Thursday, September 12, 2024

I’m Addicted To Drugs

You Are Having Withdrawal Symptoms

Im addicted to drugs.

According to the American Addiction Centers, drug withdrawal involves the physical and psychological response to abruptly stopping use of a substance on which the body is dependent. Adderall withdrawal can have a wide range of components common symptoms include insomnia, changes in appetite, tremors, muscle aches, and other sensations of physical and mental discomfort. While withdrawal effects will vary from case to caseâand be influenced by such factors as age, level of dependency, and type of drug addictionâsymptoms can often be severe, and make staying sober difficult.

Because addictive use of Adderall may seem less mild than that of other drugs, users of Adderall may wonder how addictive or habit forming Adderall is, and whether it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. The simple answer is that Adderall, like other addictive substances, can lead to significant withdrawal symptoms. If you have become addicted to Adderall, and abruptly stop taking the drug, or notably decrease your dosage, you may experience âmore craving for Adderall, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disorder, depression, lack of energy and motivation,â Dunn says.

These withdrawal symptoms show your physical dependency on the drug. In many cases, they may suggest that real detoxification can only occur in the context of a structured environment, with trained supervision.

Con #: Reactions Could Cause A Relapse

Family and friends could become angry, sad or disappointed if they learn youre addicted to drugs or alcohol. Without the knowledge of how to handle stressful or emotional situations, a person in recovery might resume problematic behaviors that spark a relapse. While relapses are not uncommon for people in recovery , its understandable why the fear of negative reactions could cause someone to avoid sharing.

The Difference Between Drug Dependence And Being An Addict

People often mistake physical and chemical drug dependence for addiction however, a person can become dependent on a substance without being addicted to it. When drugs that alter the mind are introduced into the body, changes occur in the brain and its chemical makeup. Certain chemical messengers are affected. These chemical messengers, or neurotransmitters, are what tell a person how to feel, which can therefore impact behaviors. For example, most drugs act on the pleasure and reward centers in the brain. Levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin are increased, which is what produces the desired high. Inhibitions are often lowered sociability is increased and decision-making abilities are impaired. Those using mind-altering drugs are then likely to put themselves into potentially dangerous situations and therefore be at risk for accidents, injuries, or other actions that may have adverse consequences .

Some drugs, such as stimulants like cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription ADHD medications , speed up central nervous system functions. Heart rate, body temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure are all increased, along with energy levels, focus and attention, and excitement. The high from stimulant drugs can be very intense and may decrease a persons appetite and keep them awake for long periods of time.

One size treatment doesnt fit all. We will tailor treatment for your needs.

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Is Marijuana A Gateway Drug

Marijuana is not generally considered a “gateway drug” because the majority of those who use weed do not go on to use harder substances, including cocaine and heroin.

Social environment might be a more critical factor in determining someone’s risk for trying harder drugs.

If someone is vulnerable to getting involved with drugs, they generally start with substances that are readily available, such as alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana.

However, a person is also likely to start using the same substances that are used by the people in their social environment, no matter how addictive the drug.

Explore Your Addiction Treatment Options

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Once you’ve committed to recovery, it’s time to explore your treatment choices. While addiction treatment can vary according to the specific drug, a successful program often includes different elements, such as:

Detoxification. Usually the first step is to purge your body of drugs and manage withdrawal symptoms.

Behavioral counseling. Individual, group, and/or family therapy can help you identify the root causes of your drug use, repair your relationships, and learn healthier coping skills.

Medication may be used to manage withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, or treat any co-occurring mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.

Long-term follow-up can help to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety. This may include attending regular in-person support groups or online meetings to help keep your recovery on track.

Also Check: Types Of Therapy For Addiction

Keep Drug Triggers And Cravings In Check

Your recovery doesn’t end at getting sober. Your brain still needs time to recover and rebuild connections that changed while you were addicted. During this rebuild, drug cravings can be intense. You can support your continued recovery by avoiding people, places, and situations that trigger your urge to use:

Step away from your friends who use. Don’t hang out with friends who are still doing drugs. Surround yourself with people who support your sobriety, not those who tempt you to slip back into old, destructive habits.

Avoid bars and clubs. Even if you don’t have a problem with alcohol, drinking lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment, which can easily lead to a relapse. Drugs are often readily available and the temptation to use can be overpowering. Also avoid any other environments and situations that you associate with drug use.

Be upfront about your history of drug use when seeking medical treatment. If you need a medical or dental procedure done, be upfront and find a provider who will work with you in either prescribing alternatives or the absolute minimum medication necessary. You should never feel ashamed or humiliated about previous drug use or be denied medication for pain if that happens, find another provider.

Changes In Thoughts Feelings And Behavior

Substance misuse can lead to concerning changes in mood and behavior.5 Alcohol can cause impaired judgment, which may lead to impulsive or high-risk behavior. Hallucinogens and stimulants can impact ones perception of reality.

Irritable or depressed moods can occur when using different types of drugs and while recovering from their effects.5 Substance use can cause existing mental health concerns to grow more intense as well, leading to an increase of symptoms relating to ones thoughts, feelings, and actions.4,5

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Coping With Drug Cravings

Sometimes craving cannot be avoided, and it is necessary to find a way to cope:

Get involved in a distracting activity. Read, see friends, go to a movie, immerse yourself in a hobby, hike, or exercise. Once you’re interested in something else, you’ll find the urges go away.

Talk it through. Talk to friends or family members about craving when it occurs. Talking can be very helpful in pinpointing the source of the craving. Also, talking about craving often helps to discharge and relieve the feeling and will help restore honesty in your relationship. Craving is nothing to feel bad about.

Challenge and change your thoughts. When experiencing a craving, many people have a tendency to remember only the positive effects of the drug and forget the negative consequences. Therefore, you may find it helpful to remind yourself that you really won’t feel better if you use and that you stand to lose a lot. Sometimes it is helpful to have these consequences listed on a small card that you keep with you.

Whos Most Likely To Become Addicted

Intervention: Jesses Drug Addiction Fueled by Difficult Past | A& E

Each personâs body and brain are different. People also react differently to drugs. Some love the feeling the first time they try it and want more. Others hate it and never try again.

Not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted. But it can happen to anyone and at any age. Some things may raise your chances of addiction, including:

  • Family history. Your genes are responsible for about half of your odds. If your parents or siblings have problems with alcohol or drugs, youâre more likely as well. Women and men are equally likely to become addicted.
  • Early drug use. Childrenâs brains are still growing, and drug use can change that. So taking drugs at an early age may make you more likely to get addicted when you get older.
  • Mental disorders. If youâre depressed, have trouble paying attention, or worry constantly, you have a higher chance of addiction. You may turn to drugs as a way to try to feel better. A history of trauma in your life also makes you more likely to have addiction.
  • Troubled relationships. If you grew up with family troubles and arenât close to your parents or siblings, it may raise your chances of addiction.

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If You Think Youre Addicted Heres What To Do

If you think youre addicted to drugs or alcohol, you need to get help immediately. The best place to start is with your parents or guardians. If youre not on good terms with them, find someone you trust who can help you schedule an appointment at a health clinic or with your regular doctor.

You can be honest with medical professionals, and simply tell them you think youre addicted. They will either know local centers that offer treatment or be able to find one for you.

While there isnt a cure for addiction, professional addiction treatment can help you stop using. Addiction can and should be thought of like a medical condition. If you have a medical condition, you talk to your doctor. You begin treatment. And with that help, you can get healthy and start looking forward to the future.

My Name Is Aidan And I Am A Drug Addict This Is My Story

I am 25 years old. I spent some of my childhood in Belfast, Ireland. I also spent some of my childhood in Edmonton, Alberta.

At age 14, I was smoking marijuana and tobacco daily, multiple times a day. Smoking marijuana helped me forget who I was, the feeling of getting out of my own skin was amazing. Since that first hit, I loved it. I knew then, I am able to get out of myself and I can use this substance to change how I feel, or not feel at all. Thats exactly what I wanted at that point in my life.

At age 15, I was smoking marijuana any moment I could and soon found out that everyone around me was drinking alcohol so I thought I would try it. I thought my parents and siblings drink so it couldnt be that bad. I drank so much that first time that I got very sick. Truth is I didnt like drinking but it was socially acceptable so I drank as much as I could. I couldnt seem to get enough. My drinking and using marijuana continued for two years.

At age 17, I began to wonder, I began to realize I was not good at school or sports, so what am I going to do with my life. I was hanging around with the wrong people who told me that I didnt need school and all I needed was them, and it will be alright. I believed them. I was looking for something to belong to. I felt at home.

A few years went by, which were the most eye opening years of my life, now that I look back at them.

We appreciate all the support we get, even if it doesnt seem like we do.

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The Three Basic Steps Of Urge Surfing:

  • Notice how youre experience the craving. Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands in a relaxed position. Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on your body. Notice where in your body you experience the craving or urge and what the sensations feel like. Verbalize what youre experiencing. For example, you could tell yourself: My craving is in my mouth and nose and in my stomach.
  • Focus on one area where youre experiencing the craving. What are the sensations in that area? Describe them to yourself. For example, perhaps you feel hot, cold, tingly, or numb? Maybe your muscles are tense? How large an area is involved? Notice if the sensations change as you focus on them. My mouth feels dry. There is a numbness in my lips. When I swallow, I can imagine the feeling of using.
  • Repeat by focusing on each part of your body that experiences the urge. Describe to yourself how the sensations change, how the urge comes and goes. Many people notice that after a few minutes of urge surfing, their craving has disappeared. The purpose of this exercise, however, is not to make the urge go away but to experience it in a new way. If you regularly practice urge surfing, youll become more familiar with your cravings and find it easier to ride them out until they go away naturally.
  • It Hasnt Changed Me At All

    How Can I Tell If Im Addicted?

    Addicts often use this as an excuse to offset comments that their personality has changed since substance abuse has taken over their lives. Unfortunately, few of us have the self-knowledge to see how weve changed over time, for good or for bad. Drugs and alcohol change moods and perceptions. This in turn alters personality, which does indeed change how you act and behave.

    Recommended Reading: Ways To Fight Drug Addiction

    How To Spot Drug Use In Adolescents

    While overall moodiness can simply be part of adolescence and the teen years, drug use is generally signified by more drastic changes in mood or behaviors in this age group. Per the National Institute on Drug Abuse , signs of drug use in adolescents include acting withdrawn, tired, depressed, or hostile.

    Parents should take note when a child starts associating with a different group of peers, as changes in peer groups may be linked with substance use. An adolescent using drugs might also miss classes, skip school, or change their eating or sleeping habits. Parents can also listen for their kids using slang terms for certain drugs of abuse.

    If drug use is suspected, prompt intervention is vital. Parents can get help from guidance counselors, primary care physicians, and drug abuse treatment providers.

    Will My Friend Get Into Trouble

    If your friend needs medical help either from a clinic or an ambulance its essential that you tell the people helping everything you know about the drugs theyve taken.

    And if you have any drugs left, hand them over to the medics as it may help them understand the problem.

    They won’t tell the police and you wont get into trouble.

    If your friend is caught with drugs, they might get into trouble. They might get a warning, an arrest, a formal caution or a conviction. This will depend on the drugs theyre caught with and what theyre doing with them.

    If your friend is caught with drugs at school or university they might get into trouble there too. Getting caught with drugs in school or uni can lead to suspension or expulsion, and to the police getting involved.

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    What Is Drug Abuse

    First, let’s talk about drug abuse. Drug abuse occurs when someone is abusing a drug, but doesn’t feel a need to. At this point, the individual’s drug use is purely recreational in nature. There isn’t a strong desire to use drugs, and the person can easily walk away from them.

    Also, for a drug abuser, he or she doesn’t feel any ill effects when not using drugs. There are no withdrawal symptoms that are experienced. This person may use drugs when the opportunity arises, but it’s not an internal need.

    As you can probably already see, drug abuse is very different from a drug addiction.

    How To Tell If You Are Addicted To Drugs

    ‘I was addicted to prescription drugs’ – BBC Newsnight

    When medical professionals assess someone for signs of a substance abuse disorder, they have a checklist of eleven symptoms that they look for. Individuals are asked if they have experienced the symptoms over the past twelve months. To figure out if your drug use rises to the level of a substance abuse disorder, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you taking drugs more frequently or in larger amounts than prescribed?
  • Have you tried to quit taking drugs and found yourself unable to do so?
  • Is a lot of your time spent obtaining, using, or recovering from the use of drugs?
  • Do you have a strong craving for drugs?
  • Is your drug use interfering with your ability to fulfill your obligations at work, school, or home?
  • Are you continuing to use drugs despite the problems it is causing with your friends and family?
  • Have you given up social and work activities that you used to enjoy or stopped participating in sports because of your drug use?
  • Is your drug use putting you in dangerous situations?
  • Are you continuing to use drugs even after the use has caused a physical or psychological problem?
  • Have you developed tolerance to the drug, needing more of it to get the same effects?
  • Have you begun to experience withdrawal symptoms as the drugs wear off?
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    Getting Help For Addictions

    Addiction is a treatable condition. Whatever the addiction, there are lots of ways you can seek help. You could see your GP for advice or contact an organisation that specialises in helping people with addictions.

    You can use the following online directories to find addiction treatment services in your area:

    Five Important Things To Know About Drug Addiction

    The opioid crisis continues to make national and local headlines, and those who seek treatment face a long road of recovery as well as a stigma that often keeps them from getting the treatment and support they need.

    We can all help the fight by learning more about addiction, so here are a few things to remember:

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    I Cant Live Without It

    Some people do know they have a substance abuse problem, but they cant accept their life without the substance. Drugs and alcohol change the chemistry of the brain itself, so addicts experience strong cravings for the substance theyre addicted to. These cravings fool addicts into believing they cannot live without the substance. The physical sensation of craving is hardwired into the brain, which affects an addicts emotions and thinking abilities.

    Withdrawal symptoms can also make it feel as if youll never be able to live without a substance. Its no fun to feel sick, shaky, and otherwise lousy as your bodys chemistry sends signals that it needs more of the substance. Its important to know that if you feel like you cant live without your substance of choice, its just your addictions way of keeping you enslaved to substance abuse. Many people before you have successfully quit alcohol or drugs, and you can, too. No one is beyond hope!

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