Mental Illness Among All Adults
In 2016, an estimated 44.7 million adults aged 18 or older had AMI in the past year . This number represents 18.3 percent of adults in the United States. An estimated 10.4 million adults in the nation had SMI in the past year, and 34.3 million adults had AMI excluding SMI in the past year. The number of adults with SMI represents 4.2 percent of adults in 2016, and the number of adults with AMI excluding SMI represents 14.0 percent of adults. Among adults with AMI in the past year, 23.2 percent had SMI, and 76.8 percent did not have SMI.41,42
Figure 54. Any Mental Illness , Serious Mental Illness , and AMI Excluding SMI in the Past Year among Adults Aged 18 or Older: 2016
In 2016, the percentages of adults with AMI and adults who had AMI excluding SMI were similar to the percentages from 2008 to 2015 . The percentage of adults in 2016 with SMI was similar to the percentages from 2010 to 2015 but higher than the percentages in 2008 and 2009 .
Figure 55. Any Mental Illness in the Past Year among Adults Aged 18 or Older, by Age Group: Percentages, 2008-2016
+ Difference between this estimate and the 2016 estimate is statistically significant at the .05 level.
Age Group | |
+ Difference between this estimate and the 2016 estimate is statistically significant at the .05 level. | |
18 or Older | |
14.0 | 14.5 |
Success Rates And Measures In Heroin Treatment
This is because addiction, like any chronic disease, is defined by the potential to relapse to substance abuse rates of addiction relapse are similar to those associated with asthma, hypertension, and diabetes. Because of this, treatment for addiction to heroin should be considered similar to treatment for other chronic illnesses like asthma or diabetes: the condition is something that is treated and managed throughout the individuals life, but it cant be cured.
An Interesting Rewarding Valuable Field
At Massachusetts General Hospital, physicians are also redesigning addiction care, not only to benefit patients but also to attract students to the field, according to Wakeman. These new care models demonstrate to trainees that addiction medicine is an interesting, rewarding, and valuable field, she says.
Tetrault also believes that working in team-based care settings would draw interest to the field. We need to expose students to patients who are doing well in addiction treatment, she says. If they were not disproportionately exposed to patients in crisis the person who has end stage liver disease due to excessive alcohol use or the one who arrives in the emergency department with an abscess caused by injecting drugs students and residents might see the field in a more positive light.
Teitelbaum agrees that students need to see the face of the illness and both he and Lynch believe it is best for students to see every stage of addiction sooner rather than later. If you expose students earlier in their education, youll generate more interest, says Teitelbaum. But he expects to have no trouble attracting students if the new residency slots are approved. Already, he receives far more applications for the six fellowship positions his institution offers than he can accommodate, and adds that colleagues at other universities say the same.
Despite too few hands now, those who have devoted themselves to treating addiction remain upbeat.
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Healthcare Costs And Drug Addiction
These facts also help point out the personal and governmental financial consequences of the untreated drug crisis.
- The total cost to the nation related to substance abuse is over $600 billion annually. To put that in perspective, the 2019 federal government budget for spending on K-12 education was only $81 billion.7, 8
- Successful drug addiction treatment can substantially lower the overall costs. For example, a year of methadone treatment to help keep someone off certain drugs costs just under a tenth of the expense associated with incarcerating that person for their drug use.7
- Healthcare costs related to alcohol abuse total $27 billion annually.9
- Healthcare costs related to the use of illicit drugs total $11 billion annually.9
- Healthcare costs related to the abuse of prescription opioids run $26 billion annually.9
Heroin Dependence Or Abuse Among Individuals During The Past Year From 2002 To 2016
- Heroin abuse is a fast-growing problem in the U.S., with 626,000 people who reported to have abused heroin in the past year.
- We could see a significant increase the number of individuals abusing heroin in 2002 in comparison to 2016. In 2002, 214,000 people in the U.S. struggled with heroin addiction or abuse, which is 412,000 less than in 2016.
- The lowest rates of heroin abuse were noted in 2002 and 2007, when 214,000 individuals reported to have been dependent on heroin in the past year. (SAMHSA ID 476276
- The number of people addicted to heroin has almost doubled between 2007 and 2011, with 212,000 more victims of the drug dependence.
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What Is The United States Doing To Restrict Foreign Narcotics
Since 2007, the United States has provided Mexico with more than $3 billion in security and counternarcotics aid, including for police and judicial reforms, in a program known as the Merida Initiative. U.S. officials say the initiative led to the capture of some top cartel leaders, including Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, but Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has sharply criticized the agreement, and in 2021, the two countries announced a new bilateral framework for health and security cooperation. Through a similar partnership with Colombia, the United States provided almost $10 billion beginning in 2000 that program effectively drew to a close following the end to the civil conflict there in 2016.
The DEA has also coordinated efforts with China, the primary source of fentanyl in the United States in the mid-2010s. Amid sustained U.S. diplomatic pressure, Beijing made several moves to crack down on fentanyl production, culminating in a 2019 ban on the production, sale, and export of all fentanyl-related substances. Experts note, however, that Beijings cooperation has lessened as bilateral relations have strained.
Misuse Of Subtypes Of Pain Relievers
NSDUH asked respondents in 2016 to identify the specific prescription pain relievers that they used in the past year. Names of similar prescription drugs and electronic images of these drugs were presented to respondents to aid them in recalling which prescription pain relievers they used. For each specific pain reliever that respondents reported using in the past 12 months, respondents were asked whether they misused that pain reliever in that period. The specific pain relievers that individuals misused in the past year were categorized into 11 subtypes , such as hydrocodone products .
Figure 31. Prescription Pain Reliever Subtypes in the 2016 NSDUH Questionnaire
Note: Prescription pain reliever categories shown in the red and blue boxes represent estimates for subtypes that are shown in Table A.12B in Appendix A.Note: The following drugs in this figure are generic drugs: Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Tramadol, Extended-Release Tramadol, Codeine Pills, Morphine, Extended-Release Morphine, Fentanyl, Buprenorphine, Buprenorphine Plus Naloxone, Oxymorphone, Extended-Release Oxymorphone, Hydromorphone, Extended-Release Hydromorphone, and Methadone.
Figure 32. Past Year Prescription Pain Reliever Misuse among People Aged 12 or Older, by Selected Pain Reliever Subtype: 2016
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American Indians And Alaskan Natives Substance Abuse
The U.S. Census Bureau defines American Indians as any of the original people of North, South, and Central America who continue to maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.3
Below youll find the percentages of 12-year-old or older American Indians and Alaskan Natives who used the following substances in the past year:4
- Illicit Drug Use: 28.5%
According to the 2018 NSDUH, 10.1% of American Indians and Alaskan Natives aged 12 and older had a substance use disorder in the past year.4
AIAN have seen significant increases in methamphetamine use in members of the demographic aged 26 and up, as well as increases in major depressive episodes in 18 to 25-year-olds, and specifically women in this age group. In good news, there has been a significant decline in cocaine use in the 18-25 subset of American Indians and Alaskan Natives.4
Substance abuse in minority populations may be considered the result of acculturation, or the assimilation into a new culture. Native American elders, for example, believe troubles with substance abuse occur when individuals lose connection to their culture and heritage. Individuals who are closely connected to both sets of cultural values have fewer difficulties with alcohol or drug concerns.17
Juvenile Arrest Rate For Drug Abuse In The United States In 2016 Sorted By State
- South Dakota is the leading state when it comes to juvenile arrest rates for drug abuse. In 2016, the states authorities recorded 1,015 drug-related arrests.
- Wyoming is the state with the second-highest rate of juvenile arrests for drug abuse, with 966 recorded incidents.
- Nebraska, the third-most affected state in the U.S., noted 695 cases of juvenile arrest in 2016, which is 320 less than in South Dakota.
- Interestingly, the highest juvenile arrest rates for drug abuse were recorded in the most conservative states where, for example, the use of marijuana the most prevalent drug among young users is severely prosecuted. States that decriminalized marijuana, such as Missouri, Maryland, and North Carolina have some of the lowest juvenile arrest rates for drug abuse in the whole country.
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Drug Misuse Statistics In The Uk
Research over the last three years suggests that:
- In 2018/19, approximately 3.2 million people in the UK, who were between the ages of 16 to 59, had taken a drug, which equates to around 1 in 11 adults ³
- In the same age category, around 1.3 million people had taken a Class A drug in 2018/19, which equates to around 1 in 25 adults. ³
- In 2018/19, approximately 1.3 million young people in the UK had taken a drug, which would be around 1 in 5 young adults aged between 16 to 24³
- 7% within the young adult age bracket had taken a Class A drug in 2018/19.
- In 2018/19, 18,053 hospital admissions were recorded as poisoning by drug misuse ²
- In the same year, the number of deaths due to poisoning by drug misuse was recorded at 2,917 people ²
Drug Abuse Financial Costs
In 2020, the National Drug Control Budget requested $34.6 billion across five areas of drug control functions: operations, prevention, treatment, interdiction, and law enforcement).
- $1.2 billion to Department of Defense for counterdrug operations at home and abroad.
- $55.5 million to Department of Education for school climate transformation grants for school-based substance abuse prevention/technical assistance.
- $1.5 billion to SAMSHA for State Opioid Response grants intended for tribes, states, and US territory.
- $1.9 billion to SAMSHA for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant to fund evidence-based prevention activities for states, tribes and territories.
- $620 million to HRSA community health centers.
- Other recipients include the Departments of Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, Veterans Affairs, etc.
For more information, see our report on the average cost of drug rehab.
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Million People Aged 1534 Have Used Cocaine At Least Once
3.5 million people tried it in the past year, and 1.5 million in the past month. Globally, cocaine is the second most trafficked illegal drug, with the most considerable quantities intercepted in South Africa and North America. Whats more, the latest cocaine addiction statistics show that 35.3 million Americans older than 12 have used cocaine, and 8.6 million Americans have also tried crack.
Substance Abuse Among Black Americans
The U.S. Census Bureau categorizes African or Black Americans as people who have origins in any of the Black racial groups from Africa.3
Below youll find the percentages of 12-year-old or older Black Americans who used the following substances in the past year:4
- Illicit Drug Use: 20.8%
According to the 2018 NSDUH, 6.9% of African Americans aged 12 and older had a substance use disorder in the past year.4
The survey presented some positive trends, including a decline in alcohol use among Black Americans in middle and high school since 2015around a 25% reduction. Prescription opioid misuse has also seen a significant decline across all measured age groups in this subset.4
Similar to many other subsets of the population in the United States, Black Americans are seeing a significant increase in marijuana use in the last 3 years, particularly among the 26 and older crowd. Even though theres a noticeable increase in use, there hasnt been a similar rise in marijuana use disorder.4
Black Americans are seeing a disturbing trend in mental health disorders, including an increase in mental health illnesses, depressive episodes, suicidal thoughts, and co-occurring disorders. In fact, substance use and mental health disorders are very closely linked.4
Perhaps the most eye-opening trend among African Americans is the lack of treatment for substance use disorders: 88.7% diagnosed with a SUD did not seek out or receive addiction treatment.4
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% Of The People Who Misuse Opioids Become Addicted To Them
The opioid addiction facts show that most people dont think its a big deal to frequently share their unused pain relievers, apparently oblivious to the hazards of non-medical opioid use. When a friend or relative gives opioids to an adolescent, theres a good chance they will misuse the prescription pain relievers and possibly even develop an addiction.
Overdose Statistics By Occupation
Number of Prescription Opioid Overdose Deaths by Occupation
Prescription opioid deaths impact nearly all occupational sectors. Notably, construction, management, and nonpaid workers have the highest numbers of prescription opioid deaths.
Number of Heroin Overdose Deaths by Occupation
Construction has the highest rates of heroin overdose rates, followed closely by nonpaid workers.
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Alcohol Use In The United States
Prevalence of Drinking: According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health , 85.6 percent of people ages 18 and older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime,1 69.5 percent reported that they drank in the past year,2 and 54.9 percent reported that they drank in the past month.3
Prevalence of Binge Drinking and Heavy Alcohol Use: In 2019, 25.8 percent of people ages 18 and older reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the past month,4 and 6.3 percent reported that they engaged in heavy alcohol use in the past month.5
Emerging TrendHigh-Intensity Drinking: High-intensity drinking is defined as consuming alcohol at levels that are two or more times the gender-specific binge drinking thresholds . Compared with people who did not binge drink, people who drank alcohol at twice the gender-specific binge drinking thresholds were 70 times more likely to have an alcohol-related emergency department visit, and those who consumed alcohol at 3 times the gender-specific binge thresholds were 93 times more likely to have an alcohol-related ED visit.6
Admissions To Meth Addiction Therapy Increased By 3% From 2014 To 2015
These meth statistics show that some people, although few, are seeking treatment for their meth addiction. With more efforts made to educate people, the results should keep improving, and more people will be encouraged to get therapy for their addiction. These statistics also show that up to 135,264 people got help for meth addiction in publicly funded facilities in 2015.
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In 2017 There Were 448481 Er Visits Due To Cocaine Abuse
Cocaine is one of the most abused drugs in America. Namely, in 2017, the rate of emergency department visits for nonfatal cocaine overdose among people aged 4554 has increased to 20.5 per 100,000 population. Moreover, in the same year, the rate for those aged 3544 was 17.4, and for people in the age group 2534, it was 19.6.
Pain Reliever Use Disorder
Pain reliever use disorder occurs when someone experiences clinically significant impairment caused by the recurrent use of pain relievers, including health problems, physical withdrawal, persistent or increasing use, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. NSDUH respondents who misused pain relievers in the past 12 months were categorized as having a pain reliever use disorder if they met the DSM-IV criteria for either dependence or abuse for pain relievers. Dependence and abuse criteria for illicit drugs were described previously.
In 2016, an estimated 1.8 million people aged 12 or older had a pain reliever use disorder, which represents 0.7 percent of people aged 12 or older . An estimated 0.6 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 17 had a pain reliever use disorder in the past year, which represents about 152,000 adolescents. Approximately 291,000 young adults aged 18 to 25 and 1.3 million adults aged 26 or older had a pain reliever use disorder in the past year. These numbers of adults with a pain reliever use disorder correspond to 0.8 percent of young adults and 0.6 percent of adults aged 26 or older.
Figure 40. Pain Reliever Use Disorder in the Past Year among People Aged 12 or Older, by Age Group: 2016
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Underage Drinking And Drunk Driving
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there was a 14% increase in drunk driving deaths between 2019 and 2020.
The 2020 NSDUH survey found that 2.1 million adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 reported drinking alcohol within the past month.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that among high school students:
- 29% reported drinking alcohol
- 17% reported riding with a driver who had been drinking
- 14% reported binge drinking
- 5% reported driving after drinking alcohol
The CDC notes that rates of both current and binge drinking among high school students have declined over the past few decades.
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.