Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Get Addicted To Fentanyl

Signs And Symptoms Of Fentanyl Abuse

Recovering fentanyl addict speaks out about dangers of the drug

Fentanyl is one of the strongest opiate drugs on the market. It is not a long-lasting drug so it is often used for surgery recovery and for breakthrough painmeaning that when a person is already taking an opiate but has temporary pain that breaks through the opiate barrier, they may be given fentanyl.

Time-release formulations for fentanyl provide strong pain relief over time. They come in two formsa lollipop and a patch. Fentanyl also comes as a small piece of film that can be dissolved under the tongue and a pill meant to be lodged inside the cheek. In hospital settings, fentanyl can be injected. For the individual abusing the drug outside a hospital, this is highly dangerous, as the difference between a therapeutic dose and a deadly dose is very small.

The Science Statistics Of Fentanyl

Fentanyl produces a sense of euphoria and pleasant sedation. Many users start seeking out that high feeling and rush of euphoria to drown out their emotional pain. Fentanyl interacts with opioid receptors in the brains reward areas, reinforcing repeated use and abuse.

  • Fentanyl is an extremely strong painkiller, approximately 100 times the strength of morphine.
  • It depresses breathing and fentanyl overdose fatalities are invariably due to respiratory failure.
  • Fentanyl abuse is on the rise as shown by the more than tenfold increase in fentanyl-related deaths between 2005 and 2006.
  • There are several ways of administering fentanyl, which include intravenous injections , a mouth spray , dissolving tablets , skin patches for slow release , or oral lozenges and lollipops for children or adults .

Making The Move Into Treatment

Just because you cant convince your child right away to get treatment, that doesnt mean its the end of the road. Guiding them toward recovery can be difficult, especially with the whirlwind of emotions that youre probably feeling. But you can help your child, and there are some crucial steps that will make the process much more effective.

It might take a few tries, but never give up. With the right tools and help, you can break through your childs fentanyl addiction and help them begin on their path to recovery. And once they embark on this path, they will see the potential they have to create a new life.

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How Can You Identify A Counterfeit Pill

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, many counterfeit pills are made to look like prescription opioids such as oxycodone , hydrocodone , and alprazolam or stimulants like amphetamines . Others are imprinted with M30 and known as Blues or Oxy 30s.

Bottom line: Never trust yourself to determine if a pill is legitimate. The only safe medications are those prescribed by a trusted medical professional and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.

Who Can And Cannot Take Fentanyl

Detox &  Withdrawal from Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl can be used by most adults.

Some patches can be used in children from the age of 2 years and over. However, young children and older people are more likely to get side effects.

Fentanyl patches are usually only used if youâve already been taking other strong opioid painkillers. Your doctor will work out how much fentanyl to give you depending on what dose of other opioids you have been taking. This is to reduce the risk of an overdose.

Fentanyl is not suitable for some people. Tell your doctor before starting this medicine if you:

  • have ever had an allergic reaction to fentanyl or any other medicines
  • have breathing difficulties such as asthma or a lung condition
  • are addicted to alcohol or a heavy drinker
  • have a head injury or condition that causes fits or seizures
  • have irregular heartbeats
  • are trying to get pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding

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Fentanyl May Cause Side Effects Tell Your Doctor If Any Of These Symptoms Are Severe Or Do Not Go Away:

  • difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • sudden reddening of the face, neck, or upper chest
  • uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body

Fentanyl may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while using this medication.

If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online or by phone .

Factors That Influence The Elimination Time

Like fentanyl half-life depicts, this substance stays in human systems for certain periods of time. However, the elimination times differ from person to person. Several factors could be responsible for the different duration in ones body.

They Include:

Fentanyl is a potent opioid, and many factors can influence its elimination from the system, such as age, dosage and even ingestion route. However, if one is concerned about not testing positive for this drug, it can be dangerous to quit cold turkey. The most effective way is tapering off slowly under medical supervision. Treatment centers have all the necessary tools to help a patient go through fentanyl withdrawal safely and without complications. If one is worried about an addiction that has already developed in them or their loved one, enrolling in an inpatient treatment program is a good way to overcome it.

Hope Without Commitment

  • Carlos F. Ramos-Matos Karlyle G. Bistas Wilfredo Lopez-Ojeda. Fentanyl.
  • Evan D. Kharasch. Opioid half-lives and hemlines: The long and short of fashion.
  • Zachary Dezman, Bradford Schwartz, Amy Billing, Ebonie Massey, Erin Artigiani, Julie Factor Eric D. Wish, Notes from the Field: High Prevalence of Fentanyl Detected by the Maryland Emergency Department Drug Surveillance System Baltimore, Maryland, 2019.
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    How Long Does It Take To Detox From Fentanyl

    In recent years, fentanyl has become one of the deadliest drugs in the United States. Fentanyl is a Schedule II opioid drug commonly prescribed by U.S. doctors to treat severe pain, but can also be illicitly purchased on the streets and from China via the Internet. Fentanyl is up to 50 times stronger than heroin, and up to 100 times than morphine. Only two milligrams of this drug can trigger an overdose and cause death.

    Fentanyl is highly addictive, and can quickly lead to physical dependence when misused. Thousands of Americans are suffering overdoses associated with this powerful, potent drug including emergency responders who accidentally come into contact with fentanyl when arriving at overdose scenes. Though fentanyl is extremely dangerous and can lead to death after just one use, detoxing or withdrawing from this drug comes with its own serious risks due to the severe effects of this substance on the brain and body.

    Continuing fentanyl use can drastically increase ones risk for an overdose and death, but a professional fentanyl detox can help individuals safely quit using with a lowered risk for complications.

    So, exactly how long does it take to detox from fentanyl? Heres what you need to know about fentanyl detox, and how you or your loved one can stay addiction-free after overcoming fentanyl dependence and addiction.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Fentanyl Addiction

    Inside the struggle to live a normal life addicted to fentanyl

    Teens who use fentanyl often show signs of typical drug-addicted behavior cravings for the drug, compulsive use and impaired judgement. They may also experience a wide range of physical symptoms such as blurred vision, slurred or slow speech, drowsiness, confusion, nausea and slowed breathing.

    An addiction to fentanyl also causes many young users to ignore their relationships and responsibilities: withdrawal from family or social events, absences or poor performance at school, abandoning hobbies or activities that they once found enjoyable, and the inability to perform even the most routine chores and activities.

    Other signs of a teen fentanyl addiction include:

    • Needing more and more of the drug to attain a high
    • Constantly thinking about how to get more fentanyl
    • Forging prescriptions

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    How Do People Use Fentanyl

    When prescribed by a doctor, fentanyl can be given as a shot, a patch that is put on a persons skin, or as lozenges that are sucked like cough drops.6

    The illegally used fentanyl most often associated with recent overdoses is made in labs. This synthetic fentanyl is sold illegally as a powder, dropped onto blotter paper, put in eye droppers and nasal sprays, or made into pills that look like other prescription opioids.7

    Some drug dealers are mixing fentanyl with other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and MDMA. This is because it takes very little to produce a high with fentanyl, making it a cheaper option. This is especially risky when people taking drugs dont realize they might contain fentanyl as a cheap but dangerous additive. They might be taking stronger opioids than their bodies are used to and can be more likely to overdose. To learn more about the mixture of fentanyl into other drugs, visit the Drug Enforcement Administrations Drug Facts on fentanyl.

    What Are The Signs Of Fentanyl Addiction

    Supporting your loved one who is taking fentanyl means taking the time to learn the signs of fentanyl addiction. Its worth being wary even if your loved one is taking fentanyl purely as prescribed. Taking this drug always involves some risk of developing physical dependence or addiction.

    The symptoms of fentanyl use are many. Thats true even if it is taken as prescribed. However, when abused, the symptoms of fentanyl can be severe, if not life-threatening. Common symptoms of fentanyl use include:

    • Tight chest, chest pain, or labored breathing
    • Mood swings, potentially even manifesting as outright anxiety or depression
    • Dizziness and confusion
    • Fever and chills

    Those are simply the physical signs of fentanyl use. They may be present alongside an addiction, or they may not. Either way, as a loved one, it can be hard to recognize the symptoms of fentanyl addiction since you are not the one experiencing them. Most of those symptoms are easily disguised. Even fentanyl withdrawal symptoms may not be entirely apparent.

    Its worth paying attention to see if you notice patterns or recurring symptoms in your loved one. But the symptoms of fentanyl use are just one category of signs to watch for. The other category is related to behavior.

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    The Benefits Of Fentanyl Addiction Treatment

    Seeking help for fentanyl addiction is one of the boldest decisions you can make, but you never have to approach it on your own. Rehab centers can provide the stability, support and confidence you need to beat addiction and achieve a happier and healthier lifestyle. Appreciate several benefits of fentanyl addiction treatment:

    Signs Of Opioid Use Disorder

    Can Touching Fentanyl Kill You?

    When a person develops an addiction to an opioid drug like fentanyl, a doctor will diagnose an opioid use disorder, which is the clinical term for addiction. The diagnostic criteria for this disorder, which are also signs of fentanyl addiction, are as follows:

    • Taking larger doses of fentanyl than intended
    • Being unable to cut back on fentanyl use
    • Intense fentanyl cravings
    • Giving up other activities because of fentanyl abuse
    • Continuing to use fentanyl even when it causes or makes a physical or mental health problem worse
    • Using fentanyl even when it causes relationship problems
    • Being unable to fulfill duties at work or home because of fentanyl use
    • Spending significant amounts of time using fentanyl and recovering from its side effects
    • Using fentanyl even when it is physically dangerous, such as driving while under the influence of the drug
    • Showing fentanyl tolerance
    • Developing fentanyl withdrawal symptoms when not using

    Keep in mind that someone who has a fentanyl addiction may actually believe they are using heroin since fentanyl mixed with heroin provides a stronger high at low doses, making it an attractive option for drug dealers looking to make the most profit. Heroin users may be unknowingly ingesting fentanyl that dealers are mixing with other drugs.

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    Types Of Rehab Programs For Drug Abuse

    The type of treatment recommended depends on the duration and severity of the opiate use disorder, as well as taking co-occurring mental health conditions into account. When it comes to fentanyl, detoxification is necessary in almost all instances, with medication playing a key role in managing withdrawal symptoms and staving off cravings.

    Many peoples recovery journey looks like this: medical detox, inpatient rehab treatment, stepping down to outpatient treatment and finally remaining in some form of aftercare indefinitely. However, the road to recovery doesnt look the same for any two people, and its not always linear.

    Treating A Fentanyl Addiction At Midwest Detox Center

    The best thing for your loved one struggling with a fentanyl addiction is to get them help through a specialized treatment provider like Midwest Detox Center. Addiction treatment centers understand the symptoms of fentanyl addiction and provide a safe, stable environment to detox. Going through detox from fentanyl can be an uncomfortable process due to withdrawal symptoms of fentanyl addiction. Let the support and care at Midwest Detox Center lay the groundwork for a successful recovery for your loved one.

    Your role as a source of support is not done once you recognize the signs of fentanyl addiction. But you are not meant to solve your loved ones addiction on your own. Midwest Detox Centers evidence-based therapies, resources, and top-notch amenities are ready to support you and your loved one.

    Contact us at to learn more about Midwest Detox Centers fentanyl addiction treatment program.

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    What Are The Effects Of Fentanyl Abuse And Dependence

    The side effects of fentanyl abuse and dependence can be very dangerous and even deadly. Fentanyl binds to the opioid receptors, which is a chronic relapsing brain disease. People who are addicted to fentanyl will continue to use the drug, even though they know its harming them.

    Fentanyl dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the effects of fentanyl and needs the drug to function normally. As fentanyl withdrawal progresses, other symptoms emerge.

    The fentanyl withdrawal timeline can last for weeks or months depending on how long fentanyl was abused and how much fentanyl was taken. The fentanyl withdrawal timeline also depends on whether medications were used to stop fentanyl abuse and which medications were used.

    Withdrawal symptoms can be very severe, including:

    Therapies For Fentanyl Addiction Treatment

    Specialist discusses dangers of Fentanyl, how to get help

    Effective treatment for fentanyl addiction will depend on a persons unique background, circumstances, and personal needs.

    Services offered in comprehensive fentanyl rehab program may include:7

    • Individual therapy

    While different holistic therapies will benefit certain people more than others, complementary approaches cannot replace evidence-based addiction treatment.11 Talk with your treatment provider to ensure that any supplementary treatment interventions you choose meet your overall recovery goals.

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    Warning Signs Of Fentanyl Addiction

    The side effects of fentanyl, as aforementioned, come on rapidly upon administration of the drug. When mixed with street-sold drugs, its potency, effects, and potential dangers are even more amplified. If you believe your teen is abusing fentanyl, or any drugs that could potentially contain fentanyl, take action and seek professional help immediately. Opiate overdose can cause a person to stop breathing with fentanyl, this effect happens quickly.

    Symptoms of fentanyl abuse can include:

    • Constant headaches

    As We Mentioned Earlier Fentanyl Withdrawal Can Become Quite Severe In Most Cases People Are Often Not Aware Of How Bad It Can Get And May Have Only Experienced Mild Withdrawal When Missing Their Dose

    Detoxing helps because it removes those harmful toxins from the body. When it is done correctly, it can reduce the severity of symptoms while also reducing the risk of complications.

    When it comes to stopping the use of Fentanyl, detoxing is a requirement for safety reasons. There are several different forms of treatment that may be prescribed.

    Holistic Detox and Withdrawal Treatments

    Holistic withdrawal treatment should also be the standard for the best drug detox programs. This is because the body is very good at detoxing on its own when it is in good health. Unfortunately, drug abuse takes quite a toll, and the kidneys and liver often suffer as a result.

    By making certain dietary changes and adding exercise, the body can be brought into a better state of health. It can also help with teaching the brain how to release the right amount of dopamine again.

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    How Can A Fentanyl Overdose Be Treated

    As mentioned above, many drug dealers mix the cheaper fentanyl with other drugs like heroin, cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine to increase their profits, making it often difficult to know which drug is causing the overdose. Naloxone is a medicine that can treat a fentanyl overdose when given right away. It works by rapidly binding to opioid receptors and blocking the effects of opioid drugs. But fentanyl is stronger than other opioid drugs like morphine and might require multiple doses of naloxone.

    Because of this, if you suspect someone has overdosed, the most important step to take is to call 911 so they can receive immediate medical attention. Once medical personnel arrive, they will administer naloxone if they suspect an opioid drug is involved.

    Naloxone is available as an injectable solution and nasal sprays .

    People who are given naloxone should be monitored for another two hours after the last dose of naloxone is given to make sure breathing does not slow or stop.

    Some states have passed laws that allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone without a personal prescription. Friends, family, and others in the community can use the nasal spray versions of naloxone to save someone who is overdosing.

    Read more in Naloxone DrugFacts.

    People Who Understand Your Struggle

    its like pulling teeth no treatment bed for b c fentanyl addict

    With the right fentanyl addiction treatment programs, you never have to feel alone. Group therapy and individual counseling offer a safe space for people struggling with fentanyl use. When youre with people treading the same healing path as you, you will feel less alone and more motivated to fight for your sobriety.

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