Monday, September 9, 2024

How To Curb Food Addiction

Cant Stop Eating Junk Food Heres Why

4 Ways To Help Curb Food Addiction

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Cravings for junk food are a common reason that people fall off the wagon with their healthy eating plans. They can lead to unhealthy eating habits and be the biggest obstacle to weight loss.

Have you ever found yourself craving a second helping of dessert after a filling dinner, or finishing a sharing-size bag of crisps or chocolate? You are not alone! It can be incredibly hard with some foods to know when to say stop.

What is it that makes certain foods seemingly irresistible? What keeps us coming back for more, even when we know were full? What makes us binge on foods we know are bad for us?

Are You Addicted To Certain Foods

My friend and colleague Kelly Brownell, PhD, formerly from Yales Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, has created a questionnaire to help you determine if you are a food addict. Here are some clues that you may be addicted to sugar, flour, and other types of processed food. If you see yourself in these clues, dont worry youre far from alone. Millions of people in every corner of the world have fallen into the food-addiction trap. The good news is that you can detox to break the cycle of addiction.

The more intensely or more frequently you experience these feelings and behaviors, the more addicted you are.

1.You consume certain foods even if you are not hungry because of cravings.

2. You worry about cutting down on certain foods.

3. You feel sluggish or fatigued from overeating.

4. You have health or social problems because of foodissues and yet keep eating the way you do despite negative consequences.

5. You have spent time dealing with negative feelings from overeating certain foods, instead of spending time in important activities such as time with family, friends, work, or recreation.

6. You have had withdrawal symptoms such as agitation and anxiety when you cut down on certain foods .

7. Your behavior with respect to food and eating causes you significant distress.

8. Issues related to food and eating decrease your ability to function effectively in your daily routine, job, or school, and social or family activities.

Food Addiction: Is It Real

Lets start at the beginning: Can you really be addicted to food? That question doesnt have a simple answer. In fact, its kind of controversial.

Food addiction is not an official medical diagnosis, though addictive food behaviors have been linked to medical conditions including obesity and binge eating disorder.

And whether food itself is addictive is still up for debate.

Some people believe you cant be addicted to a substance that you need to survive and that food itself is not actually addicting, Dr. Albers says. After all, food doesnt put you in an altered state of mind like addictive drugs do.

Theres also not oneingredient that can be singled out as being addictive. For some people, its greasy fast food. For others, its sweets. But even then, you wouldnt binge on a bowl of granulated sugar. It seems to be processed foods with some combination of ingredients that become problematic for people.

Yet other researchers argue that food is indeed addictive. Certain foods light up pleasure centers in your brain and trigger the release of feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, much like other addictive substances do. In people who are more predisposed to addiction, those chemicals can overpower other signals from the brain that tell them theyre full or satisfied, which can lead to a cycle of overeating.

Sometimes, researchers say, people resort to addictive eating behaviors as a way to cope with stress and emotions.

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Avoid Getting Too Hungry

The hungrier you get, the higher the chance that you cant fight off that intense craving. Its as simple as that. So dont look for solutions when its almost too late. Plan your meals ahead and make sure to have ahealthy snack by your side if you are prone to hunger pangs. Often it can also help to eat several small meals per day to keep your blood sugar level constant. That way you wont get sudden food cravings in the first place.

Overcoming Addiction And Cravings Through Healthy Living


Part of recovery focuses on rebuilding an ability to cope with stress using healthy mechanisms rather than addiction. Another crucial step is helping your body return to a healthy, thriving state, where it has the nutrients, vitamins and activity it needs for you to live your best life.

Dependency on drugs or alcohol throws your body wildly off-balance, and restoring this balance in recovery can be an uncomfortable process. As you move away from your reliance on a particular substance, you will likely still experience cravings for it as your body slowly readjusts. However, adding in or increasing your intake of certain vitamins and nutrients can help mitigate cravings and restore your health.

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Ways To Beat Your Food Addiction

And nix your stress-eating for good

Its an all-too-common scenario: You wake up in the morning swearing todays the day when youll eat clean, nourish yourself with a healthy breakfast at home, and pass up the glistening bakery goodies that tempt you every day. You make it to work without incident and then stress hitsany kind of stress, from a new project deadline to a caustic remark from your boss. A little while later, you find yourself with pastries in hand, wolfing down sugary anesthetics and wanting more. When you finally pop out of your food trance, and the reality of what youve done begins to settle in, the ensuing feelings of shame and guilt stoke your stress levels more and youre already plotting your next food fix. You wonder: Why do I keep caving to these cravings? Wheres my discipline and willpower?

This is your brain addicted to food.

Thats right. Addicted. You might tell yourself, “Im not addicted to food I just love a good sweet now and then.” Well, Im here to tell you that food addiction is real it affects more people than you know, and manufacturers actually design food products so that they are as addicting as possible. Yes, that perfect combination of salty, sweet, and savory was created to make sure you keep reaching for more. Thats why I wrote The Hunger Fix, because I want to change the game that is rigged against you.

Here are six ways to beat food addiction:

More from Prevention:How To Conquer Stress Eating

Give Volumetrics A Try

Volumetrics is a way to eat that focuses on filling up on low calorie, high fiber foods like non-starchy vegetables.

Consuming foods that are low in calories and high in fiber and water before meals can help you feel full, which might decrease overeating.

Examples of volumetrics-friendly foods include grapefruit, salad greens, broccoli, beans, tomatoes, and low-sodium broth.

Eating a large salad or bowl of low-sodium, broth-based soup before lunch and dinner may be an effective way to prevent overeating.

Summary Use the volumetrics method of eating fill up on healthy, low-calorie, high-fiber foods to help promote feeling full.

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Its A Serious Problem

Though the term addiction is often thrown around lightly, having a true addiction is a serious condition that typically requires treatment to overcome.

The symptoms and thought processes associated with food addiction are similar to those of drug abuse. Its just a different substance, and the social consequences may be less severe.

Food addiction can cause physical harm and lead to chronic health conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes .

In addition, it may negatively impact a persons self-esteem and self-image, making them unhappy with their body.

As with other addictions, food addiction may take an emotional toll and increase a persons risk of premature death.


Food addiction increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Excessive weight may also affect a persons self-esteem.

Completely avoiding junk foods may seem impossible. Theyre everywhere and a major part of modern culture.

However, in some cases, entirely abstaining from certain trigger foods can become necessary.

Once the firm decision to never eat these foods again is made, avoiding them may become easier, as the need to justify eating or not eating them is eliminated. Cravings may also disappear or decrease significantly.

Consider writing a list of pros and cons to think through the decision.

Write everything down no matter how peculiar or vain it may seem. Then compare the two lists and ask if its worth it.

If the answer is a resounding yes, be assured that its the right decision.

Food Addiction: Where’s The Beef

How to Stop Binge Eating and Overcoming Your Food Addiction

Not long ago, when ads for a potato-chip manufacturer were teasing consumers with the challenge, “Betcha can’t eat just one!”, they may have really meant it!

Food manufacturers have done an exquisite job of recognizing and tapping into our cravings, using persuasive ads and alluring packaging to keep their products tumbling into our shopping carts. “There are so many processed foods that are not only calorically dense, but they also stimulate dopamine production that makes us feel good,” says Goldhamer.

On the other hand, many nutritional experts believe that there are more important risks associated with processed foods that have nothing to do with addictions. “The problem with processed food is that you digest it so quickly that it’s out of your stomach in no time and you still feel hungry,” says Michael Roizen, MD, author of Cooking the Real Age Way. “If you take the fiber out of food, you get a lot of empty calories.”

While lobbyists for food manufacturers may minimize the risks of plates brimming with meat, cheese, and other high-fat items, Roizen says he believes that eating more than 20 grams a day of bad fats such as saturated fats and trans fats can contribute to breast and prostate cancers, as well as what he calls “arterial aging,” which may lead to heart disease, stroke, impotence, memory loss, and even skin wrinkling.

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Ways You Can Control Food Addiction And Lose Fat Faster

There are certain hormones in our bodies that, as proven by scientists, are responsible for addictions. Eating too much is also an addiction, as some people may have little or no control over what and how much they eat.

This leads not only to obesity but to certain mental disorders, such as binge eating and even depression. Weve rounded up great tips from nutritionists and food experts to help you combat food addiction.

Signs Of Food Addiction

Researchers at Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Science & Policy have developed a questionnaire to identify people with food addictions.

Here’s a sample of questions that can help determine if you have a food addiction. Do these actions apply to you? Do you:

  • End up eating more than planned when you start eating certain foods
  • Keep eating certain foods even if you’re no longer hungry
  • Eat to the point of feeling ill
  • Worry about not eating certain types of foods or worry about cutting down on certain types of foods
  • When certain foods aren’t available, go out of your way to obtain them

The questionnaire also asks about the impact of your relationship with food on your personal life. Ask yourself if these situations apply to you:

  • You eat certain foods so often or in such large amounts that you start eating food instead of working, spending time with the family, or doing recreational activities.
  • You avoid professional or social situations where certain foods are available because of fear of overeating.
  • You have problems functioning effectively at your job or school because of food and eating.

The questionnaire asks about psychological withdrawal symptoms. For example, when you cut down on certain foods , do you have symptoms such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Other physical symptoms

The questionnaire also tries to gauge the impact of food decisions on your emotions. Do these situations apply to you?

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Holistic Healing At The Dawn

The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab Thailand takes a holistic approach to recovery, helping you to uncover the root causes of your addiction while strengthening your ability to cope with stress and take care of your physical and mental health. Our programmes employ a unique Twin Pillars approach, combining the most effective Western psychotherapies with proven Eastern wellness practises to fully heal your mind and body.

to learn more about how we can help you restore your health and ease you into a lasting recovery.

How To Stop Food Cravings

How To Get Your Food Addiction Under Control

It’s hard to resist food cravings. Learn how to curb food cravings, stop food craving using these simple, but effective techniques.

Physical cravings for food may be a result of low fat intake or low blood sugar. For many of us, the mid-afternoon cravings we feel are merely our body’s way of telling us it has been too long since lunch and we actually need to eat. A piece of fruit, yogurt, or a handful of nuts can get the blood sugar levels back up and keep us from reaching for the no-no snacks we think we’re craving.

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How To Break Up With Your Fast Food Addiction

Fast food addiction is very real.

Its when eating at home isnt appealing at all because your mouth is watering thinking about a burger or fries.

Unfortunately, this isnt uncommon.

My husband and I both had a fast food addiction and we didnt even realize it!

But that all changed and fast food actually tastes gross now.

How did we get to that point?

Change Your Habit Stop Fast Food Addiction

This is hard and may take a little bit of time to do.

Typically, a habit is formed after about 2-6 weeks, depending on how drilled in the habit you have is.

If you find yourself getting fast food because of time constraints, do meal prepping or make those nights sandwich night! Sandwiches take about 3 minutes to prepare, so will actually save you time!

Fast food gives you comfort on bad days? Watch a funny movie and make some whole wheat pasta at home . That way you can have comfort food and be eating actual nutrients!

If you find yourself getting fast food when the shelves start to get bare, make that experimental omelet night, and use eggs and whatever random thing you find in the fridge in your recipe. You can also make it fun and do a smorgasbord and see who in the household can come up with the most creative meal.

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First Steps In Overcoming Food Addiction

A few things can help prepare for giving up junk foods and make the transition easier:

  • Trigger foods. Write down a list of the foods that cause cravings and/or binges. These are the trigger foods to avoid completely.
  • Fast food places. Make a list of fast food places that serve healthy foods and note their healthy options. This may prevent a relapse when hungry and not in the mood to cook.
  • What to eat. Think about what foods to eat preferably healthy foods that are liked and already eaten regularly.
  • Pros and cons. Consider making several copies of the pro-and-con list. Keep a copy in the kitchen, glove compartment, and purse or wallet.

Additionally, dont go on a diet. Put weight loss on hold for at least 13 months.

Overcoming food addiction is difficult enough. Adding hunger and restrictions to the mix is likely to make things harder.

After taking these preparatory steps, set a date in the near future like the coming weekend from which point onward the addictive trigger foods wont be touched again.


To overcome food addiction, its important to plan. Make a list of trigger foods and know what is going to be eaten instead.

The Slippery Slope Of Food Addiction

Food Addiction Help How To Control Food Addiction

Someone doesnt just that she wants to feel out of control with food. Instead, its often a slippery slope that leads a person into an addiction with a particular food. Below are some of the warning signs and common traits among people suffering from a food addiction:

  • Changes in mood
  • Labeling food as good and bad
  • Restrictive dieting
  • Thinking about food all the time
  • Feeling unsatisfied even after meal times
  • Weight fluctuations and/or difficulty managing weight
  • Body dissatisfaction
  • Feeling disgusted, guilty or upset after eating
  • Feeling stressed or tension that is only relieved by eating

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How To Overcome Food Addiction: 5 Steps To Take

Others are sometimes quick to judge when they see someone eating large amounts of food. What they may not know, however, is that food addiction does exist. An addiction to food works like any other addiction.

It takes over your brain and your body, and you feel like you have very little control over yourself. The addiction might be geared towards one certain type of food, or it might be an addiction to food in general. Do you believe that you might have a food addiction?

If so, then you most likely want to learn how to overcome food addiction or if its something you can control at all. If you feel as though youre eating habits are out of control, and your weight isnt your ideal weight, then youll want to continue reading below.

You can overcome food addiction if you take all of the necessary steps. Here are 5 steps that you should take if you want to beat your food addiction.

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