Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Why Do Drug Addicts Lose Teeth

Seven Ways Methamphetamine Ruins Your Teeth

Why Do People Lose Control Over Their Cocaine Use?

1 It dries out your mouth. -Methamphetamine directly inhibits saliva flow from the salivary glands. The saliva offers a lot of protection to the teeth, something I recently wrote about in an article called How Saliva Protects Your Teeth. In short, when the saliva stops flowing, the teeth are left without many defenses.

2 Crystal meth gives the user a prolonged high, which often causes them to pass out. Meth users have a tendency to pass out frequently. When they pass out, they are breathing through their mouth, which dries out the mouth. And without saliva circulating in the mouth, the teeth are at risk.

3 Meth is acidic by nature. This has been debated. Some people say that meth isnt acidic. Some say it is. Pure methamphetamine is NOT acidic, but most street meth contains acidic byproducts. For example, the most common method of manufacturing meth in the United States is the Red, White, and Blue Method. This method of methamphetamine synthesis produces hydroiodic acid. Other acids can be made as byproducts depending on how the methamphetamine is synthesized.

If only those that manufacture meth knew about the devastating effects of acid on the teeth theyd probably be sure to only sell you pure methamphetamine!

6 Meth destroys the enamel. It does this by causing cavities to form and by releasing toxic chemicals that damage the teeth. In the book Treatment Planning in Dentistry by Stefanac and Nesbit it says:

Heroin And The Affect On Teeth

Heroin is known to cause serious oral health problems and in chronic long term users, bad teeth, bad gums and missing teeth are often apparent. In surveys of injecting heroin drug users, up to 70 per cent described problems such as teeth snapping off, teeth falling apart, gum disease and trauma. These problems are often a result of a lack of dental hygiene, access to health care or not caring about oral health due to drug addiction.

Individuals who are addicted to heroin or other opiates often experience severe decay in their teeth. This is because the drug causes them to crave sweet foods and drinks but their lifestyle often ignores the importance of mouth care. Additionally, many addicts consume sugary drinks and foods because they are inexpensive and readily available.

Why Your Stomach Hurts

When You Use Drugs The use of certain substances can irritate the digestive system. In many cases, drug use can lead to nausea and vomiting. Prolonged use of marijuana may cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, a condition characterized by recurrent episodes of severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. Cocaine and opioid use can also cause stomach issues, including abdominal pain and severe constipation. The use of steroids can cause stomach pain, and this might indicate inflammation of the liver or liver damage.

Also Check: Why Do People Get Addicted To Opioids

What Can Teens Do To Prevent Addiction To Opioid Pain Medications

For many teens, their first experience with opioid pain medications is through a prescription from their dentist or oral surgeon to manage acute pain after a dental procedure. Some research says that even taking opioids as prescribed, such as after wisdom teeth extraction, makes teens 33 percent more likely to misuse opioids later on.5 Teens might like how prescription opioids make them feel. They could ask for more medication just to get that feeling again, not realizing how dangerous these medications can be when used for the wrong reasons.

Together with your parents, talk with your dentist about the best way to manage dental pain. You can also include your pediatrician in the conversation, especially if you are being treated with other kinds of medications for different health issues.

Non-Opioid Options for Managing Mouth Pain

Ask your dentist or oral surgeon if there is an option other than prescription opioids to treat your pain. Research in adults suggests that non-opioid medications might offer the best balance between benefits and possible harms. Non-opioid options include the following over-the-counter drugs either alone or in combination:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen
  • acetaminophen 6

What To Do if Opioids Are Prescribed

If the dentist or oral surgeon decides to prescribe an opioid pain medicine:7,8

  • Take the medication according to the directions.
  • Never mix opioid medications with alcohol.
  • Can Meth Mouth Be Reversed

    18 Faces That Will Prove Why You Should Stay Away From Meth

    A study of people who use meth in China found that more than 97% had decayed teeth, but the prevalence of decay was lower among those who used meth for fewer years and those who brushed their teeth at least twice per day.

    But even when practicing good dental hygiene, it’s difficult to prevent the dental damage that often occurs with meth use. And while less serious cases of tooth decay can be treated, it can’t be reversed.

    In fact, using methamphetamine can cause decay to the extent that the teeth cannot be saved and must be pulled instead.

    Unfortunately, there is not much that a dentist can do for a patient with “meth mouth” and successful “treatment” usually includes tooth extraction rather than a reversal of the oral disease.

    Ultimately, the best course of treatment for someone living with oral disease caused by meth use is to treat the addiction. The dentist may choose to educate patients on the effects of the drug and offer resources such as drug counseling services. Treating meth addiction is usually a long, ongoing process that requires medical detox along with ongoing therapy and social support to prevent a relapse.

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    How To Battle Drugs Side Effects On Drug Addict`s Skin/face

    The first step to reversing or minimizing substance addictions impact on your face is to avoid abusing them. The longer you use drugs, the more negative effects they have on your face, and the more difficult it is to reverse this harm. Although cosmetic assistance may result in minor changes, using these drugs would only worsen the situation. Professional rehab services will help you quit these medications for good, allowing you to make real change.

    Drugs have various effects drug addict`s skin/skin, but once youre sober, some of these effects can naturally fade. You can see a dermatologist if you want to speed up the process or have more serious cosmetic changes. The dermatologist may be able to prescribe or recommend medications or other things to help with rehabilitation. A consistent skincare regimen may be required to see results, but the effects may not be completely reversible in some situations.

    > > > READ THIS NEXT: Why Addiction is a Disease

    What Drug Abuse Does To Your Teeth

    Last Updated on October 4, 2017 by Inspire Malibu

    Abusing or mis-using drugs is one of the worst things for your body. Drug abuse can negatively affect your liver, heart and lungs.

    What many people dont realize is that it can also do a number on your teeth. If you regularly abuse drugs, you will likely experience a number of oral health issues including tooth decay.

    Here is a list of drugs that can severely damage your teeth.

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    What Drugs Do To Drug Addict`s Skin/face In The Long Run

    Although some drugs are more dangerous than others, a drug addicts skin/face may often show visible changes in appearance as well as cosmetic damage. The severity of which drugs impact your face becomes determined by several factors, including the drugs used, the addictions nature, drug experiences, the persons health, and the persons skincare routine and grooming habits.

    Drugs May Have the Following Effects on Your Face if You Misuse Them for A Long Time:

    • Blood clots in the eyes or bloodshot eyes
    • Eyelids that are droopy or retracted
    • Eyes that have sunk
    • Sores and blemishes on the skin
    • Harm to the teeth and complications in the mouth

    Bloodshot eyes are not unusual in drug users, but long-term neglect can result in permanent harm. These issues can spread to the eyelids and surrounding skin in some cases, resulting in even more visible changes in appearance. Sunken eyes, which are also a symbol of natural aging, can also make someone look older than they are. Wrinkles are caused by a loss of skin elasticity, which is also a significant contributor to the appearance of false aging.

    Methamphetamine, in particular, can cause a slew of issues, and the damage it causes is often referred to as meth face. It is one of the most harmful substances to a persons physical appearance, causing noticeable changes. Long-term meth users can appear much older, have notably poor dental health, and have open sores or acne-like blemishes due to picking their skin because of meth mites.

    Drug Use And Dry Mouth

    Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol?

    Some drugs reduce the flow of saliva and cause a condition called dry mouth. Dry mouth significantly increases the risk of tooth decay. This is because saliva:

    • reduces the population of bacteria in the mouth
    • neutralises mouth acids that cause tooth decay
    • contains substances crucial to the ongoing process of re-mineralisation, which is the repair of tooth enamel that has been damaged by acids
    • has a washing effect preventing food particles from sitting on teeth.

    Talk to your dentist about whether any drugs you are taking could be causing dry mouth.

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    Drugs That Affect Oral Health

    Most people know from public health advertisements that meth abuse damages teeth however, they may not know how this occurs, how quickly it can happen, or that other drugs can damage oral health. Below are drugs that are most often associated with damage to the teeth, gums, jaw, and oral hygiene:

    • Cocaine: This potent stimulant affects the mouth, although it can cause different damage depending on how the drug is taken. It is very acidic, so if cocaine comes in contact with teeth, it will break down the enamel. Crack cocaine is the most common offender since it is smoked, although some people put powdered cocaine in their mouths to be absorbed by their gums. Rubbing the powdered version into the gums also leads to mouth sores, which can become infected. Snorting powdered cocaine damages the tissues in the upper palate, which may eventually cause a hole to form between the nose and mouth.Cocaine may cause a movement disorder called transient chorea this can manifest in jaw and mouth-related muscle spasms called buccolingual dyskinesia, which can look like grinding the teeth or a strange smile. Grinding the teeth can crack them and cause damage to the enamel, the surrounding gums, and the jaw.

    Cocaine Use Can Directly And Indirectly Affect Dental Health Side Effects Include Dental Erosion Oral Perforations Changes In Diet Brushing Habits And Mouth Dryness

    With over a decade of editing experience, Tom is a content specialist for Advanced Recovery Systems,… read more

    Dr. Deep Shukla graduated with a PhD in Neuroscience from Georgia State University in December 2018. He has a diverse background in… read more

    Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that produces feelings of euphoria and intense pleasure but can also cause physiological and psychological dependence. Cocaine addiction has many adverse side effects, including various medical, psychological and social problems. However, chronic cocaine use can also adversely impact dental health. Cocaine users have higher rates of tooth decay and fewer number of teeth than individuals who dont use the drug.

    The effects of cocaine on dental health vary based on the method of use. Especially if its derivative, crack, is used. Crack cocaine is the most potent and popular form of the drug. Crack can be smoked or inhaled whereas cocaine is generally inhaled or snorted but crack may also be used orally by rubbing it on the gums.

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    What Our Patients Are Saying

    Three years ago an acquaintance of mine referred me to Dr. Alexanders practice and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Dr. Alexander and his professional staff helped map out a planned course of action I so desperately needed. Today, I smile when pictures are taken of me and I have confidence at work and in my personal life as well.

    – A.B.

    Dr. Alexander is one of the most important and appreciated people Ive come across on my journey in recovery. He was the first dentist to make real dental care possible for me. The work Dr. Alexander does is incredible and my teeth look amazing now! He is a priceless asset to the recovery community.

    – K.M.

    Dr. Alexander and his staff are an amazing team. The level of care and professionalism shown to me at my first visit will keep me coming back here. I have found my new dentist. His attention and dedication to those in recovery is amazing.

    – D.P.

    Addiction Treatment Can Save Your Teeth

    The faces of despair: Shocking images of meth addicts ...

    Drug abuse and addiction are treatable and many people live healthy sober lives after rehab. The human body begins to heal the moment the substance abuse stops, so it is never too late to start a sober lifestyle. Many dentists can help the body repair the damage, reducing long-term risk for gum disease and tooth loss.

    If you or someone you love is suffering from drug abuse, dependency or addiction, please call us today. Our counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of your drug abuse.

    Drug abuse treatment is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full-service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse issues.

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    Weakened Teeth And Gums

    Opioid addicts who neglect their dental health may experience several other problems. Here are three conditions:

  • Bruxism Users are more prone to grind their teeth, which can crack and break enamel and weaken the jaw.
  • Reduced blood flow to oral tissues Blood contains oxygen that helps keep tissues healthy. Decreased blood flow to oral tissues can cause them to die and weaken tooth structures.
  • Mouth sores and ulcers Diminished blood flow and reduced saliva can increase the development of painful mouth sores and ulcers.
  • How Do Meth And Other Drugs Affect Your Teeth

    Bad teeth are a pervasive stereotype for many people who struggle with or have struggled with substance use disorder. Unfortunately, the truth is that drugs do have an extraordinarily negative impact on teeth.

    Dental issues and diseases are far more present and prevalent in those battling addiction than the general population. Those dependent on and addicted to drugs regularly neglect their health and nutrition, which includes their dental health.

    Because of the poor diet that most addicts juggle while actively using, their teeth suffer. The combination of fast food, energy drinks, and the actual act of drug abuse all come together to weaken and destroy the teeth. This often results in gum disease and broken or abscessed teeth.

    How Stigma Impacts the Quality of Dental Care

    Removing the stigma from drug addictions has enormous and far-reaching implications. Stigma has an enormous impact on the healthcare industry, which includes dental care.

    On top of lessened quality of care, stigma can be internalized by those struggling with substance use disorders. As a result, they will be less forthcoming about their struggles, which can place them in a number of disadvantageous situations.

    A lot of dentists dont treat their patients who are in recovery the way they deserve to be treated. Some of this stems from the lasting stigma against addiction, while much of this treatment also stems from ignorance.

    The Impact of Different Drugs on Dental Health

    Taking Care of Your Teeth Now

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    Drug Use And Prevention Of Tooth And Gum Problems

    Suggestions include:

    • If you have a drug dependence problem, consider talking to your doctor about entering a drug treatment program.
    • Avoid fizzy soft drinks, which are highly acidic and can erode tooth enamel. Drink fluoridated tap water instead.
    • Cut back on sweet or sticky foods such as biscuits or lollies.
    • Chew sugar-free gum to encourage a steady flow of saliva.
    • Pay careful attention to your tooth brushing and flossing habits. Clean your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day.
    • Visit your dentist at least once or twice a year.
    • Minimise your intake of alcohol.
    • Consider quitting smoking.
    • Ask your doctor and dentist for further self-care suggestions, and follow them carefully.

    What About Prescription Drugs Such As Opioids

    Why Do We Have Baby Teeth?

    Dentists and oral surgeons most often prescribe opioids to manage dental pain that lasts for a short time, called acute pain. The short-term pain from dental surgery such as wisdom tooth extraction is an example of acute pain. Dentists rarely prescribe opioids for long-term pain, called chronic pain.

    When taken for a short time and used as prescribed, opioid pain medications are relatively safe and can reduce pain. However, when used incorrectly, they can increase the risk of opioid misuse, addiction, and overdose deaths.

    In 2016, the American Dental Association issued recommendations for dentists about prescribing opioids. The recommendations say dentists should consider a type of pain medication called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDS , as the first option for acute pain.

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    What Does Meth Do To Your Teeth

    Chemical dependency is destructive in every instance, but few addictions ravage users as thoroughly and comprehensively as meth addiction. Meth has become infamous for its horrifying impact on the human body, and one of its most distinctive long-term side effects is what is referred to as meth mouth. This catchall term describes the damage that frequent methamphetamine consumption can do to the teeth and gums. Meth mouth is a hideous condition and a dead giveaway that makes meth abuse impossible to deny.

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