Friday, July 26, 2024

Who Can Prescribe Methadone For Addiction

Who Plays A Role In A Patients Recovery At A Methadone Clinic

Medication-Assisted Treatment Overview: Naltrexone, Methadone & Suboxone l The Partnership

Medical professionals, like physicians, nurses and counselors, will be present at a methadone clinic. Administrative and business personnel will also be on hand for the daily operations and functions of the office.

Spouses, partners, family members and friends are encouraged to help a patient throughout the duration of their treatment and recovery. Family members and friends are allowed to accompany a patient, if the patient agrees, to any appointment at any time.

What Should I Know About Storage And Disposal Of This Medication

Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture . You must immediately dispose of any methadone that is outdated or no longer needed through a medicine take-back program. If you do not have a take-back program nearby or one that you can access promptly, flush any methadone tablets or solution that are outdated or no longer needed down the toilet. Talk to your pharmacist about the proper disposal of your medication.

It is important to keep all medication out of sight and reach of children as many containers are not child-resistant and young children can open them easily. To protect young children from poisoning, always lock safety caps and immediately place the medication in a safe location â one that is up and away and out of their sight and reach.

How Do Methadone Doctors Provide Treatment

Methadone doctors first perform a series of in-depth screening and interviews to establish a persons eligibility for methadone treatment. Once the persons eligibility is confirmed, methadone doctors begin treatment by developing an individualized treatment plan based on the persons condition and unique treatment needs.

Methadone is mostly administered on-site. Therefore, people are required to visit the clinic every day to receive their daily dose of methadone. However, certain individuals may be allowed to take home a few doses of the medication for self-administration once its clear that they are stable enough to take the prescribed doses unsupervised. Methadone doctors will also advise individuals in MOUD treatment to participate in counseling and therapies to ensure a prolonged healthy recovery. These therapies and counseling sessions will help individuals avoid relapses, deal with stress, repair estranged personal relationships, and learn healthy coping skills.

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When Avoiding Methadone Is A Better Idea

The combination of these substances can depress the central nervous system even further, while the interaction between methadone and alcohol or Valium can be deadly, says the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

If someone has a similar drug addiction or symptoms and is given methadone, it does not mean the same medication or dosage is right for someone else, regardless of how similar the two people seem. Methadone should be avoided unless taken under the supervision of a medical professional familiar with the individuals case. Taking it otherwise can have unintended consequences.

Methadone should also be avoided by those who:

  • Take pain, antidepressant, anti-anxiety medications, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or antihistamines
  • Take medications for heart arrhythmias
  • Plan to become or are pregnant
  • Have a seizure disorder, such as epilepsy
  • Have low blood pressure
  • Have asthma, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary, disease, or other breathing disorders
  • Have a history of head injuries
  • Have liver, kidney, thyroid, gallbladder, prostate, or adrenal gland problems

Getting A Methadone Prescription For Pain


You have to be prescribed methadone by special, certified treatment providers.

Methadone was approved by the FDA for the treatment of pain in 1947, but, it wasnt until the late 1990s that increased usage of methadone came about as an alternative to other short-acting opioids like morphine and oxycodone. According to the CDC, Increased use of methadone since 1999 might have been prompted by growing costs of treating pain with opioids and increasing reports of abuse of other, more expensive, extended-release opioids

Analgesic effects of methadone last up to 8 hours depending on the patients opioid tolerance, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. Methadone is not intended to be prescribed for acute, mild, or break-through pain and doses should not be taken unless otherwise prescribed because of its powerful central nervous system depressant effects that decreases breathing and heart rate.

Call toll free for help finding treatment anytime.

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What Does Methadone Do

Methadone is a long-acting opioid drug used to replace the shorter-acting opioids that someone may be addicted to, such as heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl or hydromorphone. Long-acting means that the drug acts more slowly in the body, for a longer period of time. The effects of methadone last for 24 to 36 hours. In contrast, a person who uses short-acting opioids to avoid withdrawal must use three to four times a day.

When taken at the correct dose, methadone prevents withdrawal symptoms and reduces drug cravings without causing the person to feel high or sleepy. This lowers the harms associated with opioid misuse and gives people who are addicted to opioids a chance to stabilize their lives. This treatment is known as methadone maintenance, which is a type of opioid agonist therapy. Methadone therapy for opioid addiction works similar to buprenorphine, another opioid agonist therapy.

When combined with medical and supportive care, methadone and buprenorphine are equally effective treatments for opioid addiction, although one may work better than the other for some people.

Methadone maintenance is a long-term treatment. The length of treatment varies from one or two years to 20 years or more. However, if the person taking methadone and their doctor agree to end treatment, the methadone dose is tapered down gradually over many weeks or months, easing the process of withdrawal.

Methadone Maintenance Treatment Today

Decades after the first methadone clinic was established in New York City, there are still methadone clinics across the country to this day. Methadone continues to be a successful treatment for opioid dependence. In fact, methadone may enjoy a resurgence of interest and use in treating opioid addiction due to the long-acting nature of fentanyl analogs being found in street heroin. While buprenorphine has been taking over as the drug of choice in treating opioid addiction, the new opioids on the streets today may require methadones unique qualities. One of the main differences in how methadone works for addiction treatment compared to Suboxone is that the patient must wait for hours after the last opioid use before starting Suboxone. If they start too soon, the Suboxone will make them sick with withdrawal symptoms. Methadone, on the other hand, does not require a waiting period. Patients can go to the methadone doctor the same day they quit heroin or fentanyl and get started on treatment.

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Finding Naltrexone Treatment Options Near You

Naltrexone is approved for use as a medication-assisted treatment for opioid and alcohol dependenceboth of which are conditions that affect millions of Americans.

If youre looking for addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, one of our trained staff members may be able to help.

Written by the Addiction Resource Editorial Staff

Addiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.

These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Naltrexone

Methadone May Cause Side Effects Tell Your Doctor If Any Of These Symptoms Are Severe Or Do Not Go Away:

Who Prescribes Methadone?
  • headache
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • extreme drowsiness
  • agitation, hallucinations , fever, sweating, confusion, fast heartbeat, shivering, severe muscle stiffness or twitching, loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, or dizziness
  • inability to get or keep an erection
  • irregular menstruation

Methadone may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while you are taking this medication.

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Not All Doctors Can Prescribe Methadone For An Addiction

At, we are here to help you find a local methadone doctor that is licensed to prescribe this medication for an opiate addiction.

There are two types of doctors:

  • Those who can prescribe methadone as a drug to treat pain
  • Those who are licensed to prescribe methadone for the treatment of an addiction

If you are looking for a doctor to help you overcome an opiate addiction, you must find one that fits into the latter group. This is the only way to ensure that you can get the medication you need to beat your trouble and get your life back on track.

Strengths And Limitations Of This Study

Study limitations need to be recognised. A sample size of 10% was chosen for this study, double that of the previous 1985 study,, and a sampling and stratification process designed to eliminate bias due to multiple response from the same practice and to span single-handed through to large practices was used. However, caution should be exerted when extrapolating numbers of GPs and numbers of patients to the whole population. The response rate also needs to be considered, as studies of this nature have previously indicated that responders are more likely to be those who are interested or active in the field of study, and thus there is the risk of overestimate of the actual level of activity. Caution is also required in view of the reliance on self-report from GPs, which may result in bias due to error in recall or reporting. In an attempt to reduce any such bias or uncertainty, enquiry focused on activity in the previous 4 weeks, and GPs were encouraged to check recall through patient medical records. The issue of social desirability in the responses is less likely to be a major issue as responses reported here are factual, and not attitudinal.

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The Charge To The Committee

In 1992, the U.S. Public Health Service asked the Institute of Medicine to evaluate the standards issued by the Secretary of HHS for narcotic addiction treatment pursuant to the 1970 and 1974 statutes and the regulation of methadone treatment programs pursuant to those standards. This is the report of the IOM committee convened to conduct that study.

The study was supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration . The FDA also participated in monitoring the study, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health coordinated liaison between the project and these agencies.

The committee’s view of the statement of work evolved over its first three meetings as it deliberated about the nature and purpose of the subject. Consequently, the committee revised its charge at its third meeting as follows:

The above language then guided the committee through the duration of its study. It was subjected to a series of refinements of understanding as a result of the study process.

What Happens During An Initial Visit To A Methadone Clinic For A New Patient

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On the first day, patients discuss their overall health and drug use history with a healthcare provider at their local treatment center. Individuals will be given a blood and urinalysis tests. Medical professionals review a patients health history and current condition to prescribe an individualized treatment plan.

Patients may receive treatment medication on their initial visit to the clinic. A patient needs to be showing signs of withdrawal so that the right medication level is administered to stabilize the patient.

The medical staff informs the patient about the treatment program, sets goals for the patient and establishes guidelines for the patients safety and success.

Patients are initially required to visit the methadone clinic every day to receive their dose of treatment medication and counseling session. When a patient demonstrates long-term stability and dependability, he or she may be granted take-home medication privileges and visit the clinic only for periodic checkups.

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How To Get Prescribed Methadone For Opiate Addiction Conclusion

At this point, I dont want you to think Im against methadone. On the contrary, I think its a miracle opiate replacement medication that has helped countless individuals .

I just wanted you to be fully informed before you decided to sign up for methadone treatment.

Now you know why methadone works so well at eliminating opiate withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and you also know how to get prescribed methadone for opiate addiction.

Furthermore, youre aware of the potential negative consequences of using methadone for longer than a few weeks, and with this information, youll be better equipped to make important decisions regarding your treatment for opioid dependence.

I wish you the absolute best on your journey, and if you have any comments or questions on how to get prescribed methadone for opiate addiction, please post them in the comment box below.

Please review this post!

Characteristics And Clinical Practice Of The Gp Cohort As A Whole


Responders had been qualified as a doctor for a mean of 20.8 years , and working in general practice for a mean of 14.4 years . A third of responders were female and the mean age of the sample was 44.8 years . The mean practice size was 8517 patients . Over three quarters of responders worked full time. There was a mean of 4.3 full-time equivalent GPs at the practice .

How this fits in

No national survey of GPs in England and Wales and their involvement in caring for opiate misusers has been published since the mid-1980s. Since that time, major changes have occurred in the size of the problem and in the proposed extent and nature of the primary care response. This paper provides more recent data on GP involvement. Nearly three times as many GPs were seeing opiate misusers in 2001 than in 1985, with half of these GPs prescribing methadone or other substitute drugs. However these prescriptions are mostly for doses significantly below levels recommended for maintenance treatment, and still permit a disturbingly large amount of weekly take-home doses.

Forty-one per cent of responders categorised their practice as being in an urban setting, 27.7% in a suburban setting, 16.7% in a rural setting and 14.2% as other .

Practice policies

Methadone prescriptions: distribution of dispensing arrangements .

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How Well Does Methadone Work For Opioid Use Disorder

You may think that Suboxone works better for the treatment of opiate dependence. It is safer and more accessible for patients. Yet, methadone is known to have a higher success rate. Officially, the success rate is 75% compared to 50% for Suboxone. Both medications have their place in the world of medication-assisted treatment . It is important that we stop fighting the use of these highly successful treatments and work harder to establish programs and protocols to make certain that patients get the best possible treatment.

How Do I Find The Right Methadone Clinic

Methadone: The Pain Killer | The New York Times

Its important to find an experienced and reputable medical treatment facility thats accredited, licensed, and following the federal, state and local protocols for methadone clinics.

The clinic should offer various support services, like counseling and community connection resources, as these are key parts of the recovery process.

Potential patients can start by researching a methadone clinics online reputation. Upon visiting a facility, people should feel comfortable with the clinics staff members and treatment program. The clinic should present a clean and supportive environment.

The clinic should be convenient for an individual with accommodating business hours, as patients will initially spend every day at the clinic.

Patients seeking these services and more should consider the U.S. leading provider of treatment and recovery for patients with opioid use disorder. To find a New Season Treatment Center near you, go to Clinic Locations.

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What Other Information Should I Know

Keep all appointments with your doctor or clinic. Your doctor may order certain lab tests to check your response to methadone.

Before having any laboratory test , tell your doctor and the laboratory personnel that you are taking methadone.

This prescription is not refillable. If you continue to experience pain after you finish taking the methadone, call your doctor. If you take this medication on a regular basis, be sure to schedule appointments with your doctor so that you do not run out of medication.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

Getting A Methadone Prescription For Opioid Addiction Treatment

According to the SAMHSA, Methadones pharmacological profile supports sustained activity at the mu opiate receptors, which allows substantial normalization of many physiological disturbances resulting from the repeated cycles of intoxication and withdrawal associated with addiction to short-acting opioids. Therapeutically appropriate doses of methadone also attenuate or block the euphoric effects of heroin and other opioids.

Methadone has been proven to reduce cravings and withdrawals for opioids including heroin and prescription painkillers up to 24 36 hours depending on the patients tolerance and dependency levels and other biological factors as previously described. Its cross-tolerance to these other opioids makes it most beneficial in the treatment of opioid addictions to reduce illicit abuse, IV use and the spread of blood-borne diseases such as HIV, AIDs, Hepatitis, and tuberculosis. It also contributes to the reduction of crime, overdoses, mortality, and immoral behaviors that are commonly attributed to opioid abuser populations and when combined with counseling, therapies, and psychosocial services in OTPs, methadone improves overall health and social functioning..

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