Figure Out Why You Want To Quit Marijuana
The idea of being free from marijuana addiction sounds great to many people. However, without a reason to break free, achieving every other step on how to quit marijuana becomes harder than it should be.
Before starting any program, treatment or medication, ensure you are clear on what actually is motivating you to go ahead with the process. In the long run, that reason will help spur you to add more days to the count instead of backsliding.
Although every patient has unique reasons to stop using marijuana, here are the common ones. Marijuana addiction is:
- Causing problems with your relationships
- Affecting your concentration, memory and mood
- Becoming your way of dealing with stress
- Becoming spontaneous, almost like you have no control over when you should use it
- Reducing your happiness and causing anhedonia
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Suggestions To Family Members And Friends Of Marijuana Addicts
We addicts in recovery have found, through the Twelve Steps, that we are each responsible for ourselves and our actions. If a loved one helps divert a crisis for the addict, they take away the addicts opportunity to work it out, or fail. This will make is harder for the addict to perceive the problem and begin to seek the solution.
As the addict approaches their bottom and their disease worsens, family members and friends have a tendency to enable the addict, allowing them to postpone the ultimate repercussions of their using. Understandably, loved ones try to ease the suffering the addict may be feeling because of the loyalty, love, caring, and a sense of responsibility. Family and friends may give money , buy food, pay rent and bills, bail them out of jail, etc. By trying to save the addict from themself, you are doing both yourself and the addict a disservice.
Addicts often try to manipulate loved ones though the use of guilt, fear, and anger. This is a very common tactic used by the addict to get what they want by taking advantage of the emotions of those closest to them.
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Medical Cannabis Use Is Different From Recreational Use
Moreover, the JAMA study doesnt distinguish between medical and recreational cannabis, which are actually quite different in their physiological and cognitive effects as Harvard researcher Dr. Staci Grubers work tells us. Medical cannabis patients, under the guidance of a medical cannabis specialist, are buying legal, regulated cannabis from a licensed dispensary it might be lower in THC and higher in CBD , and the cannabis they end up using often results in them ingesting a lower dose of THC.
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Inability To Stop Smoking Weed
If you cant, or dont see the need to, stop using marijuana for any time, its often a sign of addiction.
People who are either addicted to or have a dependency on marijuana typically dont want to stop smoking weed. To them, it becomes the only thing that can help them deal with life.
If youve reached the point where you can only deal with the stresses of life by toking weed, it could be time to seek help.
The thing is, most addicts have many rationalizations that, in their minds, legitimize their need for the drug.
Even if you recognize that you cant stop smoking marijuana, acknowledge that you have a problem.
No one can help you against your will sadly, many cannabis addicts dont have the desire to break the habit.
Ways On How To Quit Marijuana
Each marijuana users experience and dependence on the drug is unique. Therefore, while some of these ways on how to quit marijuana may work for some, it may not work for others. The best way to know if the method is effective for you is to try them out yourself.
Whats most important is that you are now on a very vital step in the process of recovery from marijuana addiction. Lets take a look at some of the ways on how to quit marijuana.
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Approach : Quitting Weed Cold Turkey
You may not want to quit smoking weed on a gradual basis because:
You may need to quit immediately for many reasons .
You may be the type of person who does things all or nothing and it may work best for you to cut it out completely.
The approach of going cold turkey has a history of being associated with drug addiction. It simply means you completely cut out marijuana consumption.
It certainly has the clear advantage of a quick impact. Youll see results straight away. However, its much more complicated than it appears. You have to have a strategy to deal with the withdrawal symptoms that youll inevitably experience.
You cant simply put dont your spliff and say goodbye to weed forever without looking back. This is because even if you are mentally prepared for the challenge of giving up weed. Your body probably isnt ready.
After all, your body has developed a tolerance for marijuana. While the body stores THC for up to a month at a time, this simply wont be enough to prevent you from craving cannabis.
Although going cold turkey might be worth a try, its rarely successful on its own without a solid strategy. Its difficult to fight against your own biology.
In this part of our guide, we will talk about useful strategies for quitting cold turkey.
Other Factors That Make Quitting Difficult
There will be days that are difficult to stick to the outlined plan of weed reduction.
The following would be factors that can contribute to it being more difficult:
Experiencing intense emotions
When you experience extreme happiness, sadness or anger, you are more likely at risk for increasing your weed use. Hence, a higher likelihood of relapsing back to higher substance use.
Interpersonal conflicts
If you have a fight with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you have an issue with a coworker, you are going to be more likely to return to higher substance use. When some people have relationship issues, they often turn to substances for self-soothing.
Environmental factors
If you go to a party, see friends who smoke weed, go to your favourite park where you used to smoke your mind will automatically be triggered to thinking of smoking. You will be cued into wanting to use even though you have set out your goals.
Social support
If all of your friends, your partner and family engage in smoking weed, this is going to be very difficult.
If your loved ones are not encouraging you to quit, this will require some workaround communicating about your desire to change and what you need from them.
If your social network is supportive still explain to them what you may need.
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A Tool: Smart Action Plan For Quitting Weed Gradually
There are 5 important guidelines for sticking to any goal.
They need to be:
When making your action plan for cutting off cannabis gradually, make sure that you consider all of these aspects.
Here is an example of a plan using the SMART guidelines:
You may fill out your own measures and ideas.
- Specific: I will stop smoking weed completely in the next 6 months.
- Measurable: I currently smoke 1 gram every day. My goal is to reduce this to 0.5 gram in the first month, in the second month cut this down to every other day, in Month 3 cut this down to 0.25 gram per day, then in Month 4 to 0.25 gram every other day, in Month 4 cut down to 0.25 gram 2 days per week and Month 5 to 0.10 gram 1 day per week. End of Month 5: no marijuana.
- Achievable: I believe it is attainable for me to reduce my weed intake on this gradual plan for the next 6 months. It would be unattainable for me to quit weed cold turkey.
- Realistic: I realize it will be difficult for me to stick to this plan because all my friends smoke weed around me. I realize I will need to either talk to my friends about not smoking around me for a period of time or I will reduce the amount of time I spend with them and I will meet them in places where it is not possible to smoke.
- Time-specific: I have set out this schedule and will stick to this plan. I will review it at the end of each month and see if it needs to be adjusted.
Home-Based Treatment Plan for Weed Addiction
We offer a 4-week intensive virtual program:
Focus On The Positive
Its hard to resist backsliding when all you can think about is not getting to smoke weed. Whats easier, says Dr. Streem, is concentrating on the new things youre doing to occupy your mind and time.
Maybe you decided to learn how to meditate, walk your dog more or reconnect with friends and family. Its easier to change your behavior if you focus on the positive things youre adding to your life.
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Weed Is A Popular Mind
, also known as weed, is a popular mind-altering drug. Weed is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse .
The herbal substance can be rolled up and smoked like a cigarette, smoked in a pipe, eaten as an edible or inhaled using a vaporizer or vaping pen. Some people also smoke weed to treat health conditions. Weed is most often used and misused by teens and young adults.
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved marijuana for treating specific medical problems, three individual components of marijuana called cannabinoids have been approved as drugs.
But while a 2017 report issued by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine noted several therapeutic effects of marijuana, it also summarized its many harmful effects and recommended more research be done to understand all the possible health effects associated with weed and its derivative products.
The recreational use of weed has been shown to lead to negative health consequences, including dependence and addiction, which can interfere with someones education, career and relationships.
Treatment For Marijuana Abuse
Because marijuana use impairs the area of the brain responsible for motivation, it is often challenging for users to be sufficiently self-motivated to quit using the drug. For this reason, motivational enhancement therapy , which rewards abstinence with money for goods or services, and motivational interviewing principles are two approaches often incorporated into the recovery plan.
Individual and group counseling, including cognitive behavioral therapy, along with family counseling, and participation in 12-step or other support groups are also typically part of the treatment plan.
At Midwest Recovery Centers we believe the most effective method for treating marijuana addiction is found through a holistic approach. Our compassionate staff is highly trained in both addiction recovery and naturopathic remedies. Many of our support staff have personally walked the addiction recovery path and are uniquely qualified to inspire those on the journey.
Because many recovering addicts struggle with more than one disorder, we recognize the need to treat co-occurring disorders simultaneously. Successful outcomes have been shown to be the highest when this integrated treatment approach addresses both mental health and substance abuse issues together.
Contact Midwest Recovery Centers to start your recovery now.
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Preferring Activities That Will Get You High
When you start to evaluate your relationships with other people and your activities with them based on your chances of getting high, then you are choosing your bad habit over real and lasting relationships with your loved ones.
Also, ask yourself if youve been able to take on your daily responsibilities. Look around your house and see if youve cleaned it lately or if the dishes have been washed. If the place is dirty and disorganized, then you havent been paying attention to these details because your mind is too focused on getting high.
Provides Mental Clarity & Greater Cognitive Functioning
Smoking weed directly affects parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, concentration, and decision making. In short, regularly smoking marijuana can leave you with severe brain fog. Heavy marijuana use can also cause memory loss, an inability to focus, and difficulty learning. Even though studies show that some cognitive deficits remain after users quit marijuana, some cognitive functions, such as memory loss and the ability to learn new information, can improve. A study out of Massachusetts General Hospital revealed that adolescents and young adults who refrained from using marijuana were better able to process and remember new information compared to peers who continued to smoke marijuana. After quitting marijuana you may also notice that you have a much easier time forming coherent thoughts and communicating with others.
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Seek Professional To Learn How To Stop Smoking Weed Forever
- A doctor or psychiatrist will be able to prescribe you medications that can help you to stop taking marijuana. Although this doesn’t help for the long term.
- A therapist or group counselling sessions can help you find support by talking through your issues and meeting like-minded people. This helps in small portions but still requires you to constantly bring yourself to commit.
- Your final option is inpatient rehab. It’s a 24 hour treatment for you where you’re surrounded by doctors and therapists working round the clock to help you put this behind you. You will no longer look to find answers on how to stop smoking weed because you will be living it. We at Canadian Centre for Addictions specialize in these types of treatment programs.
Risks Of Detoxing On Your Own
The greatest risk of detoxing from weed on your own is relapse. Withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, and without a strong support network in place, the urge to use more weed can be overwhelming. When you choose to detox in a treatment facility, you have the support of peers and healthcare professionals to see you through this difficult transition period.
Fortunately, the physical risks of detoxing from weed are typically not as extreme as other drugs. Stomach issues and subsequent dehydration are the greatest symptoms to be aware of. Taking extra precautions to keep yourself hydrated or having a close friend nearby to monitor these physical symptoms are good safeguards to have in place.
In addition to weathering the physical symptoms of withdrawal, many people experience a psychological adjustment to becoming sober. Oftentimes, feelings of anxiety and depression can present following physical detox. When detoxing by yourself at home, it can be difficult to try and navigate these feelings. At a comprehensive treatment facility, mental health professionals can help you address these feelings in a healing and constructive manner.
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Which Approach Works Best For Quitting Marijuana
Frankly, there is no best way to give up weed.
An approach that works for someone might not work for you but there is at least one for everyone.
Since everyone develops different habitual smoking patterns, considering different methods and maybe a trial and error approach may be beneficial.
In this guide, we will cover quitting cold turkey and quitting gradually in different sections with pros and cons.
What Makes Fentanyl So Dangerous
Fentanyl is a dangerous drug because:
- It is 20 to 40 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. This makes the risk of accidental overdose very high.
- It is odourless and tasteless. You may not even know you are taking it.
- It can be mixed with other drugs such as heroin and cocaine. It is also being found in counterfeit pills that are made to look like prescription opioids.
You increase the risk of overdose if you use fentanyl with:
- cold, clammy or bluish skin
- severe sleepiness or loss of consciousness
If you do use opioids or drugs that may be contaminated with fentanyl:
- do not use alone
- carry naloxone and know the signs of an opioid overdose
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What Are The Effects Of Quitting Weed Cold Turkey
- What Are the Effects of Quitting Weed Cold Turkey?
Weed, also known as marijuana, cannabis, grass, pot, ganja, or Mary Jane, is a widely used drug that can be addictive. Some studies have shown that around 9% of weed users become dependent on it this percentage is 17% for teenagers. While it is currently federally illegal, it has been declared legal in many states of the U.S.
Weed comes from the cannabis plant, and it has been used in traditional medicine practices for many years. It is often believed that this drug is not as addictive as others. Weed can cause various side effects and withdrawal symptoms, though, when you attempt to quit using it. Popularly called the, gateway drug, to deadlier drugs, it has a stronger addictive effect on minors below the age of 18 years This group is, unfortunately, the most likely to use the drug via peer pressure and stress.
Detox Kits Cleanses & Pills
Marijuana detox kits and drug tests are typically sold on online marketplaces and in stores and tend to advertise that they can help you pass a drug test even if you recently used marijuana. Though marijuana detox kits are legal, marijuana detox kit manufacturing and sales are only lightly regulated in the United States, meaning that their safety and efficacy is extremely ambiguous.6 Not only are marijuana detox tests arguably ineffective, but they can also carry uncomfortable side effects.6 One study found that a man who used a marijuana detoxification kit experienced a case of psychosis as a result of consuming this detox drink or kit.6
If you are unable to quit using marijuana in time to pass a drug test for a reason such as employment, you may want to consider reaching out to your doctor or a reputable substance abuse treatment center to inquire about your treatment options.
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