Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Treat Sugar Addiction

Extraordinary Awakenings And The Disappearance Of Addiction

How To Reduce Sugar Addiction (Symptoms + Recovery)

The deconditioning process is the same regardless of the food category. The idea is to slowly and methodically reduce the amount of sugar or sweetener in the foods that you eat. As you reduce, you will notice your palette changing to prefer less sweet. If you worry that you will end up doomed to a bland diet, dont. Remember, you are doing this slowly, which means that you will gradually come to prefer less sugar. Tony may have helped create your sweet tooth, but you can be the one to undo it.

Treatment Of Brown Sugar Addiction

Brown sugar is really very harmful when one develops a dependency to it.Once the user is addicted, my God, nothing can save him, he would go to an extent of even risking his job,stealing, damaging relationship with loved ones and many more.The treatment of brown sugar addiction depends on the severity of its use.Less the usage more the chances of the victim getting recovered easily.The treatment programs here offer options like residential inpatient treatment, short stay treatments, detoxification,motivational interviewing,lectures, rehabilitation workshops and many more.All this processes mainly revolve around three steps such as:- withdrawal, therapy and maintenance.Withdrawal is also called as detox, under this the body is allowed in effect of certain medicines . These medicines detox or reduce the constituent of heroine from our body.After detox the victim is engaged in various outdoor activities for fun and to make him feel comfortable. Under this proper counseling, support meetings, get togethers etc are held.And the last is maintenance, once the victim returns home,the medication continues for few months .Narcotics meetings and counseling sessions go on here also.

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth The Natural Way

So with the elimination of refined sugars as well as artificial sweeteners, you may be wondering what CAN you use to appease those sweet tooth urges from time to time? The answer is simple: nature!

Referring back to our early ancestors, its worth noting that sugar as we know it wasnt always the go-to sweetener for beverages, desserts, and everyday flavorings.

Raw honey is the oldest form of sweetener used by civilizations around the world, and while that may not be a feasible option in the case of a full-blown sugar overhaul, you can still take a page from similar alternatives that are still in use today.

The spice rack is a fantastic place to start in finding tasty, sugar-free alternatives to keep you on track. Cinnamon, vanilla bean extract, ginger, anise, nutmeg, and cardamom are some of the oldest flavorings used to sweeten up dishes, pastries, and drinks.

You can add these to your coffee and cereals or incorporate into baking for a subtly sweet taste with zero calories, crashes, and other harmful side effects.

In addition to your natural sweetener arsenal, citrus zest adds a refreshingly fruitiness to desserts and sparkling water beverages.

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Dont Substitute Sugar For Sweeteners

In order to really cure sugar addiction, you should not replace it with chemically processed sweeteners you must instead remove the sugars from your diet completely.

Using substitutes will just keep you addicted to sugar and with any addictive substance you will be more likely to use sugar again if you are substituting it with artificial sweeteners.

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The jury is still out, but it looks like some artificial sweeteners may actually be dangerous to your health.

They are made from chemicals that are not well known and as such, we are not entirely sure if they are safe for long term human consumption at this point.

Why Is Sugar Addictive

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Many people simply wonder why sugar is addictive. Certainly, not many people report an addiction to broccoli, so there has to be a reason! That reason is found in the chemical release of hormones in our brain when we eat sugar.

With every sweet bite, dopamine is released from our brain into our bodies. This is the link between added sugar and addictive behavior that is also found in substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, and illegal drugs.

The neurotransmitter dopamine is part of the reward circuit in the brain thats associated with addictive behavior. The high one feels from eating sugar makes one addicted to said behavior , creating a vicious cycle.

As you repeat the behavior more often your body adjusts to release less dopamine over time. The only way to feel the same high as before is to increase the release of dopamine, which in this case means to eat more and more sugar.

These same behaviors are found in people with drug and alcohol dependencies, but for sugar, the ingredient is much more accessible, available, and socially acceptable than illegal drugs, making it also much harder to avoid in everyday life.

On average, an average adult in the U.S. consumes around 77 grams of sugar a day, or about 60 pounds of sugar per year!

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Dont Quit It Cold Turkey

The human body relies on many elements of food and drinks to run efficiently sucrose is one of those elements. This is the reason many health professionals do not recommend that a person cuts it completely out of the diet when attempting to detox. Instead, they recommend that one reduces sugars to a more refined amount, possibly just eating a little fruit after a meal, for example.

Manage Your Sugar Cravings In 3 Steps

Some days it feels like sugary temptations are everywhere a co-worker brings donuts into the office, youre offered a slice of birthday cake, or your lunch comes with a free soda. But too much sugar can take a toll on your body. It can increase your risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.1

Managing those sugar cravings is an important part of staying healthy. Try this 3-step process to help satisfy your sweet tooth while also providing your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Step 1: Prevention

The best way to beat a sugar craving is to avoid it. But thats easier said than done, right?

The good news is youll be less likely to develop an unhealthy craving whether its for a piece of pie or a fast-food burger if you keep your body satiated with healthy foods and nutrients throughout the day. This means making sure each meal contains a healthy balance of lean protein, whole grains, and vegetables. When it comes to snacking between meals, opt for nutritious treats like celery and peanut butter, roasted chickpeas, seaweed chips, or rainbow carrots and pumpkin hummus.

Youll also want to stay hydrated. Our brains will often mistake thirst for hunger. So before reaching for a snack, try to drink a glass of water and then see how you feel.

Step 2: Substitutions


Dark chocolate

Plain yogurt

Sweet potatoes

Step 3: Moderation

Need extra help with managing cravings?

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Why Is Sugar Addicting

What’s wrong with sugar, you ask? Everything. Outside of making things taste better, sugar has no nutritional value and is full of empty calories. These calories can create weight problems and, in turn, heighten your risk of heart disease and stroke.

That’s only the physical downside. The psychological component is real, too. Sugar releases dopamine and can increase serotonin production, a hormone that can boost your mood.

In reality, sugar isn’t any different than comfort food or a satisfying fast food meal loaded with simple carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are high on the glycemic index, meaning it takes less time to turn them into glucose. During this quicker digestion process, you may feel good in the short term, but hunger will quickly set in since sugary foods lack nutrients and leave you unsatisfied.

It can turn into a vicious cycle. At first, the sugar you eat tastes good, bringing on a “high” when your brain initiates the dopamine release. Then, the sugar causes your insulin levels to increase, leading to a drop in blood sugar levels. As your blood sugar falls, your appetite and hunger levels increase. Your body then craves sugar again to fix any hunger deficiencies or feelings of unease, even if the fix is only temporary.

How Do People Develop A Sugar Addiction

Cure Sugar Addiction + Quit Sugar Cravings (Weight Loss Hypnotherapy)

Sugar consumption can create a short-term high and a spark of energy in the body. Some studies have suggested that sugar is as addictive as Cocaine. People often enjoy the dopamine release that sugar brings. But due to the addictive nature of sugar, long-term health effects like obesity and diabetes are a risk of sugar overindulgence. Similar to other compulsions or behavioral addictions, sugar addiction is a special risk for people with low moods, anxiety, and stress.

Additionally, people who suffer from constant tiredness may reach for carb-rich sugary foods for a boost. Sugar releases endorphins in the body and combines with other chemicals in the body, resulting in a surge of energy. Once someone mentally connects sugar with help providing energy, they may become dependent on it . People may begin to crave sugar to balance irritability, emotional lows, and other conditions. At this point there is often little control over dietary habits, and a sugar addiction has developed.

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Eat A Naturally Sweet Snack

When a craving hits, instead of running for the candy drawer try something that will give you fuel, too. “If you need a shot of sugar along with energy that will last longer, try making a trail mix with almonds, dried fruit, and a few dark chocolate chips,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of and author of Read It Before You Eat It Taking You from Label to Table. “This snack is portable and will not only provide that sweetness you crave, but you’ll also get protein and healthy fat from the nuts, and iron and fiber from the fruit.”

Why Sugar Addiction Is So Prevalent

Despite health warnings asking people to cut back on their intake, sugar makes up a third of your daily calorie intake. Researchers at Yale University revealed that eating bad carbohydrates leads to low blood sugar and affects impulse control in the brain. Some individuals might argue that sugar is not bad, because its natural. However, that only rings true for certain naturally-occurring sugars that provide nutrients and vitamins.

There is no dietary requirement for sugar in the body. You need protein and healthy fat more than you do carbohydrates. Excess sugar consumption has been blamed as the cause of developmental issues in children and the current obesity crisis in the US.

Dependence creates the need for more sugar. You wont become fat overnight, lose bone density or develop heart problems immediately, but the harmful effects happen over a long period of time, which make it even more dangerous.

When you eat sugar, your body and brain crave more sugar your blood sugar level spikes as dopamine is released in the brain hunger and cravings set in, reinforcing the need to eat more sugary food and blood sugar levels fall. This leads your body to crave another sugar high to increase blood sugar levels and induce the feeling of pleasure. This cycle of addiction explains how difficult it is to give up sugar and the grasp it has on your life.

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Withdrawal Symptoms Of Brown Sugar Addiction

Continuous use of brown sugar interferes with motivation and resulting in its craving and dependence.Withdrawal symptoms of brown sugar depends on how long it had been used .Continuously snorting and injection of brown sugar is definitely going to get longer withdrawal periods, with potentially more symptoms. The common withdrawal symptoms which people acknowledge are.

When To See A Doctor

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If you find yoruself feeling dizzy without sugar, or having regular cravings, it’s time to call a professional, as it could indicate a deeper problem. If you are craving sweets chronically, Goodman says this may indicate that you have hypoglycemia, for instance.

Even if it’s a sign of a nutritional deficiency, a professional can help determine what you’re lacking, how much you need, and ensure the lack of the vitamin or nutrient doesn’t lead to further problems. Magnesium deficiency, for example, has been linked to everything from osteoporosis to type 2 diabetes to heart disease. . When our body doesnt have enough magnesium, it will have trouble bringing energy into the cells and thus, feel deprived and crave sugar, Fahad explains.

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Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe

If you place an order at your local coffee shop, it’s no longer a question of if you want cream or sugar added. Artificial sweeteners are just as popular of an option nowadays to help curb sugar habits.

These synthetic sugar substitutes received a bad reputation years ago for their link to cancer, but subsequent studies haven’t found a clear connection to causing cancer in humans, according to the National Cancer Institute.

With those concerns out of the way for now, the FDA has approved five artificial sweeteners for use: aspartame , acesulfame-K , neotame, saccharin and sucralose .

But just because the FDA approves their use doesn’t mean you should swap sugar for artificial sweeteners and keep the same diet. Artificial sweeteners can temporarily help by weaning you off added sugars, but long-term use could play a role in how you view foods.

Think of artificial sweeteners as a concentrated version without the calories a little goes a long way. According to Harvard Health, the sweetness from artificial additives can make you more likely to develop a sweet tooth and crave sweets even more. Plus, the psychological component can alter the way you think. For example, if you tell yourself you’re saving calories by drinking a diet soda instead of a regular soda, you may be more inclined to eat cake for dessert. In this case, you cancel out any benefits of drinking a diet soda with something full of added sugars.

How We Become Addicted To Sugar

Sugar addiction works just like any other substance addiction:

Sugar releases dopamine in the body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that turns on the reward circuit and helps us feel good.

When we eat lots of sugar, our brain gets used to having constant dopamine stimulation. It will require more and more dopamine to feel the same good vibesmeaning, well need to eat more and more sugar to feel that same happiness.

This is known as dependence, and it can change the way we view dopamine-producing substances, like sugar. Its what leads us from sugar being a once-in-a-while treat to a must-have main course.

Unfortunately, sugar addiction is becoming more and more common, especially in the United States. And thats because many of us accidentally eat way more sugar than were supposed to. Wait, how is eating too much sugar accidental?

Even if youre not consciously munching on sweet treats, many companies add sugar into their foods to make them taste better. Unless you check the nutrition label on every packaged food product you consume , chances are youre well exceeding your daily value for sugar.

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Out Of Sight Out Of Mind

One study found that making snacks less accessible by putting them further away is a potentially effective strategy to decrease snack intake, without risk of compensatory behavior.

However, do not throw food away, even junk food. You can load a box and donate it to a homeless shelter, or simply pass by an area where homeless people are. You will declutter your diet and feed someone in need.

How To Stop Sugar Cravings: 5 Tips For The Long Term

How To Cure a Sugar Addiction

One of the best ways to manage sugar cravings is to stop them before they start. To help you do that:

  • Skip artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners may sound like a great idea, but “they dont lessen cravings for sugar and havent demonstrated a positive effect on our obesity epidemic,” says Grotto, author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life.
  • Reward yourself for successfully managing sugar cravings. Your reward could be large or small. Remember why youre working on it and then reward yourself for each successful step.
  • Slow down. For one week, focus on your sugar cravings and think about what youre eating, suggests Chambers. Diet mayhem often results from lack of planning. So slow down, plan, “and eat what you intend to eat, instead of eating when youre desperate,” Chambers says.
  • Get support. Many people turn to sweet foods when they’re stressed, depressed, or angry. But food doesn’t solve emotional issues. Consider whether emotions are involved in your sugar cravings and whether you need help to find other solutions to those emotional problems.
  • Mix it up. You may need more than one strategy to thwart sugar cravings. One week you may find success with one tactic, and another week calls for an alternative approach. Whats important is to have a bag of tricks to try, Gerbstadt tells WebMD. To tame sugar cravings, you really need to “figure out what works for you,” Neville says.

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Our Uncontrollable Sweet Tooth Wasn’t Always Like This

Two hundred years ago, the average American ate two pounds of sugar per year — today, we’re up to 152 pounds per year. How did that much added sugar get into our diet in the first place?

Unfortunately, American sugar addiction has less than sweet roots. Back in olden times, sugarcane was a labor-intensive crop that had to be cut by hand and immediately harvested for juices. In 1795, a New Orleans farmer figured out how to granulate the first sugar crystals, and it became a product that could last longer than just a few days before spoiling. Sugar plantations appeared on both sides of the Mississippi River, and thus the proliferation of the sweet stuff became just another marker of the United States’ legacy of slave labor.

The factors that led to our state of sugar consumption are further entwined with American history. During the Prohibition of the 1920s and ’30s, people turned to soda to replace their nightcaps, and sugary drinks became a staple in the American diet. By the time Prohibition ended, we were too hooked on soda to let go.

When we added alcohol back into our drinks post Prohibition, we kept the soda and sugary juice too.

Long story short, sugar addiction has its roots in the foundation of the United States. Even though it’s hard to beat, that doesn’t mean we should stop trying.

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