Sunday, September 8, 2024

What Are The Three Types Of Addiction

Behavioral Addictions Emotions And The Brain

Addiction: Types, Causes, and Solutions (For Teens)

According to Science Direct, behavioral addictions are defined as, an intense desire to repeat some action that is pleasurable or perceived to improve wellbeing or capable of alleviating some personal distress. What classifies some behaviors as addictive is the difficultly those affected have with stopping or reducing their participation in it. Some motivating factors for behavioral addictions include the perception of temporary decreased depression and anxiety, making it a seemingly logical way to achieve calm or happiness. For example, gambling addiction lights up similar parts of the brain as some drugs, providing a dopamine rush to the user or player.

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Behavioral Addictions

Signs And Symptoms Of Addiction

A person battling an addiction usually has three or more of the following:

  • A tolerance for the substance or practice that requires increasing amounts to achieve the same effect.
  • Intense cravings for the substance or behaviors.
  • Being unable to stop using the drug, alcohol, or practice without going through withdrawal.
  • Loss of control over frequency and amounts of drug or substance usage.
  • Preoccupation with the substance or behaviors.
  • Inability to meet obligations to family, job, or other personal interests because of the drug, alcohol, or action.
  • Physical or psychological deterioration due to the use of the substance or practice.

The tendency to have addiction problems can be an inherited trait passed from parents to their children. Addiction can also co-exist with a psychiatric illness or physical disability .

How To Identify An Addiction

Many pleasurable activities can become addictions, but how do you recognize that shift from enjoyable pastime to dependency? Some common signs of addiction include:

  • Priority shift: Are other aspects of your life, such as work, school or socialization, becoming less important than taking that drug, having a drink, swiping your credit card or gaming?
  • Lack of control: Do you find yourself returning to the same behavior even though you recognize it is a problem?
  • Increased tolerance: Do you need to take more of a drug or drink more to get the same feeling you are chasing? Do you need to shop, bet, eat or play more?
  • Increased risk-taking behavior: Are you less concerned with risks and consequences than with achieving that pleasurable feeling? Addicts often risk their health, safety, relationships and financial security to maintain their addiction.
  • Withdrawal: Do you feel unpleasant physical or psychological symptoms if you are unable to indulge in your substance or activity of choice?

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Getting Help For Addiction Types

All in all, individuals who are addicted to substances or behaviors usually develop addictive behaviors as a result of self-medicating as a result of post-traumatic events, mental illness, or otherwise. Treatment helps these individuals identify their types or addictions and the type of addict they are so that healing can take place and recovery is possible. Are you ready to get help through addiction treatment? Help is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at The Discovery Institute New Jersey Detox and Rehabilitation. Call now to speak with an addiction specialist at 888-616-7177.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Dr. Joseph N. Ranieris D.O.

Dr. Joseph Ranieri D.O. earned his BS in Pharmacy at Temple University School of Pharmacy in 1981 and His Doctorate Degree in Osteopathic Medicine at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1991. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and a Diplomate of the American Board of Preventive Medicine Addiction Certification.

Types Of Behavior Associated With Substance Abuse

Types Of Addiction

Substance abuse disorders can vary significantly but are made up of not only the use of illegal, illicit, or otherwise controlled substances, but also the misuse or abuse of legal substances like nicotine, alcohol, and legitimately prescribed pharmaceuticals. The official symptoms of Substance Abuse Disorders as given by theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are:

  • Having a strong urge to use a given substance
  • Spending large amounts of time either obtaining, using, or recovering from the use of the substance
  • Developing a tolerance for the substance, where increasingly large amounts of the substance are needed to accomplish the same effect
  • Stopping or heavily decreasing social, work, or recreational activities due to the substance use
  • Using larger amounts over a longer time than intended
  • Continuing to use despite it harming interpersonal relationships
  • Using the substance in situations where it is risky or even dangerous
  • Continuing use even when it threatens work, school, or home-related activities or duties
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms during periods of extended non-use
  • Continuing use of the substance after knowing that it has caused or worsened a physical or psychological condition
  • Having a persistent drive to stop using the substance, and trying to reduce or control its use
  • While it may seem difficult to evaluate all of those conditions, there are other ways to tell if addiction may be at play.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Drug Abuse Or Dependence

    The following are the most common behaviors that mean a person is having a problem with drug or alcohol abuse. But each person may have slightly different symptoms. Symptoms may include:

    • Using or drinking larger amounts or over longer periods of time than planned.

    • Continually wanting or unsuccessfully trying to cut down or control use of drugs or alcohol.

    • Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of drugs or alcohol.

    • Craving, or a strong desire to use drugs or alcohol.

    • Ongoing drug or alcohol use that interferes with work, school, or home duties.

    • Using drugs or alcohol even with continued relationship problems caused by use.

    • Giving up or reducing activities because of drug or alcohol use

    • Taking risks, such as sexual risks or driving under the influence.

    • Continually using drugs or alcohol even though it is causing or adding to physical or psychological problems.

    • Developing tolerance or the need to use more drugs or alcohol to get the same effect. Or using the same amount of drugs or alcohol, but without the same effect.

    • Having withdrawal symptoms if not using drugs or alcohol. Or using alcohol or another drug to avoid such symptoms.

    The symptoms of drug or alcohol abuse may resemble other medical problems or psychiatric conditions. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

    How To Help Yourself Or A Loved One During Addiction Recovery

    If youre concerned about substance misuse or behavioral addiction, know that you are not alone. Finding support and practicing self-compassion can help you on your journey to recovery. Here are a few tips that can help you get started:

    Confide in a family member, friend, or mentor who you trust. Forging a bond with a close contact can help you through difficult moments, but keep in mind that professional help may also be necessary.

    If youre helping a loved one through addiction recovery, Dr. Lira de la Rosa says its also a good idea to seek support for yourself. You may experience a range of emotions in this process, and having your own space to talk about your experiences can be beneficial, he says. You can also then model positive behavior for your loved one.

    Dr. Lira de la Rosa explains that mental health clinicians can provide a space for you to explore your concerns, your addiction history, and help you determine what treatment options are available for you. If youre not sure where to start, reach out to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration . It can help put you in touch with local treatment centers, support groups, and more. If you dont have insurance, it can also direct you to the appropriate state-funded treatment programs.

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    What Are The Types Of Addictive

    The types of addiction range from everyday drugs such as alcohol and cocaine to behaviors such as gambling and theft. Some types of addiction are specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , while others are more controversial and have been identified by some addiction professionals.

    The types of addiction range from everyday drugs such as alcohol and cocaine to behaviors such as gambling and theft. Some types of addiction are specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , while others are more controversial and have been identified by some addiction professionals. Constantly defying your odds? Of all behavioral addictions, gambling addiction is the one that most closely resembles drug and alcohol addiction. The American Psychiatric Association classifies gambling disorder as an addictive disorder.

    Areas of concern may include feelings of guilt or shame after completing the activity. This is similar in people who abuse harmful chemicals. Substance abusers have extreme difficulty resisting the urge or temptation to use the drug and may experience pleasure from using it. As a result, you may feel embarrassed after completing the activity and may lie about it or hide it.

    A Type Of Addiction You Might Not Have Considered Social Media And Screen Addiction

    Types of Addiction and Your Brain

    Being born in 1990, I was fortunate to have a childhood where we went outside to play all the time. I didnt have a phone till I was 16. I remember the development of social media and the first time my parents got a desktop computer with Windows XP.

    That was such a huge deal back then. You had to have it in order to be able to have access to what I would call the precursor of social media: AOL Instant Messenger .

    When I had my first real girlfriend, Id get AIM taken away when Id get grounded.

    Around the time I was 13, I had a Xanga account, and I remember the feeling I would get when I saw that people liked what I posted. It was like a high.

    When Myspace came into the picture, I was around 15, and that high was taken to a whole new level. By the time Facebook came along, I think I was fully addicted to social media at this point along with many teenagers in my generation.

    When you take a look at social media now, or even just smartphone usage alone its almost unheard of for a kid to not have a smartphone by the time they hit middle school.

    Most of the time when people are staring at their screen, they are scrolling for likes and feeding that reward center. I think it wont be long before we see treatment centers solely designed to treat social media and smartphone addiction.

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    What Qualifies As An Addiction

    In addition, craving for the substance/activity occurs and can be intense, to the point where the person is not able to think of anything else, especially in places where the substance/activity was obtained or used in the past. What also signifies addiction is the risk attached to the use of the substance/behavior whether using in hazardous situations or developing physical or psychological problems as a result of use.

    Other common signifiers of addiction are the development of tolerancemarked either by a need for increased amounts of the substance to have an effect or diminished effect of the same amount of drugand withdrawal, the experience of physical and psychological distress for a period after abruptly stopping the drug.

    What Are The Four Cs Of Addiction

    As a concept, the four Cs of addiction was created to distill the disease of addiction to its most fundamental parts, which are compulsion, cravings, consequence, and control. They have since become a useful way to accurately describe or even identify addiction.

    For example, you know that someone has an addiction when they:

    • Have compulsive drug-seeking behavior
    • Have drug cravings
    • Continue using drugs in spite of the negative consequences
    • Have lost control of their drug use and, as a result, are unable to cut back or stop using.

    When all four Cs are present, a person is considered to have an addiction or a substance use disorder. Consequently, theyll need professional addiction treatment to recover.

    Lets discuss each of the four Cs of addiction in more detail.

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    Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers

    Our nationally accredited programs are built on empirical evidence and feature only proven treatments that can help you achieve sobriety and stay alcohol-free for the long-run. Plus, our modern facilities are comfortable, clean, and inviting so youll never feel out of place. A recovering alcoholic can certainly transition into becoming a recovered alcoholic. And while it might be helpful to categorize someone as a specific type of alcoholic in the beginning, its important to show support in whatever way they need to recover. They range in complexity from tests that only take a few minutes to complete to more comprehensive questionnaires that take a deeper dive into addiction. Below are just some of the signs to be on the lookout for if you think someone you know or love is struggling with this type of alcoholism.

    Types Of Addiction: Behavioral

    Addiction Affects the Entire Community

    These types of addictions are very prevalent, but many people dont see them as addictive. The behaviors can lead to negative consequences. Yet, the individual wont stop no matter what they lose, the individual feels lost and may feel anxious when they cant act on the question, and once they do perform it, they get a feeling of elation that keeps them going until the next craving. Cravings usually coincide with negative feelings that the individual is trying to cope with. Among the most common behavioral addictions are:

    • Plastic Surgery/Cutting/Pain seeking

    Spiritual obsession can fall into this category as can hoarding of both animals and objects. The list of behavioral types of addiction is virtually endless. Because when a person is unable to stop or control their behavior, it qualifies.

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    Types Of Behavioral Addiction

    Behavioral addictions share some similarities to chemical addictions, but theres still uncertainty in the medical community about whether or not engaging in a particular behavior can lead to a true addiction. That stems from a lack of current research into the various types of behavioral addictions, which is needed to first determine whether they are unique from other mental health disorders, and then establish criteria for an accurate diagnosis and recommendations for evidence-based treatments.

    In fact, gambling addiction is the only behavioral addiction identified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . However, the DSM-5 does recognize internet gaming disorder as a condition for further study.

    While further research is needed in this field, experts believe the following behaviors are or could be considered addictions and warrant further investigation:

    What Are The 3 Different Types Of Addiction

    Explain how substance abuse treatment works, what family interventions can look like. Alcohol and Drug Addiction · SAMHSA Behavioral Health · Opioid Overdose Alcohol and Drug Addiction Happens in the Best of Families Describes how alcohol and drug addiction affects. Explains how substance abuse treatment works, how family interventions can be a first step toward recovery, and how to help children in families affected by alcohol and drug abuse. Sex is a healthy part of many people’s lives, but it can turn into a behavioral addiction.

    Video games are a common behavioral addiction. While this activity can be a fun way to relax or spend time with friends, it can turn into an unhealthy dependency. A video game addict will prioritize gaming over relationships and other activities. This addiction, like many others, can interfere with responsibilities such as education and work.

    It can also cause financial problems. Some people will continue to buy games or improve their gaming experience, even though they don’t have the money to do so. Behavioral addictions, such as gambling, also have negative financial consequences. Compulsive gambling, like other addictions, is driven by the sense of reward that comes from placing bets.

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    Treatments For Substance Use Disorder

    Its often extremely difficult to quit or control substance use alone without support from a trained professional.

    The first step of treatment for some forms of substance use disorder, including those that involve alcohol, benzodiazepines, and heroin, typically involves medically supervised detoxification. This wont treat the condition, but it can help people get through the withdrawal process safely.

    From there, one the following is usually recommended.

    What Are The Most Common Types Of Addiction

    Understanding Opioid Addiction Treatment and Types of Medications | Mass General Brigham

    Addiction comes in many shapes and forms and can sneak up on people. It is a serious medical condition that causes problems in an individuals life. This can include disrupting their family life, and the ability to keep a job or study in school.

    The good news is that you can always choose to get help before it becomes a problem.

    In this guide, well go over some of the common types of addiction and the signs of addiction you should look out for. Read on to learn more!

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    Different Types Of Physical Addiction

    As earlier mentioned, even though these different types of addictions are highly similar in many ways, every addiction case is different. A perfect example of this is what is observed with the different physical types of addictive behaviors. These types of addiction can also be affected by many things, like each persons genetics and the environment they grew up in.

    In each of these types of physical addictions, the specifics of each of these conditions are quite different. Types of addictive drugs implicated in the different types of physical addiction include:

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