Sunday, September 29, 2024

How Do You Know You Are Addicted To Xanax

Signs And Symptoms Of Xanax Addiction Or Abuse

7 Signs Your Loved One Is Addicted To Xanax

What are the side effects of Xanax? The physical symptoms of Xanax addiction or abuse mimic extreme drunkenness and can also be similar to some of the physical signs of opiate abuse. Some of the most common physical symptoms of Xanax addiction or abuse are:

  • Drowsiness/lack of coordination
  • Swelling in hands and feet
  • Fluctuations in weight
  • While these are common physical signs of substance abuse, Xanax symptoms in an abuser may be similar to those common to alcohol abuse and opiate abuse. Although Xanax can be abused by itself, many addicts will combine multiple drugs to create a more intense high. Benzos such as Xanax have been a significant factor in overdose deaths in the past few years. Mixing other drugs or alcohol with Xanax, especially in high doses, is extremely dangerous and potentially fatal.

    The Ins And Outs Of Xanax Addiction

    Every year, doctors write more than 50 million prescriptions for Xanax. While some individuals use those prescriptions appropriately, many more suffer from a Xanax addiction and abuse them. Xanax addiction can have deadly consequences.

    It is crucial to become aware of these dangers and how to recover from them as well. No matter what stage youre in, it is possible to start the road to long-term sobriety. Learning more about this drug, and addiction can be a key step toward recovery.

    How To Treat An Addiction To Xanax

    A Xanax addiction has to be treated like any other drug addiction. Patients will need to cease consumption and then work through withdrawal, followed by a comprehensive drug addiction treatment program. There are many therapeutic approaches to recovery that can be effective.

    Evidence-based recovery rehab will start with talk therapy.

    This can help change behaviors, address any underlying history of trauma and work through mental health conditions that could be playing a role. Involving the family can also be helpful, as can group therapy. Alternative or holistic therapies ranging from fitness to acupuncture can play a role in boosting overall wellness and strength against relapse as well.

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    Behavioral Signs Of Xanax Abuse And Xanax Addiction

    When Xanax is abused, it can cause strange behaviors. Some of the most common behavioral signs of Xanax abuse are stealing, slurred speech, disorientation and memory problems.

  • Stealing Many people impulsively steal when they are high on Xanax. If you notice your loved one going through random spurts of acquiring things they usually wouldnt have, they may be abusing Xanax.
  • Slurred Speech When someone is abusing Xanax, it has a strong effect on them. Since Xanax is a depressant, it can cause slurring of speech like alcohol. When someone is addicted, the side effects of Xanax wont be as noticeable because their body is now used to them.
  • Disorientation and Memory Problems Disorientation and memory loss are common signs of Xanax abuse. Xanax is used to treat anxiety by slowing down nerve cell activity in the brain this can cause disorientation in the user. It can cause short-term amnesia or Xanax blackouts in those who are abusing Xanax. If someone is addicted to Xanax, they can end up missing large chunks of time and have no memory of what theyve done for up to weeks at a time
  • Rehab For Xanax Addiction

    Xanax Addiction

    Once someone has a Xanax addiction, they shouldnt stop taking the drug cold turkey. Licensed treatment professionals recommend the user be placed on a medically supervised tapering program to slowly wean them off the drug. Quitting the drug abruptly can lead to serious health effects, including seizures. As such, it is always recommended for those overcoming a Xanax addiction to start with a medical detox.

    Those with a moderate to severe Xanax addiction will benefit from the high level of care provided in inpatient treatment centers. An outpatient program may be a suitable option for those with mild Xanax addictions.

    • About

    Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelors and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. Jeffreys desire to help others led him to focus on economic and social development and policy making. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. Jeffreys mission is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

    • Alprazolam-Drug Summary. Retrieved on September 28, 2015 from
    • Alprazolam. Retrieved on September 28, 2015 from
    • Diazepam, Oral Tablet. Retrieved on September 28, 2015 from

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    Theresa Parisi

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    Effects Of Xanax Abuse

    The effects of long-term Xanax abuse will differ from person to person, but one thing is clear: addiction to Xanax leaves virtually no area of an addicts life unscathed. Some of the most common effects of Xanax abuse include:

    • Crumbling interpersonal relationships
    • Preoccupation with obtaining, using, and recovering from Xanax
    • Job loss

    Co-Occurring Disorders

    Symptoms Of Xanax Use

    Due to its sedative qualities, those suffering from a Xanax addiction may lack their usual energy or motivation to engage in the things they used to love. After a long period of Xanax use, the user will start to lack the motivation to even participate in everyday activities. Other outward signs of Xanax addiction include:

    • Drowsiness
    • Sleeping for extended periods of time
    • Weakness
    • Headache

    Over time, as the dependency deepens, those abusing Xanax will need to take increasing quantities of the drug to get the same euphoric effects as before. The more Xanax that is taken, the longer these symptoms will prevail and can lead to permanent damage.

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    Common Signs Of Xanax Addiction

    So, what if youre wondering whether or not someone is not just on Xanax but abusing it? The more Xanax a person takes, the more likely they are to experience signs of abuse. Common signs of Xanax addiction that are visible to observers include trouble with cognition and forming words properly. People who are on Xanax will often sound similar to someone who is intoxicated from alcohol because of slurring.

    How To Find A Treatment Center

    My Xanax Addiction

    Ask your doctor or another health professional for a recommendation. You can also search for a treatment center close to where you live with the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator. Its a free online tool provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration .

    Detoxification is a process aimed at helping you safely stop taking Xanax while minimizing and managing your withdrawal symptoms. Detox is usually done in a hospital or rehabilitation facility under medical supervision.

    In many cases, Xanax use is discontinued over time. It may be swapped for another longer-acting benzodiazepine. In both cases, you take less and less of the drug until its out of your system. This process is called tapering and can take up to 6 weeks.

    In some cases, it can take longer. Your doctor might also prescribe other medications to ease your withdrawal symptoms.

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    What Is Xanax Addiction

    Addiction, or substance use disorder, is when a person continues to use a pleasurable substance or perform a pleasurable action despite negative consequences the substance or action causes. Consequences can be financial, occupational or interpersonal.

    Substance use disorder develops over months and years, and may not be easy to identify at first.

    Xanax dependence can be a trigger that encourages addiction. When a person is dependent, they cannot stop using a drug without experiencing withdrawal. They also cannot function normally without the substance. Therefore, the urge to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay reinforces substance use.

    Addiction does not discriminate, especially when it comes to prescription drugs like Xanax. People from all walks of life can become addicted to Xanax. While addiction is different for everyone, the progression from the first use to a substance use disorder may look something like this:

    The Development Of Xanax Addiction

    There are two primary routes for the development of an addiction to Xanax. The first is that a person decides to try Xanax for recreational purposes and eventually develops an addiction. Some people use Xanax as a party drug for its sedative effects. They may take it without realizing how addictive it is.

    The second route is when individuals receive a prescription for Xanax for legitimate medical reasons but developing an addiction after prolonged use. This is a common issue thats been hurting communities nationwide. Even for minor issues, a drug like Xanax can be prescribed which is then easily refilled. This is not something to take lightly.

    Xanax is the fifth most commonly prescribed drug in the United States. A staggering number of people are requesting or taking Xanax to treat a medical condition. However, all patients taking Xanax must be careful about dosage and appropriate consumption. Avoiding the development of an addiction is far, far easier than trying to treat it after it develops.

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    Its Easy To Become Addicted To Xanax

    Even when Xanax is taken as prescribed, anyone can become addicted to Xanax. Dependence happens rapidly with benzos. Since Xanax addiction, or physical dependence, can occur quickly, it is crucial to recognize the effects of Xanax and the symptoms of Xanax addiction. Its also important to know the difference between Xanax abuse and long-term Xanax addiction. The countrys treatment centers have seen many long-time Xanax users with depressive symptoms.

    Where To Start If You Or Your Loved One Wants Help

    Xanax Addiction Symptoms: How To Tell If You

    Asking for help is an important first step. If you or your loved one are ready to get treatment, it may be helpful to reach out to a supportive friend or family member for support.

    You can also start by calling a doctor. Your doctor can assess your overall health by performing a physical exam. They can also answer any questions you have about Xanax use and, if needed, refer you to a treatment center.

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    Xanax Addiction In Young Adults

    Xanax, a brand-name prescription depressant, is a medication most often prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and sleep disorders. Commonly classified as a sedative or tranquilizer, Xanax is most known for its calming effects: it reduces anxiety, eases muscle tension, and promotes relaxation.

    Many young adults today feel that tranquilizers such as Xanax are harmless. It helps to ease worries, to prevent panic attacks, and to help users achieve a good nights sleep. As a result, many Xanax users today are students, or young adults just beginning their careers in the professional world. These teens and young adults believe that the drug can only benefit themand they can fall asleep at night without the burden of stress.

    What Xanax users often do not realize is that the drug has an extremely high potential for both physical and psychological dependence. A prescribed patient, even when taking their medication exactly as prescribed by their doctor, can easily become addicted to Xanax.

    Xanax is a type of benzodiazepine , a central nervous system depressant that poses great risk for addiction. Commonly called a downer, Xanax slows down brain activity by blocking brain receptors and inhibiting communication between neurons. It does so by hyperpolarizing these brain cells so that they become less activemaking a user feel calm, drowsy, less agitated, and less anxious.

    Therapeutic Benefits Of Xanax

    In these circumstances, it is understandable that your physician would prescribe Xanax. Xanax is a benzodiazepine medication that works very quickly and effectively to reduce anxiety and help with sleep. Physicians often prescribe these medications to help patients feel better when they are very distressed, and generally patients find them helpful in the short term.

    Xanax can calm people quickly and effectively and can help promote relaxation and sleep when taken as prescribed. For those who only take the dose given by their doctor, and who only take the drug for a brief period until things settle down, these medications can be part of a coping strategy which includes emotional and practical support, as needed.

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    Xanax Addiction Signs To Look For In Your Loved One

    Xanax, the popular brand name for the drug alprazolam, is a type of benzodiazepine or central nervous system depressant that is prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders. In a therapeutic setting, it is typically only used for a short period of time, so the prescribing doctor will slowly decrease the dosage.

    Xanax is usually only a short-term solution because it comes with a high potential for dependence and tolerance develops quickly. In fact, about one in five people who take benzodiazepines like Xanax will misuse them.1 For these reasons, it is imperative that Xanax should always be taken as prescribed. Misuse and use of this medication, whether it was prescribed or obtained on the street, may lead to the need for Xanax addiction treatment.

    Warning Signs Of Xanax Addiction

    Xanax Addiction – Everything You Should Know! | South Coast Counseling

    Anyone can become addicted to Xanax you do not have to intentionally abuse the drug to develop a Xanax dependency. Xanax addiction can occur after prolonged usage or large dosages. If you or your teen has been prescribed Xanax, it is extremely important to monitor and limit usage. While the prescription drug does not seem harmless at first, it does bear the risk of serious medical implications down the road.

    During the first few days of taking a Xanax prescription, a user may feel especially drowsy and experience a loss of coordination. But as the body grows more accustomed to the drug and its effects, these side effects begin to disappear. When they do, it is likely that a Xanax tolerance has already developed. Users with a tolerance or dependency will need to take more Xanax to achieve its calming effects, and will struggle to function throughout the day without its aid.

    Short-term side effects of Xanax abuse include:

    • Sleepiness / drowsiness
    • Delirious states / out-of-body experiences
    • Breathing difficulties

    When a Xanax addiction develops, a user will experience severe drug cravings and increased anxiety or panic when the drug is not directly obtainable. Xanax withdrawal symptoms also can include insomnia, body weakness, nausea, hallucinations, high body temperature, and convulsions.

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    Take Care Of Yourself Along The Way

    When someone you care about is struggling with an alcohol use disorder, it can be frustrating and stressful, especially when they do not seek help as quickly as you would like them to. We often think we know what is best for the people we love and we want to help in any way we can. The reality of the situation is that you cant force them to get help. They have to choose to do so on their own.

    What you can do is provide them with resources and support. You can show them how much you care and want them to get help. And, you can take care of yourself by seeking counseling to manage your stress and frustration over the situation. Getting help from a counselor will allow you to be as emotionally strong and supportive as you can be for your loved ones during their time of need.

    If you feel that you need extra support during these difficult times, the counseling staff at The Summit Wellness Group is here to help. Call us 24/7 at 770-299-1677.

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    Statistics Of Xanax Addiction

    Addiction and abuse of Xanax is a rapidly growing problem in the United States. Between 2004 and 2010, the number of individuals who visited the emergency room suffering from Xanax effects nearly tripled. Of the 125,000 who visited the ER in 2010, over 96,000 had used more than one drug with Xanax most often alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, or opiate narcotics.

    In 2011, Treatment Episode Data Set Report discovered that 60,200 individuals who sought rehab were addicted to benzos such as Xanax a wild increase from 1998 in which 22,400 individuals sought treatment for the same drug class.


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    Signs Your Loved One Is Abusing Xanax

    Xanax is a drug prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It can effectively relieve pain and anxiety, but chronic use can result in abuse and dependence. If you believe that someone you love is abusing Xanax, here are six signs to help you decide if treatment is your next step.

    Xanax, the brand name for alprazolam, is a powerful benzodiazepine drug and central nervous system depressant. It is also an extremely potent schedule IV controlled substance. This type of classification makes Xanax the kind of drug that has a high risk of abuse and addiction.

    Aside from its prescribed usage, many people abuse Xanax for its euphoric effects. They can also mix this benzodiazepine with other drugs and alcohol to achieve a more intense high. Unfortunately, misusing Xanax in this way can be extremely dangerous. If you suspect someone you love is abusing Xanax, it is essential to spot the signs and seek treatment immediately. Our Ohio drug rehab has several treatment options available for individuals looking to reclaim their lives from Xanax abuse and addiction.

    Six signs your loved one is abusing Xanax may include:

    • using Xanax outside of prescription guidelines
    • multiple Xanax prescriptions or no prescription at all
    • changes in behavior because of Xanax use
    • physical signs of Xanax abuse
    • psychological symptoms of Xanax abuse
    • Xanax withdrawal symptoms

    Lets explore these six signs in depth.

    What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms Of Xanax

    How can you tell if someone is on xanax, ALQURUMRESORT.COM

    When you take Xanax for some time, your body becomes used to the drug.

    When you stop taking Xanax, you will experience a range of symptoms as your body readjusts to functioning without Xanax.

    Many of these can feel uncomfortable. Taking drugs such as Klonopin during the detoxification period can improve some of these symptoms.

    Some withdrawal symptoms can be severe and, in some cases, dangerous. It is very important to detox from Xanax in a caring environment with the support of medical professionals. At Cirque Lodge, there is 24-hour medical care to help you safely through the process.

    Withdrawal symptoms may include:

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