Next Steps Towards Recovery
Its important to have quick access to treatment. If you or someone you know has an addiction, call 1-800-622-4357 for free and confidential treatment referral and information from SAMHSA. You can also seek help from your doctor, local treatment center, or support group.
Addictions often affect many areas of a persons life. The most effective treatments are comprehensive. They often have several steps that vary from person to person. These steps can include detoxification, behavioral counseling, and long-term follow-up.
Here are some ways you can support a friend or family members recovery process:
- Learn more about the substance or behavior dependency and the treatment.
- Stay involved, like offering to go to meetings with them.
- Provide a sober and trigger-free setting.
- Speak up and express concern when there is a relapse.
While you can treat addiction, in most cases, someone with addiction must want to change for recovery to be successful.
Search For Drug Paraphernalia
Parents of children who may be suffering from addiction may want to search their childs belongings for drug paraphernalia. Everyone is entitles to some personal privacy however, a childs wellbeing is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver, and searching from drugs or alcohol may be warranted in some cases. Psychology Today recommends taking this step if you have reason to believe your child is using illegal substances.
If the person in question is an adult, it can be trickier to search for drug paraphernalia. While you dont want to invade personal space, you can certainly look for such paraphernalia in shared living spaces. If uncertain whether or not to search the individuals personal space, consult with a therapist or addiction professional beforehand.
The U.S. Department of Justice lists the following common forms of drug paraphernalia:
- Pipes: These can be made from various materials, including wood, glass, ceramic, plastic, and acrylic.
- Water pipes or bongs: These are often made of glass, and draw the smoke through water to cool it before it is inhaled.
- Miniature spoons: Spoons are often used to dissolve drugs in liquid before they are injected.
- Chillums: These are cylindrical pipes used to smoke marijuana
- Injection needles: These are used to inject certain drugs like heroin or crushed prescription painkillers .
- Cigarette papers: These are used to roll joints filled with drugs that are then smoked.
Signs And Symptoms Of Prescription Drug Addiction
The symptoms of prescription drug abuse will vary depending upon the substance abused, frequency of abuse, other drug abuse, and length of addiction. The symptoms have been broken down into general symptoms and those specific to the drug of abuse.
Common symptoms of prescription drug abuse include:
- Drug-seeking behaviors
- Taking higher doses than prescribed
- Hostility
- Appearing to be intoxicated, overly energetic, or lethargic
- Changes in sleeping and eating patterns
- Increased usage of alcohol
- Mood swings relating to availability of prescription medications
- Irritability when medication is not available
- Withdrawal symptoms when prescription drug is not available
- Doctor shopping, or visiting multiple doctors to obtain more prescriptions
- Borrowing prescription medications from others
- Using prescriptions at a much faster rate than prescribed
- Losing multiple prescriptions for prescription medications
- Crushing or breaking pills
- Lying about amount of medication used
- Stashing medication in multiple places around the house
- Ordering prescriptions from internet pharmacies
- Stealing or forging prescriptions
Symptoms of Anti-Anxiety Agents/Sedatives Abuse:
- Drowsiness and excessive sleepiness
- Confusion about time, date, and place
- Appearing intoxicated
Symptoms of Prescription Painkiller Abuse:
- Depression
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If People Take Drugs Because They Feel Depressedbut Are Depressed Because Drugs Are Overtaking Their Lifehow Do We Know Which Problem Came First
It is very possible your loved one needs to find treatment for both depression and addiction. This is very commonit’s called “comorbidity,” “co-occurrence,” or “dual diagnosis” when you have more than one health problem at the same time. Encourage your loved one to discuss all symptoms and behaviors with the doctor. There are many nonaddictive drugs that can help with depression or other mental health issues. Sometimes health care providers do not communicate with each other as well as they should, so you can be your loved one’s advocate and make sure all related health care providers know about all of the health issues that concern you. People who have co-occurring issues should be treated for all of them at the same time. For more information see our DrugFacts on comorbidity.
Note: If you ever feel so depressed that you think about hurting yourself, there is a hotline you can call: 1-800-273-TALK . This is called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and you can share all of your problems with them. A caring, nonjudgmental voice will be on the other end, listening.
Dont Forget About Yourself
Its important to take care of yourself, because you are affected by this disease too. You can find support, answers and resources through groups like Al-Anon, a program that can help you learn acceptance and how to take care of yourself. Or speak with a behavioral health specialist who specializes in addiction.
To find a specialist near you, visit
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Signs Of Cocaine Abuse
Cocaine is best known in its white powder form. Most often, this drug is snorted, smoked, or injected. As cocaine is a stimulant, one of its hallmarks is that its main effects wear off around 30 minutes to 2 hours after the last use. In addition to the general signs of drug abuse discussed above, cocaine has some specific side effects, including:
- Increased energy
- Fast white lady
- Yao
As Medical News Today discusses, cocaine is highly addictive and the strongest natural occurring stimulant in existence. Cocaine addiction is associated with dramatic personal losses there are reports of professionals spending $20,000 to $50,000 on cocaine binges, parents selling their children, and people becoming unemployed, having to file bankruptcy, and ending up homeless. It is clear that cocaine use can spiral out of control. For this reason, the earlier the abuse is intercepted, the better.
Recognizing A Cocaine Addiction
While abuse often leads to addiction, they are not the same. Cocaine abuse often causes immediate negative consequences, but some people who abuse Cocaine are capable of quitting on their own. Cocaine addiction is more complex.
Cocaine use disorders are measured on a spectrum ranging from mild to severe. The criteria are based on the negative impact that Cocaine has on the users life, from consequences at work to strained interpersonal relationships.
Featured Centers Offering Treatment For Cocaine Addiction
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Supporting Someone With A Percocet Addiction
Though you cannot force someone to get help for their addiction, you can make sure that you avoid enabling or indirectly supporting their drug use. Ignoring the problem and trying to make it seem like their opioid use is okay wont help the situation. It could in fact lead them to believe that their drug use is okay. You can still show your loved one that you care and want to support them without enabling their Percoet addiction by doing things such as:
If you are questioning whether they have been abusing painkillers and whether they have a problem, then it is time to educate yourself on the disease of addiction and come up with the best possible plan to approach your loved one. Waiting for rock bottom, or for an overdose, is not going to help them realize they need help. It is critical that your loved one seek help for their addiction as soon as they can.
Online Gaming Addiction Symptoms
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition , the authority on mental illness published by the American Psychiatric Association, has a section dedicated to conditions that are being researched for designation as a mental disorder. Internet gaming disorder is one such conditions, and it already has a set of symptoms associated with it.
According to the DSM-5 , there are nine symptoms of gaming addiction. You might have an addiction if, over a period of 12 months, you experience five or more of these online gaming addiction symptoms:
- Preoccupation with gaming and games
- Withdrawal symptoms when not playing
- Development of tolerance, or the need to spend longer amounts of time playing to get the same benefits and enjoyment
- Unsuccessful tries to reduce participation in gaming
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and hobbies, sole focus is on gaming
- Continued playing despite knowing theres a problem
- Lying to others about the amount of time spent playing
- Use of video games for escape or to get out of a negative mood
- Loss of relationships, jobs, school performance, and/or other once-important aspects of life
If youre experiencing at least five of these symptoms, and theyre persistent, you might be addicted to gaming. You can also know if youre addicted by looking at the consequences of gaming.
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Look For Physical Signs
Drug or alcohol addiction can have devastating effects on physical health. Some of these effects can be observed by others in the persons life. An individual suffering from addiction may show any of the following physical signs:
- Headaches
- Broken capillaries on the face
- A husky voice
- Symptoms of withdrawal when not using the substance
- Track marks, or marks left by injection drug use
- Dilated pupils
- Dramatic weight loss or gain
Alcoholics Anonymous And Other Support Groups
Many people addicted to alcohol also turn to 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous . There are also other support groups that dont follow the 12-step model, such as SMART Recovery and Sober Recovery.
Regardless of the type of support system, its helpful to get involved in at least one when getting sober. Sober communities can help someone struggling with alcohol addiction deal with the challenges of sobriety in day-to-day life. Sober communities can also share relatable experiences and offer new, healthy friendships. And these communities make the person with an alcohol addiction accountable and provide a place to turn to if there is a relapse.
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Legal Drugs Vs Illegal Drugs
People can become addicted to illegal drugs, legal drugs, and prescription medications used in an unhealthy way, such as:
Illegal substances
Nicotine, including cigarettes and vaping
Misusing prescription medicines like opioids, or over-the-counter medicines by taking them in a different way than intended, such as:
Taking medicine prescribed for someone else
Taking a larger dose than prescribed
Using the medicine in a different way than directed, such as crushing and snorting or injecting
Using the medicine to get high on purpose
The risks and speed of developing an addiction depend on the drug. Some drugs, like opioid painkillers, cause addiction very quickly. Drugs have a strong effect on the brains reward system, by filling the brain with a chemical called dopamine which produces the feeling of being high. Over time, the brain gets used to the larger amount of dopamine so it needs larger doses of the drug to get high. Some people might feel like they need the drug to just feel normal. When drugs are used for a long time, they damage the areas of the brain responsible for judgment, decision-making, memory, and learning.
No matter the type of addiction, if you recognize symptoms, it is important to seek the necessary help. Contact us today to take the first step.
How To Tell If Someone Is On Drugs: Opiates Marijuana And More
While virtually any substance can be abused, some drugs carry a higher risk of dependency and addiction than others. Its important to identify instances of substance abuse early on, so intervention can occur before addiction takes hold.
Theres no question that substance use and abuse are widespread in the US. Per 2013-2015 data from NIDAs National Survey of Drug Use and Health, 65.7 percent of individuals 12 and older used alcohol the prior year, 13.5 percent used marijuana or hashish, and 17.8 percent reported using illicit drugs. In their lifetime, 81 percent of those surveyed reported drinking alcohol, 44 percent said they smoked marijuana or hashish, and 48.8 percent had used illicit drugs. The longer one uses a substance, the harder it is to stop without experiencing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. As a result, recognizing the signs of drug use sooner rather than later is important.
There are common signs of habitual drug use across all substances as well as signs that are unique to the type of substance abused.
Knowing these signs can help to identify whether a loved one may be using drugs and risking harmful consequences to their health, school, job, and family life.
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Getting Help For Your Loved One
If your loved one is suffering from alcoholism, there is help. The Recovery Village can help. Our highly credentialed staff members offer a full range of progressive treatment options based on each patients individual needs, including teletherapy. Were ready to help your loved one begin the journey to recovery contact us to learn more about personalized, comprehensive treatment plans.
- Sources
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Frequently Asked Questions Alcohol. 2019. Accessed October 20, 2019.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism . Alcohol Facts and Statistics. Aug. 2018. Accessed October 20, 2019.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism . Drinking Levels Defined. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism . Accessed October 20, 2019.
Meth Cocaine And Other Stimulants
Cocaine is one of the most widely consumed illegal drugs in the UK, and one of the most psychologically addictive crystal meth is less widespread in this country than in other parts of the world, but its use is increasing year-on-year.These drugs create feelings of intense euphoria and invigoration in the user, and at anything above a low dose their consumption is typically recognisable thanks to signs such as hyperactivity, agitation, aggression, sexualised behaviour and heightened libido, muscle spasms, sweating, increased heart and breathing rates, incoherence, jittery eyes, and mood swings, as well as the visible effects of the mode of consumption including a raw, runny nose, or puncture wounds from intravenous injection.Long-term use can result in serious potentially fatal health conditions including stroke, heart attack, pulmonary and other organ failure, seizures and a broad range of neurological disorders.
Along with the general symptoms, as these drugs can be expensive, and addiction may imply consumption of large quantities regularly, there are often noticeable financial signs associated with the condition, frequently leading to dramatically deteriorated life circumstances. Those consuming stimulants of this type are much more likely than average to engage in risky behaviour, including promiscuous sex, with apparent implications for physical safety and health.
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What Are The Symptoms Of Alcoholism
Alcohol addiction can be difficult to recognize. Unlike cocaine or heroin, alcohol is widely available and accepted in many cultures. Its often at the center of social situations and closely linked to celebrations and enjoyment.
Drinking is a part of life for many people. When is it common in society, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who likes to have a few drinks now and then and someone with a real problem.
Some symptoms of alcohol addiction are:
- increased quantity or frequency of use
- high tolerance for alcohol, or lack of hangover symptoms
- drinking at inappropriate times, such as first thing in the morning, or in places like church or work
- wanting to be where alcohol is present and avoiding situations where there is none
- changes in friendships someone with an alcohol addiction may choose friends who also drink heavily
- avoiding contact with loved ones
- hiding alcohol, or hiding while drinking
- dependence on alcohol to function in everyday life
- increased lethargy, depression, or other emotional issues
- legal or professional problems such as an arrest or loss of a job
As an addiction tends to get worse over time, its important to look for early warning signs. If identified and treated early, someone with an alcohol addiction may be able to avoid major consequences of the disease.
Alcohol addiction can result in heart disease and liver disease. Both can be fatal. Alcoholism can also cause:
- ulcers
- increased risk of cancer
- suppressed immune function
Ways To Spot Someone With A Cocaine Addiction
5 Ways to Spot Someone with a Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug that causes dramatic changes in the brain and behavior. During the 80s and early 90s, cocaine was considered to be a drug used by people of high social status.1 Today, cocaine continues to wreak havoc on the lives of millions of Americans and their families. Research shows that over 1.5 million people in the US have used cocaine in the past month.2
Repeated cocaine use can lead to addiction as well as other adverse health consequences.
In many cases, family members recognize changes in an individuals behavior but do not know which drug is being used. When you know the signs of cocaine abuse, you can encourage your loved one to seek treatment and understand the risks of drug addiction.
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Signs Of Opioid Abuse
Taking a substance in larger or longer amounts than intended: Prescription painkillers are meant to be a short-term fix extended use can signal trouble. Typically, people dont need opioids for more than three days, Morrow says. Only in rare cases should use exceed a week, he adds.
Unsuccessful efforts to curb or control substance use: Even if a person wants to quit, this can be harder for some individuals. Thats because genetic, environmental and psychological factors put some opioid users at an elevated risk for addiction.