Friday, July 26, 2024

Treatment Centers For Opioid Addiction

The Opioid Epidemic & Opiate Overdoses

Best Rapid Detox, Opioid Addiction and Alcohol Treatment Center – Waismann Method® and Domus Retreat

Opioids have been a prevalent topic in the news for the past few decades because of the opioid epidemic. Along with synthetic opioids, opiates have been a big contributing factor to this story. The abuse and addiction of these substances have risen dramatically within this time. One study estimates that around 21-29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain will end up misusing these medications.2

In particular, there have been several concerns about opiate and opioid overdoses. The number of drug overdose deaths from any drug was four times higher in 2018 than it was in 1999, and it is estimated that nearly 70% of these deaths involved an opioid.3 With such high numbers, an opiate addiction is a scary problem to ignore. If your loved one is showing signs of drug overdose, get medical attention immediately.

Because opiate addictions have such a large prevalence of overdose deaths and because detoxing on your own can be dangerous, it is better to go to a substance abuse treatment center for help if you or someone you care about is looking for treatment for opiate abuse.

Short And Long Term Effects Of Opiate Addiction

Opioid use disorder is an ongoing epidemic that affects those with addiction and the people in their lives. Friends and family members of addicted individuals might not notice the symptoms right away and struggle to help their loved ones combat the disease.

Opioid use can cause addiction at any moment, whether prescribed for short-term or long-term use. Effects can become more extreme as the body adapts to the presence of opioids, and higher dosages are required to get the same initial results. Here are some of the effects of opiate addiction:

Prescription Opioid Dependency Vs Addiction

A physical dependence on Opioids is characterized by the onset of symptoms of withdrawal when use of the substance is stopped. While dependence is one part of addiction, Opioid addiction and abuse also encompass the inability to quit usage despite negative consequences as well as tolerance and withdrawal.

Not everyone who takes prescription Painkillers will develop an addiction. Over one-third of adults in the US took Opioid medication in 2015, and 12 million did so without approval from a doctor. As prescription drug monitoring programs take effect across the country, fewer pills are being abused or sold illegally on the streets. Prescription Opioid addicts are having to turn to more easily obtained and illegal alternatives in order to replace the pills they can no longer acquire. Because of this, Heroin and illicitly manufactured Fentanyl have flooded neighborhoods nationwide, causing increases in overdoses and deaths at a time when prescription Opioid deaths had leveled off.

The CDCs four biggest risk factors for a dependence developing into an addiction are:
  • Obtaining overlapping prescriptions from multiple providers and pharmacies.
  • Taking high daily dosages of prescription Painkillers.
  • Having mental illness or a history of alcohol or other substance abuse.
  • Living in rural areas and having low income.
  • Addiction Center is not affiliated with any insurance.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of An Opioid Use Disorder

    A wide range of symptoms can be attributed to an opioid use disorder. As a result of the ongoing opioid epidemic affecting the United States, there has been an abundance of new research on how to diagnose and treat opioid addiction. The National Institute of Health interprets opioid use disorder as someone who meets two or more of the following criteria:

    • Withdrawal when the dose is decreased
    • Increasing dose/tolerance
    • Use of drugs in hazardous situations
    • Excessive time dedicated to obtaining and using medication
    • Use interferes with obligations

    A Detox Program That Plans For The Future

    Opiate, Treatment, Center, United, States, RDD, Method

    Once deemed medically appropriate, Pine Tree Recovery Center clients engage in individual therapy, group therapy, or even family therapy where they begin to address the underlying issues that contribute to and are exacerbated by substance use disorder. This way, when clients are ready to transition to the next appropriate level of care, theyve already established a solid foundation of knowledge, awareness and motivation, setting them up for continued success.

    Opiate withdrawal is arguably the most challenging part of overcoming addiction, but its temporary. Pine Tree Recovery Centers team of credentialed clinical and medical professionals take great care in designing individualized opiate detox plans that prioritize client comfort and safety.

    Ready To Begin Your Opioid Detox?

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    Signs Of Opioid Abuse

    Opioid use does not come without its risks. Opioids are highly addictive substances due to their mechanism of action in the brain. When ingested, opioids are attached to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and other areas of the body, not only alleviating pain but also spiking dopamine levels in the brain.

    When this chemical is released, the individuals mood improves, leading to an overall sense of well-being. This high is what makes opioids so addictive, and long-term use of these drugs can eventually lead to an opioid use disorder.

    Opioid use disorder is a medical condition in which the individual is not able to abstain from using opioids and behaviors centered around opioid use that interferes with day-to-day life. A person with an addiction to opioids may exhibit certain signs and behaviors.

    Common signs of opioid addiction include:

    • Changes in sleep habits
    • Stealing from family, friends, or businesses
    • The inability to control opioid use
    • Uncontrollable cravings

    The Process Of Treating An Opiate Addiction

    While it can be tempting to avoid opiate treatment because of the relief these substances can provide, its essential to remember that opioids can cause long-term withdrawal symptoms, social isolation and an increased risk of coma, overdose and death.

    Early treatment can help prevent some of the changes associated with long-term opioid use. It might be a long process, but the care you receive can improve your chances of recovery success.

    Before you receive treatment, professionals will assess the level of care you need and determine whether outpatient or inpatient programs are best for you. Whether you live in a residential center or receive care at set times, the goal of opiate addiction treatment is to help you reach successful sobriety and improve your quality of life.

    In treatment, youll receive a custom plan that might involve:

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    Using A Rehab Center For Opioid Addiction Treatment

    Continued misuse of prescription opioids may lead to the development of an opioid use disorder . Left untreated, people with OUD may continue to misuse opioids despite mounting health issues and other disruptions to their lives, including an inability to meet work, school, and home responsibilities. 2

    People who begin to compulsively use opioid drugs can benefit from rehabilitation and treatment. Rehabilitation often begins with a period of medical detox and withdrawal management. This is because people with significant physical opioid dependence may experience severely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit, including:2

    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Muscle and bone pain.
    • Intense cravings.

    Detox and medical withdrawal management allows individuals to clear drugs from their systems while being kept as comfortable as possible in a situation that may otherwise be very uncomfortable.

    Many individuals with relatively severe opioid addictions seek recovery help via inpatient treatment. Medical detox is incorporated at the start of many inpatient programs, to prepare a person for longer rehabilitation efforts after successful withdrawal management. In these instances, ongoing treatment will take place in a safe, supportive inpatient or residential environment that strives to minimize access to opioids or other drugs during treatment as well as reduce the number of stressors that those in recovery may face.

    Dual Diagnosis Treatment For Co

    Beating Opioid Addiction | Joy’s Story

    When you suffer from a mental health issue along with substance abuse it is called co-occurrence or dual diagnosis and is more common that you might think. In a study published by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration , it is estimated 2.2 million adults suffered from co-occurring issues in 2018. Many people experiencing substance abuse have untreated mental health issues or their addiction might have caused trauma in their lives that worsen the symptoms.

    You are not alone and there is help.

    Our innovative, residential wellness program focuses on healing the underlying core issues, which fuel substance abuse, depression, anxiety and other challenges to our mental health by identifying your co-occurring disorders and treating them with a dual diagnosis.

    If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, along with substance abuse, you have co-occurring disorders that will benefit from dual diagnosis treatment.

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    Types Of Opioid Addiction Treatment Offered At Rolling Hills Hospital In Ada Ok

    At Rolling Hills rehab clinic, we maintain a treatment team of professionals all of whom are dedicated to providing high-quality care to each and every person that comes to us. All treatment regimens are individualized to meet patients particular needs and stated in measurable terms within the patients treatment plan. Most of our services use a combination of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy, but our various treatment options tend to have additional, consistent needs. Your specific needs will determine which treatment option you will receieve. The following are some therapeutic treatment methods that may be part of your treatment plan.

    Medical detoxification: For those patients that come to us chemical dependent on opioids treatment will start by completing detox. Detoxification is the process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins in the body. Through this process, the body is able to heal itself and return to normal functioning. At Rolling Hills, our detox process focuses on the safe withdrawal from alcohol and other substances while encompassing structured clinical treatment.

    Individual therapy: All of our patients engage in individual therapy on a weekly basis, at least two hours a week for adolescents and at least once a week for all other units. During individual therapy patients can take the time to delve deeper into the root case for why they started opioids in the first place.

    • Recreation therapy
    • Expressive therapies

    Continuing Care

    Get The Help You Deserve In Four Easy Steps

    contact The We Are Foundation

    The first step in getting help for yourself or a loved one is to have all of your questions & concerns addressed. Our addiction specialists are standing by 24 hours a day to answer your call.

    check insurance coverage

    Health insurance typically covers most or all of the costs associated with drug & alcohol treatment. We can verify your benefits in minutes and help you determine what course of action would be best suited for you.

    arrange for travel

    We work with individuals from all areas and assist with placement into facilities nationwide. If needed, we will help facilitate any travel arrangements that need to be made in order to get you to your destination safely.

    begin your journey

    We have multiple fully licensed locations throughout the country, all with proven and successful track records. Quality addiction treatment does not have a one-size-fits-all approach and our programs are tailored around your unique individual needs.

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    How To Find Quality Treatment

    Denver Health is state licensed and joint commissions accredited in the treatment of substance abuse and behavioral health. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration encourages patients to choose a treatment location that is effective in treatment and recovery from substance use disorders based on these five signs of quality treatment, which Denver Health meets or exceeds:

  • Accreditation: Licensed or certified by the state, currently in good standing, qualified, properly trained and licensed staff.
  • Medication: FDA approved medication for recovery from alcohol and opioid use disorders. There are no FDA approved medications to help to prevent relapse from other problem substances.
  • Evidence-Based Practices: Treatments that have been proven to be effective in treating substance use disorders including medication management therapies, motivational therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, drug and alcohol counseling, education about the risks of drug and alcohol use and peer support and help to obtain medical care for physical health issues.
  • Families: Family members are included in the treatment process because family members have an important role in understanding the impact of addiction on families and providing support.
  • Together Well Break The Cycleopiate Detoxification

    Our Team in Action

    Opioids are a potent class of narcotic drugs, one that includes prescription painkillers like oxycodone and hydrocodone, illicit substances like heroin and synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Opiates are naturally derived opioids, like heroin, morphine and opium. Over the course of the past decade, opioid abuse has been on the sharp incline. This is due in large part to the over-prescription of potent and habit-forming prescription painkillers that took place in the early 1990s. When drugs like OxyContin and Vicodin first hit the medical market, pharmaceutical companies assured prescribing physicians that they were exceedingly safe to use. It was soon discovered, however, that these medications were extremely habit-forming even when taken as prescribed. The government implemented regulations on distribution as the number of opioid-related overdose deaths surged. Unfortunately, for many, it was too late. Rather than seek professional help for opioid dependency, a significant number of men and women made the switch to heroin a less expensive and more easily obtained alternative to prescription painkillers.

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    Types Of Treatment Offered At Our Opioid Addiction Hospital In Columbus

    At our hospital, our treatment focuses on implementing an active interdisciplinary approach. When you first arrive at our treatment center, you will participate in a comprehensive evaluation, which will enable us to determine the most appropriate level of care for your needs. Our highly-trained and qualified staff take responsibility for providing thorough and compassionate treatment while focusing on the individual needs of each patient. Some of the treatment methods that are incorporated into the care for opiate addiction include:

    Medication management is offered at our hospital. Medications can be a beneficial part of treating people who are addicted to a substance like opiates and are also suffering from a co-occurring mental disorder. If medication is part of your treatment plan, our primary care physicians will closely monitor the therapeutic effects of the medication while making any changes that may be needed.

    Individual therapy at our treatment center in Columbus is designed specifically for patients to meet privately with their therapist, allowing them the time needed to discuss specific aspects of their treatment. They can also work to identify the underlying causes for the development of their addiction.

    Continuing Care

    What Is Opioid Treatment

    Opioid treatment refers to the efforts made by clients and addiction specialists to help people stop abusing prescription drugs, heroin, or other opioids. Typically people think of opioid treatment as a stand-alone building dispensing anti-addiction medication to people. However, it is far more comprehensive than that, with some clients doing as described, but the most successful also partaking in inpatient rehab, behavioral therapy, alternative therapies, and more.

    Read Also: How To Beat Opiate Addiction On Your Own

    Reaching Patients In Need

    The emergency department provides a prime opportunity to screen patients for opioid use disorder and initiate MAT. Patients who initiate MAT in the ED are more than twice as likely to remain engaged in treatment compared to patients referred for treatment. Read the JAMA article – Emergency DepartmentInitiated Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment for Opioid Dependence

    A recent study found treatment with extended-release naltrexone reduced relapse rates among criminal justice involved adults with a history of opioid dependence. Read the NEJM article Extended-Release Naltrexone to Prevent Opioid Relapse in Criminal Justice Offenders.

    Signs And Symptoms Of An Opiate Addiction

    Drug Addiction: How Opioids Like Fentanyl Work

    Anyone prescribed opioids to manage pain relief should carefully follow their doctors orders and avoid misusing them. Individuals can become addicted and prioritize getting the drug over other activities, negatively impacting their personal and professional relationships.

    Anyone can become physically dependent on opioids, which is first evident with withdrawal symptoms such as cravings and sweating. Others can misuse prescription opioids and not develop physical dependence symptoms, though its unknown why some people are more susceptible to opioid use disorder than others.

    Addiction often occurs in these five stages:

  • Trying-out stage: Some might never make it past this stage they use their drug for its intended purpose and stop use when they no longer have pain.
  • Regular-use stage: If a person takes their painkillers on an extended basis, like for chronic pain, opioid use can turn into an unhealthy pattern. Some might continue using opioids accidentally even after the pain ceases.
  • Increasing risk-taking stage: At this stage, the individual might believe their continued drug use is dangerous yet take the risk since they havent experienced any adverse effects.
  • Dependence stage: Routine leads to dependence. At this stage, the person cannot stop using painkillers and experiences painful withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea and mood swings when attempting to stop.
  • Also Check: How To Help Someone Recovering From Addiction

    Rolling Hills Hospital Philosophy And Treatment Benefits

    At Rolling Hills Hospital in Ada, it is our mission to provide superior behavioral healthcare services to the people, communities, and hospitals we serve. Our core values focus on honesty and fairness, treating people as we wish to be treated, and providing a level of care we would want for a family member. It is our goal to evaluate and stabilize any psychiatric disorder or substance abuse issue and increase each patients level of functioning within the community. An experienced psychiatrist leads our team, which also include psychologists, nurses, licensed therapists, social workers, certified nurse aids, mental health technicians, recreational therapists, and other healthcare professionals within the hospital setting.

    Types of Treatment

    Signs Of Opioid Addiction

    To get loved ones the drug rehab services they need, its important for family members and friends to know the signs of opioid addiction. Knowing these signs can help get an individual the opioid addiction treatment they need to prevent disastrous consequences.

    Common signs include the following:

    • Inability to stop the use of the drug
    • Periods of anxiety or depression
    • Failing to meet responsibilities
    • Slurring of speech
    • Changes in sleep and eating habits

    When someone begins showing signs of addiction, time is of the essence to find them help. Contact a facility that offers opioid addiction treatment to start the process for those who need it.

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