Thursday, July 25, 2024

Books On Loving An Addict

The Laundry List: The Acoa Experience

Therapist Candace Plattor Discusses Her Book “Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself”

The Laundry List by Tony A. with Dan F. provides insight and meaning to the adult child of an alcoholic and addict. Tony is the Co-Founder of ACOA and provides insight into a childs struggles while raised in a dysfunctional home. The books authors do a great job of helping the reader understand how their experiences have profoundly impacted the affected persons relationships with others.

When a child does not feel love, attention, and affection, they can trust and form healthy relationships and bonds later in life. Many who have suffered this emotional abuse believe that if their own family did not love them or care, how could anyone else. Later in life, the affected person goes into relationships with escape hatches. In other words, they never let another person get close to them for fear of rejection later. They always seem to have to control the relationship by holding off saying I love you or fully trusting the other person. Children of substance users and many substance users often act this way towards relationships with others. This is why we cant stress enough that if a family doesnt want to intervene on the substance user at least intervene as an attempt to help the substance users children.

A 21st Century Book That Provides You A Comprehensive Understanding Of The Nature And Origin Of Addictive Relationships Between The Love Addict And Love Avoidant


More About:

The LOVE ADDICT in Love Addiction is a candid, clearly outlined book which provides you keen insight into the intricate dynamics of Addictive Relationships that only occurs between a love addict and a love avoidant partner.

You will discover the nature of addictive relationships what happens when the love addict and love avoidant initially form a romantic relationship and why they both become so drawn/attracted to one another.

You’ll understand the unhealthy behaviors and triggers that block intimacy and closeness, as well as the emotional psyche of both the love addict and love avoidant in relationships. You will come to understand the toxic cycle that plays out as an addictive relationship progresses.

You will come to grasp how and why a love addict and love avoidant repeatedly create extremely unhealthy relationship patterns including the causes of why both partners continue creating and repeating dysfunctional relational cycles… Plus much more than can be explained here.


I Love You More: Short Stories Of Addiction Recovery And Loss From The Family’s Perspective By Blake E Cohen

This book takes a different approach to help those who love an addict.

It is a collection of fictitious tales about addiction told from a family members point of view.

Though not a list of tips or scientific analysis, Blake E. Cohen’s book reminds you that you are not alone in this difficult situation.

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Go Ask Alice By Anonymous

It started when she was served a soft drink laced with LSD in a dangerous party game. Within months, she was hooked, trapped in a downward spiral that took her from her comfortable home and loving family to the mean streets of an unforgiving city. It was a journey that would rob her of her innocence, her youth and ultimately her life.

Read her diary.

Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way Of Understanding Addiction By Maia Szalavitz

Facing Love Addiction : Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You ...

While other books on this list focus on relatable anecdotes and helpful advice, this book takes a more detached and scientific look at addiction.

Addiction is a disease and Maia Szalavitz acknowledges that fact. Only by understanding the reality of this disease, can you start to comprehend what your loved one is going through.

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Beautiful Boy: A Fathers Journey Through His Sons Addiction

I tell people this is the book that saved my life while my son was battling his addiction, and I mean that with every ounce of my being. Its the best book Ive ever read because it moved me like no other book has. David Sheff is a master storyteller whose writing is brutally honest and thought provoking. This isnt just a book about a sons addiction and how it affected all those around him, its a parental love story one that will make you realize youre not alone, while validating all of the thoughts and feelings youve ever had about your addicted loved one. Better than that, Beautiful Boy is also a story of hope.

The First True Thing By Claire Needell

Claire Needells evocative novel, perfect for fans of The Girl on the Train, explores the risks of substance abuse as well as what it means to take control of your life when it seems like the only path forward is the one that will take all of your courage.

The next morning, Hannah is missing. Marcelle was the last one to hear from herand now shes lying to everyoneabout the text, and more.

How long can Marcelle go on before she admits to herself what she has to do? If she comes clean, can she save Hannah?

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Having An Addicted Person Inyour Life Can Be A Nightmare

Welcome! We know how alone you can feel when addiction is tearing your family apart. Thats why we offer you this specialized onling program complete with professional online counseling for Loved Ones of addicts were very glad youve found us!

Loving someone who has an addiction problem is often like being trapped on a roller-coaster of chaotic and painful emotions.

You never know whats going to happen from one moment to the next. It can be like living in a re-occurring nightmare that you cant seem to wake up from.

The ongoing lies and the broken promises, the constant worry and fear, the dwindling hope that someday things will change

Everything Changes: Help For Families Of Newly Recovering Addicts By Beverly Conyers

How To Love An Addict

This book is particularly great if your loved one has already started taking steps towards sobriety.

While you likely feel relief from your loved one’s life-changing decision, a new and difficult set of obstacles is heading your way.

Recovery is as difficult as it is rewarding, and this book will help you to navigate these new challenges.

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Addicted To The Monkey Mind: Change The Programming That Sabotages Your Life

In his book, J.F. Benoista visionary thought leader in the fields of addiction treatment and personal developmentuses the journeys of two relatable characters to teach you how to develop a powerful new mindset and finally break the pattern of negative self-talk.

Addicted to the Monkey Mind offers a toolbox of practical skills to shift self-sabotaging, programmed ways of thinking and learn actionable steps to:

  • Overcome addiction & debilitating habits

Crank By Ellen Hopkins

In Crank, Ellen Hopkins chronicles the turbulent and often disturbing relationship between Kristina, a character based on her own daughter, and the monster, the highly addictive drug crystal meth, or crank.

Kristina is introduced to the drug while visiting her largely absent and neer-do-well father. While under the influence of the monster, Kristina discovers her sexy alter-ego, Bree: there is no perfect daughter, / no gifted high school junior, / no Kristina Georgia Snow. / There is only Bree.

Bree will do all the things good girl Kristina wont, including attracting the attention of dangerous boys who can provide her with a steady flow of crank.

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Must Read If Kids Are In Deep

  • 4.5 out of 5 stars 21
  • Story4.5 out of 5 stars 21

Step 1: You admit that you’re powerless over your addiction. Now what? Twelve-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have helped countless people on the path to recovery. But many still feel that 12-step programs aren’t for them: that the spiritual emphasis is too narrow, the modality too old-school, the setting too triggering, or the space too exclusive. Some struggle with an addict label that can eclipse the histories, traumas, and experiences that feed into addiction, or dismisses the effects of adverse experiences like trauma in the first place.

  • 1 out of 5 stars
  • This Can Be A Very Isolating And Frightening Experience

    Books On Love Addiction

    The fear, guilt, and shame that Loved Ones of addicts often feel can lead to them withdrawing into their own unique world, unwilling or perhaps feeling unable to ask for the help they need.

    And yet it is this outside perspective, continuing support, and a sense of belonging that can often make the biggest difference in learning to love oneself, despite the challenging circumstances of navigating life with an addict.

    Whether the addict in your life is your spouse,partner, parent, child, friend, or colleague,the good news is that there is a wayto end your suffering and…Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself:The Online Support Programshows you how.

    Building on my award-winning book, Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction, this Online Support Program goes beyond the pertinent information

    to offer access to trained Counselors and/or Recovery Coaches who are there to support you through this challenging experience, as your journey of transformation unfolds.

    It doesnt matter what kind of addictive behavior your loved one is struggling with.

    It could be alcohol and drug misuse an eating disorder smoking gambling an Internet, relationship, or sex addiction compulsive shopping and over-spending or any combination of the above.

    All addictions have negative consequences for the Loved Ones as well.

    This Lifeline Is for You If:

    Heres how the Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself Online Support Program works:

    Recommended Reading: What Are The Stages Of Change In Addiction

    The Recovering By Leslie Jamison

    Theres no other book like this: it blends literary criticism about great addiction writing, perceptive cultural and social commentary, and gorgeous autobiography about the authors own alcoholism and recovery. Jamison is one of the wisest and most elegant writers currently at work. An alchemical book that manages to turn heartache and sorrow into literary joy.

    In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts

    Dr. Gabor Mate provides strong insight into addiction and all the forces that drive it, along with suggested solutions. Whether you agree or disagree, anything you watch or read by Dr. Gabor Mate is worth it. If you search online, you will find many videos and material by Dr. Gabor Mate. Of all his books, In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts is one of his best. Mate describes how he believes much of addiction in your adult years stems from childhood trauma. Mate believes some trauma can come from our implicit memory. Implicit memory is memory without recollection of the actual event. This can start as early as the stages of child development.

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    Love Addiction And Codependency Books

    Codependent No Moreby Melody Beattie

    Recovery from love addiction has begun for millions of individuals with this straightforward guide. Through personal examples and exercises, readers are shown how controlling others forces them to lose sight of their own needs and happiness.

    The Language of Letting Goby Melody Beattie

    Melody Beattie integrates her own life experiences and fundamental recovery reflections in this unique daily meditation book written especially for those of us who struggle with the issue of codependency.

    Problems are made to be solved, Melody reminds us, and the best thing we can do is take responsibility for our own pain and self-care. In this daily inspirational book, Melody provides us with a thought to guide us through the day and she encourages us to remember that each day is an opportunity for growth and renewal.

    Facing Codependenceby Pia Mellody

    This is the book that propelled Pia Mellody into international prominence as an expert on the family dynamics of addiction. Articulate and reflective, she argues that love addicts and family members share the same history and characteristics.

    Facing Love Addictionby Pia Mellody

    Love Addict: Sex, Romance, and Other Dangerous Drugsby Ethlie Ann Vare

    Ready To Healby Kelly McDaniel

    Is It Love or Is It Addiction?by Brenda Schaeffer

    Women, Sex, and Addiction: A Search for Love and Powerby Charlotte Davis Kasl, Ph.D.

    from Center for Healthy Sex

    Are You Frustrated With Watching Your Addicted Loved Ones Destroy Their Lives

    Loving an Addict: DON’T Edition

    Whether your relationship is with a family member, friend, or partner, caring about an addicted person can feel like a nightmare. If someone you love is abusing drugs or alcohol or is engaging in addictive behaviors such as disordered eating, problem gambling, smoking, Internet addiction, a controlling relationship, or compulsive overspending, there is hope!Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Workbookwill show you how your life can improve by helping you to understand what will and wont work in your relationship with your addicted loved oneand in your relationship with yourself. As you become familiar with the top ten survival tips for loving someone with an addiction, you will learn how to offer healthier and more effective choices to your addicted loved one. Once you do this, you will feel a sense of realistic control in your life. In turn, this will increase your self-respect, which is, without a doubt, the most important thing you can change about yourself.

    Loving an Addict, Loving YourselfConstance Lynn Hummel, MA, RCC, CCC Specializing in relationships, sex addiction, and substance addictionsKathryn Friesen, ClientM.G., ClientLoving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The WorkbookDeborah Braun, MA, RCC www.complementhealthcare.comLoving an Addict, Loving YourselfLoving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The WorkbookR.C.G., Client

    Order the PDF format right now by clicking on the link below.

    PDF: $7.95

    Buy the book and workbook together and save!

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    Heroine By Mindy Mcginnis

    When a car crash sidelines Mickey just before softball season, she has to find a way to hold on to her spot as the catcher for a team expected to make a historic tournament run. Behind the plate is the only place shes ever felt comfortable, and the painkillers shes been prescribed can help her get there.

    The pills do more than take away pain they make her feel good.

    With a new circle of friendsfellow injured athletes, others with just time to killMickey finds peaceful acceptance, and people with whom words come easily, even if it is just the pills loosening her tongue. But as the pressure to be Mickey Catalan heightens, her need increases, and it becomes less about pain and more about want, something that could send her spiraling out of control.

    Dreamland: The True Tale Of Americas Opiate Epidemic

    In 1929, in the blue-collar city of Portsmouth, Ohio, a company built a swimming pool the size of a football field named Dreamland, it became the vital center of the community. Now, opioid addiction has devastated Portsmouth, as it has hundreds of small rural towns and suburbs across Americaaddiction like no other the country has ever faced. How that happened is the riveting story of Dreamland.

    With a great reporters narrative skill and the storytelling ability of a novelist, acclaimed journalist Sam Quinones weaves together two classic tales of capitalism run amok whose unintentional collision has been catastrophic. The unfettered prescribing of pain medications during the 1990s reached its peak in Purdue Pharmas campaign to market OxyContin, its new, expensiveextremely addictivemiracle painkiller. Introducing a memorable cast of characterspharma pioneers, young Mexican entrepreneurs, narcotics investigators, survivors, and parentsQuinones shows how these tales fit together. Dreamland is a revelatory account of the corrosive threat facing America and its heartland.

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    Great Book With Unbearable Reader

    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 49
    • Story4.5 out of 5 stars 48

    If youre the family member of an addict, you may feel confused, guilty, and scared of doing the wrong thing. And when you dont know how to help, you may find yourself in a codependent role. Addict in the House offers a pragmatic, step-by-step guide to dealing with a loved ones addiction, from accepting the reality of the disease to surviving what may be repeated cycles of recovery and relapse. Youll learn how to encourage your addicted loved one to get help without forcing it and finally find the strength to let go of codependence.

  • 3 out of 5 stars
  • Learning Not To Drown By Anna Shinoda

    Books About Addiction

    There is a pecking order to every family. Seventeen-year-old Clare is the overprotected baby Peter is the typical, rebellious middle child and Luke is the cant-do-wrong favorite. In their eyes, they are a normal, happy family. But sometimes its the people who are closest to us who are the hardest to see.

    Clare loves her older brother, Lukeits not his fault that hes always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Life as Lukes sister hasnt been easytheir community hasnt been nearly as forgiving of his transgressions as she and her parents arebut hes done his time and is on his way home again, and she has to believe this time will be different. But when the truths behind his arrests begin to surface, everything Clares always known is shaken to its core.

    Clare has to decide if sticking up for herself and her future means selfishly turning her back on familyor if its the only way to keep herself from drowning along with them.

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    The Patrick Melrose Novels By Edward St Aubyn

    I read these five autobiographical novels twice: once as a heroin addict and a second time in rehab. Together they are perhaps the most powerful depiction of the full life cycle of addictionfrom childhood trauma to chaotic dependency to tentative recoveryin English literature. And somehow, they manage to be both terrible and hilarious . Every addict will relate to the St. Aubyns beautifully paradoxical line: The way other people felt about love, he felt about heroin, and he felt about love the way other people felt about heroin: that it was a dangerous and incomprehensible waste of time.

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