Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Drug Addiction Be Treated

What Is A Substance Use Disorder

Addiction can be treated!!

Substance use disorder is a complex condition in which there is uncontrolled use of a substance despite harmful consequences. People with SUD have an intense focus on using a certain substance such as alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs, to the point where the person’s ability to function in day-to-day life becomes impaired. People keep using the substance even when they know it is causing or will cause problems. The most severe SUDs are sometimes called addictions.

People with a substance use disorder may have distorted thinking and behaviors. Changes in the brain’s structure and function are what cause people to have intense cravings, changes in personality, abnormal movements, and other behaviors. Brain imaging studies show changes in the areas of the brain that relate to judgment, decision making, learning, memory, and behavioral control.

People can develop an addiction to:

  • Alcohol
  • PCP, LSD and other hallucinogens
  • Inhalants, such as, paint thinners and glue
  • Opioid pain killers, such as codeine and oxycodone, heroin
  • Sedatives, hypnotics and anxiolytics
  • Cocaine, methamphetamine and other stimulants
  • Tobacco

When someone has a substance use disorder, they usually build up a tolerance to the substance, meaning they need larger amounts to feel the effects.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people begin taking drugs for a variety of reasons, including:

In addition to substances, people can also develop addiction to behaviors, such as gambling .

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Experts Consider Medications To Be The Gold Standard Of Care For Addiction

FDA-approved medications can be used to treat addiction to alcohol, tobacco, and opioidsand theyre especially effective at treating opioid use disorders. Research shows that addiction medications are clinically proven to help prevent overdoses as well as the recurrence of symptoms , while substantially increasing the odds of successful, long-term recovery.

Medications prevent overdoses and support long-term recovery.

Overall, the use of medications reduces the death rate among addicted populations by 50% or more. Many countries, including France and Russia, have made medications widely accessible with impressive results.

MAT is endorsed by the FDA, World Health Organization, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Surgeon General, the American Medical Association, the American Association of Family Physicians, and many more experts.

The use of medications should be one part of a customized, comprehensive addiction treatment plan. Other elements of the treatment plan may include individual and group psychotherapy, the support of family and other loved ones, peer services , community services , and more. Treatment plans should always be respectful of the patient, taking their unique needs and circumstances into account. Patient-centered treatment approaches have proven very successful.

List Of Top Therapies For Drug Addiction Treatment Center Programs

Addiction treatment commonly consists of a combination of group and individual therapy sessions that focus on teaching those in recovery the skills needed to get and stay sober and how to navigate various situations without turning to drugs or alcohol. Behavioral therapy is perhaps the most commonly utilized type of treatment for addiction that is frequently used during substance rehabilitation. A general behavioral therapeutic approach has been adapted into a variety of practical techniques. These include the following therapies listed below.

We can help the clients by providing the best therapy for drug addiction whereas drug rehab programs are held in safe and well-respected environments.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy : CBT can be applied in the treatment of many different types of problematic substance use. People treated with CBT techniques learn to recognize and change their maladaptive behaviors. In addition, CBT can help people with coping skills, identifying risky situations and what to do about them, and preventing relapse.
  • Motivational Interviewing : MI is a drug addiction treatment method of resolving ambivalence in recovering individuals to embrace their treatment efforts to change their problematic substance use behavior best. One benefit of MI is that, despite being facilitated by a therapist, those in recovery develop their motivation and a plan for change throughout several sessions, providing them with more of a sense of control throughout their treatment.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Illicit Drug Addiction

Abusing illicit drugs causes unique symptoms depending on the drug and dosage. However, overdose remains a potential side effect for most of these drugs. If someone is exhibiting the following symptoms, call emergency services immediately:

  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Fingertips or lips turning blue
  • Choking or gurgling sounds
  • Loss of consciousness or drowsiness
  • Pinpoint pupils or extremely dilated pupils
  • Limp arms and legs
  • Slowing or stoppage of breathing
  • Slowing heartrate
  • Vomiting

Remember when calling emergency services to disclose as much information as possible about the drugs that were taken, and the dosages. Even if they are illegal substances, most overdose calls are responded to by EMTs who are more interested in saving a life, than calling up criminal charges.

You may also notice behavioral changes due to drug use, which could indicate an addiction:

  • Prioritizing drugs over hobbies, activities, or obligations
  • Missing school or work
  • Criminal activity to maintain drug use
  • Problems maintaining relationships with friends and family
  • Mental health issues such as anxiety, and depression

With long-term substance abuse, a persons lifestyle stands to see considerable, ongoing decline as drugs take on greater importance in his or her daily life.

How Prescription Drug Addiction Is Treated

Get Treatment for Cocaine Addiction Now

In 2020, 1.2 million people in the U.S. misused prescription pain relievers.Prescription drug addiction often starts with medically-prescribed needed use, such as following surgery or injury. Gradually, use becomes misuse, resulting in substance use disorder or addiction. When that occurs, prescription drug addiction treatment is necessary.Read on to learn about prescription drug addiction treatment options, including inpatient, outpatient, medication, and community support.

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What Are Symptoms Of Substance Use Disorder

Symptoms of drug addiction include:

  • Bloodshot eyes and looking tired.
  • Changes in appetite, usually eating less.
  • Changes in physical appearance, such as having a poor complexion or looking ungroomed.
  • Craving drugs.
  • Difficulty completing tasks at work, school or home.
  • Engaging in risky behaviors, despite knowing negative consequences .
  • Inability to reduce or control drug use.
  • Issues with money.

Types Of Treatment Methods

  • Short-term methods – last lessthan 6 months, include residential therapy, medication therapy, and drugfree outpatient therapy
  • Long-term methods – may includemedication therapy such as methadone maintenance outpatient treatment foropiate addicts and residential therapeutic treatment
  • Outpatient drug free treatment-does not include medication and encompasses a wide variety of programsfor patients that visit a clinic at regular intervals. Involves individualor group counseling. Generally, patients entering this type of program do not abuse opiates, or are opiate abusers for whom maintenancetherapy is needed. Generally these patients have stable lives and onlybrief histories of drug dependence
  • Therapeutic Communities – highlystructured communities where patients stay for 6-12 months. Patientsgenerally have long histories of drug dependence, involvement in seriouscriminal activities, and seriously impaired social functioning. Thistype of program focuses on the resocialization of the patient to a drugfree and crime free lifestyle.
  • Short-term residential programs– “chemical dependency units,” based on the “Minnesota Model” of treatmentfor alcoholism. Involve 3- to 6-week inpatient treatment phase followedby an extended outpatient therapy in a 12-step self-help group such asNarcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous.

Is treatment worth it?

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Tranquilizers Sedatives And Stimulants

The two main types of tranquilizers are benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Klonopin and Valium which are generally prescribed to treat anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and seizures and barbiturates, a type of sedative that has fallen out of favor in the medical community but are still circulating. Stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin, are generally prescribed to children and teens dealing with symptoms of ADHD. They have a calming effect that helps people focus. Stimulants are highly addictive and prone to abuse. At high doses, they can lead to an irregular heartbeat, heart failure, seizures and a dangerously high body temperature. Abruptly quitting the abuse of sedatives can lead to seizures, and mixing these drugs with alcohol can result in overdose or death.

What Are The Causes Of Drug Addiction

Medication-Assisted Treatment Overview: Naltrexone, Methadone & Suboxone l The Partnership

While the reasons for using drugs differ from person to person, it is common for people to start using drugs recreationally, to experiment, to escape or to mask pain. In many cases, the onset of drug use can be due to untreated mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety.

Not everyone who uses drugs will become an addicted. Drug addiction is a highly complex condition and there is no single cause that can be used to predict if a person will become addicted or not. However, there are several risk factors known to play a role in the development of substance use disorders, including:

  • Biological factors
  • personality traits, such as high impulsivity and sensation seeking or low self-esteem
  • underlying mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety or PTSD.
  • Contextual factors
  • family history of substance misuse and / or addiction
  • poor coping skills or lack of social support structure
  • history of trauma / childhood abuse
  • social pressure, for example, substance use among peers, perceived as normal behaviour
  • stress such as a sudden life change, job loss, serious illness, death of a loved one or financial pressures.
  • Sociocultural or environmental factors
  • low socioeconomic status or community poverty
  • media influence.
  • The characteristics of the drug type itself will also play a role in whether or not a person becomes addicted. For example, certain drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and painkillers have the capacity to form addictions extremely quickly.

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    If You Are Struggling With Addiction Know That Addiction Is A Treatable Disease Not A Moral Failing

    Substance use disorders create changes in the brain, leading to a compulsion to use drugs or alcohol. It is a chronic mental health condition however, sobriety is possible with the proper treatment and support.

    Olympia House Rehab provides patients with individualized addiction treatment tailored to their long-term goals and mental health concerns.

    What Are The Signs That Someone Has A Drug Problem

    Signs that someone has a drug problem include:

    • Changing friends a lot
    • Spending a lot of time alone
    • Losing interest in favorite things
    • Not taking care of themselves – for example, not taking showers, changing clothes, or brushing their teeth
    • Being really tired and sad
    • Eating more or eating less than usual
    • Being very energetic, talking fast, or saying things that don’t make sense
    • Being in a bad mood
    • Quickly changing between feeling bad and feeling good
    • Sleeping at strange hours
    • Having problems at work or at school
    • Having problems in personal or family relationships

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    Can Addiction Come Back

    Substance use disorder is a relapsing disease. People who are in recovery from this disease have a higher chance of using drugs again. Recurrence can happen even years after you last took drugs.

    Because of the possibility of relapse, you need ongoing treatment. Your healthcare provider should review your treatment plan with you and change it based on your changing needs. If you have a problem with prescription drugs, including opioids, inform your healthcare providers. They can help you find other options to manage pain.

    Does Everyone Need Detox


    All drugs to which the body has adapted create some type of withdrawal symptomphysical, emotional, or bothwhen abruptly discontinued. Depending on the duration and degree of substance use, detox is advised for those who abuse alcohol, benzodiazepines and barbiturates, stimulants including cocaine and methamphetamine, and opiates such as heroin and oxycodone. Withdrawal from alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbituratesall central nervous system depressantsposes the risk of seizures and can be life-threatening.

    Recommended Reading: What Makes Opioids So Addictive

    Complementary And Alternative Medicine

    Complementary and alternative medicine, while not a replacement for addiction treatment, can offer additional support.

    • Quality sleep:Over 75% of people with opioid addiction struggle with sleep. Sleep impacts many aspects of opioid misuse, including the reward centers in the brain, mood regulation, stress management, and perception of pain.
    • Yoga:In a study of hatha yoga practiced by people receiving opioid agonist therapy, mood improved along with decreases in anxiety and pain.
    • Mindfulness:One study indicated that mindfulness increased response to natural rewards, decreased response to opioids, and decreased cravings.

    Explore Your Addiction Treatment Options

    Once youve committed to recovery, its time to explore your treatment choices. While addiction treatment can vary according to the specific drug, a successful program often includes different elements, such as:

    Detoxification. Usually the first step is to purge your body of drugs and manage withdrawal symptoms.

    Behavioral counseling. Individual, group, and/or family therapy can help you identify the root causes of your drug use, repair your relationships, and learn healthier coping skills.

    Medication may be used to manage withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, or treat any co-occurring mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.

    Long-term follow-up can help to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety. This may include attending regular in-person support groups or online meetings to help keep your recovery on track.

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    Causes & Risk Factors For Addiction

    There are a variety of causes and risk factors that can contribute to the development of a substance use disorder. These may include:

    • Genetics, such as a family history of substance abuse.
    • Starting substance use at an early age.
    • Easy access to drugs or alcohol, especially at a young age.
    • Exposure to heavy advertising of substances .
    • A current mental health diagnosis.
    • Low parental monitoring.
    • A high amount of family conflict.
    • A history of abuse or neglect.
    • Family conflict or violence.

    Through therapy, counseling, rehab, and other treatment modalities, the core reasoning for development of addiction can be discussed and coping mechanism and healing can commence. Because addiction impacts everyone differently, the course to addiction recovery can be different for each person. Fortunately, there are a variety of specialized rehab types and treatment programs to choose from to suit each persons individualized needs.

    What Are The Options For Drug Addiction Treatment

    The Drug Users Bible: A Guide to Safe Drug Use

    In addition to residential treatment and partial hospitalization, there are many treatment possibilities for addiction. It is difficult to know what type of addiction services a person needsor will work bestand how to begin to navigate the often-confusing world of addiction treatment. It would be far less daunting to select an addiction treatment if there were uniform and reliable data on the success rates of various programs, but the collection of such information is still in its early stages. It is also one of the facts of addiction recovery that differing levels of care and support may be necessary or desirable at different points in the recovery process.

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    Can Drug Addiction Be Treated

    Yes, but its not simple. Because addiction is a chronic disease, people cant simply stop using drugs for a few days and be cured. Most patients need long-term or repeated care to stop using completely and recover their lives.

    Addiction treatment must help the person do the following:

    • stop using drugs
    • be productive in the family, at work, and in society

    Why Do People With Substance Use Disorder Need More And More Drugs Over Time

    People feel intoxicated after using drugs. Over time, the brain is changed by drugs. The brain becomes desensitized to the drug so that more of the drug must be used to produce the same effect.

    As the person consumes more, drugs start to take over the persons life. One may stop enjoying other aspects of life. For many people, social, family and work obligations fall to the side. The person with SUD starts to feel like somethings wrong if he or she isnt under the influence of the substance. They may become consumed with the need to recapture that original feeling.

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    How Can Drug Addiction Be Treated

    Getting on the path to recovery often means that drug addiction needs to be treated. Drug addiction takes a heavy toll on the health, emotional stability and even the financial well-being of the addict and the people around the addict. Treatment can help create a foundation of recover that will begin to turn things around. The programs available through FHE Health are designed to give you that foundation.

    Learning How Drug Addiction can be Treated

    1. Detox getting the chemicals out of the system so the body can begin to repair itself.

    2. Counseling dealing with the issues that helped create the atmosphere for the drug addiction.

    3. Training going through rehab is only the beginning of the recovery process and you need the skills to deal with the world when you return to a normal routine.

    Overcoming an addiction requires making the necessary changes that will allow you to recover your life. You can begin the process by learning how drug addiction can be treated and then taking that first step to make it happen.

    What Is Addiction Treatment

    How To Get A Loved One Into A Drug Rehab Program

    Addiction treatment is a series of interventions designed to help people stop using drugs and improve functioning within their family, work, and community lives.15 Types of addiction treatment can vary depending on the specific type of substance being used, individual medical and mental health needs, as well as other social issues.14 Some people seek addiction treatment on their own when they feel they cannot stop using substances while others may be required to enter treatment as a result of legal issues in either instance, positive treatment outcomes may result.16

    Certain changes in areas of the brain that are involved in impulse control, judgment, and decision making may accompany the development of an addiction.1 Many types of compulsive drug use are thought to be associated with changes in brain chemistry involving increased dopamine activity in the brains reward system.1

    Some of the brain changes to develop in association with addiction may not suddenly disappear when a person stops using substances. Such changes may contribute to persistent behavioral patterns that make it relatively difficult for someone to control their impulses to use again.3 The compulsion to continue drinking or using drugs may also be tied to environmental and psychological triggers, of which an addicted person is sometimes not even aware. The good news is that addiction treatment uses evidence-based methods to target and change some of these deeply rooted triggers and behavioral patterns.3

    Recommended Reading: How To Stop Addiction Cravings

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