Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Confront An Addict

Look For Signs In Their Behavior

Drug Addiction : How to Confront Someone About Addiction to Marijuana

Prior to intervention, its wise to examine the addicts behavioral patterns for a few weeks. Look for the common signs of addiction. Doing so will allow you to better understand the severity of their problem and take measure of how it is affecting them and those around them. Compare notes on your observations with close family and friends so that you explain to the addict the seriousness of the issue and to ensure that you are not alone in your concerns.

How To Confront An Addicted Person

This is the most important blog you will ever read.

I work here at Vertava Health as a Treatment Specialist. I am the person who takes the calls all day and night from people who are calling about their loved ones. All day and night I talk to moms, dads, grandmothers and fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, and also good friends about what they need to do to help the person that they can see is dying a slow death, right before their eyes.

And even though these people have finally gotten themselves to the point that they realize they needed to call an expert for help, and even though I tell them that I am trained to identify and place people in the proper treatment programs so that they can live addiction-free, and even though they are staring addiction square in the face through the eyes of their loved one they still dont want to believe it.

I dont blame them. My Mother didnt want to believe it either. After countless arguments, ultimatums, threats, lies, tears and more arguments, ultimatums, threats, lies and tears she insisted on me contacting a treatment specialist to get me into the right treatment program.

It worked and Ive been sober for 11 years.

How did she do it? Thats what I want to talk to you about today. Im going to share with you my list of frequently asked questions that I get when I take calls from concerned, stressed and trusting family members and friends of the person in the throes of addiction.

I am not going to do that.


Are You Ready To Help

Do you have a plan for how to confront an addict about their drug abuse? If you feel that the above tips are helpful, have your conversation sooner rather than later. Your loved one is counting on your helping hand.

Come back to our site for more tips on lifestyle, health, and other current topics.

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    Avoid Lecturing/guilt/intimidation As A Way Of Coping

    An addiction is a disease that requires professional help, counseling, and lots of work to uncover the underlying causes of the behavior.

    Complicated family relationships and issues are sometimes a factor in destructive behavior.

    Making your loved one feel hurt, scared, or undermined can only aggravate the situation and cause a vicious cycle of more self-medication especially if the person is not willing to admit they have a problem yet. Drug treatment requires love, support, and empathy, but also willingness on the part of the addict/alcoholic.

    Dont: Give In To Manipulation

    How to Confront an Addict in Your Life

    When a person with an addiction is unwilling to seek treatment, they will resort to whatever they need to do to continue feeding their addiction. This may include lying or trying to guilt the people who care for them. Its important to establish boundaries and learn how to say no. It may be very difficult to not react negatively or to stick to your established rules, but its necessary for everyone involved.

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    What To Expect When Your Family Member Enters Treatment

    Part of learning how to help an alcoholic loved one is knowing what treatments are available. Another part you may not have considered is what you can expect once they begin treatment. You may end up experiencing the gamut of emotions, all of which are normal, such as:

    • Relief: You may be glad your loved one is finally getting treatment and comforted to know that your loved one is physically in a safe space.
    • Anxiety: You may worry about the well-being of your loved one and whether theyre getting the help they need.
    • Anger: You may feel resentment that your loved one seemingly burdened you with their disease.
    • Sadness: Feeling bad for your loved one and their struggles is a sign of empathy and compassion. Sadness doesnt necessarily mean pity, either.
    • Shame: You may feel either shame stemming from the guilt that you couldnt save your loved one or embarrassment at having to explain that your loved one is in Recovery.

    When your loved one enters treatment, its the perfect time for you to focus more on yourself and your healing. Reach out to support groups of people who are in the same situation as you. If you find yourself blaming your loved one for their addiction and its impact on your life, speak to a therapist to work through those feelings healthily.

    Eventually, you will be asked to become involved in your loved ones Recovery. Family involvement in rehabilitation has proven to be incredibly beneficial for both the patient as well as the family.

    To Help Them You Must Help Yourself

    You might not know this, but the recovery and healing process is as much for your loved one as it is for you and your family.

    Drug addiction affects family relationships and each family member of an addict/alcoholic in different ways.

    Emotions and behaviors surrounding the addiction run deep within a family. The complicated nature of addiction can require education and therapy for everyone in the recovery process.

    We always recommend family members take part in our family program. Once the client has completed drug addiction treatment, we recommend the family continue working with support programs through organizations like Al-Anon, Nar-anon, Alateen, Co-Dependents Anonymous, as well as forms of family therapy when needed.

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    How To Raise The Subject

    People often worry that initiating a discussion with the person with the problem will lead him or her to take drastic steps. They might make a scene in front of other family members, move out of the house, drop out of school, use more excessively, try to hide their problem, or retaliate against them or other family members. However, you might find the conversation to be a wonderfully productive experience. Perhaps the person simply hasnt noticed behavioral changes or doesnt realize that his or her substance use was or is causing a problem. And without change, the problems may become so severe that the same drastic outcomes could result.

    Alcohol Treatment & Recovery From Alcohol Use Disorders

    How to deal with addiction with Dr. Gabor Mate

    No matter how dire your current situation may seem, know that recovery from an AUD is possible.

    American Addiction Centers can help you and your loved one find the right rehab for your needs. We have treatment facilities across the nation that offer personalized treatment plans and compassionate, understanding staff who know what your loved one is going through. At our facilities, you may participate in inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab program, 12 step treatment, and more. If youre interested in learning more about treatment options or if you have any questions or concerns, call our free, confidential helpline to talk to an admissions navigator any time of day or night.

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    Tips On Confronting An Addict

    There is no easy way to confront an addict. The situation is uncomfortable and may not end well, but not taking action and hoping the problem goes away on its own is a dangerous approach. Not only is this unlikely, but your loved ones addiction could also get worse and their life could be in danger. Follow these tips on how to confront a drug addict and have the greatest chance of success.

    What Does Denial In Addiction Look Like

    Denial can be outright refusal to believe there is an issue. It can also be recognizing there may be a problem and their problems arent that bad. Comparisons to others who have lost more than they have is a common justification and manipulation to themselves and others. Many alcoholics feel they do not have a problem because they are still employed. An addict addicted to opiates may think they are justified because of legitimate physical pain and they arent junkies because the medication was prescribed by a doctor. A common denominator behavior in most alcoholics and addicts is the thought that every problem is somebody elses fault. Many are also in denial that they need professional help and believe they can fix any problem themselves. Below are a few examples of denial:

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    Dont: Expect Immediate Change

    How do you help an alcoholic? One of the best ways is to be realistic in your expectations. Long-term Recovery is not a quick fix. Its an ongoing process for your loved one that takes time, effort and continued support from professionals and family alike. Some treatments may work for some time and then need to be changed.

    If one treatment doesnt work, it doesnt mean all treatments will fail. It just means youll have to find the specific one that will work for your loved one.

    Do You Know When Drugs Began To Interfere With Your Life

    How to Confront a Drug Addict

    Drug users may show signs of struggling with addiction, but drugs could have begun to interfere with their lives before anyone else noticed. A drug habit could affect a persons finances, health and relationships. Talk with your loved one and ask them to look back over the time since the drug habit began. How has that person changed? What impact has drugs had on their life? Pushing your family member or friend to examine specific examples can help reveal just how much impact addiction is having. This can be particularly effective when talking to someone who is stuck in denial. It is difficult to ignore concrete evidence, such as losing a job or important relationship.

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    How To Set Boundariesand Stick To Them

  • Talk to your loved one about boundaries at a time when youre both calm and not under the influence of drugs. Clearly outline what behavior you will and will not tolerate and what the consequences will be if they break your rules.
  • Follow through. Its almost inevitable that someone with an addiction will test any limits you set, so be prepared to follow through. If you dont enforce the consequences youve outlined, your loved one will know the boundaries are worthless and their destructive behavior will continue.
  • Remind yourself why youre doing this. No one wants to see someone they care about suffer, but a meaningful, respectful relationship cannot exist without boundaries. Having to face the negative consequences of their behavior could be the impetus your loved one needs to get clean.
  • How To Confront Your Addict This Holiday Season

    The holidays can be an extraordinarily stressful time of year for a lot of families. There are families who deal with the regular anxieties of the Christmas season worrying about making sure they get the right gifts that their kids want, even though theyre sold out in every store. Others worry about all the company thats expected at the house for Christmas dinner and hope that grandma doesnt drink too much and behaves herself. Kids at college are packing their things for break and are excited to not only see their families for the first time in five or six months but to also rekindle lost high school friendships that started dwindling since going away to school. A lot of people are gearing up for what most would consider to be a normal holiday season. Decking the halls, singing carols, and the whole family sitting on the living room floor opening Christmas gifts together in the quintessential Christmas scene. While many families are having that picture-perfect holiday, others are dealing with a whole different kind of stress.

    They just need to go back to school and get their head on straight.

    Hell be fine. He just needs to find a job now that Christmas is over.

    Those are just some of the pitfalls some families fall into.

    Youll be glad you did.

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    Keep The Interventionist Informed

    To help you properly plan the intervention and make the right service recommendations, always tell the interventionist:

    • A recap of the persons history of substance abuse
    • If the person has ever exhibited symptoms of or been diagnosed with a personality disorder
    • If the person has demonstrated violent or suicidal behaviors

    Addiction interventions are always susceptible to past hurts and resentments. Without professional guidance, an intervention can easily spiral out of control. This is why you should always involve a professional who can facilitate the process, thereby increasing the chances of a successful outcome.

    One important point early interventions help. If you have a loved one struggling with ANY substance abuse disorder illicit drug abuse, the misuse of prescription opioids, or alcoholism do not hesitate to call for help today.

    Find Faith In The Person That You Wish To Get Better

    How To Confront Someone With An Alcohol Addiction

    As hopeless as it may seem, people get sober all of the time coming from a hopeless state of mind and body. Within this very same faith, never give up on them. They may not get sober the first time. They may not get sober the second time. As many times as it takes, never give up on your loved one. At some point sobriety will stick. They are never a hopeless cause.

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    Loving An Addict Or Alcoholic: How To Help Them And Yourself

    When a person struggles with drug or alcohol abuse, they are likely to struggle with mental health issues and physical problems, both short-term and chronic issues.

    They are also likely to cause suffering for their loved ones, including spouses, parents, children, friends, and other family.

    For those who love someone who is struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, it is important to know the signs of substance abuse problems and how to best help the person in need. In addition, it is important that family members and friends take care of themselves as well.

    Get Educated About Addiction

    Take the time to learn more about the nature and behavior of drug addiction.

    Addiction is much more than substance abuse of things like cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, or prescription drugs. it can be a behavior that is usually due to some underlying emotional issue, chemical imbalance, or other disorder that causes a person to act a certain way or to self-medicate.

    People with such behaviors can be addicted to just about anything in an unhealthy way whether it is sex, exercise, work, eating, or a substance. And when someone is addicted to something, there are often co-occurring disorders at play such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, obsessive-compulsiveness, or eating disorders.

    Once a person becomes addicted to a substance or behavior, the continuing use and abuse are more about homeostasis rather than getting high. As time goes on, the perceived benefits of that behavior or substance that originally lured them in usually fade away, but the need and impulse remain.

    Treatment programs like drug rehab work to treat the underlying causes of addictive behaviors. That is why drug rehabilitation can be so instrumental in causing life-altering behaviors and constructive, positive changes.

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    Keep Your Expectations Realistic

    Sadly, every intervention is not always immediately successful. Sometimes it takes several tries to get someone into rehab.

    Your loved one may lash out, run away, or react negatively to your attempts to help. Thats why you need your own support system available to help you through any disappointment.

    Even if your loved one goes to rehab, recovery may be a long road. If you expect immediate permanent results, you may be let down. Keep the faith and let recovery take its time, and you and your family will be able to find your way back from the nightmare of addiction.

    Look Into Professional Treatment And Drug Rehab Services For Them

    How to Confront an Addict

    Your loved one likely does not even know where to begin or what options are out there for them to get help.

    In fact, it is likely they may not even want to hear about them. If they are not ready for a change, any option you present is likely to be shot down. If they are ready, it may seem simply too exhausting for them to have to research their options.

    This is where you can be of service by seeing what is out there for treatment first, so you can make educated suggestions when the time is right. There are many methods of treatment, and it is important to keep this in mind before choosing a drug rehab facility to explore.

    One of the more popular methods is the 12-step program. At Cirque Lodge, we believe every addiction and person is unique, and we tailor treatment accordingly. So while we are founded on the 12-steps, we also integrate effective forms of clinical therapies into a mind, body and spirit approach to help a person become healthy from the inside out. Understanding treatment approaches is the key to your loved one is success in that program.

    Also, there is an alternative to helping someone who is in a downward spiral whom you believe must seek help very soon, whether they want to or not. This is what is called intervention. Interventions can require planning, because there are many layers to successfully staging it.

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