Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Fight Weed Addiction

Harmful Effects Of Marijuana Use

Overcome Your WEED Addiction Now || STOP The Anxiety Excuses!!!

If youre wondering why you need to learn how to overcome marijuana addiction, think about the harmful effects. People who abuse weed will feel the need to sustain that maximum high. In order to do so, they inhale the smoke more deeply and hold it in their lungs for a longer period of time.

It irritates the lungs which may lead to asthma attacks, bronchitis, and chronic cough. The effect of smoking weed in pregnant women affects the unborn baby and may cause problems such as premature birth and abnormal size.

In worse scenarios, marijuana, when taken in higher and larger dosage, can also result in toxic psychosis and hallucination that makes most people paranoid. It affects your concentration, reaction to stimuli, and your coordination, making it dangerous for you to drive a car and even ride a bike.

Early Intervention And Secondary Prevention

Although more people are seeking help for problems with marijuana today, they still represent only a small percentage of those who may benefit from treatment. Of the approximately 4 million persons in the United States who reported problems consistent with a marijuana use disorder in a 2005 survey , only about 7 to 8 percent received treatment. Adolescents who report signs of problematic usea relatively small percentageseldom present for treatment. Those who do almost never self-refer they are typically forced into treatment by parents, the juvenile justice system, or their school administration, and most do not admit that their use is problematic . Responding to this situation, one group of researchers recently developed check-up interventions to reach marijuana users who have not sought treatment, either because they are ambivalent about stopping or do not perceive their use to be a problem, or at least not a problem severe enough to warrant treatment .

How To Help Someone Overcome Marijuana Addiction

This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011.There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 85% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 674,955 times.

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What Are The Risks Of Marijuana Addiction

These prolonged symptoms of marijuana abuse will require professional treatment and a lot of time and patience to overcome:

Mental Effects of Marijuana use include:

  • An anxiety that does not go away or gets worse as a result of smoking pot
  • Depression or a depressed state
  • Social intolerance or a lack of desire to be social
  • Paranoia or feeling like everyone is out to get you
  • Acute psychotic reactions

Effects of Marijuana on the Heart:

  • Increased heart rate by 20-100%
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular vulnerabilities

Effects of Marijuana on the Lungs:

  • Carcinogenic toxins create lung cancer
  • Increased exposure to disease
  • A productive cough
  • Depression

Paranoia is also a common symptom of marijuana use, although friends and family members of the individual suffering from marijuana addiction are more likely to notice this effect than the user. Only after they are in recovery do most individuals realize the degree to which marijuana-induced paranoia has been negatively impacting their lives.

No longer using marijuana after a prolonged phase of marijuana use can lead to the following withdrawal symptoms:

  • Irritability
  • Mood swings

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Begin a program of meditation right now, today. Currently this is being called “mindfulness” but really, it is good old-fashioned meditation, an activity thats been used to help people with mind problems for almost 5000 years. It is not hard to learn, try it today. Simply sit down somewhere and for three or four minutes, partly shut your eyes and try to pay attention to your breath, breathing in and breathing out. You don’t have to breathe particularly deeply, just breathe your normal way. You can count each breath with each exhalation. Or you can say silently, to yourself “I’s breathing in, I’m breathing out.” If three minutes is too long, do it for two minutes.

Start taking walks every day, the longer the better. Any physical activity or exercise you even half enjoy will help you. And exercise has been demonstrated to help rewire your brain more efficiently. Like anti-depressants, it kicks your brain into gear so that it begins making more BDNF.

Educate yourself about addiction disease. There are many books out there about it, many of which are written by recovering addicts just like you. Read their stories, learn about this disease that is as they say in AA “cunning, baffling and powerful.” It is but it can go into complete remission and stay there by the simple method of not using any mind-altering, recreational drugs.

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Withdrawal Symptoms And Effects

After you stop using marijuana, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. The longer you used marijuana, and the higher the intensity of your marijuana use, the higher the likelihood that you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

It is not dangerous to quit marijuana suddenly. However, the withdrawal symptoms may be more intense than those seen in people who gradually decrease their use.

Mental symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include:

  • Craving for marijuana.
  • Weight gain.2, 3

Although withdrawing from marijuana can be uncomfortable, it is not life-threatening. Medically supervised detoxification, which includes medications and supervision from a health care professional, can be helpful to avoid relapse in the face of withdrawal. But it is not necessary in every case.


Withdrawal symptoms typically begin within 1 to 3 days after the last use of marijuana, peak about 2 to 6 days after the last use and subside in about 2 weeks. The exception to this is sleep disturbance, which may last longer, possibly due to sleep issues being a problem before marijuana initiation.3, 4

While withdrawal symptoms usually subside within 2 weeks after quitting, some marijuana users experience withdrawal symptoms for up to a year after quitting.3, 4

What Are The Short Term Effects Of Marijuana Use

Well, there is the high and then people talk about dry eyes or the dry mouth. Some people feel drowsy. For some people it is very potent, they have increased appetite. They eat more. They talk about having the munchies, but these tend to dose-specific.

Another short term effect is the vision is different. They see things in a brighter colour. People are more relaxed. Some people have a different sense of time.

In terms of the short term effect, we also notice changes in peopleâs moods and some people can experience anxiety and panic. Their movement and coordination may be impaired. They have problems with thinking, they have problems with resolving solutions and their reaction time tends to be lower.

People complain about their problems with memory, with short term use. We see an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes.

With paranoia in higher doses, people will experience hallucinations as well as delusions, and also psychosis. The highest risk for psychosis tends to be when people use it regularly. At the high potency, males tend to report sexual problems. And there is research that shows that nearly five times the usual risk of a heart attack during the first hour after smoking marijuana.

There is a head rush or dizziness on standing up and the heart rate will increase and sometimes it increases by 20 to 50 beats per minute and doubles in some cases. This might explain the heart attack frequency.

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Other Factors That Make Quitting Difficult

There will be days that are difficult to stick to the outlined plan of weed reduction.

The following would be factors that can contribute to it being more difficult:

Experiencing intense emotions

When you experience extreme happiness, sadness or anger, you are more likely at risk for increasing your weed use. Hence, a higher likelihood of relapsing back to higher substance use.

Interpersonal conflicts

If you have a fight with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you have an issue with a coworker, you are going to be more likely to return to higher substance use. When some people have relationship issues, they often turn to substances for self-soothing.

Environmental factors

If you go to a party, see friends who smoke weed, go to your favourite park where you used to smoke your mind will automatically be triggered to thinking of smoking. You will be cued into wanting to use even though you have set out your goals.

Social support

If all of your friends, your partner and family engage in smoking weed, this is going to be very difficult.

If your loved ones are not encouraging you to quit, this will require some workaround communicating about your desire to change and what you need from them.

If your social network is supportive still explain to them what you may need.

How Cannabis Works On Addiction

Beat Weed Addiction By Developing This ONE Skill

The endocannabinoid system exists in all vertebrates and helps regulate crucial functions such as sleep, pain, and appetite. The body produces its own cannabinoids, which modulate and activate its various functions, but as its name suggests, the endocannabinoid system can also be modulated and activated by cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Because the entire system was only discovered in the past 30 years, scientists still have much to learn about the myriad ways cannabis affects the human body.

The endocannabinoid system is intimately involved, and plays a crucial role in the neurobiological process that underlies drug addiction. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are expressed in the main areas of the brain that participate in initiation and maintenance of drug consumption, as well as in the development of compulsion and loss of control surrounding addiction.

In addition, the endocannabinoid system interacts with opioidergic systems, which are related to addiction and reward. The receptors for both systems are found in many of the same areas of the brain, and are frequently activated at the same time. Research on this interaction has uncovered a bidirectional relationship between receptors in these systems when it comes to the rewarding properties of drugs.

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Benefits Of Quitting Marijuana Use

Quitting marijuana provides significant benefits. Some of these are noticeable right away, while others might take a few weeks or months to take effect.

Some of the physical and mental benefits include:

  • Increased energy
  • Healthier lungs and heart
  • Positive, balanced mood

When a person decides to quit smoking marijuana, improvements in work or school performance, relationships, financial situation, and overall health become apparent.

Some things may take time, such as sleep problems. However, these will eventually improve after a few weeks or months.

Quitting Marijuana A 30 Day Self Help Guide

The information in this self help guide is twofold first, it provides some of the more recent information on marijuana provided through research. Second, if you are a marijuana user and wish to stop using, the manual provides a self-assessment and daily program to support that decision. Confidential assistance is also available through the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being, 204 Saint Liam Hall. You can call 631-7970 to consult with a professional.

Before going on, complete the self-assessment to help you explore your use.

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Why Does Marijuana Cause Withdrawal Symptoms

Marijuana is the name for dried extracts from the plant Cannabis sativa. This plant contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol , and terpenes, with THC contributing to the primary psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use.

THC defines the potency of marijuana, while terpenes define the aroma and flavor. The more THC the marijuana contains, the greater the effect of marijuana on the brain.

Using marijuana regularly means that the brain and body get used to a regular supply of THC. When this supply is stopped, the body takes some time to adjust to not having it. This causes uncomfortable physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

Once the brain and body have adjusted to not having THC, the physical withdrawal symptoms will stop. People may still experience psychological cravings for marijuana for some time, however.

Over the years, based on samples of confiscated marijuana, potency has steadily increased . The THC content has risen from around 3.8 percent in the 1990s to 12.2 percent in 2014.

This indicates that the current effects of marijuana, including withdrawal, may be more extreme compared with their effects in previous decades.

The mood difficulties and physical discomforts of withdrawal peak in the first week of quitting and can last up to 2 weeks.

Though the physical effects of marijuana withdrawal will stop after the drug has left a persons system, the psychological symptoms can last longer.

According to

Some current treatment options include:

Realize Withdrawal May Occur

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Depending on how long you have been smoking pot, you may also experience withdrawal symptoms like cravings, headache, anxiety, sweating, and irritability. Keep in mind that these symptoms will decrease each passing day that you do not use the drug. Within a week or two, the symptoms should then be gone.

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Paying For Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Depending on which inpatient marijuana rehab center you choose for treatment, youre likely to discover that this kind of treatment may come at a high price. Prices vary a great deal between public and private rehab facilities. Most private facilities accept insurance and many of them offer financing arrangements.

What To Do If Someone You Love Is Abusing Marijuana

If someone you love is abusing marijuana, they may be in denial about the drugs potency, or their addiction. Through open communication, you may be able to help them realize they need to quit using. Here are some reasons to quit marijuana:

  • Physical reasons to stop smoking pot to feel better, reduce the risk of lung cancer, and be more energetic
  • Psychological reasons to stop smoking pot to reduce anxiety, get back to being happy without pot, and reduce depression
  • Relationship related reasons to stop smoking pot to get out of the relationship rut that comes from smoking too much pot, find new friends, and heal from the fights or pain that marijuana has caused you and your loved ones
  • Financial reasons to stop smoking pot to free up the money spent on marijuana, so you have more money to spend, put into savings, or use to pay bills
  • Legal reasons to stop smoking pot to stay out of trouble with the law

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What Are The Signs Of Marijuana Addiction

Cannabis dependence is much more common than dependence on other drugs due to the sheer number of people who use marijuana. The first step to overcoming marijuana addiction is to recognize that you have a problem and need help. Recognizing the signs of marijuana addiction can help you determine the severity of your problem.

Weed Cravings In The Brain

INSTANTLY Make More Money By Quitting Marijuana Addiction: Beat THC/Weed Withdrawal Detox Symptoms!

Cravings can be experienced on both a physical and a mental level, and likely reflect several specific brain processes. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging , which measures brain activity by looking at blood oxygen levels, has found that the reward pathway of the brain is heavily involved in the experience of cravings.3 Simply being exposed to a marijuana trigger like a pipe or rolling papers can increase activity in the following brain regions or structures:

  • Ventral tegmental area. Houses some of the brains reward circuitry and is involved with motivation, as well as cognitive and emotional processing.
  • Thalamus. Relay point for numerous sensory pathways.
  • Amygdala. Responsible for emotions such as anger and fear.3

Long-term marijuana use also affects regions of the brain responsible for memory, such as the hippocampus. 4 The neural biochemical mechanisms that underpin a marijuana craving are similar to those that occur with cravings for other drugs including cocaine, heroin and alcohol.3

When considering the impact of marijuana on the brain, it is no surprise that former marijuana users experience significant physical and mental discomfort when trying to quit, especially in the first 10 days. 5

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Get Some Counseling For Marijuana Addiction

Getting a good therapist is always a good idea to work out kinks in your emotional or behavioral life. It is freeing to be honest and open with a stranger who can give you advice and guidance on beating marijuana addiction. Additionally, a good therapist will assist you in overcoming pressing issues you may have been stuffing or running from.

What If Someone Cant Get Sober

If someone cant quit the drug on their own, they may need to be admitted into rehab. Out of everyone who has a drug addiction, only about ten per cent of people actually get treatment.

If you think someone close to you is addicted to cannabis, use the intervention methods detailed above and help them check into a rehab facility.

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At Our Marijuana Rehab Centres We Offer The Most Effective Treatment For Those Who Suffer From Cannabis Addiction

Many people throughout Canada use weed recreationally. It is often seen as a harmless drug.

However, persistent use can have serious negative effects, including addiction. There is a common misconception that weed is non-addictive. While it is not as addictive as other substances such as heroin or cocaine, it is absolutely possible to cause an addiction.

Although not considered as dangerous as other recreational drugs, weed dependency and abuse is a very real problem that can take just as heavy a toll on users and their families as other addictions.

Our , located in Toronto and Ontario, provide you with a safe and effective way to get help coping with your addiction and concurrent mental health problems.

At Trafalgar, you will receive a personalized and effective treatment program to help you recover from marijuana addiction.

At Home Treatment Plan for Cannabis Addiction

Online Cannabis Addiction Treatment

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