Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What Are The Stages Of Addiction Recovery

The Contemplation Stage Of Change

6 Stages Of Change In Addiction Recovery w/ Brad McLeod

In the Contemplation Stage of Change, addicted individuals begin to understand that their current lifestyle is not sustainable. At this point, no action is taken or any plans made. However, some may argue that this is one of the most vital moments in an individuals recovery. Without the recognition of an issue, it is nearly impossible to make authentic and effective change.

Stages Of Addictive Behavior

  • ExperimentationDrug and alcohol addiction always begins with this seemingly-harmless phase. A person begins voluntarily using one or more drugs or drinking heavily. Generally, experimentation begins socially at a party or in some other group setting. At this point, use is irregular and only occurs in specific situations.
  • Regular UseAt this stage, drinking or drug use has made its way into a persons everyday life. Typically there is often a specific problem that they use to cope with. For example, they suffer from physical pain, stress, depression, or social anxiety. They may still partake in social settings, but they now use the substance or substances alone as well.The line between regular use and problem use is a thin one. Regular, heavy use of drugs or alcohol begins to take a toll on the persons life, health, and safety. As a result, they may embarrass themselves socially, experience relationship or marital stress, have trouble fulfilling work responsibilities, or drink/use and drive.
  • Recovery And Getting Help

    Its important to understand that addiction doesnt always progress in a linear way. Some people may immediately show signs of addictive behavior with drinking or drug use. For others, patterns of abuse might develop slowly over several months or years. The risks and behaviors in each phase also depend on the substance being abused. Even experimenting with some drugs can be much more dangerous and likely to lead to addiction than regular use of others.

    However, knowing these stages can help people feel less alone in their struggle with substance abuse which is one of the first steps toward seeking help and recovery. Addiction can be an extremely isolating experience, leading to depression and feelings of hopelessness. It is important to be able to identify the seriousness of a substance problem and how it develops.

    If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, get help now. Contact us and get more information on our programs here.

    It is our mission to compassionately empower every client who walks through the door of Mountain View Recovery Center. Our vision is to provide support and structure in a community-based, clinical setting using evidence based practices. Our purpose is to break the stigma of addiction and show our clients a united way to lifelong recovery.

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    Naloxone Can Save A Life

    Naloxone is a fast-acting drug used to temporarily reverse the effects of opioid overdoses. Naloxone can restore breathing within 2 to 5 minutes.

    While naloxone is only active in the body for 20 to 90 minutes, the effects of most opioids last longer. This means that the effects of naloxone are likely to wear off before the opioids are gone from the body, which causes breathing to stop again. So it is important to call for emergency medical attention. Naloxone may need to be used again, depending on the amount, type, or how the opioids were taken .

    Naloxone is available without a prescription and can be picked up at most pharmacies or local health authorities. It is available in an injection or a nasal spray format.

    Learn more about naloxone and where to find kits in your province or territory.

    Did you know?

    The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act protects you from simple drug possession charges if youve taken drugs or have some on you. The law applies to the person who has overdosed, the person who seeks help, and anyone at the scene when help arrives.

    Stage : Acknowledge The Addiction

    Stages of recovery

    The first step in addiction recovery is acknowledging that you have a problem. This can be the most difficult step because acknowledging the problem puts pressure on you to do something about it. However, acknowledgment can also be a first step to getting off drugs or alcohol. It simply requires an honest assessment of your current situation.

    If you are going, to be honest about your addiction, you must be willing to change. You need to accept that you are no longer in control of your addiction and that you need professional help from a substance abuse treatment center. Once you are willing to admit that you have a problem and need help, you are ready for the next stage of recovery.

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    Restore Health And Wellness Center Can Help

    A successful recovery from substance use and abuse takes a great deal of commitment and support. At Restore Health and Wellness Center, we dedicate ourselves to help people suffering from heavy substance use like drug abuse and alcohol abuse to transition through the stages of addiction recovery as smooth as possible. From taking your initial phone call to developing and implementing your individualized drug treatment regimen, we want to see you succeed through this recovery process.

    Contact the professionals at Restore Health and Wellness Center today at 979-4570 and finally take that next step and go through these stages of recovery. It may not be easy to purge yourself from substance use, but the rewards are infinite. Visit our addiction treatment center in Calabasas at 6918 Owensmouth Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303. 24/7 Admissions . On-Site Contact .

    Verify your insurance online!

    What Is The Significance Of Understanding The Phases Of Addiction Recovery

    Addiction recovery isnt a straightforward process. Rehabilitation can be viewed as a journey through unknown territory towards your final destination. Although addiction recovery literature rarely mentions the process of recovery, knowing this notion can help you or a loved one when seeking treatment.

    Its easy for some people to transition through the stages of addiction recovery, whereas others find it challenging because the motivation to seek help varies widely due to different reasons. For some, addiction is the same as addiction, even when it has extreme consequences. Even people with knowledge that they are suffering, may still find it difficult to find the motivation and self-control to take action and begin participating in the stages of addiction recovery. Occasionally an individual will identify the need for a change. In this sense, they are prepared to take whatever steps to obtain and maintain the necessary support.

    Throughout countless rehabilitation programs in our country over the years, we have generated more optimism for the idea that addiction recovery and withdrawals can be achieved through motivation and positive action so that individuals will find sobriety. To overcome substance abuse, it is important to conquer underlying fears that contribute to substance abuse. You need to know yourself and change for the better because you can live a positive, fulfilling, and productive life after addiction recovery.

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    Understanding The Stages Of Recovery From Addiction

    Once you realize you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you begin the long journey of recovery. Making the decision to enter a drug or alcohol treatment program isnt easy, but its one of the best steps you can take to free yourself from your addiction.

    When you decide to enter a drug or alcohol rehab program, you will begin a journey through four distinct stages of recovery from addiction as you learn to develop a clean and sober lifestyle.

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse developed the four stages of rehab treatment and recovery for its resource, Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research Based Guide, which is intended for healthcare professionals. In this model, recovery is considered a lifelong process.

    Here are the four stages of recovery from addiction:

    The Four Stages Of Change

    Stages Of Change In Recovery For Addiction (Mason Part 2)

    Elizabeth Hartney, 2011

    There are four main stages in this model: Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, and action. Maintenance and relapse are also sometimes included as additional stages.

    These stages can be represented as a cycle, and in theory, people should go through these stages in sequence. In reality, people can jump about between stages, go backward and forward, and even be in more than one stage at a time.

    The sequential model provides a useful way of understanding the process of change and gives a structure to how changes in addictive behaviors can be encouraged and managed.

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    Schick Shadel Hospital Is Ready To Help You Make A Change

    Addictive behaviors are difficult to change due to their repetitious and self-escalating nature. As drug and alcohol addiction progresses over time, the addicted individual becomes more dependent on their substance of choice in order to function in their daily life. Substance use disorders are also devastating to everyone involved. Not only does alcohol and drug addiction affect the individual, but it affects family, friends, and colleagues. If left untreated or unaddressed, addiction will destroy your relationships, your finances, and your health.

    Our team at Schick Shadel Hospital is ready to help you make the most important change in your life. With our cutting-edge medication-assisted treatment and behavioral therapies, we are able to offer fast and efficient services that other treatment centers cannot. If you are ready to make an effective change in your life, our intake team is on standby to help.

    Visit our Contact Us page, or call us at today!


  • DiClemente, C. C., & Prochaska, J. O. . Toward a comprehensive, transtheoretical model of change: Stages of change and addictive behaviors. In W. R. Miller & N. Heather , Treating addictive behaviors . Plenum Press.
  • Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide Effective treatment of substance abuse and addiction.
  • Stage : Revitalization // Living Life

    The final phase at Turnbridge is the stage in which clients learn not how to live sober, but how to thrive in their sober lives. Clients enroll in college classes, take on work and volunteer opportunities, and move into our more independent, Phase III sober living homes. In this stage, they are truly able to bridge their experience at Turnbridge with real-life experiences, practice their sober living skills independently, and still have the benefit of Turnbridges watchful care.

    Clients in the final stage of addiction recovery have worked passed the stigmas, oppression, and traumas that once brought negativity to their lives. They have gained healthy, sober, and meaningful friendships. They have released their pains and learned to manage any stresses that come their way. They are ready to live their life drug-free, and are revitalized in mind, body, and spirit.

    Turnbridge is highly-recognized for our three-phased, step-down approach to addiction treatment for young men and young women in recovery. We help young adults from across the nation make positive, meaningful changes in their lives. We can also help you or your loved one live sober. Call 877-581-1793 to learn more about our drug rehab programs for young adults.

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    Stage 1 The Precontemplation Phase

    Ignorance is bliss.

    The precontemplation phase is the denial phase. The person is not ready to face their addiction or may not yet recognize that they have an addiction.

    Of all the five stages, I spent the most time here.

    I lacked insight as to the extent of my drinking problem. There were red flags, but I made excuses I justified I negotiated.

    Therefore, the most compelling data point came from outside sources.

    When people comment or show concern about your addiction, ignoring these glaring red flags becomes harder.

    What Is The Transtheoretical Model

    Stages of Addiction Recovery

    Prochaska, DiClemente and Norcross created the stages of change or transtheoretical model in 1983 to help people quit smoking. It was then updated in 1992, when it started being used in clinical settings for a variety of behaviors. By studying various mental health and substance use disorder treatment plans, Prochaska, DiClemente and Norcross noted patterns that occur as people progress through a major behavioral shift.

    The stages of addiction recovery arent necessarily linear, and people dont stay in them for a set amount of time. Of course, some people sail quickly through the stages, in perfect order. Plus, there are certain principles that counselors and therapists on rehab programs can use to guide clients through the recovery process.

    It can also be helpful for the addicted person themselves to gain self-understanding using this model. Insight is a powerful tool for change because it makes it easier to be mindful of decisions youre making in the moment.

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    Limitations Of The Transtheoretical Model

    On careful observation of the stages of addiction recovery chart, one may notice a few gaps in the change model. There are a number of limitations in the Transtheoretical model. They are as follows:

    • The theory fails to address the social regard in which the changes occur, such as status, income, SES, and others.
    • The model misconstrues the patterns of decision making. it assumes that people make planned decisions following an outline, which is often untrue.
    • The time difference between each phase is unclear. Many people spend longer periods in certain phases than others, making the model inconsistent.
    • There is no specific factor that determines what stage a person is on. There are a set of questions that have been designed to categorize individuals in them better. However, these questionnaires often require updates and are often invalid.

    The model is a guide that seeks to provide strategies for health practitioners and interventions and to better understand the dynamics of the decision-making process.

    Stage : Ongoing Aftercare And Recovery

    Kicking a substance abuse habit does not stop once you are no longer using. It requires ongoing aftercare to avoid relapsing. At this stage, you will have developed better coping skills, have identified what triggers your addiction, and have built a solid support network to turn to when you are having difficulties in maintaining a drug-free lifestyle.

    Even at this stage, relapses can still occur, so addicts should not fool themselves. Recovering addicts must work just as hard as they did at the other stages in order to continue enjoying the new life they have built.

    Recovery is much more than giving up drinking alcohol or abusing drugs. It requires a person to be truly committed to undergo a complete transformation of body, spirit, and mind. If you are ready to take the first steps to recovery, or are struggling and need a strong support network, please feel free to contact BlueCrest Recovery Center in NJ at 973-453-5384 today!

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    What Should I Do After Relapse

    Relapse is when a person goes back to taking drugs or alcohol after being sober for a while. Unfortunately for a lot of people, relapse is a possibility when you are dealing with addiction. In fact, it is a common occurrence and should be considered a normal part of recovery.

    Relapse can happen and should not be considered a moral failure. People in recoveryeven those who have been sober for a whileare at risk of relapse because addiction is a chronic condition.

    The difference is that the person now has the knowledge and the tools they need to turn things around. There are plenty of things you can do if you relapse. The most important thing is to reach out for help and seek support from your loved ones.

    Surrounding yourself with positive influences can remind you that you dont have to face addiction alone. Your friends and family can provide guidance and support as you recover from a relapse.

    Next, attend a self-help group. These support groups serve as a nonjudgmental place where people in recovery can talk about their relapse and their struggles. They can also learn from other people who have been through the same experiences in the past. They can provide some emotional support, which is valuable when you are dealing with relapse.

    What Makes Fentanyl So Dangerous

    Stages of Recovery Honeymoon & The Wall: Quickstart Guide for Addiction Recovery

    Fentanyl is a dangerous drug because:

    • It is 20 to 40 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. This makes the risk of accidental overdose very high.
    • It is odourless and tasteless. You may not even know you are taking it.
    • It can be mixed with other drugs such as heroin and cocaine. It is also being found in counterfeit pills that are made to look like prescription opioids.

    You increase the risk of overdose if you use fentanyl with:

    • cold, clammy or bluish skin
    • severe sleepiness or loss of consciousness

    If you do use opioids or drugs that may be contaminated with fentanyl:

    • do not use alone
    • carry naloxone and know the signs of an opioid overdose

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    Stage Four: Action / Early Recovery

    Stage four is the beginning of what most people view as the actual recovery process. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 23.5 million people in the United States aged twelve or older needed treatment for a drug or alcohol abuse problem in 2009. However, only 2.6 million 11.2 percent of those who needed treatment actually sought it. In stage four, the user actively seeks out treatment. He or she will at this point become completely immersed in the addiction recovery process, and will begin to practice complete abstinence. This is a very challenging time period, and is a time of both great significance and significant risk for the individual. He or she will be very vulnerable during this time of massive change the person seeking treatment may have to give up old friends, may enter a residential treatment facility or move to be closer to support, and will have to abandon old places, activities and behaviors while attempting to establish a new, drug free life. On top of all of this, he or she will have to develop new coping skills, and may further be working to rebuild relationships and other aspects of life that were damaged during active addiction. Relapse is common during this time period, as individuals will not yet have developed the skills to avoid it, but despite small failures and setbacks, the user is well on his or her way to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

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