Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Fight Addiction Cravings

Create A Response To The Trigger

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Its very common for people who quit smoking to suck on hard candy or chew gum to give them something to do with their mouths. You can use the same technique to overcome triggers associated with addiction.

Do you feel a craving to use drugs because youre lonely or sad? Go see a comedy or watch one on Netflix to lift your spirits.

Do you want a drink because youre out with friends and youre used to drinking with them? Try getting up and dancing or playing darts instead.

Are you bored? Call a friend, go out for a walk, wander through your local bookstore, or take up a new hobby to fill the time.

You get the idea. If you know that certain things trigger you, you can train yourself to respond with an alternative to relapsing. Over time, youll get used to these new activities, and theyll be second nature to you.

Its not possible to avoid everything that might trigger you or make you crave drugs or alcohol, but that doesnt mean you have to resign yourself to a relapse. The six methods described here can help you learn to cope with them and develop healthy alternatives.

To learn more about how our programs help addicts learn to resist relapses, .

Overcoming Triggers And Cravings

To better respond to triggers and cravings, you need to identify them and understand them. Various triggers will require unique strategies to manage, so overcoming them is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. The same is true with cravings. As cravings come and go, different strategies will be more effective than others. In both cases, experimentation and patience are necessary.

Options for overcoming triggers and cravings include:5-8

  • Avoidance. When there are people, places, and things that constantly trigger cravings, it may be best to avoid these completely. Stay away. Pursue alternatives. Unfortunately, some triggers cannot be avoided, but for those that can be, avoidance is a simple solution.
  • Stay busy with healthy behaviors. Avoiding triggers is important, but its important not to only avoid but to proactively engage in healthy behaviors that will help you to fight off and manage cravings like:
  • Exercising.
  • Spending time with positive influences.
  • Engaging in activities and habits you enjoy such as painting or reading.
  • Leaving plenty of time for good rest.
  • Watching funny shows or movies.
  • Listening to calm or hopeful music.
  • Practicing meditation and relaxation techniques.
  • Attending support group meetings.
  • Making encouraging and optimistic statements to yourself like I can get through this.
  • Focusing on the desirable aspects of your life.
  • Remembering that all cravings end.
  • Keeping a journal to track your triggers, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Setting goals for the future.
  • Avoiding Replacement Addictive Behaviors

    Some people find that when they quit or change an addictive behavior, another comes along to replace it. Heavy drinkers and smokers often find themselves overeating and putting on weight. People struggling with sex addiction might find themselves obsessed with exercise.

    Addictive behaviors have similar neurological and psychological processes and create rewarding feelings and sensations. So replacement addictive behaviors are common among those trying to overcome an addiction.

    The trick to avoiding replacement addictions is to find satisfaction in the experiences of normal life. These experiences may lack the intensity and high of addictive behaviors, but getting to know and like them can introduce a new level of calm you may have never experienced before.

    Many people feel they are more in touch with reality and that relationships are more authentic than when they were constantly seeking pleasure.

    The other important aspect of avoiding replacement addictions is to address any underlying mental health problems. Addictions can cover up past trauma, or underlying feelings of emptiness, sadness, or fear. Psychological therapies, as well as medications, can provide long-term relief for these problems, which addictions tend to worsen over time.

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    Learning About Your Opioid Cravings

    Firstly, know that your cravings wont last forever. They may feel intense and have lasted hours, if not days, but they will go away. They often come in waves they build and swell, and then reach a peak before they begin to wane again. The craving will sustain itself in strength for a time, and then should be less and less with each wave.

    Cravings can be developed by anything that makes you feel good. Youre not weak for craving opioids. Youre not weak for craving coffee or your morning run. Its how your body functions it wants to feel good. Craving that feeling doesnt always mean you have a problem. It just means youre changing your lifestyle for the better, in the case of overcoming your opioid addiction.

    Cravings also do not mean there is a problem. The fact that you crave a substance does not mean that you are weak or unable to manage your desires. It just means your system is used to having what youre denying it. Theyre completely normal and are not a cause for concern.

    Finally, different people have different experiences with cravings. Some can actually ignore their cravings, while others need specific strategies to avoid temptations. Its just like drinking coffee sometimes you can get through the day without it, but other times, the temptation or smells are too enticing to resist, so you change your driving habit or leave the office for fresh air instead of smelling your coworkers freshly brewed cup.

    How Long Do Cravings Last For Drugs

    6 Ways To Beat Sugar Cravings For Good

    Unfortunately, theres no clear answer. Drug cravings can last anywhere from a few weeks at the start of recovery and can show up years into recovery. Usually, the worst of these cravings occur in the earlier stages of detox and recovery. The duration of heroin cravings also depends on the persons reasons for using it and how long theyve used it. For instance, someone who took heroin for 10 years may experience more severe and longer-lasting cravings than someone who used it for 5 months.

    Additionally, addiction is just as mental and emotional as it is physical. While the body may be accustomed to a sober lifestyle, you could randomly find yourself reminiscing about heroin abuse without realizing it. Especially if youre stressed, depressed, or upset, you may attempt to rationalize your reasons for using again.

    Because heroin cravings can occur even years after someones gone to rehab, aftercare services can make a huge difference. At Banyan Treatment Centers Massachusetts, we usually recommend that patients join our alumni program after completing treatment so they can meet with their sponsors and others in the recovery community to keep them accountable, offer peer support, and keep them on the right track.

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    Craving Symptoms And Treatments For Specific Drugs

    If you need help managing your drug cravings or overcoming an addiction, contact a treatment program specialist today at

    Helpline Information.

    The specific characteristics of cravings and the treatment for them can vary based on the drug. Below youll find links to pages with more information about cravings for specific drugs.

    Onset of Cravings

    Onset and duration of cravings can vary depending on the substance abused. For example:

    • Crystal meth cravings can begin anywhere from a few hours to a few days after the last dose but can then last for years due to alterations in brain structure and function believed to be caused by persistent, heavy use. 1, 2
    • The onset of prescription opioid cravings will depend on whether the drug is short- or long-acting. Short-acting opioids can cause cravings as soon as 6-12 hours after the last dose. Cravings for long-acting opioids may not begin until about 2-4 days after the most recent dose. 1 Cravings for opioid painkillers can last for weeks to months. 1

    Learning To Pay Attention

    Attention and awareness are important recovery tools. What can learn about yourself and the world around you when you put them in place? How can you best use them to fight addiction cravings? Call Michaels House at to learn more about these and other tips and trick for long-term recovery maintenance. We are here to help you from the first questions to ongoing aftercare support.

    Start the Journey Today!

    Proud Member ofFoundations Recovery Network

    We are pleased to support our trusted regional partner in care, Reasons Eating Disorder Center, with services treating substance abuse and eating disorders.

    Please visit their website to learn more:

    Don’t Miss: Why Do People Get Addicted To Meth

    Quitting And Handling Withdrawal

  • 1Stop the addictive behavior as planned. When the big day arrives, keep your promise to yourself and quit. Those first few days are going to be hard. Keep yourself busy and stay positive. You’re on your way to an addiction-free life.
  • 2Fill your time. If you need distractions, try exercising, taking up a new hobby, cooking, or hanging out with friends. Joining a new club, sports team, or another kind of community group will help you make new friends and start a new chapter of your life in which addiction is not a part of. Positive social interactions can stimulate the release of neurochemicals which elicit feelings of happiness and satisfaction without the need for drugs.
  • Exercise releases endorphin chemicals like the ones released in addiction, which is why sometimes you’ll hear the term “runner’s high”.XResearch source Exercise could open a lot more windows for new and improved health and could lessen the blow of withdrawal by giving you something else to feel good about.
  • 3Keep clear of your triggers. Stay away from the people, places, and things that make you want to go back to your old habits. You might need to construct a completely new routine for a while until the edge wears off a bit.
  • Common rationalizations include the idea that “it’s a free country” or “we all have to die sometime.” Resist taking on this defeatist attitude.
  • Visit support groups and your therapist each time you feel in danger of relapsing.
  • Holistic Healing At The Dawn

    How to end your sugar addiction and bust sugar cravings

    The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab Thailand takes a holistic approach to recovery, helping you to uncover the root causes of your addiction while strengthening your ability to cope with stress and take care of your physical and mental health. Our programmes employ a unique Twin Pillars approach, combining the most effective Western psychotherapies with proven Eastern wellness practises to fully heal your mind and body.

    to learn more about how we can help you restore your health and ease you into a lasting recovery.

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    Proven Ways To Stop Cravings For Drugs

    Cravings. For drugs. Or alcohol. Perhaps, both! A real struggle for many. Also, a reason for multiple relapses.

    You have done the noble task of getting the help you need. As hard as it was, you went through detox and a 30-day rehab. Maybe, even a 90-day treatment! You deserve a pat on the back for making this bold move!

    So, you walk out of rehab. Confident. Full of hope. You have a resolve to stay clean, and you mean it this time! After all, youve been through treatment six previous times, and this is your seventh! You are sure that this will be your final treatment.

    Even though you are going back to the same environment, you believe things will work out this time. After all, this treatment was different from all the others. New coping mechanisms accompany you from what turned out to be an excellent treatment facility. But you have a concern, though. You worry about a struggle you know only too well. Cravings!

    First of all, I think it is impressive that you have been able to dust yourself up and get back on the sobriety wagon after several relapses. As you know, addiction is a chronic brain disease. So, one or more relapses are common in this journey of recovery.

    While some people can get back to seeking and obtaining help, some others, unfortunately, continue to wallow in this disease. Succumbing to triggers to get back to using addictive substances as a result of cravings is one of the reasons people relapse.

    Addiction Is A Brain Disease

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines addiction as a chronic, relapsing, brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.

    The chronic nature of addiction means that it is long-lasting and cannot be cured. Relapsing infers that even after improving or getting better, the individual may suffer a setback or get worse again. Addiction is a brain disease because structural and functional changes occur in the brain due to drug use.

    Drugs affect brain chemistry through a complex system. The effects of dopamine lie at the center of this process. There are several receptors in the brain, known as dopamine receptors. Drugs have been shown to damage these dopamine receptors in the brain. As a result, they increase dopamine concentrations in various regions of the brain.

    Dopamine helps with motivation as well as reinforcement of rewarding behaviors. The disruption in dopamine from using drugs can, therefore, corrupt the messages sent to different parts of the brain. Due to this, there can be an alteration in decision making, learning, behaviors, and the reward system.

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    What Causes Alcohol & Drug Cravings

    One of the biggest concerns facing people struggling with an addiction is how to deal with the cravings. Many would say if you can rid yourself of the craving, then you have the solution to your problem.

    Many have looked at how cravings affect people with problems with drugs and alcohol, and what it can tell us about their addiction. For instance, recent research experiment strove to demonstrate the significance memory has on drug cravings

    Other Coping Skills For Addiction

    How to Fight Addiction Cravings

    There are different coping skills for addiction that you can develop to either distract yourself from your cravings or remind yourself why you want to be sober in the first place.

    Exercise should be one of the first things you should consider. Its proven to release feel-good hormones and promote happiness naturally.

    Journaling can help you keep track of your small victories in your way to recovery. By seeing your thoughts and feelings on paper, you can learn from your prior experiences and know where you can improve.

    Helping other addicts is also an excellent way to cope with your problems. By having a common goal, you and others can help each other and give helpful advice from a similar perspective. Youll also establish a meaningful network that can help more and more people as well.

    Meditation is another alternative coping skill for addiction that you should consider. Meditation has been scientifically proven to relax the mind and positively affect the body. It can be done anywhere and can help you focus on your rehabilitation.

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    So How Can You Deal With Alcohol Or Drug Cravings

    Cravings can absorb our attention. In the midst of them, you can forget that they will go away. The mind doesnt have the ability to maintain that kind of intensity for an indefinite period of time.

    The way to fight cravings is with an arsenal. When youre going through treatment at our treatment center in Tampa, Florida, we work with you to develop a myriad of weapons to fight cravings, and as time goes by, youll get better and better at evaluating what works best for you, but heres a few that are particularly useful.

    How To Overcome Addiction Triggers And Cravings

    Last updated on by Amy Rothermel

    When youre recovering from a drug addiction, one of the most challenging aspects of life after rehab is learning how to combat addiction triggers and cravings. At Alpine Recovery Lodge, we work with our patients to give them the tools they need to do that.

    Every recovering addict is unique, but they all share similar struggles. The key to long-term recovery and sobriety is not trying to avoid all potential triggers. That would be impossible. Some triggers such as locational triggers and contact with drug-using associates certainly should be avoided. However, a better course of action is to have tools in your arsenal to help you overcome triggers and cravings as they arise.

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    How To Stop Chocolate Cravings

    Here are some simple tips to follow to help you stop most chocolate cravings almost instantly

    Add extra magnesium to Your diet:Chocolate contains a lot of magnesium. I have noticed that most of the time, my chocolate cravings vanish when I take magnesium daily. Among all chocolate cravings causes, my biggest trigger is menstruation. My cravings usually vanish after one or two glasses of magnesium chloride water. I make it with 22g of Nigari per liter of water or 0.8 oz per quart. When in a rush, I just drop one coffee spoon in a large glass of water. I find that magnesium releases stress, improves my sleep and reduces my chocolate cravings. I take one glass at night. Two is OK, but no more, because magnesium chloride has laxative effects.

    Drink plenty of water and make sure you eat enough:I sometimes eat too much chocolate because I havent had enough to eat. I think its more a case of hunger than a craving, but still, its not a healthy way to eat. In other words, eat and drink enough so that youre not tempted to use chocolate to suppress your hunger. Drink water in between meals and eat fiber-rich fresh food, like fresh vegetables, and take the time to chew your food. That will send your brain signals that youve had enough to eat.

    Explore Your Addiction Treatment Options

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    Once youve committed to recovery, its time to explore your treatment choices. While addiction treatment can vary according to the specific drug, a successful program often includes different elements, such as:

    Detoxification. Usually the first step is to purge your body of drugs and manage withdrawal symptoms.

    Behavioral counseling. Individual, group, and/or family therapy can help you identify the root causes of your drug use, repair your relationships, and learn healthier coping skills.

    Medication may be used to manage withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, or treat any co-occurring mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.

    Long-term follow-up can help to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety. This may include attending regular in-person support groups or online meetings to help keep your recovery on track.

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