shown well enough by the fact that there isnt just nicotine in cigarette smoke. Research has shown that monoamine oxidase inhibitors increase the dependence-creating properties of nicotine, and these are present in cigarette smoke. Additionally, other tobacco alkaloids such as anatabine, cotinine and myosmine increase the addictiveness of nicotine with rats showing more signs of dependence after receiving a mixture of these and nicotine than when just receiving nicotine alone. Acetaldehyde and nitric oxide in cigarette smoke have also been shown to increase the effect of nicotine.

    So, if it isnt just nicotine that makes smoking addictive, why do the CDC and others claim that nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine? The CDC provides references for their statement which is softened to Research suggests that nicotine may be as addictive as heroin, cocaine, or alcohol and this leads to the Surgeon Generals report.

    Is Nicotine Alone Addictive At All

    This is the really interesting question, and Chris Price points out that there have been no substantial attempts to really answer it. Because of the additional components in smoke that likely play a role in establishing addiction, he points out that the only relevant studies would be ones in which never-smokers were given pure nicotine. For smokers whove switched to a pure form of nicotine , the changes in brain chemistry assumed to be caused by starting to smoke means that there is already dependence on nicotine, so only never-smokers are likely to be relevant.

    Some evidence of this type can arguably be found in trials of nicotine for its potential benefits for other conditions, such as this one looking at whether it could help with mild cognitive impairments . By the end of the study, 34 non-smokers had been on 15 mg of nicotine per day in the form of patches, but none reported any withdrawal symptoms, and all stopped using the patches. Someotherstudies have also looked at nicotine as a potential treatment for other conditions in never-smokers with no reports of dependence. However, evidence of this type is ultimately very limited, and since none of these studies specifically set out to investigate dependence in never-smokers, its more like anecdotal evidence than anything.

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    Going To Drug Rehab For Being Addicted To Nicotine

    Does it make sense to go to a residential drug rehab program just to stop smoking? The answer to this question is easy. If you are able to quit using nicotine with other methods, then you would have already. The vast majority of people who decide to stop using tobacco products do. They quit cold turkey or with medications or hypnosis or what-have-you. Any method that works is a miracle. But there is a proportion of people so addicted to nicotine that none of these methods work. If you are still smoking after trying time and again to stop, consider residential drug rehab if you are addicted to nicotine. Drug rehab treatment facilities are the experts in treating drug addiction.

    Is Vaping As Addictive As Smoking

    How Nicotine Addiction Works

    So the most extreme statements about nicotines addictiveness are actually misrepresentations of claims made about smoking, which fly in the face of the abundant evidence of significant differences between the addictiveness of smoking and that of nicotine, but what about vaping? Well, for all of the same reasons, vaping doesnt appear to be as addictive as smoking either.

    One key point raised by Tom Pruen is the speed of nicotine delivery. In Dr. Farsalinos study comparing the nicotine delivery from cigarettes to that from first and later-generation e-cigarettes, it was shown that the speed of nicotine delivery from even higher-quality, later-generation e-cigarettes was much slower than from smoking. It took 35 minutes of vaping to obtain the same amount of blood nicotine found after just 5 minutes of smoking.

    The speed of delivery of the drug is a crucial factor in determining how addictive it is, so this is pretty compelling evidence that e-cigarettes arent as addictive as tobacco cigarettes. The lack of the additional chemicals that enhance nicotines addictive effects are even more reason to assume this to be true. Acetaldehyde is present in e-cig vapor, admittedly, but in non-dry-puff conditions, the levels are about 275 times lower than in cigarette smoke, so even though this does seem to increase the addictive potential of nicotine, its effect will be much greater in smoke than in vapor.

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    Does Nicotine Anonymous Work For Being Addicted To Nicotine

    Serenity Vista Drug Rehab in Panama is one of the few rehab facilities in the world that accepts guest/clients solely for nicotine addiction. If fact, most drug rehabs are very smoky places. Serenity Vista in Panama offers a full 45 day residential treatment program for nicotine addiction based on the 12 Steps of Nicotine Anonymous. Serenity Vista offers a full complement of holistic and therapeutic modalities of healing.

    Why It’s So Hard To Quit Smoking

    The science behind why it’s so difficult to quit smoking is crystal clear: Nicotine is addictive reportedly as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

    Yet any adult can stroll into a drug store and buy a pack of cigarettes, no questions asked.

    “From a scientific standpoint, nicotine is just as hard, or harder, to quit than heroin but people don’t recognize that,” said Dr. Neil Benowitz, a nicotine researcher at the University of California, San Francisco.

    Smoking is the world’s leading preventable cause of death. More than 1.1 billion people smoke worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. And more are continually joining the ranks. Every day in the U.S. alone, more than 3,200 youth 18 and younger smoke their first cigarette, while another 2,100 youth and young adults move from smoking occasionally to having a daily habit.

    In 1964, the U.S. surgeon general’s famous report, “Smoking and Health,” linked smoking to cancer. Two decades later in 1988, another landmark surgeon general’s report on nicotine addiction declared nicotine to be as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

    “Every drug of abuse, including nicotine, releases dopamine, which makes it pleasurable to use,” said Benowitz. “And when you stop smoking, you have a deficiency of dopamine release, which causes a state of dysphoria: you feel anxious or depressed.”

    Nicotine also acts as a stimulant, said Benowitz. “It helps people concentrate, and if they don’t have a cigarette, they have trouble focusing.”

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