Friday, September 13, 2024

Helping Someone With An Addiction

Is Cocaine A Stimulant

How to Help Someone with an Alcohol Addiction | Akhil Anand, MD

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America. Although health care providers can use it for valid medical purposes, such as local anesthesia for some surgeries, recreational cocaine use and working out on cocaine are prohibited. You do not have to take cocaine daily to be addicted to it. A sign of addiction is that youve tried to stop but cannot.

Street dealers may mix cocaine with other drugs, such as the stimulant amphetamine or synthetic opioids, including fentanyl. Adding synthetic opioids to cocaine is especially treacherous when people using cocaine dont realize it contains this hazardous additive. Increasing overdose deaths among cocaine users might be related to this tampered cocaine.

Cocaine increases the natural chemical messenger dopamine levels in brain circuits related to controlling movement and reward. Normally, dopamine recycles back into the cell that released it, shutting off the signal between nerve cells. However, cocaine prevents dopamine from being recycled, causing large amounts to build up in the space between two nerve cells, stopping regular communication. This flood of dopamine in the brains reward circuit strongly reinforces drug-taking behaviors. The reward circuit may adapt with continued drug use, becoming less sensitive to the drug. As a result, people use more and more frequent doses to feel the same high and to obtain relief from withdrawal.

Dont: Violate Their Privacy

In taking care of yourself and attending therapy, you may be tempted to vent about your loved one with an addiction. While you should be as honest about your feelings as possible when getting therapy, its important to respect their privacy. This is especially relevant when discussing someone with addiction with friends or family.

Make sure the person is okay being talked about and having their struggles discussed. If you attend counseling with your loved one, make sure you dont reveal what was said in session to others. If your loved one attends therapy or counseling on their own and dont want to discuss what they talked about in session, respect that and dont push them for details.

Resources For Substance Use And Addiction Recovery

For help finding an addiction treatment program, you can call SAMHSAs National Helpline at . The free, confidential helpline is accessible 24 hours a day. Representatives can assist you in finding treatment, support groups, and community resources. You can also access SAMHSAs online Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, which allows you to search for local programs in your area.

Support groups for people with addictions and their loved ones are also available. These groups are free and offered in person and online. Some of the most common support groups are:

If your loved one is not ready to seek help, you can still attend these groups to get support for yourself or learn more about your loved ones experience with addiction. If you find yourself very distressed because of your friends or family members use, you may consider meeting with a professional to get your own support.

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How Can You Help A Loved One Get The Help They Need

Mention the word treatment in relation to substance use and many people think of long-term residential facilities or detox. In fact, treatment includes both of these options and a variety of others.

Treatment addresses the individuals physical, psychological, emotional, and social conditions. Sustained reduction in alcohol or other drug use and sustained increases in personal health and social function are the primary goals.

The type of treatment is based on the severity of the problem. For risky people with an active addiction, treatment can be as simple as a screening and a brief intervention. For people exhibiting signs of dependence or addiction, a screening will probably lead to a referral for more intense level of care.

All treatment starts with a screening, which is a series of questions about the amount and frequency of alcohol or other drug use and the consequences it may be causing. Screening can be done by many types of professionals, including a physician in a hospital or an office, a nurse, a clinical social worker, or a licensed substance abuse counselor.

To help someone you know who you think may have a substance use problem, you first need to get them screened. Your best bet is to talk to your own physician or employee assistance professional about referring you to someone who can help, such as a licensed substance abuse counselor or family therapist.

To find a treatment program, visit SAMHSAs Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator.

When Should I Seek Urgent Help

Get Drug Addiction Help Near Me in California

If a person is having an unusual reaction to a drug or if youre worried about your own or others safety call triple zero immediately.

Drugs and alcohol can affect people in different and unpredictable ways. Signs of an unusual or dangerous reaction to a drug can include:

  • blue fingernails or lips
  • becoming pale or sweaty

Its important to seek immediate medical attention even if youre worried the person might get into trouble for taking illegal drugs. Emergency services will only notify police if there is a risk to them or the persons own safety, the safety of others or if someone dies.

A persons parent or guardian will only be notified if they are under 18.

If a person becomes aggressive or violent after consuming drugs or alcohol, dont stay with them if your own safety is at risk. You can still help the person by calling triple zero once youre in a safe place.

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How Can I Find Help For Dealing With An Addict

If you are seeking help for dealing with your loved one, there are support groups that may be helpful to you, including:

  • Al-Anon, a support group for people who love someone with a substance use issue.
  • Codependents Anonymous, a support group for those who want to break free of codependent behaviors.
  • Go to 1-on-1 cognitive behavioral therapy, or another type of therapy that is right for you. This will help you deal with being a codependent person who loves someone struggling with a substance use disorder.

Creating A Support System

The first step in helping someone recover from addiction is to create a support system for the individual. While in treatment, counselors teach the recovering addict how to develop a peer support system and establish goals. If the recovering individual does not yet have friends who are in recovery, consider reaching out to friends who have built a good life. You may also be able to ask former addicts for advice. These people will be willing to listen and offer support.

In addition to providing support, a support system is a network of individuals or organizations that help a recovering addict stay clean and sober. Addiction is a complicated disease and requires assistance to overcome it. While your closest friends and family will most likely offer their support, a support system can also be an invaluable component of the recovery process. It can help reduce the risk of failure by allowing your loved one to know that there are people who will stand behind them.

A support system can include family members, friends, and spiritual leaders. These individuals can offer support and encouragement and provide an outlet for difficult emotions. They can also act as a sounding board for issues that arise from addiction. A support network helps someone in recovery overcome challenges and strengthen their convictions and commitment to recovery. And it doesnt matter how large or small the support system is, the presence of loved ones can be a huge help.

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How To Find Help For Drug Addiction Near Me

If you want to help your loved one recover and they agree to go to treatment, your next question may be where to find the drug addiction help your loved one needs. You might be in search of short-term detox programs near you or more long-term inpatient treatment. You can talk to a doctor or treatment specialist or research online resources including treatment directories. American Addiction Centers can help you find the best drug and alcohol treatment facilities near you and understand your options. Contact us for free at . You can also check your insurance coverage online now.

Helping Someone With An Alcohol Or Drug Problem

How to Support a Significant Other Battling Addiction

If somebody close to you has a problem with addiction you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to help them. Understandably you may be worried that you will say the wrong thing, make the person angry or defensive, and risk the relationship deteriorating further. Early recognition and the support of family and friends is extremely important.

If you wish to help your loved one recognise that they have an addiction, it can help to be prepared. Finding ways to express your worries, understanding how they may react, as well as taking care of yourself are all important steps in dealing with someone who has an addiction.

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Searching For An Accredited Drug Alcohol Or Mental Health Center Near You

Even if you have failed previously and relapsed, or are in the middle of a difficult crisis, we stand ready to support you. Our trusted behavioral health specialists will not give up on you. When you feel ready or just want someone to speak to about therapy alternatives to change your life call us. Even if we cannot assist you, we will lead you to wherever you can get support. There is no obligation. Call our hotline today.

How To Help Someone With Drug Addiction And Depression

People who are addicted to substances and deal with depression have two forces working against them at all times. Substances are often used to ease the pain of mental health conditions like depression.

If you get stuck in a cycle where your substance of choice is the only thing that feels like it alleviates your depression symptoms, its easy to fall into full-blown drug addiction.

Recognizing the signs that someone you know might be struggling with both, and offering up your support and guidance to the right resources, can lead to someone getting treatment. To do that, you need to understand depression, its causes and signs, and the symptoms that go with it. Then you can learn about ways to intervene and help out while avoiding a strain on your relationship.

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Seek Support For Yourself

Watching someone, you care about deal with addiction can be very difficult. It most likely causes a lot of stress that can impact you mentally and physically.

That is why you must take care of yourself as well. This could mean employing some self-care practices, like meditation or ensuring you get enough sleep and exercise.

There also are support groups for relatives and friends of people suffering from addiction. These can be a great resource, both in terms of advice and for camaraderiebeing around people who are going through the same things you are.

Finally, seeking therapy yourself can be both cathartic and instructive. Be sure to find a counselor who specializes in treating friends or family members of someone dealing with addiction.

Challenges Of Supporting A Person With Addiction

Addiction support services in British Columbia receive funding

Common challenges a person may experience when loving/supporting a person with an addiction can include:1, 7

  • Not having healthy boundaries. You might not be able to tell where you and your loved ones emotions end and begin. You might let them get away with behaviors that you wouldnt tolerate from others.
  • Stress. Supporting a loved one with an addiction can add stress to your life because youre not sure what they may do, how theyll act, or how to help them.
  • Neglecting your own needs. You may be so focused on the needs of your loved one, you may neglect your own physical or mental health needs.
  • Ignoring abuse or neglect. You might justify their behavior, make excuses, or say things like they cant help it.
  • Relationship conflict. You might have increased arguments or fights, which can be difficult especially if children are present.
  • Social isolation. You might feel embarrassed about the problem and avoid seeing friends or family or seeking help for yourself.

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How To Talk To Someone About Their Drug Abuse

Starting a conversation with someone about their drug addiction is never easy, but its important you come from a place of compassion and understanding. Remember, no one sets out to become an addict. Drug abuse is often a misguided attempt to cope with painful issues or mental health problems. Stress tends to fuel addictive behavior, so criticizing, demeaning, or shaming them will only push your loved one away and may even encourage them to seek further comfort in substance abuse.

Discovering someone you love has a drug problem can generate feelings of shock, fear, and anger, especially if its your child or teen whos using. These strong emotions can make communicating with a drug user even more challenging. So, its important to choose a time when youre both calm, sober, and free of distractions to talk. Offer your help and support without being judgmental.

Dont delay. You dont have to wait for your loved one to hit rock bottomto get arrested, lose their job, suffer a medical emergency, or publicly humiliate themselvesto speak out. The earlier an addiction is treated, the better.

Express your concerns honestly. Emphasize that you care for the person and are worried about their well-being. Offer specific examples of your loved ones drug-related behavior that have made you concernedand be honest about your own feelings.

Staging an intervention

What Are The Signs Of Alcohol Use In A Child Or Adult

Social drinking can easily slide into problem drinking without fanfare, but there are signs that should raise red flags. Obviously, frequently appearing intoxicated should set off alarms. Drinking that starts early in the day or before social functions is a warning sign, as is hiding ones drinking. Failing to meet obligations or sleeping through appointments is another serious sign, and such lapses may have repercussions such as problems at work or school. Alcohol use disorder also frequently manifests in problems of remembering or thinking. Questions about drinking may be met with anger, defensiveness, or denial.

Many teens experiment with alcohol. The vast majority of them do not become addicted. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration describes a number of signs suggesting a child is abusing alcohol. They include:

  • Mood changes including flare-ups of temper, irritability, and defensiveness
  • School problems such as poor attendance, a significant drop in grades, disciplinary action
  • Rebellion against family rules
  • Changes in friendship patterns switching friends, reluctance to bring new friends home
  • A change in appearance, lack of involvement in former interests
  • Alcohol presence: finding it in your childs room or backpack or smelling alcohol on his or her breath
  • Cognitive problems such as memory lapses and poor concentration
  • Physical changes such as bloodshot eyes, constricted or dilated pupils, lack of coordination, or slurred speech.

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Three: Seek Addiction Treatment For The Individual

Methamphetamine addiction treatment can be found in an inpatient and outpatient capacity as well as in long-term, short-term, and at free clinics. Fortunately, there are many resources for someone looking for methamphetamine addiction treatment, including directories such as SAMHSAs treatment facility locator.

According to the NIDAs Principles of Effective Treatment, treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective. In the case that the individual cannot be reasoned into attending treatment, inpatient centers often allow others to make that decision. Sanctions or enticements from family, employment settings, and/or the criminal justice system can significantly increase treatment entry, retention rates, and the ultimate success of drug treatment interventions.

If you seek treatment for the individual and they either voluntarily or involuntarily attend, they will be given

  • Medication to help curb the symptoms of withdrawal as well as any issues with stimulant-induced psychosis
  • Therapy sessions that will teach them how to fight their cravings and avoid triggers
  • Treatment for any co-occurring mental disorders as well as immediate treatment for any harmful physical ailments caused by the drug abuse
  • A safe environment in which to heal
  • The ability to see how their addiction is hurting them as well as you

How To Help Your Loved One Get Sober

Intervention: Jesses Drug Addiction Fueled by Difficult Past | A& E

Staging an intervention with friends and family members can generate support and convince your loved one that they need to break free of their distorted perceptions.

Having an addiction interventionist present can keep the conversation productive and moving in the right direction. They also will have expert insight and the ability to moderate from an objective perspective.

Offer positive words of encouragement to your loved one and be willing to listen. To become sober, they need a support system that wants to see them clean and believes theyre capable of it.

Following an intervention, seeking treatment through rehabilitation is vital in recovery.

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How Can Addiction Be Successfully Treated

Addiction is a chronic disease that causes significant changes in the way the brain functions and how a person behaves. It is characterized by the compulsive misuse of a substance, even though it brings about significant negative consequences. Addiction can be treated and managed successfully through evidence-based behavioral therapies and, in some cases, medication.4 Some rehab centers use alternative therapies in treating addiction.

Addiction develops after a person uses or misuses substances and then loses their ability to control their use, negatively affecting their home, work, school and/or family life.4 This loss of control is often fueled by the way the body adapts to regular exposure to a substance: tolerance and physical dependence.

Tolerance is characterized by the need to take more of a drug to keep feeling the desired effects.5 As an individual exposes their body to regular use of certain drugs, the body adapts to its constant presence. When the drug is taken away withdrawal symptoms emerge as the body re-adjusts to not having the drug anymore. This can lead to strong cravings for the substance to relieve uncomfortable or distressing withdrawal symptoms, and may result in an individual struggling to quit using and relapsing or returning to substance use.

Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction focuses on management of the disorder, much like the process of managing other chronic diseases, including asthma or heart disease.6

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