Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do I Break My Sugar Addiction

Eat Complex Carbs For Breakfast

Here’s How to Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days

When we crave something sweet it is often because we dont have enough glucose in our blood already. This then means that we are likely to want to get that sugar hit to give us the feeling of more energy, rather than remaining feeling tired and we turn to less healthy and unnatural sources to do this.

What you need to do then is to manage your energy levels so that you dont have those moments where theres no glucose in your blood. The way to accomplish this is by eating complex carbs. These are the carbs that dont taste sweet, but nevertheless contain glucose such as bread and pasta. When you eat these more complex forms, your body then has to work harder and take longer in order to break them down and release the sugar and this then means that you get a steady supply of sugar and energy throughout the day rather than a sudden hit. This doesnt cause the same insulin spike that leads to an energy trough, but it does mean your body is at no point craving energy in the same way. Eat a complex carb for breakfast and you wont start carving Kit Kats come 10am.

Set A Daily Sugar Quota Where It Matters Most

Eating and drinking too much sugar can lead to weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, note the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So focus on eating sweets when you enjoy them most. For many people, that means desserts. Dont waste it on hidden sugars in dressings, spreads, peanut butter, breakfast cereals, and soda, or added sugars in coffee or tea.

Once you reduce your sugar intake for the day, it will help you lose your sweet tooth. Again, sugar is incredibly addictive: The more you eat, the more addictive it becomes and the more it takes to satisfy you. The opposite is also true. As we eat less sugar, our tastebuds adapt and can be satisfied with less sweet options, says Eich.

Understanding Sugar’s Power Can Help To Set You Free

A friend and I were talking the other day about our addiction to sugar and fatty comfort foods .

We do so well for a while, and then somehow find ourselves back at it, eating large amounts of whatever the sweet food drug of the moment is. It’s a slippery slope we somehow find ourselves sliding down yet again.

I’ve written before about my challenges with emotional eating and have truly done so much better for many years. I get swept up by sugar cravings much more rarely and even now when I fall off the sugary treat wagon, I do it by eating large amounts of high fiber, all-natural, gluten-free, dairy-free treats.

The damage to my body is much less than in the days when my drug of choice was a cheap grocery store cake full of transfats and junk. But organic cane sugar is still sugar, and I simply can’t seem to use it in a healthy way. I end up on the same unhealthy, compulsive wagon again, albeit in a more nutritious form.

In whatever form, sugar has an unhealthy impact on my skin, my body, my moods, and my weight when I eat too much of it. I realized recently, while talking to my friend, that I need to take this issue more seriously than I ever have if I ever want to truly leave it behind.

Here are some strategies that we discussed that have been working for me:

1. Find rewards that really work.

Find ways to take care of yourself in place of sugar things that deeply nurture you without the side effects and addictions.

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Addiction To Sugar Is Real

If you are wondering if sugar addiction is a real problem, just talk to someone who has been overconsuming carbs and theyll tell you that saying no to sugar can be extremely difficult.

That once you trigger that area of the brain that rewards you for your sugary choice that its as if you have no control to say no.

But whats happening? Why is it that its difficult to just step away from high-carb foods? Well, its because our bodies are reacting in a physical way to the hidden sugars.

There are true physiological changes occurring in our brains every time we say yes to these foods. Each time we choose to indulge we reinforce the need for more.

If thats not enough, the pleasure areas of our brains are also very close to our pain centers, which can explain why withdrawal from sugar can be so painful.

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Break Your Sugar Addiction In 10 Days – Cleveland Clinic

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Signs Of A Sugar Addiction

Unlike many other substance use disorders or behavioral compulsions, sugar addiction is often easy to spot. The clearest signs of sugar addiction involve consumption of large amounts of food or drinks laden with sugar. The individual may eat constantly, eat to combat boredom, and become hyper and crash. They may even talk about craving sugar after stressful or irritating life experiences.

First Steps To Freedom

  • Start with eliminating all of the obvious sugars.
  • Toss the candy, cakes, cookies, and all items that include high fructose corn syrup. Beginning with these makes sense since processed sugars are the worse offenders.
  • Eliminate simple carbohydrates. These are the items that turn into sugar in your body quickly, bread, pasta, sodas, and fruit juices.
  • Examine what fruits you are consuming. Just because they are natural sugars does not mean you get an automatic free pass. Our bodies will still react to these natural sugars by raising our insulin levels. Once our insulin is raised it causes our sugar cravings to be magnified.
  • Avoid high carb root vegetables or at the very least reduce them to only occasional indulges.

You can find a complete list of low-carb keto foods here. For vegetarians and vegans, I have this guideto assist you.

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Be Patient With Yourself

Remember that breaking a sugar addiction takes time, so it’s important to be kind to yourself throughout the process. “Dealing with any kind of addiction takes time and effort,” Rebecca Lewis, registered dietitian at HelloFresh, told me. “Take it one day at a time and if you ‘fall off the horse’ don’t let your addiction spiral out of control, instead take a deep breath, remember this is a journey, and get back to recovery.”

We all slip up in the sweetness department, so just brush yourself off and try again.

What Should I Eat If I Crave Sugar

How To Break Your Sugar Addiction

19 Foods That Can Fight Sugar Cravings Fruit. When most people feel sugar cravings, they reach for high-fat, high-sugar foods like chocolate . Berries. Berries are an excellent, nutritious choice for stopping sugar cravings. Dark Chocolate. Snack Bars. Chia Seeds. Sugar-Free Chewing Gum or Mints. Legumes. Yogurt.

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How Long Does It Take To Break A Sugar Addiction

The Mayo Clinic recommends taking a two-week break from sugar to reset your body. This doesnt have to be an outright cleanse, but try to limit yourself to foods with little to no added sugars or sweeteners shoot for less than 5 grams of added sugars per serving. Start by cutting out sugary drinks.

Being Set Free From Sugar Will Be Worth The Work

Is all this work worth the effort? It is if you want to take your health back and truly be set free. Ill admit that the first few days and weeks will be the most challenging.

But after consistently turning down the temptation you will notice the desire for sweets to begin to subside. The more you surrender this area to God the easier it will be to pass the test.

Randy and I call this our Jesus and Keto Lifestyle. Because it wasnt until we combined our faith with a ketogenic diet that we began to experience real transformation. It finally put us on the path to being able to say no to sugar and yes to our health.

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Twelve Steps To Break Your Sugar Addiction

You got stressed out. Your unhealthy in-laws came for a visit. Your child was hospitalized. Theres a big project due at work and youre on a deadline and working 14 hours a day. Your mother fell and broke her hip. Your adult child moved back in. You were sick. Your partner has expressed displeasure and is blaming you. A relative has passed away and you are grieving.

If this wasnt bad enough, youve found yourself back into your favorite sugary treats, youre gaining weight, and you feel even worse. You cant figure out how to get out of this horrible cycle of weight gain, self-judgment and shame.

Sometimes there is no obvious stress. You didnt even notice until your clothes started feeling tight.

There is no reason to feel ashamed.

There is a good reason why you feel powerless and out of control. Scientific research clearly shows that sugar is a powerful drug.

In the brain, sugar increases dopamine levels that control the brain’s pleasure responses, exactly like many drugs of abuse such as tobacco, cocaine and morphine. As sugar addiction progresses, the increased dopamine leads to the opposite, a reduction in dopamine levels. Then you need higher amounts of sugar to get the same level of reward.

One or 2 cookies doesnt do it anymore. You need 5 or 6 or more – before you feel satisfied enough to stop.

Sugar is so powerful, it is 8 times more addictive than cocaine. Is it any wonder people suffer daily cravings for sugar?

How My Sugar Addiction Started

How to Break a Sugar Addiction

I know exactly how I got here, and it involved a lot of chocolate bars! You see, I just got back from an incredible hiking trip on the John Muir Trail through Californias Sierra Mountain Range. The scenery was truly epic. Awe inspiring at times. The food was not.

Soaring views

and re-hydrated Thai curry.

On this hiking trip, my diet consisted mainly of oatmeal, low-carb protein bars, beef jerky and other cured meats, nuts and nut butter, and various freeze-dried camping meals that only require the addition of boiling water to reconstitute. Oh, and a multi-vitamin.

Because my wife and I were often hiking for 10-hrs a day up and down mountain passes, I was trying to eat around 3500-cals a day. I dont usually count calories, but Id estimate thats about 1000-cals more than normal. It wasnt easy to eat that much, especially because so much the food wed packed didnt taste all that good.

For all my hard-gainer clients who are trying to add muscle and need to eat their faces off, I truly sympathise with the force feeding you endeavour to do.

It was around day five when I really went in on the chocolate bars. I ate at least two per day. Plus chocolate covered almonds and other snacks.

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How To Stop Sugar Cravings: 8 Tips To Use Right Now

If you’re craving sugar, here are some ways to tame those cravings.

But won’t eating more often mean overeating? Not if you follow Neville’s advice to break up your meals. For instance, have part of your breakfast — a slice of toast with peanut butter, perhaps — and save some yogurt for a mid-morning snack. “Break up lunch the same way to help avoid a mid-afternoon slump,” Neville says.


Sugar Addiction And Emotional Eating

Emotional eating and sugar addiction has been known to go hand-in-hand following a stressful day, handling social and emotional pressures, as well as dealing with lifes situations. People enduring emotional stress such as bullying, breakup, and other similar issues or dealing with a damaged reputation, and low self-esteem may result in comfort food such as chocolate, ice cream, candy, and others to deal with their problems.

Addiction to caramel can also accompany compulsive gambling or addiction to video games, when one mixes uncontrolled eating with prolonged playing games or slots.

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How Do I Detox From Sugar

7 tips to detox from sugar Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast with proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber-rich foods, and healthy fats can keep blood sugar balanced and prevent sugar cravings throughout the day. Start small. Eat more healthy fats. Add protein. Snack on fruit. Swap your drinks. Stay hydrated.

What Are You Craving

How to Break Your Sugar Addiction

Lastly, dont ignore why you are craving something. Its a sign that our brain is starving and our biochemistry is out of balance. Overconsumption of carbs can lead to a brain that is not properly nourished.

We have a and a Private Free FB Group you can join for added support. Randy and I want you to know that you are not alone in this battle, that there are people who want to stand beside you and encourage you on your decision.


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How Much Sugar Is Okay

If sugar is so bad for you, then is any amount of it okay? Sugar is not a required nutrient in the diet .

The Institute of Medicine, which sets the Recommended Dietary Allowances, has not issued a formal number for recommended or allowable grams of sugar per day one should consume.

The American Heart Association, however, suggests that the average man consumes no more than about 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day, and the average woman consumes no more than 6 teaspoons per day. That is about the amount in a 12-ounce can of soda.

Natural sugars, like those found in fruits and dairy milk, do not count. The focus is on added sugar, found primarily in things like ice cream, candy, cakes, cookies, regular sodas, and other ultra-processed foods.

How To Stop Sugar Cravings: 5 Tips For The Long Term

One of the best ways to manage sugar cravings is to stop them before they start. To help you do that:

  • Skip artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners may sound like a great idea, but “they dont lessen cravings for sugar and havent demonstrated a positive effect on our obesity epidemic,” says Grotto, author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life.
  • Reward yourself for successfully managing sugar cravings. Your reward could be large or small. Remember why youre working on it and then reward yourself for each successful step.
  • Slow down. For one week, focus on your sugar cravings and think about what youre eating, suggests Chambers. Diet mayhem often results from lack of planning. So slow down, plan, “and eat what you intend to eat, instead of eating when youre desperate,” Chambers says.
  • Get support. Many people turn to sweet foods when they’re stressed, depressed, or angry. But food doesn’t solve emotional issues. Consider whether emotions are involved in your sugar cravings and whether you need help to find other solutions to those emotional problems.
  • Mix it up. You may need more than one strategy to thwart sugar cravings. One week you may find success with one tactic, and another week calls for an alternative approach. Whats important is to have a bag of tricks to try, Gerbstadt tells WebMD. To tame sugar cravings, you really need to “figure out what works for you,” Neville says.

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How To Break Your Sugar Addiction

by Dr. Susan Biali | May 23, 2014 | Health and Nutrition |

A friend and I were talking the other day about our addiction to sugar and related sweet, fatty comfort foods . We do so well for a while, and then somehow find ourselves back at it, eating large amounts of whatever the sweet food drug of the moment is. Its a slippery slope we somehow find ourselves sliding down yet again.

Ive written before about my challenges with emotional eating and have truly done so much better for many years. I get swept up by sugar cravings much more rarely and even now, when I fall off the sugary treat wagon, I do it by eating large amounts of high fiber, all natural, gluten-free, dairy-free treats. The damage to my body is much less than in the days when my drug of choice was a cheap grocery store cake full of trans fats and junk. But organic cane sugar is still sugar, and I simply cant seem to use it in a healthy way. I end up on the same unhealthy, compulsive wagon again, albeit in a more nutritious form.

In whatever form, sugar has an unhealthy impact on my skin, my body, my moods and my weight, when I eat too much of it. I realized recently, while talking to my friend, that I need to take this issue more seriously than I ever have if I ever want to truly leave it behind.

Here are some strategies that we discussed, that I have found to be true and have been working for me:

1) Find rewards that really work

2) Dont switch in one addictive behavior for another

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