Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Get Over Marijuana Addiction

Approaching A Loved One

How to Overcome Weed Addiction

If your loved one is struggling with a marijuana addiction, you may have a deep feeling in your gut that something is wrong however, when you try to broach the topic they may be angry, defensive, and in denial. In the case of marijuana, changing laws and legalization may hinder your loved ones ability to see that theres any issue with their use. This makes expressing your concern and finding out just how bad the problem is extremely challenging.

If you are worried about your loved one and their marijuana addiction, the best way to approach them is with empathy and compassion, preferably at a time when they are not intoxicated. Try to avoid judgmentremember, addiction is a disease that requires treatment.

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you approach your loved one about getting help:

  • Be on their side: Avoid using blaming language. Show them that you care about them and are worried about them. Help them find their own reasons for wanting to get treatment.
  • Be specific: Remind them of the specific consequences they have already suffered from their addiction and how it is negatively impacting you or other loved ones.
  • Ask if they are willing to get treatment: Listen to what they have to say and remain calm avoid emotional pleas. If they are not ready yet, dont push it. After a little time passes, you can try approaching them again about getting help.

Overdose From Marijuana Use

A person can experience an overdose when he or she uses too much of the drug and the effects of it can be life-threatening. While there are no reports of adults or teens who had fatal consequences because of marijuana use alone, too much consumption of marijuana is known to cause uncomfortable and intense side effects.

People who used marijuana that have high THC have reported that they experienced paranoia and anxiety. Others had hallucinations, delusions, and other psychotic reactions.

Psychotic reactions can happen whether marijuana is smoked or eaten. But emergency medical staff have been seeing more and more cases of patients being admitted because of eating too much food containing marijuana.

Usually, young people dont know much about the marijuana edibles and how long it takes before the effects kick in. In doing so, they eat more to get that high. Consequently, they experience intense reactions because theyve taken too much of the drug.

Parents May Just See The Effects Of Drug Abuse

It is very typical for a young person who is abusing drugs to hide his habit from his parents. Very often, parents know nothing about the drug use. It is common for drug users to become skilled at diverting their parents attention from any indicators of drug abuse. Lying becomes routine. Those drugs you found in my backpack do not belong to me, I was just carrying them for a friend.

Parents often dont want to believe that their son or daughter was using drugs because of the many years of trust. And in order to keep the drugs coming, youth will hide their use, knowing well that in many cases their parents would put an end to it if they were honest.

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Virtual Marijuana Addiction Treatment

You can also enrol in our Online Addiction Treatment for Cannabis and still recover from weed with a comprehensive and structured program. The best part of our secure, end-to-end encrypted telehealth platform is that it allows you to complete the program in the comfort of your home, on your own terms.

Mental Effects Of Marijuana Use

Effects of Marijuana Use in the Developing Brain

When a person has been using marijuana for a long time, it is possible that he or she may develop a mental illness and other mental conditions. They may experience hallucinations and paranoia.

For people who have schizophrenia, their mental condition may get worse with regular marijuana use. Other mental effects include anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts in young people who use marijuana frequently.

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Be Flexible And Patient During Your Schedule

Be flexible and patient with yourself.

For example: If it turns out that cutting 0.5 grams is not realistic, instead of beating yourself up, adjust your goal to cut back to 0.75 grams.

It is okay to go more slowly than you set out.

The hard part is giving yourself the necessary time to adapt to the changes.

5) Coping Skills

Introduce yourself to new ways of regulating your emotions.

You may not realize how much weed may be acting as a coping mechanism until you cut it out.

Look at new ways of coping with stress, feelings of anxiety or depression before reducing use.

Prepare yourself for the reduction by looking into what might work for you. We will elaborate on this more in the following sections.

Let People Know Make Yourself Accountable

While you might think that you can handle this on your own, its much better to involve other people in your struggle against cannabis dependency.

Make use of your support network, whether its family, friends, partners or colleagues. The people that you surround yourself with this time can play a significant role in helping you overcome your dependency and progress towards your goals.

You may want to just stop smoking and tell everyone later but this is often hard.

By telling people, it will keep you accountable.

It will let people know not to offer you a joint or a reefer and you can get social support with your goal.

If you feel intimidated to tell everyone before you are successful, there is another option.

Find a reliable and trusted accountability buddy. This friend, family member or partner can check in on you and help you stay on track when you seem to be forgetful of your goals.

Its vital to realize that ultimately, giving up your drug disorder is down to you. Nobody else can achieve this for you.

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Why Does Marijuana Cause Withdrawal Symptoms

Marijuana is the name for dried extracts from the plant Cannabis sativa. This plant contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol , and terpenes, with THC contributing to the primary psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use.

THC defines the potency of marijuana, while terpenes define the aroma and flavor. The more THC the marijuana contains, the greater the effect of marijuana on the brain.

Using marijuana regularly means that the brain and body get used to a regular supply of THC. When this supply is stopped, the body takes some time to adjust to not having it. This causes uncomfortable physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

Once the brain and body have adjusted to not having THC, the physical withdrawal symptoms will stop. People may still experience psychological cravings for marijuana for some time, however.

Over the years, based on samples of confiscated marijuana, potency has steadily increased. The THC content has risen from around 3.8 percent in the 1990s to 12.2 percent in 2014.

This indicates that the current effects of marijuana, including withdrawal, may be more extreme compared with their effects in previous decades.

The mood difficulties and physical discomforts of withdrawal peak in the first week of quitting and can last up to 2 weeks.

Though the physical effects of marijuana withdrawal will stop after the drug has left a persons system, the psychological symptoms can last longer.

Some current treatment options include:

Get Help For Withdrawal Symptoms If Needed

How to Overcome Addiction to SEX, WEED & ALCOHOL

Not everyone experiences cannabis withdrawal symptoms, but for those who do, they can be pretty uncomfortable.

Common symptoms include:

  • fever, chills, and sweats
  • low appetite

Withdrawal symptoms generally begin a day or so after you quit and clear up within about 2 weeks.

A healthcare provider can help you manage severe symptoms, but most people can handle symptoms on their own by:

  • drinking less caffeine to improve sleep
  • using deep breathing and other relaxation methods to address anxiety
  • drinking plenty of water

If you use a lot of cannabis and smoke regularly, quitting abruptly might be difficult. Slowly reducing use over time may help you have more success and can also help decrease the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Here are some pointers to get you started:

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How Marijuana Addiction Affected My Marriage

Jaime’s husband was a marijuana addict, but together, they were able to overcome his addiction and remain a united family unit.

My husband’s marijuana addiction nearly derailed our marriage . . . here’s how we got through it.

My husband had a problem with addictionhe was smoking marijuana in our garage on a regular basis and inviting his relatives to join him. After spending some time in denial about his addiction, I grew concerned that our children would be affected, and I felt the need to set boundaries. One day, I offered him an ultimatum: the pot or our family.

In response, my husband packed his bags and left, which made me feel like his addiction was stronger than his love for our family. I was devastated, but I knew setting boundaries and preventing my children from being affected by his addiction was my priority, and I was willing to put my marriage on the line to protect them.

My husband returned shortly afterward, willing to put aside his love for marijuana and work on overcoming his addiction to save our family. To my knowledge, he has completely stopped smoking and turned his focus to recovery.

While it’s not always possible to resolve addiction issues and save your marriage, it’s certainly worth a shot. Here are some ways you can save your family and help your spouse overcome their addiction.

Why Is Cannabis Drawing Concerns

Despite the legal status and medical purposes of weed, it is quite difficult to turn a blind eye from the statistical data surrounding marijuana abuse and addiction.

According to the Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse, 28% of Canadian youth are using marijuana and this figure is significantly higher compared to the same group demographics in other developed countries.

Related article: Six Surprising Short-Term Effects of Marijuana

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Getting Help For Withdrawal

During the withdrawal process, you can always ask help to manage these symptoms.

Some of them are related to concurrent diseases which are the reasons for marijuana use in the first place, like addressing your anxiety or depression problems.

Recovery from this addiction will give you the opportunity to address your issues with a therapist in a progressive way, rather than masking them with weed.

It is always important to note that, you may struggle to fulfill your professional and personal responsibilities during the first two weeks of the withdrawal process.

So, it is important to be aware of this when quitting cannabis.

Recovery From Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Addiction

If a person cannot quit using the drug, even though there is damage and even failure resulting from use, then this person needs rehabilitation. It is certainly possible to build a strong, sober life but the person who cant do this on their own can repair the damage caused by abuse and can gain the skills needed at a Narconon drug rehabilitation center.

At a Narconon rehab center, no one is ever given substitute drugs as part of their recovery. Only in the case where a medical wean-down from heavy alcohol or drugs such as benzodiazepines, Narconon would arrange for the individual to complete a medical detox prior to starting the Narconon program. Then when they arrive at Narconon they would begin the drug-free withdrawal, using generous amounts of nutrients and techniques that help alleviate the pain and discomfort experienced during withdrawal.

Then the person goes through a thorough detoxification process to help flush out toxic residues of drug use that remain locked deep in fatty tissues. Once these residues are gone and a person feels fresher and brighter, it is much more possible to recover those clear thinking skills. Clearer thinking means a person can learn how to deal with the problems in life they may have been avoiding.

Contact Narconon today to find out how we can help someone you care about overcome their addiction to marijuana.

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Addiction Recovery Paths In Bangladesh

The good news is that, despite such rampant drug and alcohol abuse rates, Bangladesh has one of the highest densities of registered Rehabilitation Facilities, all providing varying options of substance abuse treatment. With nearly 1120 rehab centers in Bangladesh, there is bound to be an option that suits ones needs.

In addition, there are several private medical practices, and numerous self-help groups and twelve step fellowships that that help overcome substance addiction. These are a good fit for those who do not wish to seek a formal source of rehabilitation.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Bangladesh ensure confidentiality of the patient, and offer medical and non-medical solutions towards de-addiction. So if you are searching for a Drug and Alcohol rehab in Bangladesh for you or a loved one, the good news is that there is bound to be an option that matches your list of requirements. The only important step before jumping into seeking help is to evaluate a rehab facility that best suits your needs in terms of treatment, accreditation, insurance and cost, etc

How To Quit Weed

This is a common question many people are currently asking and realizing to quit smoking weed is a challenging feat.

In the case that you have tried all of the options above and nothing seems to be working, there are a few more options you can try:

  • Speaking to a Professional: A therapist can be very helpful in working through what makes it so challenging for you personally to give up weed. Here you can understand concurrent disorders and addressing them would help you quit your marijuana addiction easily.
  • Virtual Treatment Programs: Do you know that you can quit marijuana with virtual outpatient programs in the comfort of your home, at your convenience? You can start your recovery journey easily with a comprehensive and structured online treatment program through a secure telehealth platform.
  • Outpatient Addiction Counselling: Some Addiction Centres offer outpatient rehab programs that teach you how to quit using marijuana.
  • Residential Treatment: If you have tried everything and need more help, inpatient rehab treatment is likely the best option.

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Treatment For Marijuana Abuse And Addiction

This usually focuses on changing your behavior. Options include:

Talk therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy works well for a lot of people. It helps you understand the thoughts and behaviors that lead to your drug use and replace them with healthier ones.

Motivational incentives: Sometimes called âcontingency management,â this is when you give yourself a reward for staying drug-free. Youâll work with a mental health therapist or addiction specialist to set your goals and rewards.

Motivational enhancement therapy : This is designed to help you commit to changing your behavior. It usually involves only two to four sessions, and your counselor will work with you more like a partner than an expert. Itâs often used along with the other types of therapy.

Medication: The FDA hasnât approved any medicines to treat marijuana abuse, but studies are being done to see if ones used for sleep, anxiety, and other issues may help. If you have a psychological condition like anxiety or depression, treating it with medication may help you stop abusing marijuana.

Your doctor can help you decide which treatments would be best for you.

My Husband’s Smoking Was Ruining Our Marriage

Marijuana: Heavy Users Risk Changes to Brain

I grew concerned about his behavior because it was affecting our family in a few important ways:

  • I was worried about the impact his smoking was having on our kidsdid they know about his habit? Would they grow up to think Daddy’s smoking was cool? Would they take up smoking pot themselves?
  • I felt betrayed, and my trust in him was destroyedhow could he choose marijuana over his children, his family?
  • I was afraid to ask him to give up his addiction because I wanted to keep our family together, and I was afraid that he wouldn’t be willing to change his ways to save our marriage and family.
  • It took a lot of courage to move past my denial about the gravity of his addiction and take a risk by confronting him and making an ultimatum to protect my children, but it needed to be done.

    Finding out your spouse is addicted to marijuana doesn’t have to mean your marriage is over.

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    How To Know You Need Help For Marijuana Use Disorder

    Misuse of marijuana, like any other drug, puts you at risk for reckless behavior, illness, disease, and mental health disorder. Some common signs of marijuana abuse include:

    • Lack of motivation or engagement in things you used to enjoy doing
    • Bloodshot eyes and feeling unwell
    • Slowed reaction time
    • Panic attacks
    • Memory loss

    In addition, a person may suffer from the development of lung disease, impaired mental development, and heart disease. With so many risk factors to health and well-being, it is best for a person to stop using marijuana as soon as they spot any signs of dependence or addiction.

    Victory Can Help

    Reaching out to Victory Recovery Center for , is an option for you. Dont wait to get the support you need to stop using.

    How To Quit Smoking Marijuana

    Unfortunately, quitting pot isnt always easy for many people. As mentioned, people who smoke weed regularly may develop significant cannabis dependence. Once this develops, quitting marijuana may result in several uncomfortable experiences, including cravings and turbulent moods. Trying to quit on your own is possible, but it can be challenging without the accountability, support, and guidance of professional treatment. To quit smoking marijuana, you may benefit from the supervision and care provided through a .

    Treatment can help people remain safe and comfortable while quitting marijuana. The supervision and support of treatment can decrease the likelihood of a person relapsing on their drug of choice. Each persons recovery needs may be somewhat unique, and may benefit from individualized treatment plans. When someone is struggling to quit marijuana on their own, has a cannabis use disorder, or suffers from marijuana dependence, cannabis-specific treatment may be their best option.

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