Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Get Addicted To Percocet

Treatment For Percocet Abuse And Addiction

How can someone get Percocet drug addiction help? – 24/7 Addiction Helpline Call 1(800)-615-1067

Addiction to Percocet should always be treated with the help of professionals. While opioid withdrawal is not generally considered life-threatening, it can be very uncomfortable, often resulting in relapse as the person simply takes more Percocet in order to combat the painful withdrawal symptoms. As a result, medical detox, often with the use of replacement medications, is usually recommended.

Withdrawal symptoms from Percocet may include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Mood swings
  • Muscle and joint pain

Symptoms experienced during the initial phase of withdrawal are largely physical with some emotional components. Acute withdrawal symptoms generally peak between the first and third days after last use of the drug. However, emotional withdrawal symptoms, as well as lingering physical symptoms, may last for weeks or even months.

In addition to opioid replacement medication, other medications may be prescribed during withdrawal to alleviate specific symptoms. This may include anti-anxiety medications to address agitation or anti-nausea medications to address vomiting or stomach upset.

While detox is often the first step in addiction treatment, it must be followed by comprehensive therapy in order to effectively address issues related to substance abuse. If therapy doesnt follow withdrawal, relapse is highly likely.

Percocet Addiction Is Best Treated By A Formal Program

A 2017 survey examined death rates for opioid addicts who got treatment from a hospital versus those that went to an addiction treatment program. They found that fewer opioid users died when they attended a formal treatment program. Hospitals can provide undeniable medical care, but a Percocet addiction treatment program can provide all the extra aspects of care a person may need during recovery: psychological support, relapse prevention skills, and a community of sober peers.

U.S. National Library of Medicine. . Opioid Abusers at Higher Death Risk When Addiction Specialists Not Part of Care. Medline Plus.

Whats An Addiction To Oxycodone

Substance use disorder, including addiction, exists on a continuum.

Its possible to only have a physical addiction, or dependence, which can go away once you detox off oxycodone.

However, its not uncommon to develop an emotional addiction to oxycodone. For many people, the euphoric effects are challenging to let go of.

In either case, an addiction is an inability to stop using oxycodone, even though youre experiencing physical, emotional, and behavioral difficulties as a result of using it.

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Effective Treatment For Percocet Addiction

Treatment of addiction to Percocet begins with supervised detox, but this is just the small first step. Detox must be followed up with effective, long-term treatments to avoid the likeliness of relapse. Residental treatment for Percocet addiction provides a safe environment in which to focus on and access a wide range of support services, from medical care to therapy and alternative treatments.

Medical treatment is an important part of the management of any opioid use disorder. Medications can be used for maintenance therapy, reducing cravings, and withdrawal symptoms. They are an important part of treatment but should also be used with therapy. Working with a therapist helps clients learn what led to their Percocet abuse, what their triggers are, and what they can to prevent relapse in the future. Behavioral therapies are particularly helpful in guiding patients to set and achieve goals, make healthy lifestyle changes, respond better to stress and Percocet-use triggers, and develop healthier relationships with loved ones.

Percocet rehab may also include a range of supplemental services that complement medical treatment and therapy. These include creative therapies with writing, art or music, recreation and adventure therapies, group support, relapse prevention strategies, family therapy, and lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise services.

Ongoing Treatment And Relapse Prevention Strategies

Percocet Addiction: Warning Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment ...

Staying in treatment and therapy is a great way to help prevent a relapse down the line. Stress is a large factor in many relapses, so learning to become self-reliant and cope with stress is very helpful in avoiding potential relapses. Some medications are also helpful in regulating moods and keeping withdrawal and cravings to a minimum, further reducing the risk of relapse.

Holistic methods contributing to an overall well-being help to give people a reason not to return to the drug.

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Getting Treatment And Starting Recovery


Helpline Information today to talk to a recovery support advisor about treatment programs for Percocet addiction.

If you or a loved one would like to get treatment and start recovery from Percocet addiction, there are several options available.

Many people begin their recovery with a period of medically supervised detox and then transition to some type of formal treatment program as the risk of relapse for opioids is high. 1 Following a similar course of treatment can help reduce the unpleasant withdrawal experience, increasing the chances of successful detox and solidifying an individualâs commitment to long-term recovery.

In a medically supervised detox, staff members will monitor the severity of your withdrawal symptoms and will be able to provide medical and therapeutic relief of those symptoms. Detox can last up to a week and will depend on the length of time you or your loved one took Percocet, the dosage at the time of cessation, and other factors such as age and pre-existing liver and kidney conditions. 3

Other factors to consider when choosing a treatment program include:

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Not all facilities or providers will offer buprenorphine or methadone, so it is important to ask about these drugs specifically.

  • Diarrhea.
  • Muscle aches. 1,2,3,4

These symptoms will usually begin within 6-12 hours after the last dose of Percocet, peak within 1-3 days, and gradually subside within a week. 4

Drug Dependence Vs Drug Addiction

Sometimes, these two terms are often used interchangeably when talking about substance abuse. They are not the same though. It is essential to understand the difference to better understand withdrawals, treatment programs, and sustained recovery.

It is important to understand that someone can be addicted to drugs or alcohol without demonstrating a physical dependence to that substance.

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Beyond That Though Percocet Also Causes Excess Amounts Of Dopamine To Be Released Into The Central Nervous System As Well This Is What’s Responsible For The Euphoria That Comes With Abusing This Drug

As the brain gets more accustomed to that intense rush of dopamine, it starts craving more and more of what caused it. Added to that, everything else that used to cause a burst of dopamine to be released – a delicious meal, the end of a great book, sexual release – all begin to pale in comparison.

As a result, the old activities you loved because they gave you pleasure simply don’t hold the same appeal anymore. Now, the only thing that can cause that rush of dopamine is abusing Percocet.

And it isn’t just your brain that’s starting to change because of heavy Percocet abuse either. As your abuse becomes more and more common, your body starts to adapt to the continual presence of this drug as well.

It’s because of these physical changes that you start developing what’s known as tolerance to Percocet. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse , tolerance is defined as:

when the person no longer responds to the drug in the way that person initially responded. Stated another way, it takes a higher dose of the drug to achieve the same level of response achieved initially.

And as that tolerance continues to build, you continue to increase your dosage, making your addiction more expensive, more consuming, and even more dangerous.

What Are the Long-Term Effects?

In the long-term, Percocet addiction can cause a variety of severe health problems.

In the end, addiction to Percocet can cause some very serious and very damaging long-term effects.

What Does Percocet Do To Your Body

Oxycodone | Oxycotin | Percocet Addiction

Percocet®is an opioid, which means it is derived from the same source as drugs like morphine and heroin. Opioids act on receptors in the brain to block out pain and release neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness and euphoria.

Percocet® can be both physically and emotionally addictive. If its taken extensively for long periods of time, the brain and body can grow dependent on it meaning that if you try to quit, you may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Emotionally, you may find it difficult to feel pleasure in everyday activities without the drug. Whether knowingly misused or not, a Percocet® addiction can begin to control your life. Once addicted, you may exceed the recommended dosage or seek out illegal ways to obtain more of the drug.

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Causes Of Percocet Abuse & Addiction

Addiction to Percocet, similar to addiction to other opiate narcotics is likely the combination of several factors working together. These factors include:

Genetic: Children whose parent or parents are addicted to Percocet or other substances have a higher likelihood of developing an addiction later in life.

Brain Chemistry: Individuals who are born with or develop disorders that cause pain are at a greater chance for developing a dependence on Percocet or other narcotics due to prolonged usage. In addition, research has suggested that certain individuals are born lacking neurotransmitters or the receptor sites for neurotransmitters and may resort to abusing narcotic pain relievers in order to correct this imbalance.

Environmental: Individuals who grow up in chaotic homes where addiction runs rampant are at greater likelihood for developing addictions later in life. This is partially due to the normalization of drugs and the abuse of drugs by role models, and partially because these children learn that the most appropriate way to handle emotional pain and stress is through chemical dependency.

Psychological: Many cases of mental illness go undiagnosed and untreated for a great many years as people under report their symptoms. In order to manage these untreated symptoms of a mental illness, some individuals turn to abusing drugs like Percocet to self-medicate their symptoms.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Treating Percocet Addiction And Withdrawal

Percocet addiction and dependence are treatable. Most people who engage with treatment successfully recover.

The first step of treatment is medical detox or medication-assisted treatment to address the physical dependence on Percocet. Medical detox involves medications that reduce the severity of Percocet withdrawal symptoms. Medication-assisted treatment involves taking medications that prevent withdrawal and help to normalize brain function.

Addiction treatment should be holistic. A variety of traditional talk therapies and complementary therapies help individuals develop essential coping skills, change self-destructive thought and behavior patterns, and address underlying issues behind the drug abuse.

If youre asking, Can I get addicted to Percocet? because youre worried that you may already be addicted, a mental health professional can help you decide whether youre addicted or dependent and whether you need treatment to recover. WhiteSands Treatment offers a holistic approach to treatment that addresses issues of body, mind, and spirit for whole-person healing and a higher quality of life for the long-term.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at . Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

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The Physical Withdrawals Of Addiction To Percocet Can Be Quite Overwhelming At Times Some Of The Most Common Ones According To Mental Health Daily Are:

  • Diarrhea

Accidental Overdose

Another danger associated with Percocet withdrawal is the threat of accidental overdose. To explain, opioids are notorious for building up dependency at a particularly rapid pace.

In fact, some patients show signs of tolerance within just a few hours of taking high doses of opioids .

However, tolerance to opioids also drops especially quickly. As a result, a Percocet addict may go through detox only to relapse only to fatally overdose on the same dosage they were getting high on a week earlier.

It’s an incredibly serious problem that makes it all the more important that you undergo only the most successful recovery programs available.

Youve Experienced Withdrawal Symptoms

Oxycodone Addiction

Lin Sternlicht, LMHC, an addiction specialist and founder of Family Addiction Specialist in New York City, tells WebMD Connect to Care that one easily-identifiable sign of prescription opioid addiction is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. Withdrawal usually begins within hours or days of last using opioids and can be extremely uncomfortable.

Common withdrawal symptoms can be similar to severe flu which include:

  • Muscle or bone pain
  • Diarrhea and vomiting

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Effects Of Withdrawal And Overdose Of Teen Percocet Addiction

Effects of Percocet withdrawal: Certain types of behaviors and physical symptoms suggest that your teen is grappling with Percocet withdrawal. When these sort of signs become apparent, its wise to get your child help. Among the many indicators to keep an eye out for, the following are the most common effects of Percocet withdrawal:

  • Watery eyes
  • Diarrhea
  • Cravings for Percocet

Effects of Percocet overdose: Witnessing ones child suffer a Percocet overdose is an experience that no parent or guardian wishes to have. It can be terrifying and lead to a fatal outcome if emergency treatment isnt sought soon enough. However, if your teen is misusing this medication, he or she is at risk for this sort of outcome and may need you to act on his or her behalf to get the medical attention he or she will need if any of the following effects emerge:

  • Vomiting

Signs And Symptoms Of Percocet Addiction

Below are some of the most common signs and symptoms that impact someone who is either abusing or who has become addicted to Percocet:

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Attempting to obtain a fraudulent prescription for Percocet, or to acquire the drug through another illicit means
  • Abusing Percocet even after prior use has resulted in negative effects
  • Social withdrawal
  • Taking Percocet in greater quantities or for a longer period of time than intended
  • Attempting but being incapable of reducing ones Percocet use
  • Trying to borrow or steal Percocet
  • Trying to borrow or steal money
  • Abusing Percocet when it is clearly dangerous to do so, such as when also ingesting other addictive substances or when operating a motor vehicle

Physical symptoms:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when not using Percocet
  • Sleep problems, including insomnia
  • Problems with balance, coordination, and motor skills
  • Losing weight
  • Problems with memory and judgment
  • Loss of ability to focus and/or concentrate

Psychosocial symptoms:


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Help For Percocet Addicts

If youre battling an addiction to Percocet , youre not alone.

According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 6.5 million Americans age 12 years or older were current non-medical users of prescription drugs a category that includes oxycodone formulations.

Regardless of how long youve taken Percocet, treatment programs are available to help you fight your addiction.

Different Forms Of Percocet

I Almost Became Addicted To Percocet

Percocet comes in different-sized tablets with various dosages of oxycodone hydrochloride. There are 2.5 milligram, 5 milligram, 7.5 milligram and 10 milligram tablets, each combined with 325 milligrams of acetaminophen.

The dosage embossed on one side of the pill determines the colour. Respectively, they are pink, blue, peach and yellow. Theres also a liquid form of the medication, but it must be carefully measured to the prescribed amount to reduce the risk of overdose.

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Oxycontin Addiction: 5 Signs You May Have A Problem

Oxycontin is one of several brand names for a medication called oxycodone, a prescription opioid used to treat severe or chronic pain. Oxycodone affects the brain and body very similarly to other opioids such as hydrocodone , morphine, and fentanyl. So, the signs of Oxycontin addiction are the same as addiction to any type of opioid.

The Risks And Effects Of Percocet Addiction

The risks and effects of Percocet addiction are numerous. Short term effects of Percocet addiction look like this:

  • Putting drug seeking behaviors before everything else
  • Laxative and antihistamine abuse, mostly to fight chronic constipation and itching
  • Neglecting family, relationships, health, work, and other important parts of life
  • Avoidance of responsibility
  • Theft of money or valuables, even from close relatives and friends
  • Tendency to blame other people or things for every problem

Do you see yourself in these behaviors?

Percocet addicts are at risk of overdose every time they use. Some signs of Percocet overdose include:

  • Confusion

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Signs And Symptoms Percocet Addiction

Someone who has become addicted to Percocet has lost control over the ability to stop using it. There are many signs of addiction, but the following are what mental health and addiction professionals use to diagnose patients. Just meeting two or three of these criteria indicate an individual has a mild opioid use disorder and could benefit from treatment:

  • Taking Percocet in larger doses and for longer than intended
  • Unsuccessful attempts to stop using Percocet
  • Spending a lot of time using, recovering from, or acquiring the drug
  • Experiencing strong cravings for Percocet or other opioids
  • Neglecting responsibilitiesat home, work, school, or other areasbecause of drug use
  • Continuing use of Percocet even though it causes relationship problems
  • Giving up other activities to spend more time using or recovering from using drugs
  • Using Percocet in dangerous situations more than once
  • Using Percocet in spite of the fact that it causes or exacerbates physical or mental health problems
  • Experiencing tolerance, a need to use more and more of the drug to get the desired effect
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not using Percocet

Comprehensive Percocet Addiction Treatment Programs

Percocet Addiction Side Effects

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that opioid addiction treatment that includes the use of medications, behavioral interventions, screening for potential co-occurring mental health and medical disorders or diseases, and measures to reduce overdose are the most comprehensive and beneficial in treating addiction. Drug abuse and addiction treatment programs encompass many different methods and formats. The most common forms include outpatient, intensive outpatient, and residential treatment programs. All three are likely to include some form of behavioral therapy that uses both group and individual sessions to help clients develop new tools and coping mechanisms. In addition, therapy helps to improve self-esteem and self-reliance by dispelling negative thoughts and destructive actions.

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