Tip : Deal With The Root Cause
The most common types of pain are:
For me, those were unhappiness and boredom.
First, I was depressed because my dog had died tragically.
I loved that dog.
Second, I felt bored and burnt out in my business.
And I would forget about the pain for some time.
But it was a band-aid that never dealt with the root cause.
In fact, I was getting even more depressed, because of shame and guilt.
So I worked on those two root causes instead.
So do this to cut your rewiring time as well.
With that said, lets answer our question.
Mothers And Sons: Being A Godly Influence
Rhonda Stoppe describes her early motherhood challenges of raising a son, which was intimidating to her. She found help through group of older women mentors. She urges moms to see their role as ministry in shaping sons to be good and godly men. Rhonda outlines several practical suggestions to moms about spiritual training, how to communicate with boys, and supporting the father-son relationship as a wife.
Nerve Cells That Fire Together Will Wire Together
Sensitisation and learning are governed by this simple principle: nerve cells that fire together will wire together. When nerve cells experience pleasure, nerve cells carry that message to the reward centre by join together. Overtime, this pathway that carries this message becomes fixed. When a memory or cue activates memories related to this pleasure, a powerful craving arises because the pathways that allow this pleasurable cue to reach your reward centre are well established.
This is illustrated by the image below:
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Nofap Before Vs After: My Transformation
Before NoFap, I was an instinct-driven animal. I was prone to jerking off compulsively.
I would feel unhappy, lonely, or bored. And I would automatically reach out for you know what as my free dopamine fix.
After NoFap, I realized I didnt want to behave like an animal. I began to value my consciousness much more.
I said to myself, Maybe I will jerk off once in a while, but I will do it consciously. For a physical release that I feel my body craves
And after that, I went NoFap forever. I realized that masturbation hurts my consciousness regardless of the reason.
There you go, my NoFap before vs after transformation.
Get Your Balance Of Pleasure Right
- Stoic Pleasure: 80 to 90%
- Sustainable Pleasure: 10 to 20%
- Selfish Pleasure: 0%
Do the hard work at school, work, or dating. Feel the pain. And throw in some cold showers for some extra stoic pain.
And then reap the rewards of that pain. Enjoy the Stoic Pleasure of results, and pride, and motivation.
And then watch an episode of your favorite TV show at the end of the day for some Sustainable Pleasure.
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Seek More Than We Are Satisfied
However, our dopamine system is stronger than our opioid system. This means that we seek more than we are satisfied. Seeking is more likely to keep us a live compared to sitting around in a satisfied heap. In summary, dopamine compels animals into action. This is why scientists refer to dopamine as the seeking circuit. Dopamine provides the motivation for us to pursue our wants and desires.
We receive a bigger burst of dopamine when we look at foods containing a bigger proportion of sugars and fats. This is because these foods are most likely to keep us alive when we are threatened with starvation. This is why you believe you are full until the waiter offers you that chocolate pudding. The anticipation for that pudding is fuelled by dopamine. Dopamine surges thus override feelings of satiety.
Activities That Speed Up Your Reboot
Hypofrontality also reverses, but this takes time. You may speed up this process by engaging in activities such as meditation that are known to engage your frontal lobes. This will help reverse hypofrontality and thus strengthen your willpower. This will mean urges will become easier to ignore and healthy choices such as exercising and socialising will become far more appealing.
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Believe In The Saviors Healing Power
As Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: âAs we continually strive to overcome our challenges, God will bless us with the gifts of faith to be healed and of the working of miracles. He will do for us what we are not capable of doing for ourselves.â4
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Understand The Nature Of The Battle
There is more knowledge about how the brain works now than ever before. Sexual addiction is not just a moral problem it is also a brain problem.
We can develop a brain problem with moral implications that cant be healed by moral solutions alone. We cannot just read our Bibles more, pray more or attend more small groups. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and we must find healing for our wounds.
So where is healing found?
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The Reward Circuits Of The Brain
The reward circuit of the brain is also known as the limbic system or primitive brain. This refers to our evolutionary ancient structures contained in the brain. These structures are involved in almost all emotional and physical function you may think of. These structures essentially keep us alive.
Changes in the reward circuits may affect any aspect of behaviour and may even physiological functions. The reward circuit shapes are moods and colours our emotions. Fear, joy and rage all arise from these evolutionary ancient structures. Most of our desires and drives arise in the reward circuit, such as hunger for food, power or sex. The reward circuit also allows us to become addicted to certain behaviours.
Alterations to the reward circuits are responsible for most mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression and social anxiety.
Reward circuit structures such as the hypothalamus and the Amygdala influence or control major functions such as male sexual behaviours, erections, the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system. The bottom line is that chemical or structural alterations to the reward circuit may result in wide and varying effects.
Continuing Care & Long Term Recovery
Substance abuse treatment is based on two important principles:
Part of maintaining long-term recovery requires a person to accept these aspects of addiction. A relapse is certainly a troubling event, but if the person gives up on their recovery when this happens, they will never succeed. Instead, people can benefit from using the relapse as a new opportunity to reevaluate and reinvestigate their treatment.
A relapse may indicate the need for:
- Increased involvement with professional treatment
- More frequent appointments
- A higher level of care
- A medication change as recommended by a prescriber
- Additional lifestyle changes to decrease stress and increase support
Not only does long-term recovery need the assistance of professional treatment, but it always benefits from other recovery-focused activities, like support groups. Support groups lack the guidance of professional therapy, and instead, rely on the sense of community and fellowship they create. Attending a support group connects someone to an entire network of people in recovery who are willing to share their experience and expertise on the subject of sobriety.
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Dont Beat Yourself Up If You Fall Off The Wagon
Trying to break a habit or recover from an addiction is a journey. Unfortunately, on that journey, you might find yourself slipping back into old habits. Whenever that happens, dont waste any time beating yourself up.
Do your research, try more coping mechanisms and treatment options and get back on the wagon.
Tips For Finding The Best Addiction Treatment
Theres no magic bullet or single treatment that works for everyone. Everyones needs are different, so its important that you find a program that feels right to you. Any alcohol addiction treatment program should be customized to your unique problems and situation.
Treatment doesnt have to be limited to doctors and psychologists. Many clergy members, social workers, and counselors also offer addiction treatment services.
Treatment should address more than just your alcohol abuse. Addiction affects your whole life, including your relationships, career, health, and psychological well-being. Treatment success depends on examining the way alcohol abuse has impacted you and developing a new way of living.
Commitment and follow-through are key. Recovering from alcohol addiction or heavy drinking is not a quick and easy process. In general, the longer and more intense the alcohol use, the longer and more intense the treatment youll need. But regardless of the treatment programs length in weeks or months, long-term follow-up care is crucial to your recovery.
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When Does Masturbation Become Addiction
Dr. Elizabeth Waterman, an Addiction Psychologist, says masturbation addiction is likely a way to reduce anxiety, seek comfort, and cope with feelings of loneliness and sadness.
If your partner is complaining that they feel neglected or rejected or lonely because youre spending a lot of time taking care of yourself, then that can be a sign that theres a problem.
After about two months, I began to get better and better at dealing with urges as well as taking care of potential problems so that they didnt become anxieties later.
So Im eight months in and really am not tempted toward my old habits. I am happy to be still communicating with other guys who are working toward the same goal. They see my success as proof they can do it but its such an extremely difficult multi-layered addiction.
People who dont have a PMO cycle addiction truly have no idea how difficult it is and how depressed and ashamed many men are.
Now Daniel is happily married and has shared his struggle with addiction with his wife. He has used his experience to help other people identify their problem and help them deal with PMO addictions.
*Name has been changed for the purpose of the article.
A Six Step Process For Overcoming Addictions
Overcoming an addiction is never an easy or straightforward process. It requires conscious work, effort and time. There are however six steps you can follow that can help you overcome just about any addiction you may face.
Working through these six steps, however, doesnt replace the value you will gain from seeking professional help. Therefore, if in doubt, always seek guidance from a counselor or therapist.
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The Truth Love And Power Principle
GoldJacketLuke explains the high-level concept. This is a great way through which to view life and to create the life you want in all aspects of your life. This is just an introduction and has been passed down through many different people, but it looks like people accredit Steve Pavlina to coming up with the way this model is shown today.
How Desensitisation Occurs
To understand desensitisation, you must understand how individual nerve cells communicate. Dopamine-producing nerve cells affected by desensitisation originate from the beginning of the reward circuit and make connections with other nerve cells in the reward centre. Nerve cells send messages using chemicals such as dopamine. Nerve cells bond to each other to form a reward pathway.
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A Sober Support Network
In your using days, you likely had a circle of using buddies, those kids you met before or after school, on weekends or at social events, to drink or to get high. In recovery, your social circle changes significantly. Rather than surrounding yourself with those who encourage your drug use, you must stay close to those who encourage your sobriety and support your substance-free lifestyle. These people will be positive, uplifting, and available during your times of need. They will understand when you say no to a party where there might be alcohol. They will understand when you are having a bad day.
You may meet these people in your addiction treatment program, sober housing, a sober sports league, therapy, or your 12-step meetings. They will become your sober network.
A strong, sober support network is one of the most essential addiction recovery tools you can have. By supporting your values, your goals, and your choices to live sober, this network of friends will also be the ones to help you transition confidently into the world once again. So even when temptations arise after drug treatment, you will have a sober friend to call to help you past them. Recovery is not a journey you should ever have to walk alone.
Watch Out For Other Super
Think of it like this
When considering the above example, luckily enough your eyes go back to normal after just a couple of minutes
but if you desensitize your dopamine system, that desensitization can linger for quite a long time.
We are talking weeks to months here, depending on just how hard you been going at it.
The difference between the sun example and desensitization of your dopamine system are many
This desensitization can cause
- It can cause less drive and motivation for everything in life .
- It can give you short term memory problems and an inability to focus
- It can cause low mood, depression and even anhedonia
- It can make regular sex feel grey and boring even to the point of you having trouble climaxing, or getting it up with a real life person.A real life person simply can’t provide as much stimuli as your brain is used to get by clicking from video to video, perhaps with multiple tabs open in your browser, while you explore all kinds of weird categories.
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Tip : Have The Right Strategy
Secondly, the time to heal your brain depends on having the right strategy.
I was coasting through life, unmotivated and unhappy.
I would come home to my 1-year-old son and have little energy or desire to play with him.
I wanted to start NoFap but I didnt know how.
And I kept relapsing until I found the right solution.
So my advice to you is to have the right No PMO strategy in place.
Otherwise, you might waste months and years, relapsing and then restarting all over again.
And now lets look at tip 3.
Factors Associated With Short
Findings from studies using follow-up periods of up to 2 years indicate that participation in formal treatment and longer time in treatment are consistently associated with better outcomes. Affiliation with 12-step fellowships during and after treatment is helpful in maintaining short-term abstinence , especially for those who attend regularly or become actively engaged with the 12-step program of recovery . Post-treatment 12-step affiliation is also is a critical ingredient in the recovery process, increasing the likelihood that gains made during treatment are reinforced and sustained .
In what follows, the authors present findings from a small scale study about factors associated with long-term recovery from substance use and discuss these findings in light of what is known about predictors of short-term recovery.
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Tip : See How Addicted You Are
So how long does it take to heal a brain from pornography?
Firstly, your time to recover depends on how addicted you are.
Many men dont even realize this is happening to them.
I didnt, for sure.
In the meantime, my relationship with my ex-wife deteriorated.
No one told me I had developed an addiction.
Some people start enjoying violence, fetishes, or even things that cross their moral boundaries.
And then they watch more of it per day and week.
Thats when the addiction becomes hardwired and dangerous.
So it depends on:
- how much you watch per session
And nows the time for tip 2.
How Long Does It Take To Quit An Addiction To Meth
Meth, or methamphetamine, is an incredibly addictive stimulant drug that can result in incredibly unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Many of these have to do with intense depression, as methamphetamine depletes and damages your brains dopamine functioning in ways that take a long time to repair, much like heroin.
When detoxing from meth, withdrawal symptoms usually begin after 24 hours and remain intense for seven to ten days, although some symptoms can continue for much longer. Initial symptoms will include fatigue and an unusual amount of sleep. Your body and brain need this time rest to repair. Depression usually sets in during the first few days as well.
Strong cravings start between day four and ten, along with mood swings, brain fog, and a lack of motivation. In more serious cases of withdrawal, people may experience:
- Severe depression
- Suicidal thoughts and intention
Cravings, depression and other symptoms may continue after day ten, and insomnia will often appear. After a month, most symptoms, besides depression and occasional cravings, will subside. Recovering meth addicts who experience hallucinations and psychotic symptoms usually find relief after a week or two.
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Making The Decision To Change
But sooner or later, most people who have an addiction decide a change needs to happen. Once the decision is made, most people have a specific goal in mind. It might be to quit entirely, to quit some addictive behaviors or substances , to reduce the amount of time or money spent on addictive behaviors, or to reduce the harm of an addictive behavior.
For example, many drug users decide to quit heroin or meth but continue to drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes or marijuana. Many heavy drinkers have the goal of just one drink a day, or only drinking socially.
Getting clear on your goal before putting it into practice is helpful for success in changing an addictive behavior.
Although quitting entirely is the best path to wellness, reducing or eliminating the most harmful substance use is a huge improvement and will greatly reduce the harm caused.
The same is true of behavioral addictions: Anyone who decides to quit eating entirely is putting themselves at serious risk for an eating disorder. But stopping overeating and embracing a healthy diet is a healthy decision to change.
Complete abstinence from sex can be another form of sex addiction, known as sexual anorexia, yet developing healthy intimacy after a sex addiction can be greatly fulfilling. And reducing obsessive exercise to healthy levels is likely to improve health and wellness more than quitting exercise entirely.