Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Tell If Someone Is An Addict

Questions To Ask People Close To Your Loved One

Substance Abuse : How to Tell if Someone Is an Alcoholic

You may see more or less of your loved ones struggle with addiction, depending on who they are to you. If you are worried about your spouse or another family member you live with, youll see them every day and have a clearer picture of what has been happening. If you are worried about a family member or friend you do not live with, it may be more difficult to see warning signs and decide how to talk about addiction.

You can speak to other people who care about your loved one. Be sure to talk to people who you can trust to have your family member or friends best interests at heart. These questions can help you get a better understanding of how to talk to your loved one, and they may get others thinking about how they can help, too.

Common Signs Of Substance Addiction

It is easier to tell if someone has a problem with a substance such as alcohol or drugs because, after a while, these people will typically exhibit a number of physical symptoms. Although it is also possible to hide a substance addiction, those who are on the lookout may be able to spot subtle signs.

  • Individuals with substance addictions commonly experience changes in their appetite. They may have suddenly gained or lost weight. They may also seem ill each morning, and this will usually be because they are suffering after taking substances the previous night.
  • Because substance abuse physically affects users, they may need to take time off work or may begin to show up late.
  • Dilated pupils may be another sign that a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and you may notice that this person always seems to be eating mints in an effort to disguise the smell of alcohol.
  • Addicts often have periods of highs followed by episodes of lows. Mood swings are common, as are aggressive or violent outbursts.
  • Tremors are commonplace in addicts, and they may slur their words from time to time as well. Some addicts may lose interest in personal hygiene while some will have strange smells on their clothes or body.

Option 3 Talk To Your Boss

Should you tell the boss? In some situations, you might have to. But its important, whatever size company you work for, to consider the most professional way to approach a coworkers drug problem and one that doesnt compromise anyones safety.

Someone who is obviously impaired and operating dangerous machinery needs to be reported immediately, and so should any other situation where safety might be an issue. Many companies have protocols for reporting these kinds of concerns anonymously, if necessary.

Drug addiction in the workplace can affect everyone, not just the addicted individual. Knowing how to tell if someone is addicted to drugs can save jobs, money and lives.

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Protecting Yourself When Dating An Addict

According to, its a natural tendency to want to help your partner avoid the devastating consequence of drug addiction. It is important to recognize and avoid enabling behaviors, and many romantic partners often carry the burden of guilt associated with addiction. Studies have found that verbalizing your feelings can help alleviate feelings of stress, anger, and pain.

Other tips to protect yourself from watching a love one battle addiction:

  • Boost your emotional health by surrounding yourself with things and people you care about.
  • Start learning about the disease of addiction.
  • Let go of regret and find resources that may help you discover self-compassion.
  • Set boundaries for yourself and stick with them.

Last but not least, its important to reach out for help. It is always a good idea to see a therapist regularly and/or find a support group in your area that can be your outlet for processing what addiction is and how it can impact your life.

Signs Of A Sex Addict

College Students, Stop Calling Yourself

Sexual addiction can manifest itself in many different ways, both physical and emotional. It takes a healthcare professional to make a clear diagnosis, but here are some signs that can point to a potential sex addiction:

Obsessive Sexual Thoughts

Someone dealing with sex addiction may find themselves thinking persistently about sex. These chronic thoughts of sex or sexual fantasies may become obsessive or interfere with other responsibilities.

Spending Excessive Time on Sex

While seeking out sexual partners isnât necessarily a sign of sexual addiction, if someone is spending excessive amounts of time and energy on sex, it might be a red flag. This can include spending time attempting to acquire sex, having sex, being sexual, or recovering from sexual experiences.

Feeling Shame or Depression

If a need for sex crosses over into an addiction, someoneâs sexual feelings might also be interspersed with feelings of anxiety, shame, depression, or regret. The individual may feel shame about their sexual urges and their difficulty controlling those urges.

They may even show signs of clinical depression or suicide ideation. Research shows that it isn’t uncommon for people who are sexually compulsive to also show signs of depression, anxiety, and social anxiety. One study found that, among sexually compulsive men, 28% showed signs of depression, compared to 12% of the general population.

Excluding Other Activities

Masturbating Excessively

Cheating on Partners

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The Most Common Addictions

Millions of people around the world struggle with SUDs. Some of the most common drugs that impede peoples lives include:

  • Nicotine
  • About

Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelors and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. Jeffreys desire to help others led him to focus on economic and social development and policy making. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. Jeffreys mission is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

Clinically Reviewed:

David Hampton

  • About

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

David embarked on his journey into sobriety in June of 2005, which led him to his current career path as a Certified Professional Addiction Recovery Coach in private practice in Greater Nashville. David is also a public speaker and the author of two books. David is cohost of the weekly Positive Sobriety Podcast, as well as being a frequent contributor to various articles and recovery based materials. As a member of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors , David works closely with Nashville area treatment centers, nonprofit recovery organizations, and consulting with faith-based groups trying to bridge the gap between the recovery communities and faith-based organizations who wish to understand addiction.

Understanding The Signs Of Addiction

A drug addiction or alcohol use disorder can be difficult to identify without understanding the signs of addiction. Substance use disorders can change the way people look, how they act and how they feel, and the symptoms of drug abuse can be physical, behavioral and psychological in nature.

Not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol has a substance abuse problem. However, about 10% of Americans struggle with substance abuse. Understanding the signs and symptoms of drug addiction is the first step towards getting help.

Fortunately for concerned family members and friends, many characteristics of addiction are easy to identify, and many types of drug addictions share similar signs and symptoms. If someone can recognize the symptoms of addiction, they may be able to help a friend or family member who struggles with this disease.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Drug Addiction How To Tell If Someone Needs Help For A Drug Problem

Nzinga Harrison

Understanding the science behind addiction can be complicated. Some people might think that people become addicted if they dont have any willpower or good morals. In actuality, addiction is a complex and chronic brain disease that can affect people from all backgrounds. It can happen to anyone at any age.

Not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted because drugs have a different effect on everyone. Some people use drugs experimentally on occasion in a social setting. However, if usage becomes more regular, some people lose the ability to control when and how much they are using. Over time, drugs change behavior and how the brain, body, and mind function. This is how drug addiction, medically known as substance use disorder, develops. These changes can be long-lasting and cause stressful problems like missing work, legal issues, physical health problems, and trouble with family and friends.

Spouse Abusing Drugs Or Alcohol: The Physical Symptoms

How To Tell If You Are An Alcoholic
  • Change in sleep patterns An addicted spouse is certainly going to affect you on a whole host of different levels. Your relationship will suffer, and often you wont even be sleeping with them. People who are abusing substances can sometimes sleep for long periods of time when not using, and then stay up for days on end when they are high. Lack of sleep can cause irritability, and an inability to work or function properly.Many medical studies have been conducted to research changes to normal sleep architecture and substance abuse. For example, it has been found that:
  • Cocaine will suppress REM sleep, and decrease the total length of time you sleep.
  • Amphetamines have a similarly detrimental effect.
  • The Sativa constituent of cannabis causes sedation, while cannabidiol will cause you to be more active.
  • Heroin both causes the user to wake and to fall asleep and results in a slower progression to the REM state.
  • Alcoholism causes major negative changes in sleep quality, but sleep patterns can also be affected by behavioral changes -for example, a clear sign of alcoholism is that your spouse will stay up well past everyone else so they can continue drinking.
  • Alcohol
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    How Northpoint Washington Can Help You

    First, its important to remember your addicted spouse isnt who they used to be. Addiction is one of those conditions that dramatically changes a persons character because their focus is now only on fulfilling their physical and mental need for their substance of choice. Secondly, its vital that you remember you are not alone professional help and guidance is simply a phone call away.

    Northpoint Washington is recognized as one of the best and highly rated addiction rehab centers in the Seattle area, and the state of Washington. We offer a completely individualized addiction recovery plan that is catered to your specific addiction, background, and mental health needs. Located in Edmonds, Washington, only 17 miles away from Seattle, our specialists are available right now to assist you simply call 832-2796.

    Do I Know Why My Loved One Began Using Drugs

    People start using drugs for any number of reasons. It may help you determine how to frame your conversation with your loved one if you have an idea of the root cause of their addiction. A few reasons people begin to take drugs include:

    • Enjoyment No one begins using drugs with the express desire to become an addict. The simplest motive for taking a drug is the way it makes you feel. Drugs can create a feeling of pleasure for the user.
    • Curiosity Drugs can change the way you feel and think. The chance to experience an altered state can be very alluring.
    • Peer Pressure Peer pressure, commonly thought of as a teen phenomenon, persists throughout life. Depending on your loved ones environment and social group, the pressure to take and continue taking drugs can be high.
    • Availability Again depending on the environment, drugs can be easily available and inexpensive.
    • Distraction Everyone struggles with keeping their thoughts under control at times. Some people will turn to drugs to help distract them from their everyday problems.
    • Pain Control Oftentimes addiction stems from a legally prescribed drug, such as an opioid. Chronic pain sufferers can require more and stronger doses to manage their symptoms. They may even turn to illegal drugs, such as heroin, if they can no longer get or abuse legal options.
    • Self-medication People turn to illegal drugs as a form of self-medication, whether for pain, mental illness or some other health issue.

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    Its Easy To Become Addicted To Xanax

    Even when Xanax is taken as prescribed, anyone can become addicted to Xanax. Dependence happens rapidly with benzos. Since Xanax addiction, or physical dependence, can occur quickly, it is crucial to recognize the effects of Xanax and the symptoms of Xanax addiction. Its also important to know the difference between Xanax abuse and long-term Xanax addiction. The countrys treatment centers have seen many long-time Xanax users with depressive symptoms.

    How To Recognize An Addicts Manipulation

    9 Warning Signs Someone Is A High

    Unfortunately, its not always easy to recognize when youre being manipulated, especially when the source of the manipulation is someone you love and care about. One reliable way to determine if youre being manipulated is to think about how you feel after interacting with the person. You can also learn to recognize some of the signs of manipulation so that you can make an effort to unroot them in your own life.3

    Here are some common signs that youre being manipulated:

    • The addicted person frequently exaggerates situations and uses words like always or never to describe themselves or others.
    • The addicted person preys on your fears with his or her words and actions.
    • The addicted person constantly reminds you of his or her importance, asserting the position of power in the relationship.
    • The addicted person does not give you time to respond during discussions.
    • The addicted person is only nice to you when he or she wants something in return.
    • Your interaction with the addicted person often leaves you feeling used, bullied, ashamed and confused.

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    Who Uses Drugs At Work

    Substance abuse in the workplace takes many forms, and just about anyone, from CEOS to cleanup crew, can have an addiction that impacts the job in ways large or small. But as SAMHSA points out, drug abuse is more prevalent in some sectors than others. Construction, trucking, retail sales, food processing and manufacturing and assembly are areas hardest hit by substance abuse problems, particularly with alcohol and illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

    But the nations much-publicized opioid epidemic has also reached the workplace, as more and more people become addicted to legally prescribed opioid painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin. And while pain medications lead the list of widely abused prescription drugs, other kinds of medications can also be abused, such as benzodiazepines, a class of drugs often prescribed for anxiety and depression, stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin, and sleep medications such as Ambien.

    Although these medications are prescribed to treat legitimate medical conditions, they are often over-prescribed and can easily become addictive- In some areas, prescription drug abuse far outstrips addictions to alcohol and traditional street drugs both in overall addiction rates and in the workplace.

    Warning Signs Of Addiction

    Addictions begin with experimentation with a substance. There are many reasons someone might initially try a drug: curiosity, peer pressure, stress, and problems at work or home being some of them.

    If you are concerned someone you care about is struggling with addiction, there are several red flags you can look for. However, its important to remember everyone is different it may be harder to detect an addiction in some people than in others. That being said, here are some general warning signs to be aware of:

    • Ignoring commitments or responsibilities
    • Staying up later than usual or sleeping in longer
    • Lapses in concentration or memory
    • Being oddly secretive about parts of personal life
    • Withdrawal from normal social contacts
    • Sudden mood swings and changes in behavior
    • Unusual lack of motivation
    • Weight loss or changes in physical appearance

    No one expects to develop an addiction when they begin experimenting. But continued experimentation can lead to addiction, often without the person realizing they have become addicted until they try to stop.

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    Effects Of Orally Ingesting Cocaine

    Some people take cocaine orally by rubbing it on the gums or mixing it in a drink. Others wrap powder cocaine in a small piece of toilet paper or tissue and swallow it. This method of use is sometimes called parachuting or bombing.

    According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, consuming cocaine by mouth can cause severe bowel decay.

    Cocaine smugglers and drug dealers sometimes swallow large amounts of cocaine in condoms or balloons to hide it from law enforcement. The packets can easily break open inside the body and cause a fatal cocaine overdose.

    Signs Of Adderall Abuse

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    Adderall is a potent stimulant, and it can be hard to recognize when someone is abusing the drug. People often abuse Adderall to enhance alertness and productivity. They are often motivated individuals that dont look like a stereotypical drug user. Most often, those who abuse Adderall are students and young professionals.

    Stimulants will help anyone focus better. And a lot of young people like or value that feeling, especially those who are driven and have ambitions. We have to realize that these are potential addicts drug addicts dont look like they used to.

    – Clinical neuropsychologist Dr. DeAnsin Parker, New York Times, 2013

    Telltale signs of Adderall abuse may include:

    • Being overly talkative
    • Sleeping for long periods of time
    • Secretive behavior
    • Running out of prescriptions early
    • Disorientation
    • Impulsive behaviors

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    Signs Of Cocaine Abuse

    Cocaine is best known in its white powder form. Most often, this drug is snorted, smoked, or injected. As cocaine is a stimulant, one of its hallmarks is that its main effects wear off around 30 minutes to 2 hours after the last use. In addition to the general signs of drug abuse discussed above, cocaine has some specific side effects, including:

    • Increased energy
    • Fast white lady
    • Yao

    As Medical News Today discusses, cocaine is highly addictive and the strongest natural occurring stimulant in existence. Cocaine addiction is associated with dramatic personal losses there are reports of professionals spending $20,000 to $50,000 on cocaine binges, parents selling their children, and people becoming unemployed, having to file bankruptcy, and ending up homeless. It is clear that cocaine use can spiral out of control. For this reason, the earlier the abuse is intercepted, the better.

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