Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Know If Addicted To Alcohol

Do You Have A Drinking Problem

Are You Addicted To Alcohol? (ADDICTION TEST)

Its not always easy to tell when your alcohol intake has crossed the line from moderate or social drinking to problem drinking. Drinking is so common in many cultures and the effects vary so widely from person to person, it can be hard to figure out if or when your alcohol intake has become a problem. However, if you consume alcohol to cope with difficulties or to avoid feeling bad, youre in potentially dangerous territory.

Other signs that you may have a drinking problem include:

  • Feeling guilty or ashamed about your drinking.
  • Lying to others or hide your drinking habits.
  • Needing to drink in order to relax or feel better.
  • Blacking out or forgetting what you did while you were drinking.
  • Regularly drinking more than you intended to.

The bottom line is how alcohol affects you. If your drinking is causing problems in your life, then you have a drinking problem.

Drinking problems can sneak up on you, so its important to be aware of the warning signs of alcohol abuse and alcoholism and take steps to cut back if you recognize them. Understanding the problem is the first step to overcoming it and either cutting back to healthy levels or quitting altogether.

When Alcohol Becomes A Problem


Alcohol-use disorders are probably the most common mental disorders in the United States: Nearly one person in seven suffers from an AUD at some time in their life. The prevalence of AUDs among men is about three-to-five times greater than among women. Nevertheless, alcohol can have serious consequences in women, since they are more sensitive to alcohol’s damaging effects on the liver, heart and brain. Women also end up with higher blood levels of alcohol than men given the same amount consumed — probably due to sex differences in how alcohol is broken down and distributed in body tissues.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Thailand

Alcohol addiction does not have to impact negatively on your life any longer. At The Dawn, we combine Eastern practices with cutting-edge Western technology in our affordable detox and addiction rehab centre. If any of these warning signs of alcohol addiction feel familiar to you, get in touch with us for a chat.

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Effects Of Alcohol Addiction

While teens drink for a variety of reasons in a number of circumstances, one thing is clear: teenage drinking has serious long-term ramifications. The long-term consequences and effects of teen drinking include:

  • Teens who have been through alcohol withdrawal may have long-lasting difficulties with memory
  • Teens often combine alcohol with other drugs, often marijuana, which can be especially dangerous
  • Drinking in extreme amounts can lead to the usage of hard drugs like cocaine or heroin
  • Males who drink during the teen years tend to complete less years of education
  • The younger the age a person begins drinking, the more prone they are to developing an addiction to alcohol or other drugs later in life
  • Extreme alcohol use can mask mental disorders such as anxiety and depression
  • Teens who drink are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, such as unprotected sex, sex with a stranger, or be the victim or perpetrator of sexual assault
  • Nearly 200,000 people under the age of 21 visit emergency rooms for serious, alcohol-related injuries each ear
  • Every year, about 2,000 people who are under the age of 21 will die in car accidents in which teen drinking is involved
  • Alcohol is involved in nearly half of all violent deaths involving teens
  • Alcohol intoxication is associated with suicide attempts and completions using more lethal means

Overdose & Withdrawal Effects

Signs Of Benzodiazepine Abuse

How to Know if Alcohol Abuse is Already a Problem

Benzodiazepines are a prescription medication used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, alcohol withdrawal, and other conditions. These drugs are among the most highly prescribed in America. Benzodiazepines are mainly available in tablet or capsule form, though some are manufactured as injectable liquids and syrups. Short-term use is generally safe, but abuse can cause numerous complications.

As benzodiazepines are sedatives, some of their side effects overlap with the general signs of addiction. Persons using benzodiazepines may experience the following side effects, including:

  • Impaired coordination
  • Confusion
  • Heahache

There are many well-known brands of benzodiazepines, including Xanax, Diazepam, Valium, and Klonopin. These pharmaceuticals can be acquired in numerous ways. Some people have legitimate prescriptions but may have used deceptive means to get them from more than one doctor. Currently, doctors do not have the benefit of a national database that stores information on a clients active prescriptions. The illegal circulation of benzodiazepines does not only happen on the street, it also happens when those holding a prescription share these drugs with others.

It is important to understand that even though benzodiazepines are legal, they may be used in a way that makes the use illegal. If a person is showing the signs of abuse, it is critical to get them help.

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The Next Big Step Getting Help

Once you have done your best to establish a support system of family or friends, you need to begin the journey of detox. You need to find a recovery center that will help you in a method that fits you the best. At JourneyPure At The River, in beautiful Murfreesboro, TN, we have an experienced and compassionate team to help you detox. We use an enhanced version of the Medical Model of Treatment and experiential therapy for treatment for our clients.

We recognize there could also be an underlying medical, social or emotional reason for addiction. This knowledge allows us to treat your addiction in a personalized and advanced manner for the greatest possibility of success. JourneyPure At The River does not believe in a cookie-cutter method of treatment. We believe in you. We truly care about you and want you to feel loved and supported. We are familiar with the challenges you face, and we want to see you succeed with methods that make sense for you.

Risk Factors For Drinking Problems And Alcoholism

Risk factors for developing problems with alcohol arise from many interconnected factors, including your genetics, how you were raised, your social environment, and your emotional health. Some racial groups, such as American Indians and Native Alaskans, are more at risk than others for developing drinking problems or alcohol addiction. People who have a family history of alcoholism or who associate closely with heavy drinkers are more likely to develop drinking problems. Finally, those who suffer from a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder are also particularly at risk, because alcohol is often used to self-medicate.

The path from alcohol abuse to alcoholism

Not all alcohol abusers become full-blown alcoholics, but it is a big risk factor. Sometimes alcoholism develops suddenly in response to a stressful change, such as a breakup, retirement, or another loss. Other times, it gradually creeps up on you as your tolerance to alcohol increases. If youre a binge drinker or you drink every day, the risks of developing alcoholism are greater.

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How Can I Help My Loved One

Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex condition that often requires professional treatment. If you suspect someone you care about has an addiction, early diagnosis and treatment can help save a life. While it may seem overwhelming, and you may not know where to start, there are many options for substance abuse treatment. Addiction treatment is offered in multiple settings through multiple approaches, including:5

  • Inpatient or residential programs: Your loved one resides at the facility for the duration of the program, receiving therapy, counseling, individualized treatment planning, and more.
  • Standard outpatient treatment: Your loved one lives at home while attending scheduled therapy at a clinic.
  • PHPs and IOPs: Partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs require a larger time commitment than standard outpatient programs, often meeting for several hours per day.

Although not a substitute for addiction treatment, your loved one may need professional detox before attending a treatment program. Detox can help keep them safe and comfortable while they go through withdrawal, which can be particularly distressing and even dangerous if they are addicted to alcohol, benzodiazepines, or opioids.3

They Get Irritable When Not Drinking

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They’re fine when they have a drink in hand, but if they are in a situation in which they cannot drink for any significant period of time, they can become irritable. They may become angry at the slightest provocation, or no provocation at all. This means that when they’re sober they become unpredictable and difficult to communicate with.

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Drinking To Feel Normal

In order to combat withdrawal symptoms, many people will feel as if they need to drink to feel normal. Signs of this can include drinking alone, during work hours, before major events or places where no one else is drinking. If your drinking a necessity to feel normal or having a need to have drinks throughout the day to maintain the feeling of normality, this is a clear sign of alcohol addiction.

The Prevalence Of Alcohol Abuse And Drunk Driving

One of the most troubling behavioral signs of an alcohol use disorder is drunk driving. The well-known nonprofit organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving publishes reliable statistics on drunk driving.

  • In 2013, 28.7 million Americans reported that they drove after drinking.
  • In 2014, 9,967 Americans died in car crashes that involved alcohol. This statistic translates to a fatal car crash every 53 minutes in the US. Thats about 27 fatalities each day.
  • In 2014, about 290,000 Americans were injured in a car accident that involved drinking. This statistic translates to a car accident injury every two minutes.
  • On average, a person will drive drunk 80 times before being arrested for the first time.

If you or someone you know are showing signs of being drunk, do not let them get behind the wheel.

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Common Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse

If left untreated, alcohol abuse can spiral out of control quickly. When alcohol abuse begins to negatively impact a persons life and causes harm, it is diagnosed as alcohol use disorder . Recognizing the warning signs of alcohol abuse and getting proper treatment can make a significant difference in someones recovery process.

While there is no exact formula to determining whether or not someone is an alcoholic, symptoms often co-occur. One symptom may snowball into another, fueling additional problems down the road.

Some of the most common symptoms of alcohol abuse are:

  • Experiencing temporary blackouts or short-term memory loss
  • Exhibiting signs of irritability and extreme mood swings
  • Making excuses for drinking such as to relax, deal with stress or feel normal
  • Choosing drinking over other responsibilities and obligations
  • Becoming isolated and distant from friends and family members
  • Drinking alone or in secrecy
  • Feeling hungover when not drinking
  • Changing appearance and group of acquaintances you hang out with

No matter how minor a drinking problem may seem, alcohol abuse symptoms should not be ignored. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, were here to help. to find alcohol treatment facilities nearby.

When The Stereotype Doesnt Fit: Types Of Alcoholics

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When most people imagine an alcoholic, they picture a stereotype that seems nothing like themselves. In reality, there are different types of people who are addicted to alcohol. Individuals struggling with alcohol addiction come from all backgrounds and all age groups. Do you recognize yourself in any of these?

  • Five Types of Alcoholics:

    Young Adult Subtype

    Individuals in the young adult subtype make up 31% of people addicted to alcohol in the U.S. They drink less frequently than the other subtypes, but when they do drink, theyre likely to overdo it and binge. They typically come from families with low rates of alcoholism.

    Young Antisocial Subtype

    Roughly 54% of this subtype have a psychiatric diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder , a condition thats characterized by at least three of the following:

  • Recurring criminal activities

Many of this type also have other substance addictions, anxiety problems, bipolar disorder and major depression.

Functional Subtype

The high-functioning alcoholic is perhaps the furthest from the alcoholic stereotype, leading many to be in denial about their addiction. Theyre often successful, with families and stable jobs. About 62% of functional alcoholics work full time, and 26% possess a college degree or higher. This subtype makes up 19.5% of people addicted to alcohol in the U.S.

Intermediate Familial Subtype

Chronic Severe Subtype

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Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

If you are struggling with drinking, you dont have to deal with this issue on your own. You can get help. Many people cant quit drinking on their own. With the right support, you can stop. You can learn to live a life without alcohol, and you can improve your health, personal life, and more.

Dont wait another day. Contact us today. At Bedrock Recovery Center, we care about you. We can give you the support you need to get past alcohol addiction treatments.

Effects Of Alcohol Use

The World Health Organization reports that alcohol use is linked to more than 200 diseases and types of injury.

The physical effects of alcohol use can include physical harm from slips, falls, reckless or aggressive behaviors, and automobile accidents. Other physical effects of alcohol use include:

  • Kidney damage
  • Ulcers

Alcohol use can also increase your risk for several types of cancers.

But the effects of alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction arent limited to these types of medical problems. Untreated alcohol use disorder can also lead to:

  • Loss of friendships and other relationships
  • Setbacks in school or at work
  • Inability to find or keep a job
  • Financial difficulties
  • The onset or worsening of mental health disorders
  • Becoming isolated from loved ones
  • Losing hope for the future
  • Thoughts of suicide

When you get effective alcohol addiction treatment, you can minimize your risk for continued harm. Your time at an alcohol addiction treatment center can also help you begin to heal from any damage youve already experienced.

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What Does Functional Alcoholism Mean

Functional alcoholism is among the subtypes of alcoholism. It tries to describe a group of people who may appear to function normally but who nonetheless abuse alcohol. Here are some of the characteristics of a high-functioning alcoholic:

  • Your family has a history of alcoholism
  • You have a steady relationship with your partner, children, and loved ones
  • You are middle-aged
  • And you have a stable job

Because of such characteristics, many alcoholics who are functional can hide their problem drinking. It would only be revealed once the problems can no longer be hidden and begin to affect their daily lives.

How Common Is Alcoholism

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Alcohol use disorders are more common than may be imagined. Notes Psychology Today, studies have revealed that 29.1 percent of the US population has experienced an alcohol use disorder at some point in their lifetime. Within a 12-month period, approximately 13.9 percent of the US population experiences an alcohol use disorder. About 19.8 percent of the adults who have experienced an alcohol use disorder in their lifetime seek treatment or ask for help at some point.

As Psychology Today points out, about 75 percent of the alcohol that Americans drink occurs in the form of binge drinking. The symptoms of binge drinking include blackouts and memory lapses. Over time, a chronic binge drinker can develop serious liver damage and/or brain damage.

A lesser-known but just as severe consequence is cardiovascular disease. This disease can arise because a high volume of alcohol causes stress on the heart, leading to heart attack or stroke.

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They Always Find A Way To Obtain Alcohol

They may not have enough money to take you out, but they always have enough to buy alcohol. They may even put off buying something they need or put off other financial obligations if it means they can’t buy alcohol also. If they are out of money entirely, they will go to a friend’s house and drink their booze.

Work Or School Performance Suffering

  • Has your performance at work or school suffered as a result of your substance use?
  • Have you been unable to finish projects or assignments as a result your substance use?
  • Have you been fired from your job or expelled or suspended from school because of your substance use?

Individuals with drug and alcohol addictions often find it difficult to complete school or work responsibilities. Those struggling with addictions may have issues keeping a job or may find themselves in trouble at school, resulting in suspension or expulsion. If substance abuse has affected your work or school habits and hindered your performance at either, addiction may be the cause.

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Heres How To Know If You Have Alcohol Addiction

Back to the matter at hand. What is alcohol addiction anyway? Sometimes called alcoholism, alcohol addiction is the inability to control your drinking because of a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. Thats it in a nutshell. So, theres a few questions right in that definition there that you can ask yourself. Thats a great way how to know if you have alcohol addiction. Here are the questions:

  • Do you have an inability to control your drinking?
  • Have you tried to cut down or stop, only to start up again or drink the same or more?
  • Are you physically dependent on alcohol?
  • What happens if you go 24 hours without a drink? 48 hours? 3 days? How about a week? Do you get anxious or grouchy? Trouble sleeping? Maybe worse?
  • Are you psychologically dependent on alcohol?
  • Whats the first thing you do when you get some bad news? How would you feel about going to a party where you knew there would be no alcohol allowed?

Chances are we dont even need to give you the answers to the questions above. If you ask yourself all of them and answer honestly, you will know what the answers mean. But there is one really important question you have yet to answer. This is the most important question in this whole article in fact. Its the only one that really matters.

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