Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ted Talks Recovery From Addiction

Addiction Is A Disease We Should Treat It Like One By Michael Botticelli

Be Recovered: Breaking free from the Disease of Addiction | Dean Taraborelli | TEDxSedona

Michael Botticelli is a recovering alcoholic and former Director of Drug Policy for the Obama Administration.

This talk is a really great look at how weve historically treated people with addiction in the US and our flawed attempt to arrest our way out of the problem of drug and alcohol abuse.

He offers an alternative solution for how we can tackle the addiction problem plaguing our country that goes beyond criminalizing addiction and actually putting systems and policies in place to help treat people who are suffering.

What Are Ted Talks

Ted Talks are conferences organized by a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas.

Typically, Ted Talk videos are short and powerful talks you can listen to for free in 18 minutes or less. The speakers are experts in their fields.

The topics cover a wide range, from activism to virtual reality.

The tagline for these videos is ideas worth spreading. And when we consider how popular they have become, this tagline seems fitting.

Do I Need Health Insurance To Receive This Service

The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.

Recommended Reading: How To Quit Tramadol Addiction

Rat Park A Study Of How Environment Impacts Addiction

The study we mentioned above was run by a professor of psychology in Vancouver in the 1970s.

In this professors experiment, he built a cage called Rat Park for his test subjects.

He loaded the cage up with cheese, colored balls, tunnels, and friends.

He also provided two separate water bottles one filled with normal water and another filled with drug water.

In Rat Park, the rats did not enjoy the drug water and almost never used it. None used it compulsively. None ever overdosed.

But rats in isolation with access to the same drug water overdosed 100% of the time.

This means that his test subjects went from a 100% overdose rate in isolation to a 0% overdose rate when they had happy, connected lives.

This professor posited that addiction is often about your cage, an adaptation to your environment.

He maintains that when we are happy and healthy, we bond and connect with each other.

But trauma, isolation, and mental health disorders can make this bonding difficult.

When we lack healthy connections, we often bond with something that will provide relief instead.

Having meaningful people, events, careers, and activities to bond with can help us prevent this.

This might mean choosing a less stressful job, building a sober social network, participating in support groups or other healthy group activities, or improving existing relationships.

Best Ted Talks About Sobriety And Addiction


These amazing TED talks will have you inspired, educated, and motivated about sobriety and addiction. Each speaker has a different view on the subject and that is what we need more of in recovery.

More people are openly embracing sobriety, and theyre doing it for a variety of reasons. The more we talk about sobriety and the more awareness we bring to the issue, the more we are able to realize that we are not alone.Here are the 7 best TED Talks about sobriety and addiction that will motivate you to stay the course as well as educate others about alcoholism and addiction.

  • Gray Area Drinking by Jolene Park:
  • Jolene Park defines gray area drinking as not having a rock bottom and wanting to be a social drinker, but always winding up overdoing it and regretting the amount of alcohol they end up consuming. People who do a lot of gray area drinking are functioning, but also feel that there is some aspect of their drinking that has gotten beyond their control.

    She argues that its relatively easy for gray area drinkers to stop, but not necessarily to stay stopped. They have to find ways to replenish their neurotransmitters and nourish their nervous system in an effective, healthy way.

    Jolene coined the acronym NOURISH to talk about how gray area drinkers can ditch the alcohol and stay sober.

  • Recover Out Loud by Tara Conner:
  • Ive Been Duped Alcohol by Paul Churchill:
  • The Stigma of Addiction by Tony Hoffman:
  • Don’t Miss: Can You Become Addicted To Advil

    How Isolation Fuels Opioid Addiction

    Addiction is a neurological disorder that creates compulsions beyond a persons control, and disrupts a persons ability to enjoy social interaction down to the cellular level. Neuroscientist Rachel Wurzman discusses her findings that drug addiction and loneliness are not only connected but are controlled by the same part of the brain. Social isolation contributes to addiction and relapse, but social connectivity can actually help recovery.

    Ted Talks Everyone Recovering From Drug Abuse Needs To See

    When you know someone who is recovering from drug abuse or even when you are going through it yourself, the better you understand the science of addiction and what causes it, the better you will be able to move toward long-term recovery. We think that one of the best ways to learn about tough topics such as addiction is through Ted Talks, free and short videos that educate anyone with the desire to learn about a variety of topics. Here, we have included a list of our top five talks that help give a little insight to some things that we, as humans, are always in search of and how they relate to substance abuse.

    Don’t Miss: What Are The Stages Of Change In Addiction

    Addiction Recovery Support At Whitesands Alcohol And Drug Rehab

    When you need support during addiction recovery, WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab has many treatment centers around Florida with the help needed to overcome addiction. We offer all levels of care, from detox and inpatient treatment to outpatient and aftercare programs. Please give us a call today to learn about our resources for addiction recovery support.

    If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at . Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

    A Simple Trick To Improve Positive Thinking / Alison Ledgerwood

    Addiction and Recovery: A How to Guide | Shawn Kingsbury | TEDxUIdaho

    Negative emotions are a significant trigger for relapse. During addiction treatment, clients spend a good deal of time with their therapist, trying to develop ways to cope with their negative emotions in a healthy way. They work on techniques for being mindful and learn strategies for thinking positively. Alison Ledgerwoods Ted Talk features some unique advice for improving your ability to think positively. Maintaining positive thoughts can help you ward off relapse. Give Ledgerwoods trick a try and see if it enables you to dispel negative thought patterns.

    Read Also: How To Fight Marijuana Addiction

    The Critical Role Librarians Play In The Opioid Crisis Chera Kowalski

    Chera Kowalski is a librarian at the McPherson Library in Philadelphia, located in a low-income area with very little opportunity historically. She chose to work here she knows the area and its endemic problems. She knew it was center to the citys drug trade and drug use. She didnt become a librarian to save lives.

    However, she points out that public libraries are places that are all about community support. People come into the library all day long, seeking shelter, resources, a place of repose, or to do their homework.

    McPherson Library is in a park, and the staff had to face an even bigger problem as the opioid epidemic grew. People came to buy drugs in the park and use them around the library. Not only is Chera used to seeing people in various stages of opioid intoxication, but all the kids and teens who visit the library are too. The public toilet in the library even got blocked by discarded needles.

    There have been overdoses inside and outside the library. All of this is reminiscent of Cheras childhood. Her parents were heroin addicts. She constantly feared they would die. She has learned to use NARCAN and has saved lives with it. She knows the kids that see this think it is normal, but it shouldnt be.

    Her point is that the opioid epidemic isnt just about users and their families it affects the entire community that surrounds it. The reach of the epidemic impacts the entire community.

    Must See Ted Talks On Addiction

    Addiction is one of the biggest challenges facing both normal people and the government in our country. When you consider that nearly one in three people know someone addicted to drugs of some description, it really magnifies the scale of the problem. However, there is hope to be found in the darkness.

    People are becoming more open to discussing and solving the problem of addiction and this will make strides towards a better, safer future for everyone. Here, we look at five Ted Talks on Addiction, which can help us better understand and tackle this issue.

    Recommended Reading: How To Know If You Have An Alcohol Addiction

    The Harm Reduction Model Of Drug Addiction Treatment

    This 17-minute video from Mark Tyndall about harm reduction and recovery is one of the best TED Talks for addiction treatment.

    Excerpt:Why do we still think that drug use is a law-enforcement issue? Making drugs illegal does nothing to stop people from using them, says public health expert Mark Tyndall. So, what might work?

    Tyndall shares community-based research that shows how harm-reduction strategies, like safe-injection sites, are working to address the drug overdose crisis.

    The Importance Of Ted Talks For Children Of Addicts

    5 Ted Talks Everyone Recovering from Drug Abuse Needs to See

    Children of addicts often feel lonely and miserable because we want someone to empathize with us. We want people to understand that the negative impacts of addiction still affect useven those of us who have never used or drank.One of the most difficult struggles Ive had as the child of an addict is that there are very few people in my life who relate to me. Dont get me wrongI have good friends who lend a listening ear. I have close family members who have been on the outside looking in for years. They see my pain, but they can go home at the end of the day. As a child, I didnt know anybody struggling with the same issues my family was facing at home. The friends I had grown up with experienced explicit stability and lovesomething that was much desired from my siblings and I.

    In adulthood, I started to meet people who were open about caregivers and loved ones in their own lives who were struggling with substance abuse issues. While I wish no person ever had to have those experiences, it made me feel validated that there were other people in the world who knew just how I felt. I wish that TED Talks would have been available throughout my childhood so that I would have had access to other people in my position during the formative years of my life.

    Don’t Miss: I’m Addicted To My Phone

    Chris Herren The Game Has Changed

    In his TEDxUMassAmherst talk on addiction, former Boston Celtics player, Chris Herren, went from hoop to heroin. In the process, he lost his career, his family, and his will to live. Many people in our community can relate to the often-tedious road to recovery. Herrens transparency and mission to share his experience with others make him the real comeback kid. This confession truly embodies the meaning of keep coming back. Keep the tissues handy for this one!

    Recovery is ongoing, and these five Ted Talks provide a springboard to self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. We recovery together through a series of small choices and big challenges, so its important to build a library of resources to help you center, refocus, and remind yourself of where youve been, where you are, and where you plan on going.

    If you are ready to pursue treatment and you need support, were here to help. At All Points North Lodge, we use a range of evidence-based healing modalities including individual therapy, group therapy, cutting-edge technologies, and comprehensive support for anyone struggling with addiction, mental health issues, and trauma. Get started with your healing journey today and contact us by phone at or via to get started.

    Great Leaders Do What Drug Addicts Do

    An 19-minute talk from Michael Brody-Waite, entrepreneur and addict in recovery.

    Excerpt:This is my story from drug addiction and homelessness to founding and leading a company on the Inc 500 list. There are 3 principles that saved me from death and set me apart as a leader. They are small enough to fit in your pocket, yet big enough to change your life. The best part is that anyone can take these principles and immediately implement them after watching this talk.

    Read Also: How To Know If Your Addicted To Masturbating

    In The Opioid Crisis Heres What It Takes To Save A Life / Jan Rader

    Try these TED Talks and others when youve got some free time or could use some inspiration. Theyre likely to provide you with both helpful information and reliable recovery coping tips.

    To see how the legalization of marijuana has impacted addiction, check out our blow below:

    What Can You Do When Youre Flattened By Depression Plan For It / Daryl Chen

    Lessons a drug addict can teach you | Lauren Windle | TEDxSurreyUniversity

    Roughly a third of people addicted to alcohol or drugs also have a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. Emotions are often triggered for relapse. In fact, many people became addicted to alcohol or drugs because they self-medicated their mental health symptoms with alcohol and drugs. Anyone prone to depression or other mental health disorders is not only tasked with managing their addiction but also their mental health. During this TED Talk, Daryl Chen offers sound advice for planning for those seemingly inevitable downturns in the mood. Creating a coping plan makes people more likely to be ready when their depression kicks in theyll have some clear, healthy coping strategies for seeing them through, which can help keep relapse at bay.

    Don’t Miss: How Do I Know If I Have An Addictive Personality

    Great Ted Talks On Addiction

    Oct 15, 2019 | Addiction News, Testimonials

    Trust us when we say that addiction is not an easy thing to deal with, but that doesnt mean its entirely impossible to beat! There are people out there who have seen just how powerful addiction can be but are looking to start a dialogue about it. Addiction consumes a persons life and completely manipulates a person into becoming something they are not. A lot of people treat addiction as a choice, but its not. We tend to see substance abuse as something someone willingly gives into. Though the initial first decision for a person to use is their choice, the decisions to use afterward are hardly their own. Addiction is a disease, but not many people realize this. Thankfully, there are people out there who are looking to educate the masses on the subject of addiction and put an end to the stigma surrounding it. And whats the best way to help educate others in this day-and-age? TED Talks! Today, were going to discuss people who have given incredible TED Talks on addiction and how they are trying to help educate others.

    What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

    SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

    Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

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    The Four Major Dimensions Of Recovery:

  • Health: overcoming or managing ones disease or symptoms, and making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being
  • Home: having a stable and safe place to live
  • Purpose: conducting meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors, and the independence, income, and resources to participate in society
  • Community: having relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope
  • Disconnected Brains: How Isolation Fuels Opioid Addiction

    Ted Talks on Addiction

    This fascinating 19-minute video clip from Rachel Wurzman is one of the best TED Talks for addiction as a biopsychosocial disorder.

    Excerpt: Addiction to opioids is now officially a national emergency. But why are addiction rates spiking and what can we do about it? Neuroscientist Rachel Wurzman shares new research about how the brain reacts to opioids, replacing the sense of community and belonging human beings are losing. We are beginning to understand that solving the opioid epidemic will require us to focus on social factors surrounding those addicted.

    Don’t Miss: Why Is Nicotine So Addictive

    Everything You Know About Addiction Is Wrong By Johann Hari

    With an in-your-face title like that, you know this talk is going to be worth your while. Johann Hari has spent years traveling around the world to find out what causes addiction and what the solution could be. His innovative ideas may just be the cure for the universal crisis of drug and alcohol addiction.

    Listening To Shame By Bren Brown

    Brené Brown has a knack for presenting unique subjects in a compelling manner, as demonstrated by her previous viral talk, The Power of Vulnerability. In Listening to Shame, Brown discusses what can happen when people confront their feelings of shame. This talk is a must-watch for anyone who has struggled with these emotions surrounding drug and alcohol abuse.

    Also Check: Has Anyone Died After My Strange Addiction

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