Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Medical Treatment For Alcohol Addiction

Detox And Withdrawal Symptoms

Medication Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

If you’re dependent on alcohol to function, it’s recommended you seek medical advice to manage your withdrawal.

Some people may be prescribed medication to help achieve abstinence. You may also choose to attend self-help groups, receive extended counselling, or use a talking therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy .

What Medications Are Used To Treat Alcohol Use & Abuse

Some medications can help patients quit drinking, treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and prevent relapse. Patients may also receive different medications while in the care of an addiction treatment professional to help address symptoms of co-occurring disorders if necessary.

Some of the medications patients may receive in the care an inpatient or outpatient treatment provider include:8,12

  • Naltrexone, which can help reduce the urge to drink and help to curb problem drinking. It blocks the receptors in the brain that make people feel good when they drink, and it may help to reduce cravings.
  • Acamprosate, which is designed to decrease cravings and urges to drink alcohol.
  • Disulfiram, , which discourages people from drinking. It blocks the metabolism of alcohol in a persons body so that they experience unpleasant symptoms, like nausea, if they decide to drink.

Cessation Of Alcohol Intake

Medical treatment for alcohol detoxification usually involves administration of a benzodiazepine, in order to ameliorate alcohol withdrawal syndrome‘s adverse impact. The addition of phenobarbital improves outcomes if benzodiazepine administration lacks the usually efficacy, and phenobarbital alone might be an effective treatment.Propofol also might enhance treatment for individuals showing limited therapeutic response to a benzodiazepine. Individuals who are only at risk of mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms can be treated as outpatients. Individuals at risk of a severe withdrawal syndrome as well as those who have significant or acute comorbid conditions can be treated as inpatients. Direct treatment can be followed by a treatment program for alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder to attempt to reduce the risk of relapse. Experiences following alcohol withdrawal, such as depressed mood and anxiety, can take weeks or months to abate while other symptoms persist longer due to persisting neuroadaptations.

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How Much Does Medical Detox Cost

The cost of medical detox varies based on the length of treatment and the services offered by the treatment program.

The more intensive the treatment and the more amenities offered the higher the cost of treatment. Treatment of co-occurring disorders increases the cost of treatment.

A standard medical detox program at an accredited facility tends to range between $250 and $500 per day. Rapid detox programs typically cost $10,000 to $15,000 in total.

Luxury detox programs can be as much as $1000 or more per day. These programs offer inpatient hotel-like accommodations, gourmet meals, spa services, holistic treatments, and numerous one-on-one health professionals.

Literature Search And Study Selection

Massachusetts Alcohol Addiction Treatment

In August, 2010, we conducted electronic searches of published and in press original research articles and reviews in MEDLINE, Embase, SCOPUS, CINAHL, and PsycINFO, hand searches of reference lists of review articles, supplemental searches of internet references and searches by contacting experts in the field. Time periods of searches included 1960 to August, 2010. Search terms included alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, alcohol use disorder, alcoholics, alcoholism, alcohol pharmacotherapy, naltrexone, acamprosate, topiramate, disulfiram, antidepressants, ondansetron, nalmefene, serotonergic agents, brief intervention, and physician intervention. Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria are included in Table 1.

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Addiction Treatment For Professionals In Philadelphia

At Providence Treatment, we help professionals in the medical, legal, and aviation fields, among others, overcome their addiction to alcohol and drugs. We understand that it can be overwhelming for you to admit that you need help for your addiction. When you are ready to get outpatient addiction treatment in Philadelphia, we are ready to help you. Our expertise is in serving high-profile clients and licensed professionals like you.

Dont let addiction to alcohol or drugs take over your life. You can overcome addiction at Providence Treatment. If you need help getting clean, then contact us at , and you can begin your recovery as soon as possible.

How Does Medical Detox Address Addiction

Successful completion of medical detox alone is not enough to ensure you overcome an addiction. But its an important first step in the recovery process.

Patients must receive ongoing treatment, especially if they have a co-occurring mental health issue. Other physical health issues must also be addressed. It isnt until detox is complete that the hard work of recovery and sober living begins.

Detox is best seen as preparation for the hard work of recovery.

Once a drug is out of your system and your immediate risk of complications from withdrawal has passed, you can focus on:

  • therapy
  • family counseling that involves loved ones
  • life skills training
  • long-term substance abuse managemen

For many people, medical detox seems daunting. The first few days without a drug on which you have a physical and emotional dependence are not easy. However, with the right kind of medical support, the first phase of recovery can be safe and effective and enhances the long-term treatment plan.

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What To Expect During A Medical Detox Program

A medical detox program begins with an assessment of the patient.

This includes taking a medical history, a physical exam, and a review of the patients history of substance use. Patients undergo screening for co-occurring mental health disorders, problems with nutrition, and whether or not they have infectious diseases.

The goal of this initial phase is to assess the severity of the situation and use that information to design an effective treatment program.

If a program offers inpatient treatment, patients receive an assignment of a room and an explanation of the expectations of program participants.

Following the evaluation and assessment, patients begin the stabilization process.

They stop using drugs and might receive medication to help them manage their withdrawal symptoms. This phase usually takes about one to three weeks, depending on the substance and severity of the addiction.

Finally, patients enter the preparation phase.

This is when they are introduced to the treatment theyll receive following detox. The worst of the detox phase is over at this point, so patients learn about beginning therapy, entering a 12-step program, or find the best long-term treatment options for their situation.

Can Alcohol Addiction Cause High Blood Pressure

Alcoholism: A Doctor Discusses Alcohol Withdrawal, Detox and Treatment

Alcohol use disorders are often associated with hypertension. Chronic alcoholism can lead to several long-term health effects, many of which involve the heart. Alcohol can also raise your blood pressure temporarily with a single drink. Increased blood pressure can last up to two hours after one drink. Chronic alcohol use can lead to permanently high blood pressure until you address the problem. Hypertension may not cause any symptoms until it contributes to other cardiovascular problems. Hypertension with chronic alcoholism can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

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Medical Model Of Addiction

Part of the stigma associated with addiction comes about because it is sometimes viewed as a choice, a type of character flaw that leads to substance abuse. An unwillingness or lack of desire to stop using drugs or alcohol is associated with addiction as well. However, the medical model of addiction more often points to the fact that addiction is a disease that requires appropriate treatment.

Behavioral Therapies Used To Treat Alcohol Addiction

Since addiction is usually accompanied by pathological changes in thoughts and actions, treatment plans include behavioral therapies to modify maladaptive behaviors and attitudes related to alcohol abuse. Over the course of alcohol addiction programs, these therapies may be administered though several group and individual counseling sessions. With these types of behavioral interventions, patients learn to better handle triggers and situations that may lead to alcohol use.7

Some of the therapies you may experience include:7

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Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment For People With Stimulant Use Disorders: Counselor’s Family Education Manual W/cd

This comprehensive kit provides substance use disorder treatment professionals with a year-long intensive outpatient treatment model. Professionals can use this model when treating clients who are dependent on stimulant drugs, such as methamphetamine and cocaine. Access family education sessions and handouts.

Sociocultural Model Of Addiction And Recovery

Treatment options for alcohol addiction

The sociocultural model of addiction looks at the cultural standards of a society to get clues to the way it may cause addiction. The U.S. tends to tolerate entertainment featuring performers portraying people under the influence of drugs and alcohol in popular culture. Someone can be arrested several times for DUI or DWI in several states before the penalties become very serious.

One of the risk factors for addiction is poverty. In communities where people have fewer chances to advance in life, they are more likely to be bored and frustrated at their personal situation. Daily living is a stressful experience that does not ever end, and a person caught up in a constant struggle to survive is more likely to be looking for some type of escape, which can be in the form of checking out by using drugs or alcohol.

This model relies on the environment and the culture as the reason for the addiction, as opposed to something in the addicts makeup. It doesnt fully explain why someone who comes from a good area or neighborhood would become addicted since we know that addiction affects people from all socioeconomic groups and not just those from areas where money may be a problem. The medical model is one that could be applied to people from all backgrounds since it does not rely on a persons background or income level to come into play.

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Which Medicines Can Treat Alcohol Use Disorder

Three medicines are approved to treat AUD:

  • Disulfiram causes unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and skin flushing whenever you drink alcohol. Knowing that drinking will cause these unpleasant effects may help you stay away from alcohol.
  • Naltrexone blocks the receptors in your brain that make you feel good when you drink alcohol. It can also reduce your craving for alcohol. This can help you cut back on your drinking.
  • Acamprosate helps you avoid alcohol after you have quit drinking. It works on multiple brain systems to reduce your cravings, especially just after you have quit drinking.

Your health care provider can help you figure out if one of these medicines is right for you. They are not addictive, so you don’t have to worry about trading one addiction for another. They are not a cure, but they can help you manage AUD. This is just like taking medicines to manage a chronic disease such as asthma or diabetes.

Behavioral Therapies For Alcohol Abuse

Inpatient and outpatient treatment both provide various types of behavioral therapies that are commonly used to treat AUDs. These therapies may include individual and group therapy sessions as follows:11

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy, which is an evidence-based form of therapy that focuses on helping people identify and change unhelpful, negative thoughts and behaviors that led or contributed to their addiction. In CBT, people learn healthier ways to cope with stress and develop skills theyll need to prevent relapse.
  • Motivational enhancement therapy is a short-term therapy designed to help motivate patients to reduce or stop drinking and to encourage them to make positive changes. It helps patients identify the pros and cons of treatment, make a plan to change, increase their confidence, and ] develop the skills theyll need to stick to their recovery-related goals.
  • , is a form of talk therapy that incorporates a patients loved ones into their therapy sessions, if appropriate for a patient. Those who suffer from substance use disorders often directly or indirectly impact their closest relationships, so this form of treatment can help repair and rebuild relationships with patients loved ones, while also addressing issues that may have developed as a result of a persons drinking.
  • Brief alcohol interventions may include short, individual counseling sessions that provide people with personalized feedback on their progress with specific goals.

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Types Of Behavioral Treatments

  • CognitiveBehavioral Therapy can take place one-on-one with a therapist or in small groups. This form of therapy is focused on identifying the feelings and situations that lead to heavy drinking and managing stress that can lead to relapse. The goal is to change the thought processes that lead to alcohol misuse and to develop the skills necessary to cope with everyday situations that might trigger problem drinking.

  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy is conducted over a short period of time to build and strengthen motivation to change drinking behavior. The therapy focuses on identifying the pros and cons of seeking treatment, forming a plan for making changes in ones drinking, building confidence, and developing the skills needed to stick to the plan.

  • incorporates spouses and other family members in the treatment process and can play an important role in repairing and improving family relationships. Studies show that strong family support through family therapy increases the chances of maintaining abstinence , compared with patients undergoing individual counseling.

  • Brief Interventions are short, one-on-one or small-group counseling sessions that are time limited. The counselor provides information about the individuals drinking pattern and potential risks. After the client receives personalized feedback, the counselor will work with him or her to set goals and provide ideas for helping to make a change.

What Are The Causes Of Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Some of a persons risk in developing an AUD depends on how much, how often, and how quickly they consume alcohol. Certain biological, psychological, and social influences are also believed to play a role in the development of AUDs. Some risks factors that may lead to someone developing an AUD may include:1,4

  • Genetics.
  • A family history of alcoholism.
  • Parental drinking patterns.
  • Exposure to trauma and stress during childhood.
  • Drinking alcohol at an early age. Scientists have found that people who began drinking at age 15 or younger were 5 times more likely to develop an AUD than those who started drinking at age 21 or older. In addition, the risk for females among this group is higher than for males.

Certain psychiatric disorders, including major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and anti-social personality disorder are commonly associated with alcoholism, although whether or not these co-occurring disorders are a result of alcoholism or contributed to the development of an alcohol use disorder is unclear and may differ per individual. Some studies suggest that schizophrenia, depression, and personality disorders are also predisposing factors for AUDs. This means that if a person has one or more of these psychiatric conditions, they may have an increased risk of alcoholism.5

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Defined As A Disease By Experts

Alcoholism was first classified as a disease by the American Medical Association in 1956. The organization included the classification of addiction as a disease in 1987. The American Society of Addiction Medicine defined addiction as a chronic brain disorder in 2011, distinguishing it from being a behavior problem or the result of poor decision making.

Research conducted by top addiction authorities, healthcare providers, neuroscientists, and National Institute on Drug Abuse experts also supports the idea of classifying addiction as a disease. They are still learning how and why the disease develops in certain people and not others.

Press Play For Advice On Coping With Addiction

Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares strategies for coping with alcohol cravings and other addictions, featuring addiction specialist John Umhau, MD. Click below to listen now.

Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify /

“The most robust finding in the study is that those receiving any medication did much better than those who received no pills at all,” says Professor Barbara Mason, Scripps Research Institute, and an author of the study. “This should be a wake-up call.

With less than one percent of those seeking help for alcohol dependence receiving a prescription, medication is underutilized. Medication for alcoholism can offer patients an advantage for their recovery, especially in a real-world setting.”

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What Is Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is officially diagnosed as a substance use disorder that is commonly called alcoholism. Its a disease affecting the brain and causes you to crave alcohol like its a vital, life-sustaining resource. To understand alcoholism, its important to understand how alcohol works in the body. Alcohol is known as a central nervous system depressant, which means that when you drink, alcohol slows down, or depresses, activity in the central nervous system.

Alcohol does this by mimicking and binding to a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid . GABA is a brain chemical that calms you down by blocking signals that cause stress and anxiety from reaching the brain.

So when alcohol enters the body disguised as GABA, it activates the GABA receptors in the brain, stimulating them into overproduction and creating far more GABA than the body would ever be able to on its own. This is why alcohol use causes feelings of relaxation and a general lowering of inhibitions. Its also why drinking results in slurred speech, slowed breathing, and impaired movement, as these are all caused by too much GABA.

When someone regularly abuses alcohol for an extended period of time, the brain becomes hardwired to depend on the GABA supplied by the alcohol, as it will have started making much less natural GABA to balance things out in the brain.

Medications For Opioid Use Disorder

What is Alcohol Addiction?

There are certain medications buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone to treat opioid use disorder, usually taken along with counseling. Many studies have shown that methadone and buprenorphine reduce drug use and death, and overall, achieve better long-term results compared with treatment without medication. See the Buprenorphine Physician Locator and brochure for one example

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