Friday, July 26, 2024

Bipolar And Addiction Treatment Centers

The Role Of Dual Diagnosis

An Update on Treatment of Bipolar Depression

Since drug addiction and mental illness so often go hand-in-hand, most inpatient drug rehab facilities are now equipped to identify co-occurring disorders a practice known as dual diagnosis. When patients first meet with their one-on-one counselors, they discuss a variety of issues regarding addicts experiences and life circumstances. The counselors often discover dipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and even schizophrenia.

Does Insurance Cover Bipolar And Substance Abuse Treatment

Under certain laws, including the Affordable Care Act , health insurance providers must include coverage for some portion of the treatment for mental health disorders.9 These include bipolar disorder and substance use disorders. To determine the extent of your coverage, you can reach out to your insurance provider, or check your coverage online.

When You Need A Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Because people with bipolar disorder have lived with this disorder all their lives, it can be difficult for them to self-assess and determine whether they need intensive treatment.

Signs that you need a Florida bipolar disorder treatment center include:

  • Having difficulty holding down jobs or making enough money to survive. The mood swings that people encounter with bipolar disorder can make it difficult to earn a living wage.
  • Not being able to sustain relationships and feeling dissatisfied with personal relationships. Not everyone wants a relationship, so this isnt a negative for everyone. But those who want relationships and are not able to sustain them may need treatment to explore their challenges.
  • Feeling desperate or feeling chronically depressed. Deep depression can occur for those who have bipolar disorder and can make it difficult for someone to feel fulfilled.
  • Doing reckless things that could be dangerous. During manic phases, people may feel invincible, or not properly think things through. If you feel as though youve made decisions that you wouldnt otherwise have made, it may be time for treatment.

Your family and friends may tell you that you need treatment as well, in the form of intervention. Sometimes its difficult for someone to see that they need treatment, and their friends and family see it first.

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Exclusive Residential Treatment Center For Bipolar Disorder In California

Located in the serene hills of San Rafael, Bayside Marin is Californias premier rehabilitation center dedicated to the treatment of bipolar disorder. Bayside Marin blends evidence-based treatments with alternative, holistic modalities to comprehensively treat all aspects of our clients life.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Mental Health Counselors And Therapists

Bipolar Treatment Centers In Connecticut ~ paulrinehartdesign

Mental health counselors and therapists include licensed marriage and family therapists , licensed professional counselors , and licensed mental health counselors . All of the listed licensed counselors are required to have completed a masters degree in counseling. Additionally, they must complete additional post-graduate supervision hours if they wish to practice at the independent level.

LPCs must have completed the additional post-graduate hours and supervision , allowing them to practice at the independent level, such as the licensed clinical professional counselors . These therapists educational focus typically includes:

  • Development throughout the lifespan

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Getting Help For Bipolar Disorder And Addiction

In contrast, it is easier to diagnose a substance addiction than bipolar disorder. Individuals with a history of episodes prior to their drug abuse disorder are more likely to identify their underlying mental health issues. Still, if the disease developed as a consequence of an addiction, it could be more challenging to determine.

Our treatment center here at Behavioral Health Centers has expertise in treating dual diagnosis. If you or a loved one is suffering from bipolar disorder and addiction, it is vital to see an expert in dual diagnosis. Contact us today and allow our dedicated treatment providers to educate you on the treatment options for bipolar disorder and addiction. You can reach us here: .

Why Consider Treatment For Bipolar Disorder At Cross Creek Hospital In Austin Tx

Allowing the symptoms of bipolar disorder to remain without therapeutic intervention can bring about a firestorm of destruction to a persons life. Healthy functioning in an array of settings is likely to be adversely affected and there is an increased risk for a number of permanent effects that could result. An individuals ability to carry out tasks in academic or occupational settings is known to be greatly hindered and interpersonal relationships can experience damage should conflict become ongoing. People who meet diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder also have an increased risk for substance abuse, as the symptoms of bipolar disorder can become overwhelming enough that individuals self-medicate in order to find false relief from this condition. Lastly, individuals who do not receive hospital care for this illness could develop worsening symptoms, of which could cause greater destruction to transpire.

Types of Treatment

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Supporting Your Family Member Through Mental Illness And Addiction

Watching a loved one suffer from bipolar disorder can be very difficult. You may be unsure of whether youre doing the right thing to help your family member. Keep in mind that helping your loved one get proper bipolar disorder treatment is probably the best gift you could give them. Let your loved one know theyre not alone in their struggles.

Why Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Important

Co-Occurring Disorders — Introductory Video

Dual diagnosis treatment was not always the standard when it came to treating patients with a mental health diagnosis and an addiction. Up until the 1990s, the norm was to require anyone with a substance abuse issue to first get completely clean and sober. Then, they could receive help with any mental health diagnoses.

For people suffering from bipolar disorder and substance abuse, this requirement often meant that they never got the help they needed. For people with co-occurring mental illnesses and substance abuse issues, the substance abuse is often a conscious or unconscious attempt to self-medicate mental health symptoms.

When these people try to quit drugs or alcohol with no medical help, the symptoms of their mental illness may become so difficult to deal with that they return to abusing substances.

With the dual diagnosis approach, people suffering from bipolar disorder and substance abuse receive help for both diagnoses at the same time. While in treatment, these patients will often receive expert psychiatric care while also receiving substance abuse counseling.

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Types Of Bipolar Disorder Treatment Offered At Cross Creek Hospital In Austin Tx

At Cross Creek Hospital, a bipolar disorder treatment center in Austin, we are devoted to providing everyone who seeks our care, for bipolar disorder, with the respect and dignity that they deserve. Our all-encompassing goal for treatment is to help men, women, and adolescents improve their overall functioning by helping them to stabilize and to continue their recovery with new tools that they will be taught in the treatment setting. We are proud to be able to achieve this goal by utilizing the structure and processes of a treatment model that combines cognitive-behavioral therapy, experiential therapies, and didactic therapies.

All of the treatment methods implemented in our inpatient treatment center utilize a multidisciplinary focus in order to ensure that an integrated approach to treatment that facilitates increased stabilization and growth is received by all patients. Furthermore, we place a high regard on the involvement of our patients families, knowing that their contribution to the therapeutic process is paramount to successful healing. The emphasis of our treatment center here at Cross Creek Hospital is not diagnosis-specific, but rather focuses on treating the symptoms that are plaguing each individual. We are devoted to implementing a truly holistic approach that aims to maximize patient care and help them achieve their highest level of functioning.

Continuing Care

What Are The Different Episodes That A Person With Bipolar Disorder May Experience

Regardless of the type of depression, someone might suffer from, they all share some common traits. One of those traits is cycling through a variety of episodes. In fact, at any given point, there are several types of episodes that a person with bipolar disorder might experience.

While manic and hypomania are technically two different episodes, they share many of the same symptoms. As mentioned above, mania is more severe than hypomania and can even lead to hospitalization. Manic episodes can last a week or more whereas hypomanic episodes tend to last 3 to 4 days.

In order to be considered a manic or hypomanic episode, three or more of the following symptoms must be involved:

  • Racing thoughts
  • Being abnormally cheery, upbeat, or jumpy
  • Having an exaggerated sense of well-being or self-confidence
  • Lack of a need for sleep

A depressive episode can be so severe that inhibits the person experiencing it from being able to perform daily activities such as going to work or school. In order to qualify for a depressive episode, five or more of the following symptoms must be experienced:

  • Thinking about or attempting suicide
  • Either not being able to sleep or sleeping too much
  • Significant changes in weight or eating habits
  • Feeling no pleasure

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Addiction And Bipolar Disorder

In an attempt to regulate these changes in mood and energy, individuals with bipolar disorder may abuse drugs or alcohol. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, up to 70 percent of people who meet the criteria for bipolar disorder also have a history of substance abuse a percentage that far exceeds the general population. Substance abuse affects the outcomes of bipolar disorder in several ways:

  • Intensification of symptoms
  • Longer episodes of emotional instability
  • Increased number of suicide attempts
  • Diminished quality of life

Treating bipolar disorder and substance abuse can be complex, requiring intensive attention to the symptoms of mental illness as well as the behaviors associated with addiction. The results of treatment for individuals with dual diagnoses, or a mental illness co-occurring with a substance use disorder, are generally much better if both conditions are treated at the same time, within the same program. In order to provide the most effective care, staff should be cross-trained in mental health care and substance abuse treatment.

Learn More About Bipolar Disorder Treatment At Our Hospital In Salt Lake City

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Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive disorder, is a serious mental health disorder that is associated with extreme changes in mood that range from the highs of mania to the lows of depression. At one moment those with bipolar disorder may feel euphoric and full of energy, and may not feel a need to sleep or eat. In the next moment, these same individuals will feel worthless, hopeless, and extremely sad. These mood shifts can occur only a couple times a year or up to several times each day. Sometimes, people can have mixed states, which occur when an individual has symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time. There are several types of bipolar disorder with a variable pattern of symptoms including bipolar I, bipolar II, and cyclothymia.

With the right support and treatment plan you can get the symptoms of this disorder under control. At Highland Ridge Hospital, located in Salt Lake City, were dedicated to providing you with a safe and supportive setting as you learn about your disorder and how to more effectively cope with your symptoms while at our treatment center.

Helping a Loved One

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Bipolar And Addiction Treatment And Their Correlation

Symptoms that seem to be caused by bipolar disorder may instead be acute substance misuse or withdrawal symptoms. Chronic use of central nervous system stimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamines, can produce manic-like symptoms, including euphoria, increased energy, grandiosity, and paranoia. In contrast, withdrawal can have depression-like symptoms, including apathy, anhedonia , and thoughts of suicide. Chronic use of central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids, can result in poor concentration, anhedonia, and sleep problems, whereas withdrawal can make people agitated and anxious.

A diagnosis of bipolar disorder must be made by a mental health professional licensed to diagnose mental conditions and familiar with differential diagnosis .

People with bipolar disorder generally misuse alcohol. People with bipolar disorder and co-occurring alcohol use disorder are less inclined to respond and adhere to treatment and more likely to be hospitalized and attempt suicide than people with bipolar disorder only. In some cases, the combination of bipolar disorder and addiction may deepen bipolar disorders manic and depressive symptoms.

Only a behavioral health professional licensed to diagnose and treat mental disorders should provide treatment for bipolar disorder. Treatment can be complex and is often personalized according to a clients symptoms, needs, preferences, and responses to treatment.

Substance Abuse Bipolar Disorder Or Both

Bipolar disorder symptoms will often mirror the signs of substance use and addiction. Someone going through a manic episode resembles someone on cocaine. Both will experience high energy and mood. Those suffering from a major depressive episode may also experience withdrawal symptoms.

If an addict has a co-occurring bipolar disorder, theyll need the help of a specialist trained in producing a dual diagnosis. Due to the risk of both symptoms and conditions overlapping, its crucial to see an experienced specialist. This specialist can differentiate between symptoms of addiction and bipolar disorder.

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What Type Of Mental Healthcare Provider Should I See

When an individual is seeking out help for their mental health, it is possible they may feel overwhelmed by all the mental healthcare providers available. However, understanding your specific needs and what a particular mental healthcare provider can offer can help you find what provider may work for you.

Mental healthcare providers specialize in different areas and are qualified to treat various issues, but these credentials and job titles vary. Some focus on clinical interventions or prescribing medication, while others focus on clinical research or policy changes.

It is important to understand your personal needs before choosing which type of mental health care provider you should see, as well as gaining an understanding of each mental healthcare professionals education, credentials, areas of specialty, and what issues they treat.

Are You Looking For Treatment For Bipolar Disorder And Substance Abuse

Dual-Diagnosis: Mental Illness and Addiction

Suffering from both substance abuse and bipolar disorder can oftentimes feel like a losing battle. Many people feel like they are alone and have nobody to turn to. Its important to remember that you are not alone and there are people out there that want to help you.

At Casco Bay Recovery we offer a variety of treatment programs including dual diagnosis treatment programs. If you or someone you know is suffering from a co-occurring disorder such as bipolar disorder and substance abuse, contact us today. We want to make sure you get the help that you need so that you can live a happy, healthy, and sober life.

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What Is Bipolar Disorder

A person with a bipolar disorder has experienced at least one episode of mania as well as episodes of depression. It’s common to experience depressive episodes with low mood and low energy and episodes of mania or hypomania with elevated mood and high energy.

Most people with bipolar disorder have mostly depressive episodes, although some have mostly manic or hypomanic episodes. A mood episode can last for hours, days, or even months. Its not always up or down. Most people with bipolar have significant periods in between mood episodes when they experience euthymia, meaning they are neither depressed nor manic.

While bipolar illness is a mood disorder, some patients experience psychosis as a symptom.

Missed diagnoses of bipolar disorder are not uncommon. Seven out of 10 patients are misdiagnosed at least once. When correctly diagnosed, however, treatments for managing bipolar disorder are often effective.

Problems For Bipolar Addicts

Bipolar sufferers often develop drug addictions when they self-medicate during depressive episodes. When theyre manic, they may even feel invincible and use dangerous drugs for recreational purposes. In either case, the combination of bipolar and addiction leads to severe consequences. The most common effects include:

  • Arrests and prison time due to reckless behavior
  • Aggression and violence
  • Inability to hold a job
  • Self-harm during both manic and depressive episodes
  • More frequent relapses after drug treatment

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Types Of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar I

People with bipolar I tend to undergo manic or mixed episodes lasting at least seven days and depression lasting at least two weeks. Manic episodes may be so intense that the person requires immediate medical attention.

Bipolar II

People with bipolar II experience depression and less severe manic or mixed episodes than people with bipolar I.

Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Doctors diagnose people with BP-NOS when a persons symptoms are unmistakably abnormal, but they do not meet the criteria for bipolar I or bipolar II.


Also known as cyclothymia, cyclothymic disorder is defined by mild episodes of depression and mania occurring for at least two years. Doctors diagnose it when symptoms do not meet the criteria for bipolar I or II.

Rapid-Cycling Bipolar

A person with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder suffers four or more episodes of depression, mania, or mixed episodes in one year.

Types Of Treatment Offered At Burkwood Treatment Center

Bipolar Rehab Center in Florida

Our rehab center is a renowned provider of residential addiction treatment that has been helping men and women achieve healthier and sober lives for more than 20 years. Located near Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota in scenic Hudson, Wisconsin, this center specializes in providing individualized care for adult men and women who are struggling with the complex disease of addiction and co-occurring disorders such as bipolar disorder.

With a high counselor-to-participant ratio and interventions that are proven to help people reach their rehab goals, Burkwood supplies the care that is needed to overcome addictions and co-occurring mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorders. The staff of dedicated professionals, which includes individuals who are trained in the 12-Step philosophy and trauma-based interventions, provides ongoing support on the road to recovery is navigated. Furthermore, only the most appropriate treatment methods are chosen to be part of a participants rehab plan so as to elicit the most favorable treatment outcomes for each individual. The following are among the many types of treatment that may be incorporated into a participants personalized plan of care:

  • Advanced guided imagery group
  • Alcoholics Anonymous speaker meetings
  • Recovery advocate psychoeducational group
  • Community meetings
  • Meditation group
  • Opportunities to exercise at the Knowles Center
  • Nature outings at Willow River State Park
  • Gender-specific yoga

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