Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is Marijuana An Addictive Drug

Why Is Cannabis Drawing Concerns

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Despite the legal status and medical purposes of weed, it is quite difficult to turn a blind eye from the statistical data surrounding marijuana abuse and addiction.

According to the Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse, 28% of Canadian youth are using marijuana and this figure is significantly higher compared to the same group demographics in other developed countries.

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Effects Of Marijuana Legalization

One reason why many people will not admit that marijuana is affecting them is because of its legality. The notion that it is safe and that it has medical benefits is like a mental block to many people who dont believe that marijuana is addictive. As such, mobilizing an addicted individual to attend a treatment program is challenging.

Even though most states that are legalizing the drug are not allowing minors to use it, these minors are frequently teens. Teens form the largest percentage of people who struggle with marijuana addiction. Because of this need, during their adult ages, they may still be using the drug.

Since convincing people that marijuana addiction is real is difficult, the effects can get more pronounced before a person finally sees that he or she needs help. However, there is still hope. You can encourage a loved one to attend a rehab center treatment program to change his or her life.

Medicinal Uses Of Marijuana

Medicinal cannabis is used to treat and manage a variety of medical problems, including physical and mental health challenges. Despite the risks, research into medicinal cannabis use has shown effectiveness. Nearly 90 percent of those who use medicinal cannabis claim it helps them manage their illnesses and symptoms, and many find they are able to reduce their use of other medications.

Debate over legalization of medical marijuana

Conditions commonly treated with medical marijuana include:

  • Alzheimers disease
  • Seizures and Epilepsy

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Harmful Effects Of Marijuana Use

If youre wondering why you need to learn how to overcome marijuana addiction, think about the harmful effects. People who abuse weed will feel the need to sustain that maximum high. In order to do so, they inhale the smoke more deeply and hold it in their lungs for a longer period of time.

It irritates the lungs which may lead to asthma attacks, bronchitis, and chronic cough. The effect of smoking weed in pregnant women affects the unborn baby and may cause problems such as premature birth and abnormal size.

In worse scenarios, marijuana, when taken in higher and larger dosage, can also result in toxic psychosis and hallucination that makes most people paranoid. It affects your concentration, reaction to stimuli, and your coordination, making it dangerous for you to drive a car and even ride a bike.

Psychological Addiction Vs Physical Addiction

Marijuana Addiction

Psychologically speaking, its important to understand that human beings can become addicted to anything. That includes any type of drug, as well as seemingly more mundane activities such as being on the computer.

Consistent use of marijuana can lead to psychological dependence, which can then develop into an addiction called Marijuana Use Disorder. This can cause a person to experience withdrawal symptoms whenever theyre not consuming marijuana. Studies have shown around 30% of cannabis users may suffer from marijuana use disorder.

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Addiction Treatment For Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana addiction is a substance use disorder that should be taken seriously. Addiction treatment centers routinely see patients with marijuana problems, and treatment programs use therapy and counseling to change behaviors associated with use.

To learn about our treatment options, please contact us today.

How Marijuana Affects The Brain

While the marijuana plant contains many naturally occurring chemical compounds, THC and CBD are best known. THC and CBD affect different brain regions and produce psychoactive effects, but only THC gives the sense of euphoria sought by many users. CBD affects another area of the brain, and while it does not deliver a high, it does help relieve anxiety, depression, seizures, and pain.

THC activates areas of the brain that regulate pleasure, cognition, movement, coordination, and time perception. Marijuana triggers specific brain responses when you are under the influence, increasing the brains pleasure response and disrupting movement, coordination, and memory. Prolonged or heavy use can damage normal brain pathways.

Addictive substances like marijuana trigger an unnaturally intense level of pleasure in the brain, reinforcing your desire to repeat the experience. As your substance use continues, you can develop a tolerance to your regular dose, and your brain will demand increasingly higher amounts of marijuana to achieve the desired response. Tolerance often leads to dependence and addiction. At this point, withdrawal symptoms will occur if you stop using.

Researchers find marijuana has become more addictive over the past few decades, primarily due to increased THC content. Before the 1990s, marijuana contained less than two percent THC. Today, some popular strains contain up to 28 percent THC, making the product highly addictive and posing a much greater health risk.

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Develop Tolerance To Marijuana And Need More To Get The Same Effect

Drug tolerance refers to the bodys ability to adjust and react less to a particular drug, as more is taken. When you get addicted to a drug, including marijuana, you will typically need higher doses of the substance just to get the same effect you once had. If you notice that you constantly need a higher or stronger dose of marijuana, this could be a sign of addiction.

Symptoms Of Marijuana Use Disorder

Is marijuana addictive? Experts weigh in

Symptoms may include:

  • changes in sleep, appetite, or mood
  • craving for marijuana use
  • Reduce control over marijuana use
  • Fulfillment rate dropped
  • Headache, abdominal pain, chills, or sweating when not in use
  • Need to use more to get the same effect
  • Negative emotions associated with use
  • Overuse of marijuana and exceeding expectations
  • risky behavior
  • Social withdrawal related to marijuana use

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Is Marijuana Addictive 7 Signs You Are Addicted To Weed

June 21, 2021 – Drug Facts – 0 Comments

Most people believe that marijuana is not addictive but research suggests otherwise. Is marijuana addictive? If so, how can you get help for addiction? People often have many different ideas about what addiction means. Some think it applies to anyone who uses marijuana regularly, while others are convinced only those with psychological disorders become addicted to drugs like pot or cocaine.

Nowadays many people use marijuana recreationally but dont realize that they could actually be addicted without even realizing it. According to many studies, its still possible for people to become addicted to pot and have their lives drastically altered because of it. If youre struggling with addiction or are just curious about whether or not youre addicted, this article will provide some information on what addiction means and how you can tell if your usage is an issue.

Read on for some insights into potential signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction.

Addiction Is More Than Having Bad Withdrawal Symptoms When You Stop

Posted November 3, 2013

Is marijuana addictive? Yes, but not in the way some might mean . . .

The question about whether or not marijuana is addictive comes in various forms. Will I experience physical withdrawal symptoms if I suddenly stop marijuana? Is there anything to the idea that I might be psychologically dependent on a drug? Could I quit if I wanted to?

It goes without saying that lots of people use marijuana. In 2009, marijuana was the primary drug of abuse for 61 percent of persons under 15, and marijuana was the primary drug of abuse for roughly 18 percent of people aged 12 or older who entered drug abuse treatment programs .

Marijuana is different from a lot of other drugs of abuse in that although there usually are some subtle physiological signs of withdrawal when a chronic user stops smokingmildly elevated pulse, irritability, and so on–these physical effects are generally fairly mild, and they are dramatically less obvious or powerful than those seen when a habitual user of alcohol, opiates , or benzodiazepines abruptly ceases use. In these latter instances, individuals in withdrawal can hallucinate, have greatly increased pulse and blood pressures, be visibly and dramatically uncomfortable, and in worst cases have seizures and even die.

Obviously, the vast majority of marijuana users are neither addicted nor almost addicted to cannabis. Their use doesnt escalate over time, they can enjoy its effects without endangering some major element of their lives.

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You Use Marijuana To Deal With Problems

Think about the way youre using marijuana. Have you been using it to deal with your problems? When you have bad grades or problems with your boss or even relationship issues, do you feel your only option is to try and get high? If this is the case then youre getting deeper into your marijuana use and addiction.

Another way you can identify that youre addicted to marijuana is if you depend on it to feel relaxed. If you take weed before starting work or doing anything creative or other tasks, then its a clear sign that you have developed a heavy dependence on it and you are already addicted to the substance.

The Dangerous Trend Of Rising Potency In Marijuana

Can marijuana be addictive?

Since the early 1990s, it has been observed that potency or the concentration of THC , a psychotropic ingredient, has been on the rise. By using methods like dry processing, people are making concentrate products that produce longer-lasting effects. The final product may look like a lip balm that can be consumed using vape pens.

Although additional research is needed to reveal how these concentrates pose health risks, the high level of THC in them and the presence of other contaminants may cause anxiety, agitation, paranoia, and psychosis. The process of production and usage may also pose dangers, such as fires and explosions.

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Is Marijuana Physically Addictive

Some people may use marijuana frequently, but whether their use is caused by physical or physiological reasons is up for debate. No matter the reason for continued marijuana use, frequently using marijuana can lead to the development of a marijuana use disorder, which in many cases expresses itself as addiction.

Many users believe that marijuana is not addictive, but data suggests that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder. Other statistics reveal that people who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder.

Signs Of Marijuana Addiction

Someone who becomes addicted or dependent upon marijuana will likely display some of the classic behavioral symptoms of addiction, which include:

  • They will begin to need increasingly larger amounts.
  • They will spend more time thinking about using.
  • Substance use will begin to take a central role in their life.
  • They will spend more time and money acquiring more marijuana.
  • They will become irritable or agitated if they run out.
  • As negative consequences mount, they will continue to use.
  • They will deny claims from those close to them that they have changed.

Two of the most common signs of cannabis use disorder are physical dependence and withdrawal.

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Detoxification Is The First Step In Recovery

Detoxification, or detox, is the first step on your recovery journey. When your body is physically addicted to marijuana, withdrawal can cause unpleasant and potentially severe effects. We strongly recommend you choose a medically supervised detoxification program to protect your physical and mental health when you quit marijuana. Such a program will also ensure that you are as physically comfortable as possible throughout the process.

Upon completion of detox, you have many treatment options for marijuana addiction. Ask your doctor or an addiction specialist for resources. Your chances for long-term recovery are more significant if you attend individual, group, and family counseling and attend a support group. offers support services for you and your family.

If you have alcohol use disorder or another mental health disorder in addition to marijuana addiction, it is essential that you work with a mental health specialist on a recovery plan.

Our team at Gallus Medical Detox Centers uses the most current, scientifically proven detox methods to deliver a safe, effective, and comfortable program for people struggling with substance use disorder. We will tailor your treatment plan to meet your specific needs. The compassionate professionals at Gallus promise to treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you start your recovery journey.

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Early Marijuana Use & Withdrawal

Is Cannabis Addictive? – Weedwise

The NIDA explains that approximately 30 percent of people using marijuana have marijuana use disorder, which is the medical term for marijuana addiction.

  • restlessness
  • mood disorders
  • general feeling of irritability

The earlier people use marijuana on a regular basis, the more their brain gets used to the drug. This can make it hard to enjoy things without use, increasing the risk for addiction.

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What Do We Know About Addiction To Cannabis

Research has shown that using cannabis regularly and over a long time , especially when use begins in early adolescence , can cause changes in the way the brain and body respond to cannabis and lead to problems with cannabis use and addictionFootnote 8

Addiction can occur at any age, but the chances are higher while the brain is still developing, which can continue until around 25 years of age.Footnote 4 As well, the younger an individual is when they begin using cannabis, the higher their risk of health problems, including addiction and other mental health issues including psychosis, schizophrenia, social anxiety, and depression.Footnote 9

Recent US national data estimate that 1 in 3 individuals who use cannabis will develop a range of problems with cannabis use that will have an impact on their daily lives.Footnote 10

The term Cannabis Use Disorder encompasses the concept of a range of problems with cannabis use. When using cannabis has a significant impact on daily life this can be considered an addiction to cannabis.

What Treatments Are Available For Marijuana Use Disorder

No medications are currently available to treat marijuana use disorder, but behavioral support has been shown to be effective. Examples include therapy and motivational incentives . Continuing research may lead to new medications that help ease withdrawal symptoms, block the effects of marijuana, and prevent relapse.

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Does Marijuana Affect Your Health

When the question of, Is marijuana a gateway drug? comes into play, questions about how it might affect health is also a concern. According to the CDC, nearly 36.7 million individuals have used marijuana in the past year. Lets look at the potential health effects it might have:

  • Addiction: Statistics from the CDC indicate that one in ten users become addicted to marijuana
  • Brain Health: Marijuana has a direct impact on your brain, including parts responsible for attention, coordination, decision-making, emotions, learning, memory, and reaction time
  • Heart Health: Each time you use marijuana, it causes your heart to beat faster, which could lead to an increased risk for heart disease and stroke
  • Lung Health: Any form of inhaled or smoked marijuana causes damage to your lung tissues, including small blood vessel damage and scarring
  • Mental Health: Using marijuana frequently can cause anxiety, disorientation, and paranoia

What Is A Cannabis Use Disorder

Marijuana Addiction

Cannabis Use Disorder is the medical term for a spectrum of patterns of cannabis use leading to significant impairment or distress, including health problems, persistent or increasing use, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. It can range from mild, to moderate, to severe, depending upon how many of the symptoms described below are present. Individuals must show at least 2 symptoms over a 12-month period to receive the diagnosis of a Cannabis Use Disorder. More information on Cannabis Use Disorder can be found in the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. If you have questions about Cannabis Use Disorder, please discuss with your healthcare professional.

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How Common Is Marijuana Use Disorder

Concerning marijuana statistics with estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because epidemiological studies of substance use often use dependence as a proxy for addiction even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted. These studies may be biased due to the classification of addiction and dependence. Studies have shown that 9% of marijuana users become dependent on it, rising to about 17% in those who start using in their teens.

Statistics like these continue to rise in 2015 alone, about 4.0 million people in the United States met the diagnostic criteria for a marijuana use disorder. Unfortunately, of these four million people, less than 140,000 individuals got help for their marijuana addiction and sought personal help.

At Boardwalk Recovery Center, we strive to close the disproportionate gap between individuals needing and seeking help, receiving care, and successfully recovering from their addictions.

Child Development In Pregnant Women

There has been a popular belief that marijuana can help pregnant women deal with their nausea. However, medical experts are firm in their warning against it. Marijuana use in pregnant women is known to be linked to low birth weight. Such babies are also observed to have behavioural and brain problems.

When a pregnant woman is a marijuana user, then there may be effects on the way that the brain of the fetus develops. When these babies grow up, they are observed to have problems with memory, problem-solving, and attention. Even THC from breast milk can affect the childs developing brain. The studies regarding these effects of marijuana on babies are still ongoing.

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