Prayer For A Daughter On Drugs
Lord, it breaks my heart that my beautiful daughter has somehow become involved with drugs and she has almost become a different person with her mood swings, depression and anger. Lord, this is not what I want for my daughter and pray that You would help her to reverse this terrible addiction, which has had such a devastating impact on all our lives. We love her so much, and I know that Your love for her exceeds our own and I pray that in Your grace and mercy You would help her to break free from this addiction to drugs and medication, and that You would help us to give her the help and support she needs during this most difficult time. Give me wisdom I pray, to know what to do and how to help with her. I feel at a loss to know what to do, but my eyes are on You Lord. Visit us all with Your peace I pray, and restore the joy and happiness we once had. I ask this in Jesus’ name,
Pray To Begin The Healing Journey
Pray that the desire for freedom and healing overwhelms your loved one rather than the desire to abuse substances and drugs. Additionally, pray that the addict recognizes that Gods power is higher than their problems.
You should never get tired of praying for your loved ones, even if they lose faith in God. Pray that God will restore their dwindling faith in His power to heal and transform.
It would also be great if you printed out prayers for them to recite as they walk their journey to healing. The Recovery Prayer is an example of a good healing prayer written by Abby Willowroot.
Today, I heal my body, my mind, my spirit, my life. Drugs are a part of my past they are not part of my life now they are not part of my future. Today, I am clean. Today, I am clean and free.
Today, I am growing strong one second, one thought, one achievement at a time. I am teaching myself how to live in addition to being the best part of me today. Today, I am clean and free.
The words may seem simple but very strong spiritually, and daily recitation affirms their now freedom.
How to pray for an addict has no formula the only fundamental requirement is faith. If you want your loved ones to transform and change, dont get tired of praying for them. Always remember to pray by faith and in line with Gods Word.
Prayer For Drug Addict
Heavenly Father, You are our God and Maker, and I cry out to You in desperation to ask that You would help those who are trapped in the destructive web of drug addiction. I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would help and heal all who are affected by this dependency upon drugs or medication.Reach out Your strong arm to lift them out of the miry clay I pray. Release them from the trap into which they have become ensnared. Draw them into the arms of Jesus, and convict them of their need for Him.Comfort all those that have loved ones who have become drug addicts and all who have been adversely affected by drug addiction, especially parents and spouses, children and those whose life has been negatively affected by this debilitating and destructive habit.Lord, in Your grace I hand each and every one over to You, and ask that in Your pity and mercy You would heal all who have become addicted to drugs. In Jesus’ name,Amen.
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A Prayer For Drug Addicts #3
God of life, You made me in Your perfect image, to live in Your love and to give You glory, honor and praise. Open my heart to Your healing power. Come, Lord Jesus, calm my soul just as you whispered Peace to the stormy sea.
St. Jude, most holy Apostle, in my need I reach out to you. I beg you to intercede for me that I may find strength to overcome my illness. Bless all those who struggle with addiction. Touch them, heal them, reassure them of the Fathers constant love.
Remain at my side, St. Jude, to chase away all evil temptations, fears, and doubts. May the quiet assurance of your loving presence illuminate the darkness in my heart and bring lasting peace.Amen.
What Does The Bible Stay About Addiction
The Bible may not actually discuss addiction or substance abuse using modern terms, but it still does address the topic. There are verses such as 1 Peter 5:8 that mention sobriety and others such as Proverbs 20:1 that discuss the dangers of heavy drinking . Other verses such as 1 Corinthians 6:20 remind us that the body is sacred .
While the Bible does warn against addiction, it also offers some hope for those who are dealing with drugs and alcohol. Here are a few verses that you may find comforting.
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Now Father I Ask In Jesus Name That You Would Help Me Cling To You With All My Heart Soul Mind Strength And Body From Now On:
- Please help me learn to love You like You deserve to be loved.
- Help me desire You and yearn for You like You deserve to be desired and yearned after.
- Help me to seek You like You deserve to be sought.
- Help me to crave You in my inmost being, and to always know that its YOU my soul cravesnot drugs or anything else.
- Help me to seek only You, and not seek anything or anyone else.
- Help me to get lost in Your presence day after day after day, morning and evening and noontime and midnight.
- Teach me the fullness of joy that is found only in Your presence.
- Help me to daily experience the true pleasures that are only found when I am abiding in You and dwelling in Your presence.
A Prayer For Drug Deliverance
Dear Lord, I thank You that You care for people like me who have gone so far astray from the way of truth. Thank You, that You have never given up on me despite my addiction to drugs. Thank You, that I can come to You to seek for deliverance and know that You will not turn me away. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and thank You, that You are faithful and true to Your Word, even when we prove faithless. Lord, I know that Your Word promises a way of deliverance to all who seek You and I believe that in Jesus is found healing and wholeness, salvation and security, deliverance and joy. And Lord, I ask for You to deliver me from these drugs and free me from being in bondage to this cursed addiction. Help me I pray. Save me Lord and set me free from these drugs on which I have become so dependant. Give me the means to break loose from drugs and the ability to see it through to the end. I know that on my own I will fail but Lord, I do believe that in Christ I can be set free. Help me Lord in Jesus’ name,
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Divine Wisdom And Serenity Prayer
Grant me the serenity to accept you in my life as one of the believers in your kingdom in heaven. Let thy love show me thy way as I cross this stormy sea of doubt, sorrow, hurt, and difficulties. Cleanse my soul from the sin of my past and may thy peace bring healing energy to this body of mine. Let your unfailing mercy be my protection against evil temptations. These prayers for addiction I offer through your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Prayers For Addiction Of Daughter
Dear Lord God,
Before my life fades, allow me to see my daughter change and find recovery in your perfect image. Awaken her conscience, and she may no longer suffer from the negative effects of drugs and alcohol on her health. Let your loving presence illuminate her path may it bear witness to her earthly understanding that your higher power will be done. Hear my prayers for addiction, Lord Jesus. Amen.
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Prayer Against Depression During Recovery Journey
Dear God,
Be with me as I willfully dedicate myself to my recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Allow your power to wash away any desire to relapse and relieve me as my anxiety peaks when I am sober. Give me the strength to forgive myself fully and turn down my desire of indulging in the things that would not please you as my eternal Father.
I acknowledge your higher power, and I trust in you as you help me dodge depression as I am on my way to recovery and away from the greatest enemy. These prayers for addiction I pray through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Night Prayer For Sobriety
God, forgive me for being resentful, selfish, and dishonest today. Help me not to keep it to myself, but to share it with someone else show me where you owe me an apology and help to make it right. Please help me be kind and loving towards all people. God, use me in the mainstream of life. Allow me to be free from worry, remorse, or morbid , reflections so that I can be useful to others. I am grateful.
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If Youre Suffering From Drug Addiction Help Is Here
If you or someone you know is coping with drug addiction, Vertava Health can connect you with professional support and treatment services available in your area. Give yourself the freedom to seek serenity every day beginning with a confidential phone call to start you on a path toward recovery from drug addiction.
Prayer For Drug Addiction
Oh Lord, I come to You to pray for all who are weighed down with some form of addition. Lord, You are the One Who came to set the captives free and to release the sinners from the chains that bind them. So I lift before Your throne of grace all those that have become addicted to drugs.
Lord, I know some personally and others that I know nothing about, but You know everyone that is enchained by the curse of drug-addiction. Look with compassion on all that are ensnared by any form of addiction, and send help and freedom to all who would accept help. Lord, I pray that they may be released from this imprisonment and returned to a life that has dignity and meaning.
Give wisdom to their family members and those that care from them, that they may be given the support and help to put them back on the road to recovery. Endow them with patience, understanding and perseverance, knowing that this can take time to address.
More than anything Lord, I pray for their salvation. You died for every drug addict and it was Your love for them that caused You to die on the cross of shame that they might be lifted up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Save them Lord, in Jesus’ name I pray,
Look down Lord Jesus in pity on our dear child, convict them of their wrongdoing and restore a right mind within them. Protect them Lord, from the dangers that surround them and bring them home Lord we pray.
More Prayers…
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Prayer Request For Patience For Every Addict In Rehabilitation Centers
Dear God,
As I work my shift, allow me to have the patience I need and help me understand their situation. Use me as your instrument for them to change for the better. Give them hope and work through your miracle to help them become a better version of themselves. Hear every prayer that I speak, Lord, and answer my prayers for addiction for the people that need it badly.
A Prayer For Those Suffering From Addiction
To find healing and overcome requires faith in someone more powerful than the addiction, and dependence on something stronger than personal abilities. The only power stronger than the call of addiction is Jesus. He breaks down strongholds and ministers with compassion and love. He does not condemn or persecute. God sent Jesus to bind up the brokenhearted and heal their wounds . When it feels like we have no strength to carry on, we can trust in His power to keep going. Jesus will not leave us alone to face the battle.
Does addiction trap you? Do you want help, but not sure where to start? Help is not far away. One of the first steps can be prayer. Cry out to God. He hears and waits for you to reach out to Him. His desire is for you to know you are loved and wanted, and that healing is possible. Are you ready to lay down your burden? There are no perfect words to pray, but here is a prayer to get started.
God, my Father, help me to turn my eyes toward you. Where does my help come from? My help comes from You, who made all things . You alone possess the power to break the chains of my addiction and break down the bars of this prison. Release me from the bondage of drugs and alcohol. Return me to my family and friends. Restore what has been stolen. I do not possess the strength, but through Jesus, I can do anything . Give me the strength to say no and turn my eyes heavenward.
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Prayers For Battling Addiction In Others
As a believer, you bring the heavy artillery of heaven to the war against addiction. This is no light matter! There is great power in praying Gods Word back to Him from a heart of love. Intercession is sacrifice and faith you are laying down your life in those minutes or hours to step into faith that your heart-felt prayers will be met by Gods grace, who delights in releasing healing and restoration.
Note: There may be a temptation to pray these intercessory prayers a few times and then succumb to despair if you dont see positive change in your loved one right away. You do not use these scriptures to cajole, convince or bargain with God. You are warring on behalf of your loved one who is under spiritual, physical or emotional oppression.
Remember: the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds.
Trust God to hear your prayers. Your desire for your loved one to be restored is utterly eclipsed by Gods desire for them. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer and do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not give up.
Native American Prayer To The Great Spirit
O Great Spirit, whose voice we hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear us! We are small and weak. We need your strength and wisdom. Let us walk in beauty, and make our eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make our hands respect the things you have made and our ears sharp to hear your voice. Make us wise so that we may understand the things you have taught our people.
Let us learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. We seek strength, not to be greater than our brother, but to fight our greatest enemy ourselves. Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as the fading sunset, our spirits may come to you without shame.
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I Come To You In Jesus Name Heavenly Father Thank You For Hearing My Cries When I Am Broken
Thank You for being the solution to all my troubles if I will just cast them on You. Thank You for loving me and hearing my prayer today.
Heavenly Father, I repent for seeking drugs instead of seeking You. I confess that I have been seeking escape, fulfillment, relief, comfort, and even reward in drugs instead of in You.
I confess that drugs have been my idol I have been going to them for everything I need, instead of to You. O God, forgive me. Have mercy on me, for I have sinned against You I confess it and I repent of it. Im so sorry, Lord. Thank You for forgiving me.
Drug Addiction Recovery Prayer
Blessed is the man who died on the cross for the sins of everyone. As I choose to turn away from drugs and alcohol, hear my prayers for addiction, Lord. Keep my spirit clean for my own sake and that of my family. Allow me to show love through the works of your Holy Spirit. I pray that your life enriches others who are also stuck in the endless cycle of addiction. I offer you my prayers for addiction, Lord. Amen.
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Healing Prayer For Addiction
Lord Jesus, save me from the temptation to become addicted. I trust you. I trust in you and will never be ashamed. Your namesake, lead me and guide. You are my strength, pull me out of the trap of drug abuse and alcoholism. Your face may shine upon me so that I can live a clean and honor your name for the rest of my life. In Jesus Name, I believe and pray. Amen.