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Tobacco And Cancer
These are only some of the most common health risks associated with tobacco use. Carcinogenic chemicals in tobacco cause genetic changes, putting tobacco users at a higher risk for many types of cancer.
Carcinogens are cancer-causing chemicals that alter a persons DNA. The carcinogens in tobacco may cause abnormal cell growth that can develop into cancerous tumors. Smoking causes lung cancer deaths in approximately 90% of men and 80% of women.
For more information on addiction treatmet, contact a treatment provider today.
- About
Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelors and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. Jeffreys desire to help others led him to focus on economic and social development and policy making. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. Jeffreys mission is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.
- A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease – The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease Fact Sheet, 2010 and Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk After Quitting Smoking. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11. 2007, p 341.
Clinically Reviewed:
Theresa Parisi
- About
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.
What Can I Do About Weight Gain
Gaining weight is common after quitting. Studies have shown that, on average, people who have never smoked weigh a few pounds more than smokers, and, when smokers quit, they attain the weight they would have had if they had never smoked .
Although most smokers gain fewer than 10 pounds after they quit smoking, the weight gain can be troublesome for some people . However, the health benefits of quitting far outweigh the health risks of a small amount of extra weight.
Here are some tips for managing weight gain:
- Ask your doctor about the medication bupropion. Studies show that it helps counter weight gain .
- Studies also show that nicotine replacement products, especially nicotine gum and lozenges, can help counter weight gain . Because some people who quit smoking increase their food intake , regular physical activity and healthy food choices can help you maintain a healthy weight.
- If weight gain is a problem, you may want to consult a nutritionist or diet counselor.
Values: Building On Your Values Foundation
Values play a critical role in addictionand your values are likely to be the key to beat addiction. This is a matter of both considering what your values are and sometimes refocusing on dormant values or even developing new ones.
When you can truly experience how a habit is damaging what is most important to you, the stepping-stones away from your destructive habit often fall readily into place.
2.1. What Are Values? Do they really matter?
Your values are your beliefs that some things are right and good and others wrong and bad, that some things are more important than others, and that one way of doing things is better than another. Values are usually deeply heldthey come from your earliest learning and background. Values reflect what your parents taught you, what you learned in school and religious institutions, and what the social and cultural groups you belong to hold to be true and right.
Many people find that alcohol is tremendously relaxing, sexually exhilarating, or provides some other powerful, welcome feelingbut they do not become alcoholics. They simply refuse to go there. Have you ever heard someone say, I know that when I have more than one drink, I throw all caution to the wind? Most people who react so violently to alcohol say, Thats why I limit myself to a single drink or Thats why I dont drink. But those addicted to alcohol regularly override this realization about their reactions to alcohol and continue to drink.
2.3. Returning to my Uncle Ozzie
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Helping A Teen To Quit
Most smokers try their first cigarette around the age of 11, and many are addicted by the time they turn 14. The use of e-cigarettes has also soared dramatically in recent years. While the health implications of vaping arent yet fully known, the FDA warns that its not safe for teens and we do know that teens who vape are more likely to begin smoking cigarettes. This can be worrying for parents, but its important to appreciate the unique challenges and peer pressure teens face when it comes to quitting smoking . While the decision to give up has to come from the teen smoker him- or herself, there are still plenty of ways for you to help.
Tips for parents of teens who smoke or vape
- Find out why your teen is smoking or vaping they may want to be accepted by their peers or be seeking attention from you. Rather than making threats or ultimatums, talk about what changes can be made in their life to help them stop smoking.
- If your child agrees to quit, be patient and supportive as they go through the process.
- Set a good example by not smoking yourself. Parents who smoke are more likely to have kids who smoke.
- Know if your kids have friends that smoke or vape. Talk with them about how to refuse a cigarette or e-cigarette.
- Explain the health dangers and the unpleasant side effects smoking can have on their appearance .
- Establish a smoke-free policy in your home. Dont allow anyone to smoke or vape indoors at any time.
I Always Told Myself I Could Have One In Ten Minutes If I Wanted
“I gave up smoking thirty years ago. I identified that one of my difficulties was that I always needed to know that I had cigs to smoke, and for example, if I ran out just as I was going to bed I would have to go and buy some. So when I determined to give up I bought a pack, taped a box of matches to it and carried it around with me. I always told myself I could have one in ten minutes if I wanted… Three years later I threw the pack away!”Richard L.
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I Set Up Little Rules I Could Only Smoke On The Hour And If It Got To Be Five Minutes After
“I set up little rules. I could only smoke on the hour and if it got to be five minutes after, then I’d missed it. Sounds silly, but it breaks those habits like lighting up after dinner or on the phone. I figured, too, that even if I didn’t quit then I had cut back. But it led to my quitting within two months.”Lory R.
Be Prepared To Defeat Triggers
Physical withdrawal from nicotine triggers the urge to smoke. Once nicotine is gone from the bloodstream, triggers shift over to the mental associations you have built up over the years. From the first cup of coffee in the morning to the last thing you do before bed, smoking has become a part of who you are.
Triggers will often appear seemingly out of the blue and cause powerful urges to smoke. These can make you feel like you’re back in the midst of physical withdrawal, even though there is no nicotine present in your body any longer. With practice, you can break down old habits and create new ones that are much healthier.
- Distract yourself. Keep your hands busy with a hobby. Making a list of things to do instead of smoking will allow you to quickly switch to one of those activities.
- Keep healthy snacks on hand to help you with the hand-to-mouth association of smoking.
- Avoid drinking alcoholor being around smokers. The time will come when drinking or being around people who are smoking wont bother you, but dont expect it within the first several weeks of smoking cessation.
- Learn to decipher smoking urges. Once you begin to understand what your body is signaling when you experience an urge to smoke, you can make better choices that will become automatic in time.
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Resources: Identifying Strengths And Weaknesses Developing Skills To Fill The Gaps
Overcoming addiction requires you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and to address your weaknesses effectively. This involves two related sets of activities:
- First, you need to assess what resources you already have and what resources you currently lack.
- Then you need to develop the skills that will allow you to expand your resources. Moreover, these skills themselves are critical in overcoming addiction.
Not all people are created equal in terms of kicking addictions. You might think, Sure, I could lose weight if I had a personal trainer and chef like Oprah and those Hollywood stars. However, compared to someone else who cant afford a health club membership, you may be in a relatively good position to get in shape. Take someone working at a marginal jobsay, a single mother who waitresses. What does she do during a break or following work in order to relax? Smoking seems like the cheapest, easiest relief she can turn to, while a better-off person might take an aerobics class.
Research shows that the more resources people have and develop, the more likely they are to recover from addiction. Resources are not limited to money. Here are key assets in fighting an addiction:
Key Assets in Fighting Addiction
- Intimacy and supportive relationship
5.1. Assessing Your Strengths and Resources
- I quit smoking.
- People turn to me in crisis.
- I have always held a job.
- I have good relationships with my children.
How To Take Cbd For Tobacco Addiction
If you decide to consume CBD for tobacco addiction, the its important to not expect instant results. A lot of new CBD users will become discouraged when it doesnt work exactly the way they want or expected it to immediately. But you should stay with it. Try different doses or different delivery methods but, above all else, give it time to build up in your system. CBD can affect everyone differently but, for many people, taking a daily dose is the best way to see results.
For the majority of consumers, CBD is subtle and it takes time to build up in their bodies. As CBD is distributed throughout their endocannaboid system, they may feel relaxed but not intoxicated. Others report feeling something similar to a runners high, which is essentially a flood of endorphins that lifts your mood in a completely natural way. Some users often experience a heightened sense of awareness, ability to focus better, and an overall sense of well-being.
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How Can I Resist The Urge To Smoke When Im Feeling Stressed
Most smokers report that one reason they smoke is to handle stress. This happens because smoking cigarettes actually relieves some of your stress by releasing powerful chemicals in your brain. Temporary changes in brain chemistry cause you to experience decreased anxiety, enhanced pleasure, and alert relaxation. Once you stop smoking, you may become more aware of stress.
Everyday worries, responsibilities, and hassles can all contribute to stress. As you go longer without smoking, you will get better at handling stress, especially if you learn stress reduction and relaxation techniques.
Here are some tips:
- Know the causes of stress in your life and identify the stress signals . Once you pinpoint high-risk trigger situations, you can start to develop new ways to handle them.
- Create peaceful times in your everyday schedule. For example, set aside an hour where you can get away from other people and your usual environment.
- Try relaxation techniques, such as progressive relaxation or yoga, and stick with the one that works best for you.
- Rehearse and visualize your relaxation plan. Put your plan into action. Change your plan as needed.
- You may find it helpful to read a book about how to handle stress.
I Pretended The Cigarettes Were Actually An Old Friend Who Had Died
“Those first five days were hell on earth. It go a little better as time went on, but very little. I started marking the calendar with ‘hours,’ then ‘days,’ and now I mark it by months that have gone by… I pretended the cigarettes were actually a person an old friend if you will but this old friend had ‘died.’ I would not be able to see him again, use him when things got tough, take him with me wherever I went, etc.”Sally M.
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What Are Addictive Behaviors
All behaviors serve a function. Therefore, if addictive behavior serve a function, the question is, what is the function of the behavior?
At its simplest level, I know that getting a fix, or experiencing the habit behind the addiction once more, causes feel-good chemicals to be released in the brain which cascades throughout the body.
Take smoking, for example. When a smoker gets a fix, that means hes just smoked a cigarette and, for a brief period after smoking, his mood might rise a little and his stress level drops. Its literally like taking a drug.
So if youre used to feeling good at regular intervals throughout the day, as a result of smoking, then youre likely going to get the urge to start feeling good again and de-stress again if its been a little while since you last fulfilled the urge.
The more you practice this behavior, the more it becomes a habit. As I see it, if you reach a point where it becomes a compulsion, thats when it becomes an addiction. In short, this is my answer to what are addictive behaviors. But lets take a closer look at the tools for overcoming addictions.
Are There Alternative Methods To Help People Quit Smoking
Some people claim that alternative approaches such as hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure, laser therapy , or electrostimulation may help reduce the symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal. However, in clinical studies these alternative therapies have not been found to help people quit smoking . There is no evidence that alternative approaches help smokers who are trying to quit.
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Prepare Before You Go ‘cold Turkey’
Thereâs more to it than just tossing your cigarettes out. Smoking is an addiction. The brain is hooked on nicotine. Without it, youâll go through withdrawal. Line up support in advance. Ask your doctor about all the methods that will help, such as quit-smoking classes and apps, counseling, medication, and hypnosis. Youâll be ready for the day you choose to quit.
Establish A Support System
When you are surrounded by what you want to quit, it can feel nearly impossible to avoid it. This is why its crucial to your long term cessation that you surround yourself with loved ones who support your journey.
The key to a successful support system is knowing that they are not responsible for your health, goals and aspirations. Your support system will not be dealing with the implications smoking has on your body. They can offer support, but you are the only one who can quit.
Take these steps to build your support system:
- Tell your family and friends who are smokers and nonsmokers that you are quitting.
- Let them know what they can do to help.
- Dont be afraid to ask your friends who smoke to not smoke around you.
- Actively avoid those who are unwilling to not smoke around you or who dont want to help you succeed.
- Lean on your support system for distractions from nicotine cravings.
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How To Beat Addiction: 7 Actionable Steps You Can Do
How to beat addiction is a question that many people struggle with. Whether you’re trying to overcome an addiction for the first time, or have been struggling with one for years, it’s important to know how to get back on track and stay there. In this article we will cover 7 steps that can help you conquer your addictive behavior and live the life you deserve!
Surround Yourself With Support
Your ability to quit nicotine permanently will be much easier to sustain if you have strong, positive support around you. Friends and family can be helpful, but they may not understand the depth of what quitting smoking means to you, especially if theyve never smoked. You may wish to try an online smoking cessation support forum or take advantage of the Smokefree.gov helplines to help you deal with nicotine withdrawal and the entire quit process.
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What Can I Do About Depression
It is normal to feel sad for a period of time after you first quit smoking. If mild depression occurs, it will usually begin within the first day, continue for the first couple of weeks, and go away within a month.
Having a history of depression is associated with more severe withdrawal symptomsâincluding more severe depression. Some studies have found that many people with a history of major depression will have a new major depressive episode after quitting. However, in those with no history of depression, major depression after quitting is rare.
Many people have a strong urge to smoke when they feel depressed. Here are some tips for managing depression:
- Identify your specific feelings at the time that you seem depressed. Are you actually feeling tired, lonely, bored, or hungry? Focus on and address these specific needs.
- Increase physical activity. This will help to improve your mood and lift your depression.
- Breathe deeply.
- Make a list of things that are upsetting to you and write down solutions for them.
- If depression continues for more than 1 month, see your doctor. Ask your doctor about prescription medications that may help you with depression. Studies show that bupropion and nortriptyline can help people with a past history of depression who try to quit smoking. Nicotine replacement products also help .
- Learn about the signs of depression, and where to go for help, at the National Institute of Mental Health website.