Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Are People Addicted To Their Phones

Why Are People So Much More Into Their Phones Than Their Friends

Why Are So People Addicted To Their Phones

I am a little confused as to why a group of girls would go out for a meal together, but proceed to stare into the screens of their phones instead of engaging in conversations with their friends. Anti-social much? Literally these people have no interaction with the friends they are with they are too focused on Instagramming, Vining, Snapchatting and every other social platform-ing every activity they are doing.

Instead of preoccupying themselves with the people around them, they are too worried about what is going on with the outside world. Who gives a sh*t what pictures are being Instagrammed at that time? This is a time to hang out with your friends. Shouldnât you be more concerned with what you are doing?

âYour life is just a boring version of your Instagram.â

This is a growing epidemic that needs to be stopped. Why are we engaging in psychological warfare about who is having more fun? The reason is because people care wayyyy too much about what other people think. You think you look hot in a bathing suit? Bam, Instagram it. âRagingâ at a club? Bam, Vine it.

In todayâs day and time, when will the emergence of social media platforms cease? At the rate they are developing, Iâm going to go with the answer: never.

âOne in four people check their phones every thirty minutes, while one in five check every ten minutes.â

âIn many parts of the world, more people have access to a mobile device than to a toilet or running water.â

Strengths And Limitations Of The Present Study

The main strength of this research is the wide and representative sample of the population of Spain. However, as usual in this type of studies, assessment of variables through the use of subjective methods, such as questionnaires, presents important limitations, since it is well-known that self-perceptions in questionnaires tend to overestimate usage. Future research will be oriented to provide specific and accurate analysis incorporating more objective methodologies. Nevertheless self-awareness of excessive use is also present among problematic users, so it is difficult to objectively measure the impact of this overestimation of use. In addition, an important limitation is the rapid turnover of applications implemented in the smartphones. For instance, when the present study was designed, Instagram was starting its ascending pathway in the social networks applications ranking, but it was not included. It is reasonable to think that a more in depth analysis of applications designs and routines had to be implemented to gain insight on its role as contributors to the problematic use. Finally further studies under development would establish the existence or not of causal relationships by analyzing those and new psychological factors and variables that could be associated and determine the overuse.

How To Help A Loved One With A Smartphone Addiction

If youve been upset or frustrated by your loved ones excessive phone use while in your presence, you are not alone.

Your loved one may suffer from a cell phone addiction or nomophobia, the fear of being without a mobile phone, if he or she exhibits these signs or symptoms:

  • Appears anxious when phone battery is low.
  • Panics if cell phone is misplaced or service is unavailable.
  • Spends more time connecting online than connecting with people in real life.
  • Sleeps with the smartphone on or under the pillow.
  • Uses the phone in dangerous situations such as driving.
  • Has his or her smartphone on the table during meals.
  • Believes the cell phone to have rung or vibrated when it hasnt.

This is not a complete list of signs and symptoms but it includes some of the common signs that a loved one may be suffering from a smartphone addiction. If you worry that your loved ones cell phone use is problematic, dont hesitate to call the number above to learn about recovery options.

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% Of Teens Admit That Smartphone Addiction Is A Real And Serious Problem

Of course, not every teen smartphone user admits that using a smartphone is a bad thing. Fortunately, smartphone addiction statistics in the US show that more than half of these teens admit that smartphone addiction is a rising issue in modern society that needs to be faced. Sadly, 40% of teen users still struggle with the fact that cellphone addiction is a rising issue among their generation.

The First And Last 60 Minutes Of Your Day

Why are people so addicted to their cell phones/smart ...

Experts have shown that the first 60 minutes when you wake up and the last 60 minutes before you fall asleep play an important role in your life.

So dont spend time playing your phone during these hours. Instead, use it for other useful and constructive activities such as reading books, family time, planning, or meditation.

More importantly, never bring your phone to sleep with you. If possible distance yourself from your phone and never bring it to your bedroom. Use an alarm clock instead of using your phone as a clock.

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Most People Are Not Even Aware They Are Smartphone Addicts

Some of the people are not aware that they are addicted to their smartphones, either because they do not pay attention to the warning signs or because they are not aware of such signs at all.

For this reason, there should be a certain amount of awareness provided to such people so that they can counter such a habit.

Cell phones are now common worldwide, and there is no living without them.

However, people need to realize that being addicted to them is not a good thing, and can lead to a person being unproductive and suffer from a lot of health related issues.

Not to mention, cell phone usage while driving can also lead to fatal accidents.

Therefore, a person should be careful that they limit the time they spend using their phone, and take a break from them once in a while.

Smartphone Addiction Can Result In Mental Issues Such As Ocd And Depression

An addiction expert has stated that the more connected an individual is with the help of technology, the more likely they will experience a hassle connecting in real life.

Experts have also stated that smartphone withdrawal can result in symptoms such as depression, insomnia, and anxiety.

It creates more cortisone within the body and the brain.

This stress hormone is cardio-toxic and can be very bad for an individuals mental health as well as their personal relationships.

Also Check: How To Get Certified Addiction Counselor

You Will Never Suffer From Text Claw Or Cell Phone Elbow

Because you never overuse your smartphone, you are unlikely to suffer from finger cramping or cell phone elbow. This condition is an inflammation of the tendons in the fingers caused by the continuous scrolling, texting and gaming on the phone. When your elbow is constantly bent, you may get an unpleasant numbness in the fingers.

Entertainment And Healthy Habits

Why you’re addicted to your smartphone (Marketplace)

The forms of entertainment analyzed were going out with friends , reading , browsing on computers at home , watching television , going to movies and other shows , playing sports , or traveling . Principally, there is a greater tendency toward reading, or going out with friends among users with higher educational levels compared to those with basic education, who are more likely to prefer television compared to the total sample .

Table 7 Entertainment and healthy habitstotal sample.

Healthy habits considered are cleanliness and personal hygiene doing fun or agreeable things going outside, sun tanning, and walks maintaining a good group of friends , watching ones diet getting enough sleep playing sports doing things one enjoys maintaining healthy relationships with the opposite gender concern for physical appearance self care and getting periodic medical checkups .

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Create An Unplugged Zone

This is where you either turn off your phone or you simply disconnect your phone from yourself or disconnect it from the internet.

Your phone will only buzz you and require your attention when it is on. So turn it off. Discipline yourself and commit to creating an unplugged zone in your everyday life.

For example, you can turn off your phone, turn it to silent mode or disconnect it from the internet after 8 pm. You want to create a phone-free zone so that you can spend quality time with your family or with yourself.

When you create your unplugged zone, you also limit yourself on the usage of your phone. You cannot check on social media if your phone is without the internet.

Cell Phone Addiction: The Statistics Of Gadget Dependency

The prevalence of smartphones is nothing short of a phenomenon. Apple debuted the iPhone more than 10 years ago, and its introduction to the world created a consumer need that previously didnt exist.

Now that 56 percent of Americans own smartphones, we use our mobile gadgets to work, play, share, learn, communicate, and stave off boredom. However, the increase in reliance on technology has a downside: People are relying more and more on their smartphones äóî sometimes to an unhealthy degree. Technological addiction can happen to anyone, digital detox expert Holland Haiis told CNN. She also described technology as the new 21st century addiction.

Tech dependency is a modern issue that is growing in relevance as more and more people utilize mobile technology. Dr. Russell Belks Extended Self Theory suggests that our possessions, such as smartphones, have become integral to how humans operate on a daily basis. They became an extension of the self, so that separation from devices can cause anxiety, irritability, and even psychological symptoms similar to substance addiction for some. What are the facts behind tech dependency, and who does it affect?

Also Check: How To Wean Off Alcohol Addiction

Teen Cell Phone Addiction: The Stats

As it turns out, parents have reason to worry. Results of a 2016 Common Sense Media Report found that 50 percent of teens feel addicted to mobile devices, while 59 percent of parents surveyed believe that kids are addicted to their devices. This survey also showed that 72 percent of teens and 48 percent of parents feel the need to immediately respond to texts, social-networking messages, and other notifications 69 percent of parents and 78 percent of teens check their devices at least hourly.

A 2018 Pew Research Report showed that 45 percent of teens said they use the Internet almost constantly, and another 44 percent said they go online several times a day. According to this report, 50 percent of teenage girls are near-constant online users, compared to 39 percent of teenage boys. 95 percent of teens have access to a smartphone.

Signs And Symptoms Of Phone Addiction

Why Are Smartphones So Addictive?

There is a fine line between healthy and compulsive mobile use. Depending too heavily on a device can lead to a mobile addiction. A scholarly journal published by the National Library of Medicine reports that 6.3% of the overall population is addicted to their smartphone. The pattern of abuse is greatest among those under 30, with an average of 16% of adolescents addicted. Though chronic phone use is prevalent, how can you distinguish between normal phone use and phone addiction?

Below are a few ways to discern if someone is battling a phone addiction:

  • Hiding phone usage.
  • Lying about their smartphone use to others.
  • Loved ones expressing concern about their phone use.
  • Neglect or trouble completing duties at work, school, or home due to chatting, scrolling, surfing, texting, or playing mobile games.
  • Phantom vibrations .
  • Checking peoples profiles repeatedly due to anxiety.
  • Accidents or injury due to phone use.
  • Working later to complete tasks.
  • Weak or non-existent social life.
  • Isolation from loved ones.
  • A feeling of lack of connection.
  • Angry or irritated if phone use is interrupted or can not be reached.
  • Getting up at night to check phone.
  • Sense of dread or panic if the phone is left at home or battery dies.
  • Reaching for the phone the moment they are alone or bored.
  • More and more time using a phone.
  • Limiting phone use is difficult.
  • Craving access to your smartphone or another device.

Recommended Reading: How Many People Struggle With Addiction

Stop Using Smartphone For Entertainment

Latest electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets have drastically replaced the conventional TVs and computers for entertainment because these devices are easily accessible and they are quick to load.

With a smartphone, you can watch a movie, play games, listen to your favorite songs and chit chatting through messenger. Conversely, you can only use a conventional TV to watch movies or drama, it is less convenient.

It is true that the smart devices are convenient and easy to use, but if you want to break the habit of cell phone addiction, stop using your smartphone to play games or watch YouTube. Instead, stick to the traditional way, watch a TV and use a computer to play games.

Why is that so? The answer is simple, you want to make less convenient to have fun with your smartphone so that you can break the bad habit of using your phone all the time.

Most People Cant Even Survive One Day Without Their Phones

Phones have become a necessity for most of the people.

44% of the people have stated that they become very anxious when they lose their phones and become phoneless for an entire week.

The fear of losing or being without a smartphone, i.e. Nomophobia, actually exists and affects many people.

A study conducted showed that 91% of the Gen-Ys took their phones to the bathroom to use it.

The study also showed that while more women used their smartphones in the bathroom as compared to men , men were more attached to their phones as compared to women.

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Perception And Use Of Cell Phones

In general terms, a large share of interviewees believe they abuse their cell phones and that they use them excessively . More than half never turn their cell phones off before going to bed .

Women report excessive use of their cell phones more than men do , as do both, young people 16 to 25 years of age and drug users compared to the total mean score of the sample. In contrast, users with a basic educational level demonstrate a significantly lower awareness of abuse.

On average, cell phone use is nearly 3 h per day, and the average number of contacts maintained with the device is nearly fourteen. However, the greatest investment of time is seen among young people 16 to 25 years of age, women, and users with basic education. Significant differences do not exist with regard to the number of friends with whom contact is maintained .

Table 2 Mobile use and perception of use.

Phone Addiction Is Real

Katie Couric Breaks Down Why People Are Addicted To Their Phones

A lot of us must be wondering if we’re hooked on our tech: Searches for phone addiction have risen steadily in the past five years, according to Google Trends, and social media addiction trails it closely. Interestingly, phone addiction and social media addiction are closely intertwined, especially for younger people, who probably arent playing chess on their phones or even talking on themtheyre on social media. And according to a growing number of studies, its looking more and more like this pastime is addictive. Even more concerning is the fact that this addiction is linked to some serious mental health risks.


Last month, MITs Sloan Management Review a clever experimentprofessors at two business schools in Italy and France made giving up one’s smartphone for a day a requirement of the students in their courses. Most of the students, who could plan what day theyd give up their phones, felt some degree of anxiety. They didnt know what to do with the extra time, from eating breakfast to riding on public transportation. They also noted how often people who did have phones checked their phonesone student pointed out that his friend checked his phone four times in a 10 minute periodand that that was probably what they themselves looked like on a typical day.

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There Are Solutions To Mobile Device Addiction

There are many causes and effects of this mobile device addiction, which is also an issue with our computers and other communication devices. However, if we learn to manage this mobile device addiction, we can increase our productivity and free up time during the week. It is not only the wasted time that results when we allow ourselves to be interrupted, when staring at the screen, when replying to emails or answering the phone. We also lose valuable time recovering from these interruptions after our attention has been diverted.

This has become recognized as enough of a problem today that we are starting to see some technological solutions being developed, including research on context aware management of interruptions or guidelines for the workplace that could increase productivity. For example, a Loughborough University study recommends a set of guidelines for email usage that will increase employee workplace efficiency by reducing interruptions, restricting the use of email-to-all messages and reply-to-all responses, setting the email application to display just the first three lines, and checking for email less frequently.

Note: This guest essay was written by Avi Itzkovitch.

Signs And Symptoms Of Cell Phone Addiction

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of cell phone addiction, according to Entrepreneur.

Other signs of tech dependency include using a device to bypass negative feelings or forget a troubling event, losing track of time while on the device, and physical repercussions such as eye strain, neck pain, and more. It is important to note that, while internet addiction is viewed as a public health issue in other places, it is not yet a recognized disorder in the United States, according to CNN.

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