Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Help Someone Addicted To Percocet

Diversion And Abuse Of Percocet And Prescription Opioids

9 Signs Someone You Love is Addicted to Opioids (Pain Medications)

Percocet is prescribed to treat pain, but it also has a side effect of creating feelings of relaxation, reduced anxiety, and increased pleasure. This may be a good thing for someone who needs pain relief however, these feelings may also be sought out by individuals wishing for an escape from stress, or just to feel good and experience a high.

Opioid prescription drugs like Percocet are commonly diverted, meaning they are sold and given to people who dont have a legitimate prescription or medical need for the drugs. Individuals may invent symptoms to receive a prescription, make appointments with multiple doctors to obtain more of the medication, continue taking the drug after it is no longer needed, take more of the drug than recommended, or use Percocet strictly for recreational purposes. All of these methods are considered prescription drug abuse.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health of 2013 found that the most common way that individuals obtain prescription drugs is for free from a relative or friend .

The NSDUH of 2014 estimated that 4.3 million Americans were considered current abusers of prescription painkillers, with the majority of the abusers being between the ages of 18 and 25.

All other age demographics had roughly the same percentage of individuals abusing prescription painkillers.

How Addictive Is Percocet

So, how addictive is Percocet?

It would be impossible to provide a specific answer because everyones body and brain are unique, but to provide a generality to how addictive is Percocet, its very addictive for most people.

When you take Percocet or any opioid, it has a profound effect on your brain chemistry. When you take it within about thirty minutes or so, it reaches your brain and binds to your opioid receptors. When that happens, your brain triggers a flood of endorphins that are responsible for making you feel good, as if you can no longer feel pain, or even euphoric.

Your body releases endorphins naturally without the use of opioids, but not nearly as much as when you take opioids. Opioids like Percocet affect the brains reward center, so if youre under the influence of opioids, you may feel euphoria, pleasure, and relaxation.

Even after taking Percocet only a few times, your brain may start to think it needs to seek more of the drug to replicate the positive experience of the high. This pattern is how addiction begins. Your brain can almost immediately push you into seeking more of the drug.

Understanding how Percocet and other opioids work is important because you must understand how addictive Percocet is and how quickly addiction can occur.

What Percocet Addiction Looks Like

As Jamie Lee Curtis once said about addiction, “This is a family disease.”

Percocet addiction or addiction to prescription drugs doesn’t just affect you. Iit affects everyone around you and everyone who cares about you.

Percocet addiction can change your personality, interests, and physical health. When you are addicted, you make Percocet your highest priority.

Percocet addiction has a negative impact on all parts of your life. It can even affect your relationships with those closest to you. Is that something you want to see happen, or do you want to seek help?

Medicated Detox for Percocet Addiction

There are four main medications that professionals use to aid in the Percocet detox process.

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Learn About Percocet And Substance Abuse

When taken as directed by a doctor, this medication can allow an individual to function in a healthy manner when living day-to-day is compromised by moderate to severe pain. On the other hand, if someone misuses this medication, a euphoric high can be achieved along with a substance abuse problem that can be exceptionally challenging to overcome without seeking professional support.

If you have ever abused Percocet, then youre probably aware of the withdrawal symptoms that can emerge once youre not able to acquire more or are trying to stop using Percocet. However, what you also need to know is that you dont have to live a life that is dictated by Percocet. You can seek professional help at a reputable addiction clinic, learn how to resist urges to abuse Percocet or other drugs, and form the confidence and skills you need to live a sober lifestyle.

Dont let one more day pass by as someone addicted to Percocet. Its time to take back your life and experience the good health that is deserving of all people.


Effects Of Teen Percocet Addiction

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Ongoing Percocet abuse is not without its adverse effects. Should your teen remain addicted to Percocet, the following are more likely to happen and prevent your child from living a healthy, happy future:

  • Vision problems
  • Physical injuries while under the influence of Percocet
  • Onset or exacerbation of co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Onset of withdrawal

Co-Occurring Disorders

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Signs Of Oxy Addiction

Since oxy is a very effective pain killer, you need to know the difference between someone who is using because they need it and someone who is an addict. This is a very fine line. According to the Mayo Clinic, the signs you need to look for are:

Stealing and financial issues are common signs of oxy addiction.

  • Stealing from you or others
  • A need to get the drug regardless of from where
  • An obsession with oxy
  • Continuously going to the doctor for the same complaint
  • Spending money constantly without records of where it goes
  • Spending money marked for rent or bills on prescriptions or doctors visits
  • Lack of energy or motivation
  • Borrowing money
  • Loss of employment or changing jobs frequently
  • Constant problems at school or work
  • Neglecting their appearance or hygiene

Although there are more, these are the basic signs of addiction. By recognizing these signs, you will know that it is time to help the person find treatment. You should call , for information and advice about getting your loved one into oxy addiction treatment.

Why A Solo Detox Can Be Deadly

In many cases, the addiction and the dependence are too strong, creating too much pain and discomfort for the individual to bear alone. This is common during detox and withdrawal from opioids in particular since they are known for causing such significant abdominal and intestinal distress.

Things can also be complicated by the extreme dehydration that solo efforts can cause, which can lead to incredibly dangerous and even deadly complications like seizures. This is why trying to detox and endure withdrawals alone after becoming addicted to Percocet can be one of the most difficult and dangerous things an individual has ever done. Without a safe environment with someone to look out for them, the odds of success are incredibly low.

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Am I Addicted To Percocet

If youre addicted to Percocet, you might notice that you dont feel very well when you havent taken the medication. Withdrawal symptoms are similar to flu symptoms. You might experience body aches, sweating and cold chills.

Its also common for someone with an addiction to have an uncontrollable desire to use the addictive substance. You might find yourself thinking about Percocet several times per day or wondering where youre going to get more when you run out.

You may be addicted to Percocet if one or more of the following statements apply to you:

  • I crave Percocet.
  • I need Percocet to function.
  • I take Percocet every day.
  • I take more Percocet than prescribed by my doctor.

What Are Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms

Percocet Addiction Treatment: Addiction Signs, Symptoms, and Withdrawals

If you are physically dependent or addicted to Percocet, you may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking it. Percocet withdrawal symptoms often include:

5-8 hour after the last dose: Percocet withdrawal symptoms generally begin to appear.
8-16 hours after the last dose: During Percocet detox, early withdrawal symptoms may include cravings, anxiety, and insomnia. You may also experience cold and flu-like symptoms such as sweating, aches and pains, watery nose and eyes, goosebumps, and chills.
2-3 days after the last dose: Percocet withdrawal symptoms peak around this time and you may still be experiencing flu-like symptoms in addition to severe aches and pains, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, and cravings.
7-10 days after the last dose: Most Percocet withdrawal symptoms should resolve after about a week of Percocet detox, although some psychological issues like anxiety and cravings may persist if left untreated.

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Medications For Percocet Detox

Medical professionals may prescribe certain medications during medication-assisted detox treatment to help reduce the withdrawal symptoms. Opioid withdrawal can be intense, so its better to go through a safe and comfortable withdrawal process to continue progressing through the recovery process.

Some of these medications for Percocet® detoxification include:

Can You Become Addicted To Percocet

Yes, you can. A typical misconception about prescription opioids is that they are safe to take because a doctor prescribes them. While they are fairly safe to take as prescribed, that does not mean that they cannot be abused.

When Percocet is abused, there is a greater risk of developing a dependence and becoming an addiction. Once dependence occurs there is a greater likelihood of developing a tolerance towards it, meaning larger doses must be taken to feel the same effects. This leads to a cycle of using more Percocet more frequently to be able to feel the same previous effects.

In the past, prescription painkiller abuse was typically associated with middle or upper-class people. Today, opioid use disorder affects people of all ages, races, economic classes, and social circles. Additionally, addiction doesnt just affect people who use Percocet recreationally without a prescription, it also affects people who have been legitimately prescribed the pain killer and developed a tolerance. In fact, there are many instances of the average person who has never experienced a use disorder before, developing a dependence on Percocet after being prescribed it for pain.

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How To Tell If My Loved One Is Addicted To Percocet

Educating yourself about the signs of Percocet use can alert you to their addiction and help them seek treatment. Though you cannot force them to quit, knowing what to look out for can help prevent a possible overdose. Some common signs include:

  • Borrowing medications from others or losing theirs so a new prescription has to be written.
  • Visiting multiple doctors to get the same prescription in case they need more.
  • Increased tolerance for Percocet, which leads someone to need more to feel the same effect.
  • Increased sensitivity to pain.
  • Sleepiness, dizziness or confusion, and depression.

Though some people are able to use Percocet painkillers for injury as directed without developing an addiction, there are a couple of risk factors that increase a persons likelihood of becoming addicted. Younger people are at an increased risk for developing an addiction, especially to painkillers. If someone lives in a stressful situation, has a personal or familial history of substance abuse, or has struggled with severe depression or anxiety, taking these painkillers can pose an increased risk of addiction.

Why Is Percocet Popular

Beating a Reliance on Percocet

Like any drug taken outside defined instructions, Percocet abuse can cause an overdose. Severe side effects range from physical health issues to mental health disorders to fatality. Therefore, anyone who has an addiction to Percocet should seek professional help from our addiction treatment center.

If you take Oxycodone pills for an extended period, the Percocet high will eventually wear off as your body becomes tolerant of the substance. As a result, you may increase the dosage of Percocet to continue getting high. The increase in dosage can lead to an overdose or a long-term dependency that is hard to quit.

The most preferred method of taking the drug is snorting. This produces a Percocet high up to five times faster than swallowing a pill. When you snort the drug, it bypasses your stomach and goes straight into your system. As a result, you may start to get high within 15 minutes of snorting the drug. By comparison, it can take over an hour to feel the same high when you swallow the pill.

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How To Get Help For Your Percocet Addiction

If someone you know is battling Percocet addiction, the best thing to do is reach out today for a confidential discussion about their addiction needs. Fighting a Percocet addiction can be very difficult, but medical supervision and a clean, safe environment can make all the difference. Not only can the individual complete their detox and withdrawal in greater comfort than at home, but they can take advantage of all of the amenities the facility has. Afterward, they will be able to further use the resources provided to them to increase the strength and longevity of their recovery.

Signs And Symptoms Of Teen Percocet Addiction

If youre trying to discern if your teen is struggling with the abuse of Percocet or not, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of this form of substance abuse. If several of the following are affecting your teens life, he or she may benefit from professional treatment:

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Using Percocet when its risky to do so
  • Trying to steal Percocet that was prescribed to someone else
  • Trying to steal money to buy Percocet
  • Taking Percocet in greater quantities or for a longer period of time than intended
  • Continuing to abuse Percocet even after having experienced negative effects as a result

Physical symptoms:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when not taking Percocet
  • Unintentional weight loss


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Effects Of Percocet Drug Addiction

Percocet is usually prescribed on a short-term basis, for this reason, an addicted person may eventually resort to illegal means to feed their habit. Percocet Drug Addiction can result in risky behavior, including:

  • Seeking out drug dealers
  • Seeing multiple doctors

Percocet reduces intestinal motility. This often causes constipation and difficulty with bowel movements. According to, because of the Oxycodone in Percocet, there are numerous potential side effects tied to abuse of the drug. The most commonly recorded physical side effects of Percocet Drug Addiction include:

Addiction Treatment Approaches For Recovery

Oxycodone | Oxycotin | Percocet Addiction

There are many types of therapy and counseling form which to choose when recovering from Percocet addiction. They include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Focuses on developing healthy coping strategies for problems. These problems include those that caused Percocet addiction or those caused by your addiction to Percocet.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy has been found successful both alone and together with other therapies.

Individual therapy

  • One-on-one therapy between a recovering addict and a therapist.
  • Individual therapy can be individualized cognitive behavioral therapy or psychoanalysis.

Family counseling

  • Group sessions between therapists and whole families, of which one member has suffered from Percocet addiction.
  • Family counseling addresses the ways in which an addict or former addict has hurt their family or other loved ones. It also provides ways to make amends and for families to hold the former addict accountable for his or her sobriety.

Group therapy

  • Group sessions that include one or more therapists and several people struggling with the same problem
  • Group therapy allows individuals to see that they are not alone in their struggle or recovery.

Holistic therapy

  • Focuses on the health and strength of all parts of the person – physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental
  • Holistic therapy can often lead to big lifestyle changes. It addresses more than the addiction to Percocet – it focuses on balancing health in all areas to treat the underlying cause of the addiction.

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What Medications Are Used For Oxycodone Detox

Medical detox programs for oxycodone dependence may offer medicine to help relieve moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms.

Common medications used for oxycodone detox include:

  • clonidine: This medication can help with symptoms such as anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, and other physical symptoms of withdrawal.
  • methadone: This is a long-acting opioid that can serve as a replacement for oxycodone, relieve drug cravings, and ease withdrawal symptoms.
  • buprenorphine: This is a partial opioid agonist that can relieve drug cravings and be taken long-term as a medication-assisted treatment.
  • vitamins: Taking vitamin B and C supplements is recommended during the opioid detox process.

What Are The Diagnostic Criteria For Opioid Use Disorder

The 5th and most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders created by the American Psychiatric Association outlines the following criteria for diagnosing opioid use disorder:1

Opioids are often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended

There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control opioid use

A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the opioid, use the opioid or recover from its effects

Craving or a strong desire to use opioids

Recurrent opioid use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.

Continued opioid use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or made worse by the effects of opioids.

Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of opioid use.

Recurrent opioid use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.

Continued use despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by opioids.

Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:Need for markedly increased amounts of opioids to achieve intoxication or desired effect, markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of opioid

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Consequences Of Percocet Addiction

Opioids like Percocet can cause serious health complications. The drug can increase a persons risk for choking. It can also slow a persons breathing, which may cause them to stop breathing entirely. Its even possible to fall into a coma or die as a result of an overdose.

A person who is addicted to Percocet may be more likely to use other illegal drugs or prescription medications. Certain combinations of medicines can be lethal.

An addiction can affect work performance and personal relationships. People who use and abuse Percocet sometimes engage in risky behaviors. This may lead to motor vehicle accidents or accidents that cause bodily harm.

People who are addicted may also find themselves involved in criminal activity, especially if they decide to steal, forge a prescription, or lie to get more pills.

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