Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is Drug Addiction Treatment

Is There A Cure For Addiction

Understanding addiction to support recovery (:60)

Currently, there is no cure for substance use disorders. Much like other chronic health issues, addiction is a persistent and sometimes-relapsing condition. However, also much like other chronic health conditions, there are various ways to treat and manage drug addiction. By treating substance use disorders, people can regain control over their lives by working against the disruptive effects that drugs or alcohol once had on their brain.9

How Much Does Treatment Cost

Many factors can affect treatment cost, including:

  • Whether its inpatient or outpatient treatment.
  • The duration of treatment.
  • Medications used during treatment.
  • Level of care.

Inpatient treatment is usually more expensive than outpatient because you live on-site and receive many services, including meals and round-the-clock care.

Many facilities accept insurance, and most insurers offer some level of coverage for substance abuse treatment. The Affordable Care Act includes essential health benefits , which provide coverage for mental health and substance use disorder services.15 Many private insurers follow those guidelines as well.16

While the costs can vary, inpatient price estimates have ranged in the past between $14,000 and $27,000 for a 30-day program. Outpatient treatment ranges anywhere from free or low-cost to $500 per session, and detox potentially costing about $600 to $1,000 a day.

What Is Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction treatment begins with the detoxification process, which takes place in drug detox centers. Detox is not complete treatment and is not the same as drug rehab. If you go through detox without receiving drug addiction rehab, you are at greater risk of relapsing.

The best drug treatment centers provide 24-hour medical, psychiatric and clinical care. After you complete detox, drug addiction treatment and rehab should begin. The transition from detox to treatment can present you and your family members with another round of decisions. A quick transition from detox to addiction treatment provides you with the greatest likelihood of successful treatment.

The longer the time between detox and the start of drug addiction treatment, the less likely the drug addict or alcoholic is to continue treatment. Recovery Connection takes the stress of locating a treatment facility from you. They will find a detox center that will also have a drug rehab component helping you smoothly transition from detox into treatment for drug addiction. Live Chat with an admission coordinator today and see how easy getting treatment can be!

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Barriers To Treatment In The Us

Barriers to accessing drug treatment may worsen negative health outcomes and further exacerbate health inequalities in the United States. Stigmatization of drug use, the War on Drugs and criminalization, and the social determinants of health should all be considered when discussing access to drug treatment and potential barriers.

Broad categories of barriers to drug treatment are: absences of problem, negative social support, fear of treatment, privacy concerns, time conflict, poor treatment availability, and admission difficulty. Other barriers to treatment include high costs, lack of tailored programs to address specific needs, and prerequisites that require participants to be house, abstinent from all substances, and/or employed.

Further, barriers to treatment can vary depending on the geographical location, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and status of past or current criminal justice system involvement of the person seeking treatment.

Can Drug Addiction Be Treated

Drug Addiction Treatment

Yes, but its not simple. Because addiction is a chronic disease, people cant simply stop using drugs for a few days and be cured. Most patients need long-term or repeated care to stop using completely and recover their lives.

Addiction treatment must help the person do the following:

  • stop using drugs
  • be productive in the family, at work, and in society

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How Do Behavioral Therapies Treat Drug Addiction

Behavioral therapies help people in drug addiction treatment modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use. As a result, patients are able to handle stressful situations and various triggers that might cause another relapse. Behavioral therapies can also enhance the effectiveness of medications and help people remain in treatment longer.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy seeks to help patients recognize, avoid, and cope with the situations in which they’re most likely to use drugs.
  • Contingency management uses positive reinforcement such as providing rewards or privileges for remaining drugfree, for attending and participating in counseling sessions, or for taking treatment medications as prescribed.
  • Motivational enhancement therapy uses strategies to make the most of people’s readiness to change their behavior and enter treatment.
  • Family therapy helps people with drug use problems, as well as their families, address influences on drug use patterns and improve overall family functioning.
  • Twelve-step facilitation is an individual therapy typically delivered in 12 weekly session to prepare people to become engaged in 12-step mutual support programs. 12-step programs, like Alcoholic Anonymous, are not medical treatments, but provide social and complementary support to those treatments. TSF follows the 12-step themes of acceptance, surrender, and active involvement in recovery.

Drug Addiction Treatment At Red Oak Recovery

At Red Oak Recovery, you will never face your substance use issues alone. Our staff has the training and spirit to ensure you feel comfortable and confident during treatment. Furthermore, our proven programs will help you develop an understanding of your substance use while giving you the tools for success in recovery.

Our programs include:

Our mens rehab program provides the specialized care you deserve. Recovery is different for everyone, and our gender-specific treatment will include a distinct rehab plan for each individual.

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Qualities Of Effective Addiction Rehab

The most effective treatment for substance abuse recognizes that everyone is different and requires an individualized approachone program is not necessarily better than another. The National Institute on Drug Abuse outlines the following 13 principles to help characterize effective substance abuse treatment:3

How Effective Is Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment


Research has shown that people who enter drug and/or alcohol addiction treatment programs, and remain in them for extended periods of time, are more likely to find treatment to be effective.13

Different factors contribute to more effective treatment, such as the length of treatment, the types of therapies, and the quality of the interaction between you and your treatment providers. Some of the positive outcomes you may expect with treatment include:13

  • Improved overall functioning in daily life.
  • Healthier relationships.
  • An improved sense of wellbeing.

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Why Do They Need To Be Administered By Professionals

Because these drugs can be abused, people who have legally prescribed medications for opioid addiction must obtain them from specialized clinics and take the drugs under a doctors strict supervision. Certain prescription medications can also interact poorly with other substances and medications. As always, it is critical that people take medications as directed by a medical professional.

Treating addiction and drug abuse requires an integrated treatment plan and access to a team of doctors and therapists. If you or someone you care about is struggling with substance use disorder, Mission Harbor Behavioral Health can help. Please contact Mission Harbor today to learn more about our treatment programs.

Mens Drug Addiction Treatment Program

Our mens program at Red Oak Recovery is one-of-a-kind. At our 32-bed mens campus, youll have the ability to experience the stunning views and peaceful wilderness of Leicester, North Carolina.

From spacious living areas to outdoor patios, our facility is designed to give you the peace and relaxation you need during treatment and recovery. Moreover, we give you the opportunity to enjoy some positive alternative activities during recovery with adventure and outdoor events.

Along with therapy and treatment, from meditation to yoga, you can free yourself from substance use, trauma, and mental health issues.

The beautiful landscape, which you can see for yourself on our photo video tour, and our fantastic staff at Red Oak Recovery make for your recoverys perfect environment. Having the support you need is vital, but the location and atmosphere can play a huge role in the success of your recovery.


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Criteria For Diagnosing A Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is often used as a synonym for a substance use disorder. Because it is characterized as a disorder, drug addiction is considered a medical problem.

A substance use disorder combines symptoms that fall into four separate categories:

  • Impaired control
  • Risky use
  • Pharmacological criteria
  • Addiction professionals use these criteria to diagnose and treat substance use disorders based on a persons behavior over a 12-month period. Substance use disorders are also broken down into specific drug types, such as opioid use disorders, alcohol use disorders and more.

    Types Of Treatment Methods

    Drug Addiction Treatment: Your Way to Sobriety
    • Short-term methods – last lessthan 6 months, include residential therapy, medication therapy, and drugfree outpatient therapy
    • Long-term methods – may includemedication therapy such as methadone maintenance outpatient treatment foropiate addicts and residential therapeutic treatment
    • Outpatient drug free treatment-does not include medication and encompasses a wide variety of programsfor patients that visit a clinic at regular intervals. Involves individualor group counseling. Generally, patients entering this type of program do not abuse opiates, or are opiate abusers for whom maintenancetherapy is needed. Generally these patients have stable lives and onlybrief histories of drug dependence
    • Therapeutic Communities – highlystructured communities where patients stay for 6-12 months. Patientsgenerally have long histories of drug dependence, involvement in seriouscriminal activities, and seriously impaired social functioning. Thistype of program focuses on the resocialization of the patient to a drugfree and crime free lifestyle.
    • Short-term residential programs– “chemical dependency units,” based on the “Minnesota Model” of treatmentfor alcoholism. Involve 3- to 6-week inpatient treatment phase followedby an extended outpatient therapy in a 12-step self-help group such asNarcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous.

    Is treatment worth it?

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    Drug Abuse Vs Drug Addiction

    Often used interchangeably, the terms drug abuse and drug addiction have unique implications and meanings.

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders once referred to substance abuse and substance dependence as diagnostic terms. In the updated fifth edition , however, these terms are replaced by the singular substance use disorder. This is further categorized into mild, moderate and severe to refer to the physical and mental impairments caused by substance use.

    Finding Quality Treatment For Substance Use Disorders

    This fact sheet serves as a guide for individuals seeking behavioral health treatment. It provides three necessary steps to complete prior to utilizing a treatment center and the five signs of a quality treatment center, which include a review of the accreditation, medication, evidence-based practices, position on the role of families, and support networks.

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    Treatment Of Addictive Disorders

    Because chemical dependence is a complex disorder, effective treatment requires interventions that address the physical health, mental health, and interpersonal relationships of the affected individual. Therefore, the treatment process must be comprehensive and address the multiple and complex needs of addicted individuals and their families.

    Essential elements of comprehensive treatment for addictive disorders consist of many components, some of which should be employed for every person and some only for certain individuals. To the extent possible, the individual’s family should be engaged in part of the treatment process. The components include the following:

    • Detoxification and medical management of withdrawal symptoms, if needed
    • a comprehensive evaluation of the nature of use, and strengths and needs of the individual which results in a diagnosis
    • an individualized treatment plan which is developed with the patient and is modified as the individual progresses
    • pharmacological therapy, when appropriate
    • monitoring of continued abstinence from alcohol and/or other substances
    • vocational and educational assistance
    • continuing care and
    • self-help or peer support as a complement to professional treatment.

    The Role Of Shame And Trauma In Addiction

    What causes opioid addiction, and why is it so tough to combat? – Mike Davis

    Traumawhether emotional or physicalis a significant risk factor for addiction. Trauma overwhelms a persons capacity to cope and the effects can last for decades. The CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study is one of the largest investigations of childhood abuse and neglect and resulting challenges in health and well-being ever done. 7

    The original ACE Study was conducted from 1995 to 1997. Thousands of children were studied, and the results found a strong correlation between exposure to abuse or household dysfunction during childhood and multiple risk factors including the development of addiction.

    Trauma can include experiencing fairly common events like divorce, surviving a bad car accident, or a natural disaster. Perhaps you grew up in a household with a mentally ill parent or a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol. Maybe you were raped or sexually assaulted.

    All of these experiences have the potential to leave traumatic scarring. Trauma can leave its heartbreaking mark on the mind, heart, and body. One way to cope with the impact is through addiction.

    Many clinicians find trauma to be common among those suffering from addiction, although the exact relationship of trauma to addiction is still unclear.8

    Trauma can impair the ability to self-regulate and to form healthy attachments. If you grew up with a parent who ignored or trivialized your needs, you learn that asking for help is dangerous.

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    Who Is At Risk For Substance Use Disorder

    Anyone can develop a substance use disorder. No one thing can predict whether a person may develop an addiction. You may be more prone to drug use due to:

    • Biology: The persons genetic makeup, gender, ethnicity and mental health issues may raise his or her risk for developing an addiction. About two-thirds of people in addiction treatment are men. Particular ethnicities are at higher risk for substance use disorder. This is true for Native Americans.
    • Environment: Surroundings can affect the likelihood of developing substance use disorder. For example, stress, peer pressure, physical or sexual abuse and early exposure to drugs can raise the risk.
    • Age: Teenagers who start taking drugs are especially at risk. The parts of the brain that control judgment, decisions and self-control are not fully developed. Teens are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. In a developing brain, drugs can cause changes that make addiction more likely.

    Effect Of Drug Addiction On The Brain

    All types of drugs affect the brains reward system. Drugs physically change how your brain functions and interfere with the ability to make decisions. Misuse of drugs can also lead to various behavioural changes and problems, both short-term and long-term.

    Here are some effects of drug addiction in your brain:

    • Altered brain functions
    • Drug viewed as necessary to survival
    • Inability to feel pleasure without drugs

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    Therapy For Prescription Drug Addiction

    Living with drug addiction can be very isolating. Therapy can be a useful tool to help over come drug addiction.

    Some effective therapy methods for drug addiction include:

    • Individual therapy:One-on-one sessions, typically weekly, with a therapist trained in addictions. May include talk therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy to examine automatic or negative thought patterns and replace them with healthier thoughts.
    • Group therapy:Hearing the experiences of others with similar experiences can be significant to recovery and sobriety. Research has shown that group therapy leads to positive outcomes.
    • Family therapy: Family therapy encourages all family members to make specific positive changes while the person in recovery works through their issues.
    • Support groups:Support groups can include Alcoholics Anonymous , Narcotics Anonymous , and SMART Recovery . Support groups are often available at community centers and online.

    Studies show that social connections with family, groups, community, and friends have positive impacts on recovery.

    What Medications Are Used In Addiction Treatment

    Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction

    Addiction is a chronic, lifelong condition that can completely disrupt a persons life. While it is possible to treat addiction and maintain lifelong sobriety, achieving initial sobriety without outside help and intervention from medical professionals is extremely difficult, and also lessens a persons chances of success. Because addiction is such a chronic and serious disease, treating the disorder requires a holistic, integrated, and multi-pronged approach from a team of qualified medical professionals and therapists.

    Therapy, both group and individual, and aftercare support are adequate for addressing the root causes of addiction, and the various mental and emotional issues that trigger drug abuse. Using prescription medications during the detox and rehab timeline can also significantly reduce a persons chances of relapse, and medications can even reverse, prevent, and lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, psychiatric medications are also needed to alleviate symptoms that can trigger drug or alcohol use in vulnerable patients. While medications can come with certain risks of their own, using them to treat addiction is still a highly effective way to help patients through the often painful withdrawal process and avoid relapse.

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    Caffeine Intoxication And Withdrawal

    Caffeine intoxication and caffeine withdrawal are included in DSM-5. Caffeine use disorder, however, is in the section of DSM-5 for conditions requiring further research. While there is evidence to support this as a disorder, experts conclude it is not yet clear to what extent it is a clinically significant disorder.

    Detox: The Beginning Of Drug Addiction Treatment

    Usually, the first step of drug addiction treatment is detox. This occurs when a person who has been abusing an addictive substance for some time is treated medically for the symptoms of withdrawal. In this stage, depending on the drug you use, you may be slowly weaned off the substance or your individual symptoms will be treated with other medications.

    It is extremely important that you do not attempt to detox from a drug you have been abusing while at home. There are several reasons for this:

    Withdrawal symptoms can begin to occur anywhere between a few hours and a few days after your last use of the substance.

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    Why Do People With Substance Use Disorder Need More And More Drugs Over Time

    People feel intoxicated after using drugs. Over time, the brain is changed by drugs. The brain becomes desensitized to the drug so that more of the drug must be used to produce the same effect.

    As the person consumes more, drugs start to take over the persons life. One may stop enjoying other aspects of life. For many people, social, family and work obligations fall to the side. The person with SUD starts to feel like somethings wrong if he or she isnt under the influence of the substance. They may become consumed with the need to recapture that original feeling.

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