Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How To Beat Pain Pill Addiction

Opioid Addiction Treatment Options In Deland Florida

How to BEAT pain medication addiction – No more pills!

When veterans develop addiction, it is often due, at least partially, to underlying factors related to their service. And while some veterans have found success in civilian treatment programs, many veterans find that they work best with other military personnel. Thats why at Heroes Mile, our military veteran staff members make all the difference for the people that we help.

By employing addiction treatment programs in an environment thats filled with veterans in treatment and veterans in the care staff, we allow for open, honest discussions of military issues with people who really understand. Whether its initially getting off of opioids in our veteran detox program, or learning addiction coping skills in our veteran rehabilitation program, or transitioning back to regular life in an outpatient program, were here for you every step of the way. Thats why we offer free alumni services, so that we can provide ongoing support throughout your recovery.

Would you like to learn more about how we help veterans with painkiller addiction? You can call our friendly and respectful admissions specialists at or ask your questions online. If youre ready to quit opioids and beat painkiller addiction, then were a community of veterans thats ready to help.

for Veterans by Veterans

Mind Over Matter: How Mindfulness Training Can Overcome Pain Pill Addiction

Opioid addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome, but a new approach may prove to help patients suffering from dependency. Through mental training, doctors are working to help patients recognize craving behaviors and experience greater pleasure in everyday experiences. Eric L. Garland, Ph.D, describes how University of Utah psychotherapists are using mindfulness techniques to retrain the brain against pain pill addiction.



Dr. Garland:


Dr. Garland:

So think of it this way. If you wanted to build up your bicep, you would curl a dumbbell and you have to put in a lot of energy, rep after rep, week after week, grueling workout after grueling workout to build the strength of your bicep. Well, if you want to build the strength of your mind to enhance your self-control over addictive habits, then you have to apply the same principle of repetition after repetition of mindfulness practice over and over again, day after day, week after week and you build up your mental strength through a very similar type of process.


Dr. Garland:


Dr. Garland:

Now, if a person is really dependent and they start to decrease their dosage of opioids under a doctor’s supervision, they may experience withdrawal or they may experience craving, and mindfulness techniques can be useful to help a person cope with the unpleasant feelings in their body and the unpleasant emotions in their mind during that process.


What Could Be The Biggest Benefit Of Having Buprenorphine Available Behind

Stein: When every dose of heroin or fentanyl could kill you, having immediate access to buprenorphine at a pharmacymorning or eveningcould be lifesaving. Most heroin and fentanyl and prescription pill users use multiple times every day, whereas buprenorphine is long-lasting, requiring a single dose daily, limiting exposure to potentially lethal illicit opioids. To me, this upside and the possibility of reducing overdose deaths mitigate my real concerns about this new idea. Roy: I think it could do a few things. One is that we can help make the choice easier between illicit fentanyl or buprenorphine when people are feeling sick from opioid withdrawal. Another is that people could start on treatment right away, rather than waiting for a clinic appointment. Third, this process would reduce and hopefully eliminate the black market for buprenorphine. And finally, we would be legalizing what some of our patients are doing already, which is taking buprenorphine without a prescription. In fact, a persons prior experience with buprenorphine, whether provided legally or illegally from a friend, predicts whether or not a patient will walk into my office looking for treatment. In that way, we hope that a low-barrier access model to buprenorphine may help reduce overdose deaths and encourage people with opioid addiction to enter into treatment.

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How To Approach A Loved One About Painkiller Addiction

If someone you care about has a painkiller abuse problem, you may want to talk with them about seeking treatment. As someone who cares about them and who they care about, reaching out could help save their life.

When approaching someone who is dealing with addiction, show compassion and avoid blame or judgment. While you can express disapproval for the substance use, continue expressing support for the person and encourage them to find treatment.

It is possible to overcome addiction in fact, it happens every day. Although it may seem overwhelming now, your loved one can quit and lead a healthy, drug-free life. Below are various strategies you can use to influence your friend or family to seek help:

  • Encourage them to see a doctor for an evaluation. Most people trust the advice of professionals.
  • Reassure them that medical treatment is confidential and their privacy is protected by law.
  • Listen to their fears and concerns. Validate their feelings and offer to write down any questions they have about treatment. Your loved one can refer to this list when talking to potential treatment centers.
  • Remind them that every person is different and reacts to treatment differently. One approach may work for one person and not for another. They can try different treatments until they find one that works for them.

What To Look For When Attempting To Beat Addiction

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The best programmes for rehabilitating addicts and beating addiction share certain hallmarks or benefits that you should be on the lookout for. Its hard to sum up the best way to quit drugs because there are so many techniques out there that suit a variety of people.

Rehabilitation for drug addicts involves seeking professional help, studying the lives of reformed addicts and learning from their example, and moving forward with their life one day at a time by establishing a clear vision of what they want in the future.

When their self-sabotaging tendencies hit due to their past addictions, they can use this renewed values to remind them of what theyre struggling for .

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Early Symptoms Of A Painkiller Addiction:

  • Doctor shopping

Doctor shopping is the practice of seeing numerous doctors for the same problem in order to obtain more prescription painkillers. If a person receives several painkillers from different doctors at once, this is incredibly dangerous. Neither doctor can accurately supervise their patients habits, and this can interfere with their care, and also lead to increased risk of overdose.

If a person frequently loses their prescription or visits more than one doctor at once for the same health problem, they are probably doctor shopping and are addicted to painkillers.

  • Erratic mood swings
  • Participating in dangerous behavior, despite harmful consequences
  • Paranoia
  • Pinprick pupils

Signs Of Pain Medication Abuse

Although signs of pain pill addiction may vary, most people will have at least some of the following symptoms of drug abuse.

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are various signs of pain pill abuse including poor coordination, sweating, depression and confusion. In addition, people who are abusing prescription pain pills may also have changes in behavior and personality. For instance, someone addicted to pain meds may start isolating themselves or have excessive mood swings. Some people who have addiction to pain medication may also have changes in their sleep patterns. Some people may sleep more whiles others cannot sleet.

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Quitting An Addictive Behavior

Quitting is a different experience for everyone. Some find the process liberating and empowering, and feel they can achieve anything. Others find it painful, difficult, and frustrating, sometimes needing many failed attempts before achieving their goal. Still others discover new sides to themselves during the quitting process .

There is no “right” way to feel while you are quitting. But if you are feeling depressed or find yourself constantly wanting to return to the addictive behavior, you should seek support and treatment.

Additional Treatments For Stopping Pain Pills And Controlling Dependence

How to BEAT Pain Medication Addiction | Review of Dr. Deuk

Detox and medications are only part of the answer for stopping pain pills and staying off them. They can be great tools to help process these drugs out of the body and reach a safe physical balance however, the emotional aspects of drug dependence and addiction need to be handled too.

Relapse is common and can be particularly dangerous after detox and a period of abstinence. For this reason, counseling and therapies are essential in helping to prevent and minimize relapse. Behavioral therapies help individuals learn how to control cravings, recognize and manage potential triggers for relapse, and form healthy coping mechanisms for handling stress. Therapy and counseling sessions typically include both individual and group formats.

A residential addiction treatment program is often recommended in cases of severe or long-term painkiller abuse. These programs can promote overall healing and wellness by attending to both physical and emotional needs. For example, therapy and counseling improve self-reliance and emotional balance while physical health is improved with nutritious and balanced meals, regular physical activity, and structured sleep schedules. Malnutrition is often a side effect of chronic drug use, and healthy sleep, exercise, and eating habits can promote healing. The brain will need time to restore its balance without drugs, and a comprehensive addiction treatment program can provide the time and space for this to take place.

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San Diego Opioid Addiction Treatment

Despite a slight downturn in opioid-related deaths in recent years, the massive misuse of prescription painkillers, heroin and synthetically produced opioids such as fentanyl remains a serious issue in the United States. More than 46,000 people died from an opioid overdose in 2018, according to a report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Thats more than 125 people every day.

Physicians commonly prescribe opioids to control pain after surgery. Opioids are very effective, binding to receptors in the brain and central nervous system to block the transmission of pain signals. While effective in treating pain, however, opioids are also very addictive, both psychologically and physically, and users continue to crave them even after they are no longer needed as originally prescribed.

When someone becomes addicted to opioids, they often resort to drastic behavior to acquire drugs seeing multiple doctors to get more prescriptions, borrowing or stealing pills from family members or friends, forging prescriptions, or seeking out drug dealers who sell illegal opioids.

In addition to serious health implications, an opioid addiction can have a far-reaching psychological and social impact on individuals as well as their family, friends and colleagues. Among the effects of opioid addiction:

The Dangers Of Painkiller Addiction

When taken correctly, painkillers like Ibuprofen have few risks. They are designed to help treat your pain, but Ibuprofen addiction can lead to some serious health concerns.

The problem is when you start taking more than you need. This can lead to liver and kidney damage, along with damage to your stomach. The more painkillers you take, the more tolerant your body becomes. As such, youre forced to take even higher doses to see the desired effects. In turn, this leads to more severe issues like problems breathing, extremely low blood pressure, and the risk of overdose.

Thats right, an overdose is a very real risk with painkiller addiction, and it can ultimately lead to death.

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Beating Pain Pill Addiction And Abuse

Millions of people suffer from chronic or acute pain each day. Various types of narcotics, also referred to as opiates, are often prescribed, such as hydrocodone and oxycodone. Pain medication is sometimes needed after an injury, surgery or to treat pain from an illness. In some cases, it can be the only thing which reduces discomfort and provides a person with relief. Pain medication has its place in some treatment plans.

Rewards: Weighing The Costs And Benefits Of Addiction

How I Beat Pain Killer Addiction And Treat Chronic Pain ...

If motivation is the force that drives you to act, then rewards are what you gain from that activity. People quit their addictions when they begin to get more rewards for living without the addiction than they got from feeding the addiction. Put into economic terms, you give up your habit when you believe that its costs exceed its benefits.Of course, the nature of rewards is highly subjective. You incur all sorts of costs from an addictionhealth, financial, legal, interpersonal, and so on. However, you also are getting benefits from itrewards that often loom larger than life because they are so immediate and familiar to you.

4.1. The Rewards of Addictions

Excessive alcohol consumption, eating, and sexual activity etc provide you with feelings and sensations that you desire and need. Some of these essential feelings are a sense of being valued, of being a worthwhile person, or of being in control. It is critical for you, or anyone trying to help a person with an addictive problem, to understand the needs that the addiction fulfills. This understanding is necessary in order to root out the addiction.

However, addictions dont really provide people with positive experiences or benefits. Although they provide short-term or illusory rewards, addictions ultimately lead to negative feelings and life outcomes. In the long run, you are worse off as a result of your addictive behaviors.

4.2. Are Addictions Pleasurable?
4.3. The Rewards of Work and Family


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Values: Building On Your Values Foundation

Values play a critical role in addictionand your values are likely to be the key to beat addiction. This is a matter of both considering what your values are and sometimes refocusing on dormant values or even developing new ones.

When you can truly experience how a habit is damaging what is most important to you, the stepping-stones away from your destructive habit often fall readily into place.

2.1. What Are Values? Do they really matter?

Your values are your beliefs that some things are right and good and others wrong and bad, that some things are more important than others, and that one way of doing things is better than another. Values are usually deeply heldthey come from your earliest learning and background. Values reflect what your parents taught you, what you learned in school and religious institutions, and what the social and cultural groups you belong to hold to be true and right.

Many people find that alcohol is tremendously relaxing, sexually exhilarating, or provides some other powerful, welcome feelingbut they do not become alcoholics. They simply refuse to go there. Have you ever heard someone say, I know that when I have more than one drink, I throw all caution to the wind? Most people who react so violently to alcohol say, Thats why I limit myself to a single drink or Thats why I dont drink. But those addicted to alcohol regularly override this realization about their reactions to alcohol and continue to drink.

2.3. Returning to my Uncle Ozzie

Using Drugs To Beat Painkiller Addiction

One of the best ways to beat painkiller addiction and combat painkiller withdrawal is through the use of specific medicines. Methadone is one of the more common drugs that can be used to help you combat pain medication withdrawal and kick your habit for good.

There are other options too and depending on your addiction and the underlying conditions your doctor will help ensure you start taking the right things.

Of course, it is possible to learn how to stop taking pain pills on your own but it is much more advisable to enroll in a detox center and surround yourself with both qualified help and a strong support system.

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Active Addiction Versus Recovery

Active addiction can pose clinical problems distinct from those encountered with patients in drug-free recovery and those in methadone maintenance programs. Attempts to provide compassionate treatment to these challenging individuals may be skillfully subverted by patients seeking to obtain narcotics for purposes other than pain relief. Addicts, especially opioid addicts, often require larger opioid doses and more frequent dosing intervals than nonaddicted patients to adequately control their pain. Ben’s need for what seemed to his physician to be excessive pain medication may have been due to a similar increased opioid requirement to relieve his pain.

Narcotic withdrawal symptoms can interfere with attempts to control pain. The time for detoxification is not when pain management is needed but rather when opioids are no longer medically indicated. For acute pain situations, opioids should be administered in doses adequate to prevent withdrawal and afford effective pain relief. The best analgesia is achieved when withdrawal states and anxiety related to inadequate pain relief are prevented. One way of controlling opioid withdrawal symptoms while maintaining effective pain control is the use of methadone, 1520 mg/day, to control withdrawal symptoms, while additional opioids can be given for control of pain at their usual therapeutic doses.

What Causes Opioid Withdrawal & Dependence

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When taken as prescribed by a physician, opioids can safely and significantly reduce pain associated with surgery or any type of intense physical pain.3 However, taking an opioid over a long period of time can lead to tolerance and dependence.3 As you build tolerance to opioids, you need a larger dose to get the same sensations as you used to, which often leads to taking more opioids than before.3 Eventually, you could become physically dependent on the drug.3 A person who is dependent on opioids will experience symptoms of withdrawal should they reduce or suddenly stop taking opioids. This can cause a vicious cyclea person might try to cut back or stop using, and upon suffering uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, they will begin taking the drug again to relieve such symptoms. 3

Furthermore, opioids can be dangerous or even deadly if you take too high a dose, which can lead to extreme effects in terms of drowsiness, nausea, euphoria, and slowed breathing.4

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