Friday, July 26, 2024

Best Way To Treat Addiction

Why Do They Need To Be Administered By Professionals

The best opioid addiction treatment is more opioids

Because these drugs can be abused, people who have legally prescribed medications for opioid addiction must obtain them from specialized clinics and take the drugs under a doctors strict supervision. Certain prescription medications can also interact poorly with other substances and medications. As always, it is critical that people take medications as directed by a medical professional.

Treating addiction and drug abuse requires an integrated treatment plan and access to a team of doctors and therapists. If you or someone you care about is struggling with substance use disorder, Mission Harbor Behavioral Health can help. Please contact Mission Harbor today to learn more about our treatment programs.

Is Treatment For Drug Addiction Inpatient Or Outpatient

Both inpatient and outpatient treatment plans are available, depending on your needs. Treatment typically involves group therapy sessions that occur weekly for three months to a year.

Inpatient therapy can include:

  • Hospitalization.
  • Therapeutic communities or sober houses, which are tightly controlled, drug-free environments.

Self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous can help you on the path to recovery. Self-help groups are also available for family members, including Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Family Groups. Participation in 12-step based recovery work has been proven to improve outcomes.

When Is It Time For Treatment

Alcohol-related problemswhich result from drinking too much, too fast, or too oftenare among the most significant public health issues in the United States.

Many people struggle with controlling their drinking at some time in their lives. More than 14 million adults ages 18 and older have alcohol use disorder , and 1 in 10 children live in a home with a parent who has a drinking problem.

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Guide: 11 Indicators Of Quality Addiction Treatment

How to identify high-quality addiction treatment programs.

With thousands of programs and rehabs to choose from, it can be challenging to assess which addiction treatment programs offer the highest quality of care.

Finding the right treatment facility is all too important, given the time, money, and energy that substance use disorder treatment and recovery requires of not only the individual, but the entire family.

Research has identified elements that quality substance use disorder treatment facilities should possess. These range from personalized treatments, to national accreditation, to assertive linkages to continuing care.

The experts at the Recovery Research Institute have compiled a comprehensive list of 11 indicators of effective treatment, as a blueprint to help guide you or your loved one to high-quality addiction treatment, maximizing your recovery success.

How Divine Love Can Heal Addictions

How To Help And Addict

My good friend and colleague, Robert Fritchie, Founder of The World Service Institute, has helped many people overcome addictions using Divine Love healing energy. In fact, he helped a well-known rock star who had a cocaine addiction and didnt want to risk media exposure by entering rehab!

Divine Love healing uses the Creators Love to facilitate healing. Using a Divine Love petition in which you direct your energy toward your healing, you are able to bring the Creators Love to you. It works for everyone because we are all made of energy that is influenced by our experiences and our thoughts. So just as our energy can manifest as disease, including addiction, it can be influenced to heal. Divine Love petitions give you the power to readjust your energy to maximize your health.

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How Effective Is Addiction Treatment

Well-supported scientific evidence shows that addiction treatment can be effective.3 It is important that the type of treatment for addiction addresses not only a persons substance misuse, but also any additional physical or psychological conditions, as well as social, vocational, or legal issues.2 Effective treatment involves the whole person and can help them develop healthy coping skills and relapse prevention strategies so that they can have long-term success.

Currently, relapse rates for addiction are comparable with relapse rates associated with other common diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and hypertension. Roughly 40-60% of substance use disorder patients experience a relapse, which means that not only is it possible for a relapse to occur, but also that it is likely.2 Like the disease of addiction itself, relapse should not be considered a moral failing of any kind. Rather, understand that it is a possibility directly related to the nature of the disease. Relapse is more likely to be avoided through continuing the therapeutic efforts and gains made during rehab.

Why Are Drugs Difficult To Quit

Certain drugs are highly addictive because of the way they change certain types of brain functioning. For example, many drugs can result in changes to the way your brain relays messages through a process known as neurotransmission. The activity of one neurotransmitter in particular, known as dopamine, increases in association with several types of substance use. A drug-related surge in dopamine activity can have reinforcing effects, making compulsive use of that drug more likely.2

Many of the most common drugs of abuse have an impact on dopamine activity throughout the brains reward centers. Dopamine neurotransmission is thought to underlie feelings of motivation, pleasure, and reward, and is believed to play a key role in the development of addiction.2,3

Typically, people release dopamine in response to performing pleasurable activities, such as eating or having sex. However, many drugs cause a surge in dopamine activity, which can result in a rewarding euphoria, and ultimately encourages the drug-using individual to repeat the experience. This is why many drugs are referred to as reinforcing and one of the reasons why drug addiction can be so challenging to recover from.2

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Tranquilizers Sedatives And Stimulants

The two main types of tranquilizers are benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Klonopin and Valium which are generally prescribed to treat anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and seizures and barbiturates, a type of sedative that has fallen out of favor in the medical community but are still circulating. Stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin, are generally prescribed to children and teens dealing with symptoms of ADHD. They have a calming effect that helps people focus. Stimulants are highly addictive and prone to abuse. At high doses, they can lead to an irregular heartbeat, heart failure, seizures and a dangerously high body temperature. Abruptly quitting the abuse of sedatives can lead to seizures, and mixing these drugs with alcohol can result in overdose or death.

What Medications Are Used In Addiction Treatment

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Addiction is a chronic, lifelong condition that can completely disrupt a persons life. While it is possible to treat addiction and maintain lifelong sobriety, achieving initial sobriety without outside help and intervention from medical professionals is extremely difficult, and also lessens a persons chances of success. Because addiction is such a chronic and serious disease, treating the disorder requires a holistic, integrated, and multi-pronged approach from a team of qualified medical professionals and therapists.

Therapy, both group and individual, and aftercare support are adequate for addressing the root causes of addiction, and the various mental and emotional issues that trigger drug abuse. Using prescription medications during the detox and rehab timeline can also significantly reduce a persons chances of relapse, and medications can even reverse, prevent, and lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, psychiatric medications are also needed to alleviate symptoms that can trigger drug or alcohol use in vulnerable patients. While medications can come with certain risks of their own, using them to treat addiction is still a highly effective way to help patients through the often painful withdrawal process and avoid relapse.

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How Many People Get Treatment For Drug Addiction

According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 22.5 million people aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit* drug or alcohol use problem in 2014. Only 4.2 million received any substance use treatment in the same year. Of these, about 2.6 million people received treatment at specialty treatment programs .

*The term “illicit” refers to the use of illegal drugs, including marijuana according to federal law, and misuse of prescription medications.

S You Can Take To Overcome Addiction

There is a ton of information out there about addiction recovery, and there are always new theories and science that lead to new programs. Recommending the best program or way to recover from addiction is a loaded topic because each individual will respond to something different. Its important to know that there is no right or wrong approach in fact, the only right approach is the one that works for you!

Its also worth mentioning that there are many stories of recovered addicts who quit using without the help of any recovery programs! Some have turned to their churches or have received paid incentives for clean drug tests. Some have received psychiatric help or used cognitive behavioral therapy. And there are even people who simply outgrew their addictions. These people are usually those who used drugs and alcohol in their teens and 20s and then found a life that was more fulfilling, either through meaningful relationships, work, or other interests.

With all that in mind, here are some steps that you can take to help with recovery:

  • Dont Play the Blame Game. It is easy to place blame when in the throes of addiction or when dealing with an addict. Its important to understand that the addict is not to blame for his/her addiction, but that s/he must take sole and soul responsibility for recovering from it.
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    How To Get The Most Effective Treatment

    Addiction affects each person differently, so it is important for treatment to be individualized as well. Just because something works for one person, doesnt mean it works for everyone. Over time, needs will change, and so should treatment plans.

    Still unsure if you would like to attend a detox or rehab program? Take our free, 5-minute substance misuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with substance use. The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result.

    Treatment And Rehabilitation For Drug Abuse

    Types Of Addiction Treatment Programs

    According to the 2016 Surgeon Generals Facing Addiction in America report, 20.8 million people met the criteria for a substance use disorder in 2015. However, only about 1 in 10 people with an addiction sought treatment. Addictions are progressive, so its best to treat them before they become life-threatening. The good news is that theres better understanding of addiction now than ever, which means better treatment for everyone.

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    Coping With Drug Cravings

    Sometimes craving cannot be avoided, and it is necessary to find a way to cope:

    Get involved in a distracting activity. Read, see friends, go to a movie, immerse yourself in a hobby, hike, or exercise. Once youre interested in something else, youll find the urges go away.

    Talk it through. Talk to friends or family members about craving when it occurs. Talking can be very helpful in pinpointing the source of the craving. Also, talking about craving often helps to discharge and relieve the feeling and will help restore honesty in your relationship. Craving is nothing to feel bad about.

    Challenge and change your thoughts. When experiencing a craving, many people have a tendency to remember only the positive effects of the drug and forget the negative consequences. Therefore, you may find it helpful to remind yourself that you really wont feel better if you use and that you stand to lose a lot. Sometimes it is helpful to have these consequences listed on a small card that you keep with you.

    The three basic steps of urge surfing:

  • Notice how youre experience the craving. Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands in a relaxed position. Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on your body. Notice where in your body you experience the craving or urge and what the sensations feel like. Verbalize what youre experiencing. For example, you could tell yourself: My craving is in my mouth and nose and in my stomach.
  • Reflect On Your Addiction

    Take time to reflect on what is important to you, how addiction has negatively affected you, and how your life will improve with sobriety.

    The easiest way to reflect effectively is to keep a daily journal. With a journal, you can help yourself start a plan to stop addiction to help identify patterns, triggers, goals, and motivators.

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    List Of Drug Addiction Therapy Programs

    Addiction treatment to reduce substance abuse commonly consists of a combination of group and individual therapy sessions that focus on teaching those in recovery the skills needed to get and stay sober as well as how to navigate various situations without turning to drugs or alcohol.2Behavioral therapy is perhaps the most commonly utilized types of treatment for addiction that is frequently used during substance rehabilitation. A general behavioral therapeutic approach has been adapted into a variety of effective techniques.2 These include:

    American Addiction Centers Can Help

    How to Treat An Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia): 12 Natural Treatments is a subsidiary of American Addiction Centers , a leading provider in outpatient programs, drug and alcohol detox care and inpatient rehab programs. If you are struggling with addiction and considering detox or rehab, call our team for free to help you find the treatment you need. You can reach us at .

    American Addiction Centers accepts many insurance plans and can work with you on a manageable payment plan. Find out if your insurance coverage includes addiction rehab and treatment by verifying your insurance instantly or visiting the links below:

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    What Medications Are Typically Used To Treat Addiction

    • Baclofen or Lioresal
    • Vigabatrin or Sabril

    Some of the most well-known medications that are used during addiction treatment are Naltrexone or Buprenorphine. These prescriptions are an integral part of the fight against opioid addiction and abuse. Drugs like opioids are some of the most addictive in existence. Treatment can be especially tricky for recovering addicts because opioid withdrawals come with long-term and severe cravings to use. Unfortunately, opioids are the drug most responsible for overdoses and deaths. Drugs like Naltrexone and Buprenorphine can help prevent cravings and also block the effects of opioids if someone relapses.

    Where To Get Help For Substance Abuse Or Addiction

    You can start looking for help for a drug or alcohol addiction by speaking with a doctor, doing research on what help is available and discussing these options with your friend or loved one. Factors that can play a role in deciding where to go for drug or alcohol addiction treatment and what kind of program you choose include the reputation of the rehab facility and the type of care you are seeking.

    Typically, when an individual enters drug addiction treatment, it will occur in stages that include:14

    • Medical detoxification, where a person clears substances out of their body in a safe, supervised atmosphere. Detox treatment alone is rarely sufficient in achieving long-term abstinence from a substance, but it is an important first step.
    • Treatment, or rehab, addresses a persons motivation to change, helps a person identify triggers that lead to substance use and teaches people ways to cope with stress or other triggers that do not involve turning to substances. Treatment typically includes individual therapy, group therapy, peer support programs and, in some cases, medication.
    • Aftercare provides continued support for a persons recovery after formal treatment. This can include attending mutual help groups , individual counseling or therapy and continuing medications that were started during treatment.

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    Reach Out To Healthcare Providers

    For alcohol and drug addictions, it is a good idea to talk to a doctor or local drug clinic about whether you need medical help in quitting. There are options for medications to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, you may need medical supervision during the detox process.

    If you have an underlying mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression, it could worsen during the withdrawal phase. Healthcare providers can be very supportive and helpful while navigating these challenges.

    Take Care Of Yourself Too

    Holistic Therapies for Addiction Treatment

    Having problems with substance use is a chronic illness. It not only affects the person who is suffering, but everyone close to them. Family and friends often place the needs of their loved one above their own. That can result in a lack of self-care, increased illness and sometimes struggles with depression and anxiety.

    Taking care of your own physical, emotional and mental needs first will make you better equipped to help your loved one through the difficult journey of recovery. As the old phrase goes, You cant pour from an empty cup. There are also many support groups for families that can provide care and community as you navigate this challenging role.

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    Medications Are Not Widely Used

    Less than 1/2 of privately-funded substance use disorder treatment programs offer MAT and only 1/3 of patients with opioid dependence at these programs actually receive it.8

    • The proportion of opioid treatment admissions with treatment plans that included receiving medications fell from 35 percent in 2002 to 28 percent in 2012.9
    • Nearly all U.S. states do not have sufficient treatment capacity to provide MAT to all patients with an opioid use disorder.10

    Treat Cocaine Addiction At Clearhaven Recovery

    Cocaine addiction recovery is a possibility for you. Drug detox and addiction recovery may seem daunting, but you will have experienced professionals walking you through the experience. At Clearhaven Recovery, we understand that every individual struggling with cocaine addiction has unique needs for their recovery process and we will work with you to create a customized treatment plan. Call us today at , or contact us online to discuss options for your care. Let Clearhaven Recovery clear your path to wellness.

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