Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Stop Being Addicted To Alcohol

Think About Why You Drink

Are you addicted to alcohol? Don’t worry this is how to stop drinking!

Maybe your concerns center around your reasons for drinking rather than the amount. Plenty of people use alcohol to numb emotional pain or face stressful situations more easily. Its common to drink to lighten tension on a first date or before a difficult conversation.

But when its hard to face challenges without alcohol, its worth considering whether drinking prevents you from finding more helpful ways of managing emotions.

Knowing why you drink is essential, says Cyndi Turner, LCSW, LSATP, MAC, a Virginia therapist who specializes in addiction treatment and alcohol moderation.

She goes on to explain that knowing the reasons behind your alcohol use relationship stress, trouble at work, insomnia, or anything else can help you explore alternative ways to address those issues more productively.

Give Up Or Gradually Reduce Your Drinking

If you want to stop drinking alcohol as part of a move towards a healthier lifestyle, cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink as opposed to giving up alcohol completely can help bring lots of health benefits, and can be easier to stick to. Reducing the amount you drink can also be an effective stepping stone to giving up alcohol completely in the future.

Cutting down doesnt have to be complicated. If you drink every night, start by designating a couple of days a week as alcohol-free days. This can soon become habit, the personal challenge helping remove the temptation and perhaps encouraging you to add more alcohol-free days. Official alcohol unit guidance is that it is safest for both and women to not regularly drink more than 14 units a week and not to save up your units but spread them our evenly over the week.

Think About Your Triggers

It can be useful to have a think about what your triggers for drinking are. These could be social or environmental situations and events, such being out with friends or being home alone after putting the kids to bed; or emotions, such as feeling happy or anxious.

The availability and convenience of alcohol can influence peoples drinking, so one way to remove potential triggers is to change whats physically available to you.

If you want to cut down on your drinking or stop drinking altogether, then you could not buy any, or buy less, alcoholic drinks when out shopping. Another option is to replace the alcoholic drinks you do have in your home, or that you usually buy, with alcohol-free alternatives.

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How Do I Stop Drinking

Overcoming an addiction to alcohol can be a long and bumpy road. At times, it may even feel impossible. But its not. If youre ready to stop drinking and willing to get the support you need, you can recover from alcoholism and alcohol abuseno matter how heavy your drinking or how powerless you feel. And you dont have to wait until you hit rock bottom; you can make a change at any time. Whether you want to quit drinking altogether or cut down to healthier levels, these guidelines can help you get started on the road to recovery today.

Most people with alcohol problems do not decide to make a big change out of the blue or transform their drinking habits overnight. Recovery is usually a more gradual process. In the early stages of change, denial is a huge obstacle. Even after admitting you have a drinking problem, you may make excuses and drag your feet. Its important to acknowledge your ambivalence about stopping drinking. If youre not sure if youre ready to change or youre struggling with the decision, it can help to think about the costs and benefits of each choice.

How To Stop Drinking: 14 Tips For Success

Quit Drinking Alcohol On Your Own With These 7 Powerful ...

What happens is that once you’ve quit drinking alcohol – long after the withdrawal symptoms are over – your brain is essentially left without healthy strategies for coping with even the most mild stresses. Your abiltiy to cope with stress without alcohol may have become weaker.

Finding alternative, healthier ways of coping. Many binge drinkers find that alcohol allows them to cope with negative feelings, such as stress, depression, anxiety, and boredom. Replace alcohol with healthier options, such as exercise, self-care, sports, hobbies, and connecting with others. Attend a detox program.

Without further ado, here are seven of the best natural remedies to quit drinking alcohol. 7 Home Remedies for stop drinking alcohol. 1. One step at a time. Giving up alcohol completely in a week or two could be a challenging task to most people, especially if they are alcoholic or at the verge of alcoholism.

Have a glass of water before you have alcohol and alternate alcoholic drinks with water or other non-alcoholic drinks. Take a break Have several drink-free days each week.

There are a lot of ways to stop drinking alcohol on your own; some are quite helpful whereas some are just dangerous. The question is how to stop drinking alcohol without going through the kind of cold turkey episodes that make life miserable. Below, Ill recap some of the best advice Ive found over the years.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Alcohol Cravings

Before alcohol cravings begin, there are specific physical effects that ones body goes through that they can be aware of before they make any mistakes. Learn what these are so you can help yourself or a friend through their hard time:

  • Poor appetite
  • Irresistible urge to drink alcohol
  • Confusion
  • Mood swings

Its common for people to be easily irritated when experiencing alcohol cravings. If you or someone you know is going through this, recognize it and give them a little extra patience in this hard time.

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol: 7 Things I Did That Really Helped

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  • Did you overindulge at the start of lockdown? After many months of excess maybe youve decided enough is enough and now youre wondering how to stop drinking alcohol? If so, youre not the only one.

    I gave up drinking in November 2019 not because I was physically dependant on alcohol, or the booze was outwardly ruining my life. But, because I was bored of being hungover, wasting my weekends, worrying about what Id said, done, posted or text after one too many. Having read countless books, most of which are listed below, my thinking about sobriety has totally shifted. Giving up isnt just for people whove hit rock bottom and need AA, its for anyone whos decided drinking alcohol is taking away more from their life than its giving.

    And, Im not the only one. There are a growing number of sober curious people out there whove been swayed by the benefits of not drinking alcohol and decided they want to live a healthier lifestyle, without the beer belly, dehydrated skin, short temper and hang-xiety.

    Millie Gooch, founder of;Sober;Girl;Society explains: Drinking numbers are declining, especially in millennials and supermarkets including Sainsburys have been reporting soaring sales in their non-alcoholic drinks. Its a perfect storm of a lot of things but I think there are two main reasons.

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    The Most Addictive Drugs

    The top three most addictive drugs are heroin, crack cocaine and crystal meth. This is due to how quickly these drugs cause dramatic physical and mental effects, including hijacking the brains neurotransmitters, which are chemicals the brain uses to control and monitor behavior and reinforce life-sustaining actions such as eating food. Your brain will literally train you to keep using illicit drugs in the same way that it trains you to take care of your physical wellbeingonly this training is much more powerful because the brain is releasing 10 times as much dopamine in response to illicit drugs than it ever does for healthy behaviors.

    Once you are physically addicted, you will experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking your drug of choice. While everyones detox experience is different, there are some general symptoms and timelines you can expect.

    Medication To Stop Drinking

    How to STOP DRINKING Alcohol | A Story of Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

    Medication has been an option for many decades, and despite having a strong success rate it is not very well known. Fortunately, this is starting to change.

    The original medication for alcoholism is disulfiram, also known as Antabuse. This prescription drug causes you to feel ill when you drink any amount of alcohol, and is now considered a fairly harsh way of quitting. Still, for some people, disulfiram remains an effective choice.

    There are now milder options as well. Since the 1990s, naltrexone has been approved by the FDA to treat alcohol use disorder. This drug limits the pleasurable effects of drinking without making you feel sick. Naltrexone is a key component in the Sinclair Method, which uses targeted doses of this drug to help people moderate or quit over time. It is also available as a monthly injection , or as a daily pill.

    For those who have already quit and want help managing cravings, there is also acamprosate, an abstinence maintenance medication that helps rebalance your brain chemistry. And beyond these, there are several off-label medications that can be useful, including gabapentin, topiramate, and baclofen. There is even research in progress to see if kudzu, an herbal remedy from traditional Chinese medicine, can help limit drinking.

    Any of these medications can make a big difference in battling physical addiction, making the psychological parts of alcohol dependence easier to work through.

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    Cutting Back Vs Quitting Alcohol Altogether

    Whether or not you can successfully cut back on your drinking depends on the severity of your drinking problem. If youre an alcoholicwhich, by definition, means you arent able to control your drinkingits best to try to stop drinking entirely. But if youre not ready to take that step, or if you dont have an alcohol abuse problem but want to cut back for personal or health reasons, the following tips can help:

    Set your drinking goal. Choose a limit for how much youll drink, but make sure your limit is not more than one drink a day if youre a woman, two drinks a day if youre a manand try to have some days each week when you wont drink alcohol at all. Write your drinking goal down and keep it where you will frequently see it, such as on your phone or taped to your refrigerator.

    Keep a record of your drinking to help you reach your goal. For 3 to 4 weeks, write down every time you have a drink and how much you drink. Reviewing the results, you may be surprised at your weekly drinking habits.

    Cut down drinking at home. Try to limit or remove alcohol from your home. Its much easier to avoid drinking if you dont keep temptations around.

    Drink slower. When you drink, sip slowly and take a break of 30 minutes or one hour between drinks. Or drink soda, water, or juice between alcoholic drinks. Drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea, so make sure you eat food when you drink.

    Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Treatment

    If you have decided you have an alcohol problem, there is help and hope. Self-help groups, online groups, your physician, counsellor, alcohol rehab, and websites like this are all potential supports.

    Using supports helps you feel like youâre not alone. They give you confidence that you can change. They show you techniques that have worked for others. Asking for help and using supports dramatically increases your chances of success.

    Learn more about treatment recovery skills and relapse prevention through these links. You can change your life. Below are the various kinds of alcohol addiction supports that exist.

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    How To Stop Drinking Alcohol Completely

    Practical tips & advice if you’ve made the decision to stop drinking alcohol completely

    On this page

    There are lots of reasons why you might want to stop drinking alcohol. Some people need to stop drinking as a result of developing an alcohol related medical condition such as liver disease, or because they start taking medication which reacts badly with alcohol. Others choose to do so for religious reasons, or simply as a move towards a healthier lifestyle.

    If youre thinking about removing alcohol from your life, you should know that youre not alone.

    43% of adults in Britain who say they abstain from alcohol did previously drink alcohol1

    Whatever your reasons, this page gives lots of tips on how to stop drinking alcohol, details of the potential benefits of not drinking, as well as information on the potential alcohol withdrawal symptoms you could experience if you move from drinking heavily, to drinking no alcohol at all.

    What Is An Alcohol Craving

    How to Get Rid of Alcohol Addiction

    There are two ways to look at this: scientifically and what a person actually experiences. Scientifically, an alcohol craving is something that has to do with a neurocognitive and emotional response to certain specific external and internal triggers. These triggers ignite a desire to use the substance. Simple logic your brain wants something, it asks your body to get it. However this is a larger craving. Your brain now really, really wants something it thinks it needs it, it must have it or all will not be right with the world. In these cases, an individual will lose their priorities. They will put their own health over the chance at obtaining the substance, every other priority takes a back seat before they get their next hit.

    When someone loses their ability to make rational decisions because they believe they need the substance over anything else, we call this addiction. These alcohol cravings though are what start everything most of the time, and what most people try to focus on when trying to get better.

    Alcohol is such a tricky drug, it is one of the most accessible, easy to buy, consume and it is socially acceptable to drink. Because of this, people that are more likely to become addicted are at even more risk to something like this.

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    Resources For Friends And Family

    If you have a loved one who struggles with alcohol, the best way to help them may not always seem obvious. Depending on the person, this issue may cause a lot of frustration and instability. And regardless, youre likely to be worried about their well-being.

    While there are no easy answers, understanding more about alcohol addiction as an illness can make it easier to figure out the best way to help someone. And having access to resources to support yourself can also be a game-changer.

    Alcohol Dependence Vs Alcohol Addiction

    According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, dependence is a state in which the brain functions normally only in the presence of a drug. Within hours or a few days of having their last drink, people dependent on alcohol will experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms that may include hand tremors, nausea or sweating.

    Addiction to alcohol, however, is a disease characterized by a compulsion to drink and an inability to control ones alcohol intake. People who are dependent on alcohol are often addicted to the substance, but it is possible to be dependent and not addicted.

    While the American Psychiatric Association used to separate alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence into two distinct disorders, both are now categorized into a single diagnosis called alcohol use disorder. An alcohol use disorder, which can range from problem drinking to alcoholism, can be classified as mild, moderate or severe, depending on a persons symptoms and drinking behaviors.

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    Tips For Coping With Alcohol Withdrawal

    Figuring out how to quit drinking can be difficult, but it is not impossible, especially when you have the right habits and support. If you are looking to stop drinking, consider the points listed above, seek out help, and find ways to help you continue your path of recovery. Quitting drinking is possible with the right tools.

    21. You get one, precious life. Dont let alcohol steal any more moments. Quitting is worth it. 22. If you dont have a problem with drinking, then you wont have a problem not drinking. 23. That you will still have a social life. That your real friends wont abandon you.

    Day drinking or consuming too much alcohol any time of day can make it difficult to lose weight or stay at a healthy weight. If your goal is to take off five pounds, reducing or eliminating alcohol can be a great help with weight loss, Rollins said. Poor sleep also can be closely linked to drinking too much alcohol.

    This is going to be the article I once searched for when I wanted to know more about the quitting alcohol timeline, what I could expect in terms of alcohol withdrawal, and what steps I could take to begin the process of body repair after quitting drinking.. I would alternate between my bed and my couch, trying to distract myself from the shakes, nausea, and cold sweats.

    You Make Excuses When Other People Act Concerned

    How Do You Beat Alcohol Addiction? Ask The Stop Drinking Expert!

    Healthline highlights the “tendency to make excuses” as one of the key characteristics of an addict. “Despite the concern of friends and family, an addict will almost always deny the seriousness of his or her addiction,” it says. “Making excuses is common among addicts. Whether they know they are addicted or not, they will deny it to others. The person will usually have a number of reasons to excuse their behavior.” Admitting that there’s an issue will likely lead to the end of the addiction, and the addicted brain is deeply averse to that happening, so it will justify the addictive behavior in any way possible, even in flimsy or illogical ways.

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