Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Types Of Addictions Are There

Types Of Addictions: How We Treat Them

Are there different types of abuse?

Addiction is the term given to a pattern of behaviour that causes negative consequences for the individual. Most people assume that addiction refers only to those who have a compulsive need for a particular substance such as alcohol or drugs. However, in reality, it is possible to become addicted to almost anything. To be clear, this condition occurs when a person continues to do something despite knowing that it will have an adverse impact on his or her life. Because of the various causes and triggers, there are many different types of addictions.

The most common are alcohol and drug addiction, but people do not just become addicted to illegal drugs. In fact, prescription drug addiction has been a growing problem for some time and in all parts of the world.

Then there are those addicted to specific activities such as gambling, shopping, or sex. And, with the growth of the internet, social media and mobile devices, experts are warning about the increase in cases of people addicted to gaming, online pornography, and social media. Below are a few examples of the many types of addiction that individuals around the world are struggling with every day.

What Defines An Addict

There are two defining points thatan addict from someone who overindulges.

The addict:

  • Once they pick up a substance or activity, they invariably lose all control of their consumption/actions and find it extremely difficult if not impossible to stop.
  • Once they have managed to stop whether it be due to a severe consequence or medical intervention such as a medical detox, due to the illness residing in the mind, they are unable to stay stopped. At some point, unless appropriate treatment is received for the psychological aspect of addiction, they will relapse.
  • An individual who over indulges, given a sufficient reason to stop, such as the threat of losing their job, health warning, or relationship breakdown, will be able to stop or moderate. They may even need medical help for a dependency, but they can stay stopped. An addict will not be able to stop, moderate or stay stopped, regardless of the severity of the consequences to their health, mental wellbeing, finances, career or personal relationships not without the correct professional help and treatment.

    If you or a loved one are suffering from addiction, please do not waste another day. Addiction claims lives on a daily basis and impacts on loved ones and families like no other illness can. Please call or chat to us online today, for immediate help and confidential advice on the next right steps to take and on the best addiction treatments available

    Types Of Addictions That Are Related To Substances

    Substance abuse can lead to addiction where users become dependent. The body creates a tolerance to the substance, causing users to need it more frequently and in higher doses. It can also build up psychological dependence where the user becomes moody or anxious when they dont get their fix. When addiction starts to take hold in this way an attempt to stop will cause withdrawal symptoms.

    A list of the substance use disorders in the DSM-IV.TR:

    • PCP or Angel Dust

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    What Addictions Can Be Treated Signs Of Substance Abuse

    The editorial staff of is comprised of addiction content experts from American Addiction Centers. Our editors and medical reviewers have over a decade of cumulative experience in medical content editing and have reviewed thousands of pages for accuracy and relevance. Our reviewers consistently monitor the latest research from SAMHSA, NIDA, and other reputable sources to provide our readers the most accurate content on the web.

    Types Of Addictions Beginning With N

    Different Types of Addiction


    Illegal Street drugs produce various highs as well as adrenalin highs associated with illegal activities

    Prescription drugs for depression related disorders often medicate symptoms when the root causes may be simple sugar and caffeine addictions

    Many over the counter drugs contain large amounts of sugar as well which add to depressions and manic behaviors

    Some medical drugs are helpful of course.


    Illegal Street drugs produce various highs as well as adrenalin highs associated with illegal activities

    Prescription drugs for depression related disorders often medicate symptoms when the root causes may be simple sugar and caffeine addictions

    Many over the counter drugs contain large amounts of sugar as well which add to depressions and manic behaviors

    Some medical drugs are helpful of course.

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    What Does Steroids Abuse Look Like

    Individuals who are obsessed with fitness and increasing muscle size often find themselves addicted to steroids. Steroid addiction occurs frequently in athletes and body builders. The steroids themselves give the user a high after each hit. They may feel that the feelings come from the satisfaction of achieving a perfect body, when in fact the feelings come from the steroids themselves. Signs of steroid addiction include:

    • Continuing to use steroids in spite of the negative consequences
    • Looking forward to the next dose
    • Inability to stop

    Addiction to steroids is usually fueled by the desire to achieve a perfect body image.

    What Are Substance Abuse And Addiction

    The difference between substance abuse and addiction is very slight. Substance abuse means using an illegal substance or using a legal substance in the wrong way. Addiction begins as abuse, or using a substance like marijuana or cocaine.

    You can abuse a drug without having an addiction. For example, just because Sara smoked pot a few times doesn’t mean that she has an addiction, but it does mean that she’s abusing a drug and that could lead to an addiction.

    People can get addicted to all sorts of substances. When we think of addiction, we usually think of alcohol or illegal drugs. But people become addicted to medicines, cigarettes, even glue.

    Some substances are more addictive than others: Drugs like crack or heroin are so addictive that they might only be used once or twice before the user loses control.

    Addiction means a person has no control over whether he or she uses a drug or drinks. Someone who’s addicted to cocaine has grown so used to the drug that he or she has to have it. Addiction can be physical, psychological, or both.

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    Understanding The Different Types Of Addiction

    Below we discuss the various types of dependence, ranging from physical to psychological and more. It is vital to your own or a loved ones recovery that you understand these different types of dependencies, which include:

    1. Physical Dependence

    When a person is physically dependant on something, they require the substance in order to make them feel normal and for them to be able to function in a manner which is acceptable.

    More often than not, when taking a substance for physical dependence the person will have also developed a tolerance meaning that larger quantities of the substance are required over time to gain the same effect.

    If the person is unable to take the substance, they will notice physical withdrawal symptoms which can often be very unpleasant, taking the substance will remove these symptoms, leaving the person in a nasty cycle.

    What is important to note is that when physical dependence is developed, simply stopping the substance may have dangerous consequences, therefore it may be necessary to slowly reduce the amount of detox under the care of a trained medical professional.

    2. Psychological Dependence

    One of the recognised addiction types is a psychological dependence in which the patient believes that the activity or substance will provide them with emotional relief and feelings of happiness which cannot be gained elsewhere. Quite often, without engaging in the activity, the person will struggle to otherwise enjoy life.

    3. Physical Reaction Of An Addict

    What Types Of Addictions Can I Receive Treatment For

    Are there different types of abuse? Part 3

    While substance use disorders are often the first to come to mind, addiction exists in many forms, including behavioral addictions.

    Most addiction treatment centers will employ the basic principles of recovery in all types of treatment plans. However, could be to your benefit to find a program that specializes in your particular type of addiction.

    Traditional rehab facilities can effectively treat addictions to alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs.

    There are also addiction treatment facilities that specifically target various behavioral health issues, including a range of eating disorders and behavioral addictions, such as sex, love, gambling, work, shopping, and the internet.

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    Understanding Different Types Of Addiction

    It is generally recognised that there are two different variations of addiction that a person can suffer. One of those is substance addiction, which involves the abuse of legal or illegal drugs and the other is behavioural addiction, which involves no substance but instead can see a person becoming addicted to destructive behaviour.

    Within these two types of addiction, there are several different substances or behaviours that a person can fall victim to and each one should be treated with the same care and consideration as the next. Understanding the similarities and differences between the types of addiction can help you and others to become more aware to the dangers.

    What To Know About Chemical Addiction

    Chemical addiction can be tricky to talk about because theres often confusion around what constitutes substance misuse, dependency, and addiction.

    This is partly why the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders recommends using the term substance use disorder. This classification includes more diagnostic criteria to help healthcare professionals differentiate between mild, moderate, and severe cases.

    Many experts also prefer it because it avoid terms like abuse, which can further stigmatize addiction and prevent people from seeking help.

    Common symptoms of substance use disorder include:

    • cravings intense enough to affect your ability to think about other things
    • a need to use more of the substance to experience the same effects
    • unease or discomfort if you cant easily access the substance
    • risky substance use, like driving or working while using it
    • trouble managing work, school, or household responsibilities because of substance use
    • friendship or relationship difficulties related to substance use
    • spending less time on activities you used to enjoy
    • an inability to stop using the substance
    • withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit

    Some of the more common addictive substances include:

    While most medical experts agree certain behavior patterns can become problematic over time, but theres still some debate around:

    • the point when behaviors become addictions
    • specific behaviors that can become addictive

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    Types Of Alcohol Problems

    Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can develop in many ways. There is no such thing as a typical or normal alcoholic. Everyone who suffers from an alcohol use disorder has their own unique set of circumstances.

    The causes of alcohol dependence vary from person to person. Therefore, the best treatment for one person might not work for the next. One of the best ways to find a successful treatment program is to understand the different types of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

    The three main types of alcohol problems are commonly described as:

    Binge drinking

    Binge drinking is defined as excessive alcohol use. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines it as drinking to where your blood alcohol concentration reaches .08 grams or more. This requires approximately five drinks for males and four drinks for women within a two hour timespan.

    Alcohol abuse

    Alcohol abuse is the excessive consumption of alcohol. It can happen on individual occasions or habitually.

    Alcohol dependence

    Alcoholism is now medically referred to as alcohol use disorder . It is a chronic disease characterized by an inability to control your alcohol consumption.

    These 11 symptoms can be used to determine whether someone has an AUD

  • You consume more and more alcohol .
  • It is difficult to cut down on your excessive drinking.
  • You spend a lot of time getting, drinking, or recovering from alcohol.
  • You feel strong urges or cravings to drink.
  • There Is A Range Of Different Types Of Drugs That People Can Get Addicted To However Some Are More Commonly Abused Than Others

    There Are Two Types Of Addiction Psychological And ...

    Most people immediately picture a drug addict as being a person who frequently uses illicit street drugs, such as heroin or crack cocaine. In reality, a person can become addicted to prescription medications, as well as legal substances, such as alcohol or nicotine. The different types of drugs people may become addicted to can be classified into three different categories of drugs.

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    How Is Addiction Treated

    Addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders can be effectively treated at addiction rehabilitation centers and other health care facilities. Personalized treatment plans help ease symptoms of withdrawal, teach individuals to live without their addictions and prepare for the rest of their lives.

    Types Of Behavioral Addictions

    We often think of addiction as a substance based issue. It does make sense when you look at the statistics stating that 21.5 million Americans have problems with substance abuse. There is another type of addiction, however. Its called behavioral addiction, and its classified by losing control and seeking out the experience regardless of consequence.

    You can exhibit addictive behaviors with sex, the internet, or even adrenaline sports like bungee jumping. A behavioral addiction involves an activity or behavior. Most of the behavioral activities you find in physical addiction are the same as what occurs with behavioral addictions. It is all based on a means of coping or escaping reality. The effects can include changes in mood, increasing tolerance of the behavior, and spending less time doing social activities. Attempting to stop behavioral addiction activities can lead to withdrawal or relapse.

    Here are some examples of addictive behaviors:

    • Sex and Pornography

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    Types Of Alcoholics Explained

    The five different types of alcoholics include young adult, young antisocial, functional, intermediate familial, and chronic severe alcoholics:

    1. Young Adult Alcoholics

    The young adult subtype makes up about a third of the alcohol use disorders in the United States. The average age of these individuals is 24. Young adult alcoholics tend to drink less frequently than older alcoholics, but they binge drink sometimes more than a dozen drinks in one situation.

    Any young person can have a drinking problem, but the majority of young adult alcoholics tend to be male and single. Many are still in school. In most cases, they have moderate rates of a co-occurring substance abuse issue and a family history of alcoholism. They also rarely seek treatment for their addiction.

    Some young-adult alcoholics outgrow their problem drinking, while others develop an addiction to alcohol as they get older.

    In the U.S., young adult alcoholics comprise 31.5 percent of all alcoholics.

    2. Young Antisocial Alcoholics

    The young antisocial subtype starts drinking around age 15 and develops an alcohol use disorder around age 18. Unlike young adult alcoholics, young antisocial alcoholics do not drink socially with peers. Instead, antisocial alcoholics drink alone and typically struggle with other issues.

    Many of them also abuse other substances, including cigarettes, marijuana, and opiates. On average, this type of alcoholic will consume 17 drinks at a time. Three-quarters of this group are males.

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    Blocked energy due to overwhelmed or unidentifiable feelings which produce fight or flight adrenalin within the body.

    Sometimes caused by unresolved grief

    Abusive situations may also be a phobia breeding ground as family or others who should be trusted are not trustworthy leaving gaps in an individuals structure system.

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    Addictions Vs Substance Use Disorders

    The term addiction is used to describe compulsive drug-seeking behaviors that continue in spite of negative outcomes, but it is important to note that addiction is not considered an official diagnosis in the DSM-5.

    Rather than using the term “addiction,” the DSM-5 classifies substance use disorders. While the diagnostic criteria vary for each type, the DSM-5 describes these disorders as a problematic pattern of use of intoxicating substances that leads to significant impairment and distress. These symptoms can result in impaired control, social impairment, risky use, and tolerance/withdrawal.

    While these conditions might be informally referred to as addictions, your doctor will officially diagnose you with some form of substance use disorder or one of the two behavioral addiction disorders that are officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association .

    Different Types Of Rehab Treatments For Addiction

    Both residential and community-based rehab providers will differ in the approach they take and specific methods offered.

    Many rehabs have a focus on talking therapies such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and psychotherapy.

    CBT is intended to challenge thought processes and allow the development of alternative ways of thinking and behaving by breaking specific issues down into small parts.

    Psychotherapy is also designed to help you discover the root causes of problems through talking either one-to-one or in a group.

    Some therapies will help you focus more on practical solutions to allow you to move forward and behave in different ways. Others will dwell more on why you have come to behave the way you have, in order to help you better understand yourself and choose differently in the future.

    In addition to talking therapies, rehab centres may offer and encourage other types of holistic support, such as mindfulness, yoga, exercise or pet therapy.

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    Types Of Drug Addicts And How To Recognize Them

    Individuals can become addicted to a wide variety of substances including illegal drugs, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and alcohol. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 23 million individuals over the age of 12 suffer from some type of drug addiction each year.Individuals who suffer from a history of family drug addiction are at a higher risk of drug addiction than others.-Projectknow.comDrug addiction affects individuals from all types of backgrounds. Anyone who has access to any type of habit-forming medication is at risk for addiction. This is especially true if you are predisposed to addictive behaviors. Individuals who suffer from a history of family drug addiction are at a higher risk of drug addiction than others. Individuals who suffer from mental illness are also at a higher risk for drug addiction. Drug abuse or addiction is not always recognized. Functional drug addicts are able to do well in school or at work, yet they still rely on medications to get them through the day. There are many different types of drug addicts.

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