Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Fight Food Addiction

What Are Among The Most Addictive Foods

How to Fight a Food Addiction

Theyre usually the best tasting ones. And thats maddening. A food addiction researcher gave her rundown in a recent study. The results showed that processed foods higher in fat and glycemic load were most frequently associated with addictive-like eating behaviors. Heres a few of the most addictive foods:

As is the case with everything in life, moderation is key. If youre going to have a glass of red wine at dinner for heart health, have one, not four. If youre going to have a cheat day once a week, try and stick to it. Dont weave your way through the kitchen to plunder your snack drawer every day. Also: It might be wise to avoid having a snack drawer at all.

Help For Food Addiction

Science is still working to understand and find treatments for food addiction.

Some argue that recovery from food addiction may be more complicated than recovery from other kinds of addictions. Alcoholics, for example, can ultimately abstain from drinking alcohol. But people who are addicted to food still need to eat.

A nutritionist, psychologist, or doctor who is educated about food addiction may be able to help you break the cycle of compulsive overeating.

There are also a growing number of programs that help people who are addicted to food. Some, like Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, are based on the 12-step program that has helped many people addicted to alcohol, drugs, or gambling.

Others, like Food Addicts Anonymous, use the principles of the 12-step program along with strict diets that advise people to abstain from problem ingredients, like sugar, refined flour, and wheat.Ã

Signs Of Food Addiction

Researchers at Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Science & Policy have developed a questionnaire to identify people with food addictions.

Here’s a sample of questions that can help determine if you have a food addiction. Do these actions apply to you? Do you:

  • End up eating more than planned when you start eating certain foods
  • Keep eating certain foods even if you’re no longer hungry
  • Eat to the point of feeling ill
  • Worry about not eating certain types of foods or worry about cutting down on certain types of foods
  • When certain foods aren’t available, go out of your way to obtain them

The questionnaire also asks about the impact of your relationship with food on your personal life. Ask yourself if these situations apply to you:

  • You eat certain foods so often or in such large amounts that you start eating food instead of working, spending time with the family, or doing recreational activities.
  • You avoid professional or social situations where certain foods are available because of fear of overeating.
  • You have problems functioning effectively at your job or school because of food and eating.

The questionnaire asks about psychological withdrawal symptoms. For example, when you cut down on certain foods , do you have symptoms such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Other physical symptoms

The questionnaire also tries to gauge the impact of food decisions on your emotions. Do these situations apply to you?

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Why Is Professional Help Necessary

Self-discipline doesnt work with addictions, as addictions are about an imbalance in the brain. If youre a sugar addict, youre more prone to binge eating behavior because of insulin spikes and reward system imbalance. Your family history and emotional traumas also matter. In addition to that, fighting an addiction without social support is more complicated than you think.

Another argument that proves the necessity of psychological help for food addicts is a so-called grazing. This is a phenomenon when obese patients cannot stop their eating behaviors even after bypass surgery. They physically cannot eat in large quantities, so they continue their eating behavior and overeat by consuming food in small portions but during the whole day.

Food addiction experts prescribe a complex treatment. Sometimes it contains 12-step addiction programs. It can include cognitive therapy, emotional brain training, participating in recovery groups, like Overeaters anonymous or Food addicts anonymous for social support, and, occasionally, medicines that suppress hunger and appetite.

How To Overcome Food Addiction

How to Fight a Food Addiction

The effects of certain foods on the brain make it hard for some people to avoid them.

Food addiction operates similarly to other addictions, which explains why some people cant control themselves around certain foods no matter how hard they try.

Despite not wanting to, they may repeatedly find themselves eating large amounts of unhealthy foods knowing that doing so may cause harm.

This article examines food addiction and provides tips to overcome it.

Food addiction is an addiction to junk food and comparable to drug addiction.

Its a relatively new and controversial term, and high quality statistics on its prevalence are lacking .

Food addiction is similar to several other disorders, including binge eating disorder, bulimia, compulsive overeating, and other feeding and eating disorders.


Food addiction is a highly controversial concept, though most studies suggest it exists. It works similarly to drug addiction.

2 ).

Processed junk foods have a powerful effect on the reward centers of the brain. These effects are caused by brain neurotransmitters like dopamine .

The most problematic foods include typical junk foods like candy, sugary soda, and high fat fried foods.

Food addiction is not caused by a lack of willpower but believed to be caused by a dopamine signal that affects the biochemistry of the brain .


Food addiction is thought to involve the same neurotransmitters and areas of the brain as drug addiction.

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Food Addiction: How Do You Combat Those Cravings

A whiff of something enticing hits you and you immediately wonder what it is. You have to identify the smell. Before you know it, the scent has started a tango between your brain and your stomach. When you finally walk by a burger joint, pastry shop, or a place serving one of your favorites, its hard to turn off the craving.

This scene happens to everyone, even if your tummy is full. Thats because everybody has strong connections to different foods. Its part of everyday life in a world full of potential food addictions. Yes, theyre real, and food addictions are hard to break.

But how, exactly, do you know when youre addicted to a food or beverage? The answers are below. Youll find out how your tastiest choices consistently register in your memory and what causes food addiction. With that brings the usual internal battles like how to pace or limit yourself in the face of your delicious addictions. Youll find tips for accomplishing that tough task, too.

Mental Hack #: Cognitive Control

Cognitive control revolves all around how you view food, and I divide it into two broad categories:

  • Mental chatter
  • Personal rules
  • Theres often a lot of self-talk going on when we try to fight foods . And what usually ends up happening is that the more time we try to talk ourselves out of something, the stronger it becomes and the more it steals our attention.

    Ever tried jumping off a high rock? The longer you wait and talk yourself up, the less chance you will actually jump.

    One of the easiest things you can do in regard to your mind is change the mental chatter.

    Rather than looking at cookies and ice cream and saying to yourself, Oh man those look good, tell yourself the truth, I know I cant just have one bite Im going to eat 20, and even remind yourself of your goals, tomorrow Im going to feel like crap and totally regret this.

    Jon Grant, at the university of Minnesota, asks patients with a history of shoplifting to write out a shopping list before they go to the grocery store and just put two items on the list: handcuffs, to remind them of their previous history, and a bologna sandwich, to remind them of what they were eating in jail.

    Basically this just jogs their memory and reminds them of the consequences of their behavior, and similar to saying Ill feel terrible after eating cookies, it instills a sense of guilt beforehand. .

    Food Rules

    Setting rules for your food is another way to beat using willpower.

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    What Makes Junk Food So Addictive

    Theres a lot of math and science that gets put into finding the perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat into food products to make it impossible to have just one bite. This is known as food engineering. Chemistry and technology are used to make food more addicting, and more profitable. When food companies create products with the perfect amount of salt, sugar, and fat, it is known as the bliss point. Its what makes junk food so irresistible. These processed foods stimulate the reward system in the brain in the same way that addictive drugs do.

    Its A Serious Problem

    How to Beat ANY Food Craving With “The 5 Minute Rule”

    Though the term addiction is often thrown around lightly, having a true addiction is a serious condition that typically requires treatment to overcome.

    The symptoms and thought processes associated with food addiction are similar to those of drug abuse. Its just a different substance, and the social consequences may be less severe.

    Food addiction can cause physical harm and lead to chronic health conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes .

    In addition, it may negatively impact a persons self-esteem and self-image, making them unhappy with their body.

    As with other addictions, food addiction may take an emotional toll and increase a persons risk of premature death.


    Food addiction increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Excessive weight may also affect a persons self-esteem.

    Completely avoiding junk foods may seem impossible. Theyre everywhere and a major part of modern culture.

    However, in some cases, entirely abstaining from certain trigger foods can become necessary.

    Once the firm decision to never eat these foods again is made, avoiding them may become easier, as the need to justify eating or not eating them is eliminated. Cravings may also disappear or decrease significantly.

    Consider writing a list of pros and cons to think through the decision.

    Write everything down no matter how peculiar or vain it may seem. Then compare the two lists and ask if its worth it.

    If the answer is a resounding yes, be assured that its the right decision.

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    Tip #: Only Insist On Eating When You Are Hungry

    Try to eat only three meals per day.

    If you must have a snack, insist on eating a healthy, sugar-free snack such as cashew nuts,Greek yogurt or almonds.

    Personally, I buy cashew nuts in bulk every Saturday.

    I buy 600g for £4.80 in ASDA .

    And make this last me all week.

    This works out at around £10.20 per kilogram.

    And I then split this amount so that it lasts for seven days. This ensures Im covered for snacks for an entire week.

    The Slippery Slope Of Food Addiction

    Someone doesnt just that she wants to feel out of control with food. Instead, its often a slippery slope that leads a person into an addiction with a particular food. Below are some of the warning signs and common traits among people suffering from a food addiction:

    • Changes in mood
    • Labeling food as good and bad
    • Restrictive dieting
    • Thinking about food all the time
    • Feeling unsatisfied even after meal times
    • Weight fluctuations and/or difficulty managing weight
    • Body dissatisfaction
    • Feeling disgusted, guilty or upset after eating
    • Feeling stressed or tension that is only relieved by eating

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    Medical Treatment For Food Addiction

    Several recent studies have elucidated the connection between food addiction and obesity . Brain imaging and other studies show the effect of compulsive overeating and reward centers of the brain. The same brain centers that are triggered by cocaine and heroin can also be activated by food. Just like addictive drugs, tasty foods trigger feel-good centers in the brain. As a result, people with food addiction eat when they are not hungry. They lose control over eating and spend a lot of time anticipating the emotional effects of overeating.

    Food addiction can have different symptoms including binge eating, intense cravings, sugar cravings, eating for pleasure, stress eating and binge eating. There can be especially intense cravings for sugar, fat and salt. Each of these types of unhealthy eating is related to brain signals for pleasure and reward, rather than for hunger. People with food addiction dont always respond to appetite suppressants because increased hunger is not the cause of overeating.

    People with food addiction can develop tolerance to food. They eat more and more but derive less and less pleasure because the food is less satisfying. This further stimulates overeating.

    Do you have a food addiction?

    • Do you eat more than planned with certain “trigger” foods?
    • Do you keep eating if you’re not hungry?
    • Do you eat to the point of feeling too full or sick?
    • Do you worry about food?
    • Do you go out of your way to obtain certain foods?

    S To Take Control Of Food Addiction

    17 Food Addiction Causing Things Review

    Addiction does not always have to involve an addictive substance or drug. It can involve excessive behavior such as compulsive eating too. While scientific studies in the area of food addiction is still in the beginning stages, many experts believe that addiction to food really isnt about the food.

    To elaborate further, foods do not have addictive properties that make someone depend on them, unlike chemical substances. Food addiction has more to do with how a person behaves around food, what they think about food, and the way habits are formed with food. The habits are the real source of the addiction.

    Also Check: How To Deal With An Addictive Personality

    Eating Despite Negative Effects

    People without any understanding of food addiction typically point to this action as the place where willpower should come in and solve the problem. What theyre failing to understand is that willpower is a sort of immaterial invention and doesnt really have a concrete, observable mechanism in our brain chemistry the way food addiction does. Our brains pleasure centers get all fired up over fast food, and that can lead to problems. One of the more serious signs that food addiction has progressed to a dangerous level is when we know precisely how its affecting our health or overall diet and we keep eating it anyway.

    Seeking Help For Your Food Addiction

    If you suffer from three or more of the above symptoms, then you may suffer from a food addiction.

    If so, then I urge you to consider seeking professional help.

    Often you will feel stigmatised because of your addiction to food. This is perfectly normal. People addicted to drugs and alcohol often do not seek out help because they are concerned they will damage their good image.

    Unfortunately, this negative belief also applies to food addiction.

    However, we urge you to get over these emotions and instead seek out professional help.

    Therapy is known to effectively treat food addiction. Therapy helps food addicts discover their triggers of addiction.

    For instance, cognitive-behavioural therapy may be used to identify dysfunctional emotions and through patterns that enable food addiction.

    CBT then seeks to challenge and re-write these beliefs to healthier, more rational alternatives.

    Furthermore, therapy typically includes an element of nutritional education.

    If you attend a residential or outclient food addiction centre, you will typically attend group and individual therapy sessions.

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    Eat A Well Balanced Diet

    Fad dieting, severe restriction and skipping meals will predispose you to binge eating and overconsumption at your next meal time. Dont do it. Follow a healthy, well-balanced meal plan with protein, high fibre carbohydrate, healthy fats and lots of fruit and vegetables.

    The most important thing to remember is to not give up. You want to change your eating habits and lifestyle forever, so give yourself a break if you have a relapse into old habits and try again tomorrow. The great thing about life is that its never too late.

    Here at The Healthy Eating Hub we are keen to help you kick your food addiction.

    If youd like further help with your nutrition please click below:

    The Signs And Symptoms Of Food Addiction

    How to Beat Food Addiction

    You might be wondering whether you show signs of food addiction.

    According to the available research, there are 12 criteria that underpin a food addiction diagnosis7Gearhardt AN, Corbin WR, Brownell K. Development of the Yale Food Addiction Scale Version 2.0. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2016 30:113..

    The 12 criteria are taken from the substance-use disorder diagnostic criteria but are assessed in the context of a persons eating behaviour:

  • A substance taken in larger amounts and for longer periods than intended
  • Persistent desire or repeated unsuccessful attempts to quit
  • Much time/activity to obtain, use, recover
  • Important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced
  • Use continues despite knowledge of adverse consequences
  • Tolerance
  • Characteristic withdrawal symptoms substance taken to relieve withdrawal
  • Continued use despite social or interpersonal problems
  • Failure to fulfil major role obligation
  • Use in physically hazardous situations
  • Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use
  • Use causes clinically significant impairment or distress
  • In order to receive a diagnosis of food addiction, the person must meet at least two of the above criteria plus show signs that their eating behaviour causes them clinically significant distress and impairment.

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    How Do We Change

    When drug addicts finally face their demons and attempt to break their addictions, they often separate from regular life. They spend time with counselors away from the general public. Theyre allowed to detox in a safe environment. Food addiction, as real as it may be, isnt treated in the same way. Why? Because food is legal. So how do we break a food addiction and reclaim our lives?

    • Transition to real food – Though its possible to be addicted to any food, the most addictive tend to be highly processed, sugar-filled, or fatty foods. If we can slowly wean ourselves onto whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, well be one step closer to breaking the addiction. Its a long and hard process, but it can work over a long period of time.
    • Seek professional help – Whether its through personal counseling or a 12-step program , professional help may be the only way to find success. Studies have proven that its not about willpower or moderation its about rewiring the brain and finding ways to deal with true addictive tendencies.
    • Seek to change your lifestyle –Food is part of our lifestyle. Its not a separate entity, and treating it that way wont work. To beat addiction, we must get away from things that trigger our brains to react. You may have to make new, supportive friends. You may have to avoid certain places. But changing your lifestyle is the way forward — and its the only way to save your health and potentially your life.

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