Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is An Addiction Specialist

What Should You Expect In An Addiction Specialist

What is a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist?

In addition to the expected medical and psychiatric knowledge, a specialty in addiction requires many other skills. An addiction specialist will have the following:

  • Current M.D or D.O. license.
  • The ability to recognize and diagnose addiction as a primary brain illness, prescribe appropriate treatment for patients and families, and perform and train others in screening, intervention, and referral to treatment.
  • A capacity for treating patients and families with empathy and motivating them to seek the right appropriate treatments.
  • The knowledge and experience to address medical and psychiatric conditions typical of those who struggle with addiction as well as withdrawal symptoms.
  • Understanding of other disciplines in the field and current drug testing technologies.
  • Knowledge of the states prescription monitoring program and its appropriate use.
  • When you begin a treatment program, youll start working with an addiction specialist who understands the specific challenges and obstacles you might face on the road to recovery.

    Benefits Of Becoming A Certified Addiction Counselor

    While its possible to be a substance abuse counselor without a certification in some places, a certification can open the door to a variety of professional opportunities. Namely, it shows a mental health counselors experience and commitment to treating substance use disorders, which can impress employers at addiction treatment facilities and hospitals. Certification also helps counselors make more money in their roles.

    Without a certification, candidates need extensive work experience related to addiction treatment to become an addiction counselor. Additionally, these roles will likely pay less than ones that require certification.

    Get The Help That You Need

    If you still need more help answering the question, What is an addiction specialist? please do not hesitate to contact us at Crestview Recovery today. Our specialists have years of experience helping people like you. We treat all substances at all levels and have Master level therapists on staff at all times. With our extended 90-day care program, you can receive individual therapy, trauma care, dual-diagnosis, and much more. So please call today and verify your insurance to get our Joint Commission accredited care.

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    What Are The Benefits Of Turning To A Specialist

    Sometimes, medical doctors may provide you with some guidance about how to handle substance abuse treatment. Other times, a person facing an addiction who wants to change, may just enter into a 12-step and non-12 step treatment program on their own. While these options can be helpful, turning to a specialist gives you access to more advanced care. There are many benefits to this type of care, including:

    • The most modern techniques are available to you
    • You receive care from a professional with advanced training, which often leads to a better understanding of your needs
    • Access to residential treatment programs.
    • You can choose from a large range of treatment programs, including motivational interviewing, dialectical therapy treatment, and biofeedback programs.
    • You know you are getting the best possible opportunity to recover.

    Accreditation In The United States

    What is an Addiction Specialist

    In March 2016, the American Board of Medical Specialties announced recognition of the field of addiction medicine as a new medical subspecialty. In several countries around the world, specialist bodies have been set up to ensure high quality practice in addiction medicine. For example, within the United States, there are two accepted specialty examinations. One is a Board Certification in Addiction Psychiatry from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. The other is a Board Certification in Addiction Medicine from the American Board of Preventive Medicine. The latter approach is available to all physicians with primary Board certification, while the former is available only to board-certified psychiatrists.

    Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine may also seek board certification via the American Osteopathic Association . The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine must have a primary board certification in Neurology & Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, or Family Practice from the American Osteopathic Association and complete an AOA approved addiction medicine fellowship. Successful completion of a board examination administered via the AOA will grant a certificate of added qualification in addiction medicine.

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    Finding An Addiction Specialist

    Statistics show that many who suffer from addiction never seek treatment. Often, a primary care doctor, therapist, or loved one will recognize the addictive behavior and suggest that the person get help. For those who would like to intervene on behalf of a loved one, see our article on how to stage an intervention.

    It’s important to look for a specialist, said Ketch. Although a therapist can technically treat substance use disorder, it is a specialty and should be treated by professionals who seek additional training in the most current science and research as well as invest their continuing education requirements in the areas of substance abuse.

    If you are ready to seek help and would like to get an appointment with an addiction specialist, the first step may be to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. Your doctor can then refer you to an addiction specialist. In the meantime, make sure to do some research of your own on addiction specialists in your area. One specialist may be a better fit for you than another.

    Online therapy is another consideration for those seeking help with managing addictions. It can also make addiction counseling a more affordable and accessible alternative to in-person appointments with an addiction specialist.


    Certification In Addiction Counseling

    Take a closer look at one of the most popular ways that you can be certified in addiction counseling. The American Board of Medical Specialties provides valuable training and certification for addiction specialists. This board is also responsible for accrediting training programs and evaluating addiction specialists all throughout their career. This ensures there is a high standard of care provided in this area of medical services in addiction medicine. In addition, the board is responsible for the Addiction Medicine board exam for the American Society of Addiction Medicine.

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    What Treatments Can Help My Addiction Or Dependence

    Dr. Saad offers an addiction program for patients with an alcohol abuse problem or for those who have successfully completed a recovery or detox program for opioid dependence, using Vivitrol®. This medication is a monthly injection that helps reduce cravings and prevents relapse. Before starting Vivitrol, you must be opioid-free for a minimum of 7-14 days.

    For patients with an active opiate problem, Dr. Saad provides supervised buprenorphine, which helps reduce your use and eventually stop opiate use altogether. He also offers Suboxone® for the treatment of opioid dependence.

    In addition to the medication to help you during your recovery, Dr. Saad also helps you manage withdrawal symptoms, provides you with much needed medical support, and gets you the counseling you need to understand your addiction and how you can manage it.

    Addiction is a disease that requires medical management. Dr. Saad is an addiction specialist and offers medication, counseling, and support. For management of your addiction, call Abdulhassan Saad, MD, today, or book an appointment online.

    Why Working With An Addiction Specialist Is Important

    Understanding Addiction Counselor Certification

    Addiction is a disease of the brain. It is a complicated subject. A person who does not understand how addiction affects a person wont always be able to help you. You dont make your decision to get clean lightly. Therefore, you deserve to have someone on your treatment team who can understand your needs. With this certification, you know someone qualified to evaluate and treat you is working with you. They wont make decisions they hope will be useful. They will be able to take proven knowledge and apply it in a way that is known to work.

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    When Should You See An Addiction Psychiatrist

    Consider seeking care from an addiction psychiatrist if you abuse prescription medications, alcohol, or illegal drugs. An addiction psychiatrist can help you with the substance abuse itself as well as the following emotional or lifestyle-related symptoms:

    • Feelings of needing to take the substance regularly and frequently

    • Inability to stop taking the substance

    • or anxiety when the substance is not available

    • Hiding your use of the substance from people who care about you

    • Exhibiting negative behaviors, such as lying or stealing

    • Losing interest in activities that do not involve using the substance, such as working, spending time with your family, and participating in hobbies you used to enjoy

    • Spending excessive amounts of money on alcohol, prescription drugs, or street drugs

    • Participating in risky behaviors, such as engaging multiple sexual partners and driving while impaired

    Who Will Answer The Need For Addiction Treatment

    While the American Board of Addiction Medicine is attempting to remediate the statistics above by encouraging more doctors to become certified in addiction treatment, the process is a slow one.

    Yet the physicians in American ERs overwhelmingly do not understand these drugs, addiction, and addiction treatment modalities. That makes the addition of credentialing for addiction treatment a necessity in American healthcare facilities. While most physicians and psychiatrists do not specialize in addiction treatment, the American healthcare system is desperate for more of these talented professionals.

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    How Does An Addiction Specialist Help

    Now that you know the answer to the question, What is an addiction specialist? you need to know their range of duties. These experts are among the most trusted and skilled substance abuse counselors. Their medical training allows them to handle a myriad of different problems. Just a few methods that they use to help figure out what is wrong include:

    • Screening Addiction specialists can very quickly discover the root of your addiction
    • Counseling Sit down with these experts to learn more about your addiction
    • Psychological assessment Learn more about why you abuse substances
    • Health check Figure out what physical health problems are currently worsening your addiction

    As these specialists have medical degrees, they can also prescribe you many types of medications to help you recover. And they can also refer you to other specialists, as needed, to ensure that you recover fully and effectively. It is essential to delve deeper into the full range of benefits that these professionals can provide.

    Certification For Addiction Specialists

    What Is an Addiction Specialist?

    Different organizations issue their own certification, but all addiction specialists must meet strict requirements.

    • Those who are certified by the AAHCP must receive specialized training and pass a written examination.
    • Doctors who are certified by the ABAM must meet eligibility standards, complete an officially recognized residency, and pass a written examination.
    • Psychiatrists who are certified by the ABPM must similarly finish an authorized one-year residency, meet eligibility standards, and pass an examination.

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    Why Does An Addiction Specialist Need A Medical Degree

    If you want to know, What is an addiction specialist? be aware that you are finding out about a medical specialty. When it comes to addictions, experts today recognize that these problems are not moral failings but cause physical changes in your brain and body. To help with recovery, you need a medical doctor trained in how substance abuse affects your mind and body.

    Abuse of drugs and alcohol causes numerous changes in the body, and when you suddenly stop some of these substances, you will need medical care to avoid severe side effects of withdrawal. Protecting your body from the dangers of abruptly quitting is a major reason that addiction specialists need medical licenses.

    When you visit a recovery center, you may need to undergo medically supervised detox. However, even after detox, during long-term residential treatment programs, you will still need medical supervision for your physical and mental health. Medical support in addition to mental health counseling can help you to achieve lasting results from the treatment.

    Reasons To See An Addiction Specialist

    People with addictions can lead complicated lives. Untreated addictions cause strained or broken relationships, trouble at work, and a lower quality of overall health. Those who seek help for their addictions can see improvements in their quality of life, including mended relationships, more success at work, and a longer, healthier life.

    There are more resources available than ever before for people struggling with addictions. Addiction specialists are qualified to help with the recognized types of addictions, which include:

    • Drug and alcohol addiction
    • Eating disorders
    • Internet or gaming addiction

    As addiction develops and progresses, known patterns of thinking, behavior, and family dynamics emerge. Its important that the professionals involved in client care are educated on those patterns and have a developed skill set to effect positive change in order to be of maximum benefit to the client and family, said Joanne Ketch, LPC, LMFT, an addiction specialist in Katy, Texas. A generalist is not going to have a sufficient skillset to assist substance abuse clients adequately. This is especially true in special circumstances such as when the client has co-occurring issues like depression or anxiety, or when the client has a significant relapse history.

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    Finding Help For Addiction Intervention

    Interventionists go through specific training to utilize the main types of intervention models and are involved in new, cutting-edge treatments to help your loved one accept the consequences of their addiction and become willing to attend treatment. Seeking professional support is vital to ensuring the best possible outcome for your loved one struggling with addiction and everyone else involved.

    Addiction recovery begins with treatment, and oftentimes treatment is sought after a successful intervention.

    Understand Exactly What An Intervention Is

    8 Essentials for Recovery from Addiction

    Youve heard the word intervention thrown around a lot. Sometimes jokingly like, if Becky wears that You Cant Squat With Us shirt to pilates one more time, we need to stage an intervention.

    But this time its no laughing matter. An intervention is a structured conversation between loved ones and an addict and is often under the supervision of an intervention specialist.

    If done properly and successfully, a structured intervention can help the loved ones of an addict express their feelings effectively and constructively and help the addict seek treatment.

    If you tried talking individually to the addict about their problem and youre still not seeing change, then its time for a group intervention. Interventions can be a good wake-up call, as they help show addicts how their actions affect those they care about. Interventions also allow addicts to see that they need help and have support.

    The goal of an intervention is to help your loved one with a problem get into addiction recovery and rehabilitation. Reality shows that have popularized interventions over the past few years often show a false sense of how interventions actually work. Interventions should always provide encouragement, support, and incentive for the person struggling to seek help.

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    What Is An Addiction Specialist

    In the early stages of recovery or while looking to help a loved one, you may have come across the term addiction specialist. This professional plays a special role in substance abuse treatment programs. For those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, addiction specialists can be invaluable resources on the road to recovery.

    If youre ready to break free from the cycle of addiction, reach out to a treatment center near you today. A specialized drug or alcohol treatment program can help you heal.

    What Is Involved In Becoming A Medical Addiction Specialist

    The U.S. Surgeon General issued a new report called Facing Addiction. In it, he expressed dire warnings about the volume of patients facing addiction:

    • One in seven Americans will misuse alcohol or drugs in their lifetimes.
    • 20 million Americans currently suffer from addiction.
    • 78 people die from an overdose every day in this country.

    Here is one more startling statistic. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse suggests that the majority of physicians in the American healthcare system simply are not prepared to handle these patients. The Washington Post confirms that only 10 percent of the substance users in the U.S. actually receive treatment.

    This article explores what you have to do to become a medical addiction specialist. What does that role entail? What training is required? What can you expect in the way of salary and work environment?

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Addiction

    Symptoms of addiction vary in severity and type. Common symptoms that may indicate you or your loved one is suffering from an addiction include:

    • Intense urges to use the drug
    • Need to use the drug every day in increasingly larger amounts
    • Going to great lengths to ensure access or adequate supply of the drug
    • Avoiding social situations
    • Hallucinations

    In severe cases, alcohol dependence can cause seizures.

    Alcohol dependence can affect many aspects of your life, from work to home. But there is help. Dr. Saad provides medical treatment to manage the withdrawal symptoms and suppress the cravings, so you can stop drinking and take back control of your life.

    Types Of Addiction Specialists

    What Is an Addiction Specialist?

    In addition to an addiction psychiatrist and an addiction physician, there are other team members that work under the addiction specialist umbrella. They work closely with the addiction psychiatrist or addiction physician to deliver the necessary treatment to help an individual recover from substance use disorder.

    A few of these include the following:

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    How Do Addiction Specialists Help

    Addiction specialists develop detailed treatment plans based on the individual circumstances of the patients they see. Treatment plans will be different for every person but generally can include detox, therapy, relapse prevention, and other elements of follow-up care.

    These plans provide the path for you to follow as you make your way back to a life of sobriety and happiness.

    The job of an addiction specialist includes many different challenges. According to Louis E. Baxter, an addiction specialist recently featured in a profile by the American Medical Association, one large obstacle is patient acceptance. Baxter explains, Some patients do not wish to accept their diagnosis, potentially because of denial. But, he adds, the initial struggles provide a payback, The most rewarding aspect of addiction medicine is that you can see patients progress from sickness to wellness in a relatively short period of time.

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