Offer Help To Other People
The best way to learn something new is by teaching it. If you are struggling with addiction, the best way to help yourself is by helping someone who is in a deeper hole than you. In most cases, people who help others are usually less depressed and frustrated.
You dont need to become a member of the Red Cross or any other organization to help people. Your loved ones and colleagues need your help daily. Do good to others and youll do good to yourself. Plus, you wont have time to be bored and indulge in addictive activities.
How Addictions Can Affect You
The strain of managing an addiction can seriously damage your work life and relationships. In the case of substance misuse , an addiction can have serious psychological and physical effects.
Some studies suggest a person’s risk of becoming addicted is partly genetic, but environmental factors, such as being around other people with addictions, are also thought to increase the risk.
Behaviours such as substance misuse can be a way of blocking out difficult issues. Unemployment and poverty can trigger addiction, along with stress and emotional or professional pressure.
Why Are Healthy Boundaries Important
Parenting is about setting up boundaries. They determine certain behaviors to be acceptable and normative and others not. Children, including teens and adolescents, need healthy boundaries to grow in the right direction. Risky behaviors such as substance addiction do not happen overnightthey happen because healthy boundaries were trespassed without parents noticing or intervening. Codependent parenting tends to produce unhealthy boundaries that lead to such behaviors.
Take money, for example. Codependent parents enable addiction if they always yield to their teen begging for money to fund the addictive habit. Even after a teen completes treatment and recovers from substance addiction, parental codependency may again pave the way for relapse. If the person in treatment is working on recovery while family members are making no change, it can be very challenging for teens who live in the home environment.
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When Your Addiction Is To A Narcissist
If you have an energy vampire, or narcissist, in your life and you are hanging on to the relationship to the point where your life is disrupted, this is called narcissistic addiction. And it is real! In fact, there are even biochemical changes in your body that take place, as with any addiction. Because of this, your brain chemicals can actually lock you into addiction to an energy vampire. Of course, if you already have addictive tendencies such as to drugs or alcohol you may understand the brain chemical aspect. It works like this:
You experience the release of dopamine when the narcissist is love-bombing you with gifts and compliments. You also experience the release of oxytocin when you are physically around your energy vampire, especially if you are in a sexual relationship. Then, when the energy vampire starts to exhibit unpredictable behavior, you experience adrenaline rushes. Finally, when you experience abuse at the hands of a narcissist you ultimately experience the effects of a constant stream of cortisol.
How Are Behavioral Addictions Treated
Unfortunately, these behavioral addictions are relatively new to the medical and mental health lexicon. The prevalence of these disorders has increased in tandem with the rise in technology, which is a new phenomenon. Right now, there is no standardized method for diagnosing these disorders, but mental health professionals can help people overcome them and develop healthier ways of dealing with these compulsions. Cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, and group therapy are known to be effective in helping treat these addictions.
Also, people with behavioral addictions often suffer from comorbid mental health disorders or substance abuse. Doctors will usually diagnose and treat these disorders while also developing a treatment plan for the behavioral addiction.
People with behavioral addictions may not suffer the same physical risks to their health that people with drug addiction experience. But, leaving a behavioral disorder untreated can cause immense suffering for the person addicted and their loved ones. If you or someone you care about has a behavioral disorder, dont hesitate to contact a qualified therapist and get the help you need.
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What Type Of Programs Are Offered To Treat Behavioral Addictions
Many of the same programs that are effective in the treatment of dependence upon drugs or alcohol are effective in the treatment of behavioral addictions. An effective behavioral addictiontreatment program should offer all clients access to the resources they need. This may include any combination ofthe following:
- Detox support: Some clients describe insomnia, feelings of agitation, panic, angry outbursts, headaches,and other withdrawal symptoms when they stop indulging in the addictive behavior. Therapeutic support through this transitionalperiod can assist the client in reaching stability in treatment and improve the capacity to focus on growth and healinggoing forward.
- Diagnosis and evaluation: Just as with substance abuse and addiction, there are often co-occurring disordersat play that may be impacting the persons compulsivity and ability to remain abstinent in recovery. A thorough evaluationprocess can help to identify any co-occurring substance abuse issues and/or mental health disorders that may be contributingto, causing, or in any way impacting the persons experience with behavioral addictions.
Meditate To Relieve Stress
If there is one thing you take away from this article it would be the power of meditationif you were to start with one thing this would be it. Here are just some scientifically-backed benefits of meditation:
If there was ever a panacea for the brain I think this would be it. And the best part about it? Meditation can be done anywhere and anytime.
If you are unsure where to start, there are a variety of meditation videos on . There are also a variety of apps like Headspace and FitMind that offer a free trial for the first couple of sessions. There are certain guided meditations with different purposes like reducing anxiety, self-empowerment, or inner peace. Whatever your goal is, you can find a meditation for you. Starting out, guided meditation apps and videos are helpful to gain an understanding of how meditation works. After a couple of sessions, youll have to power to meditate anywhere you want!
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Overcoming Harmful Addictive Personality Traits
If you are currently dealing with the effects of an addictive personality disorder, then you probably know that it can be very hard to break out of the grasp of this disorder. It can be extremely challenging to fight the urges of impulsivity, compulsive behaviors, depression, and anxiety. Overcoming these challenges is far from easy. But, that doesnt mean that its impossible!
Many people feel that its not possible to overcome addictive personality traits. They feel that, if you have this disorder, you will inevitably struggle with addiction and will, most likely, never break free from these problems. But, this is definitely not true. You can certainly become free from these issues through commitment, dedication, and professional treatment.
There are plenty of ways in which you can work to overcome the effects of addictive personality traits. Here are 5 of them:
- Talk about it. Theres nothing like talking about your problems to someone who can offer you help and comfort. Sometimes, your family members or friends will misunderstand what youre going through. They may not understand the struggles youre facing. So, speaking to them will help you to feel less alone and isolated, which are two things people often feel when theyre dealing with an addictive personality disorder.
Why Are Drugs Difficult To Quit
Certain drugs are highly addictive because of the way they change certain types of brain functioning. For example, many drugs can result in changes to the way your brain relays messages through a process known as neurotransmission. The activity of one neurotransmitter in particular, known as dopamine, increases in association with several types of substance use. A drug-related surge in dopamine activity can have reinforcing effects, making compulsive use of that drug more likely.2
Fighting addiction is not a matter of willpower or desire its a matter of recognizing a problem and seeking help.1
Many of the most common drugs of abuse have an impact on dopamine activity throughout the brains reward centers. Dopamine neurotransmission is thought to underlie feelings of motivation, pleasure, and reward, and is believed to play a key role in the development of addiction.2,3
Typically, people release dopamine in response to performing pleasurable activities, such as eating or having sex. However, many drugs cause a surge in dopamine activity, which can result in a rewarding euphoria, and ultimately encourages the drug-using individual to repeat the experience. This is why many drugs are referred to as reinforcing and one of the reasons why drug addiction can be so challenging to recover from.2
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Action Steps For Quitting An Addiction
Because change is so difficult, it’s useful to have a guide when attempting to kick an addiction to drugs, alcohol or behavior. Research shows that the following steps can help you move toward your recovery goals. You have the greatest chance of success if you adopt all five steps.
1. Set a quit date. It might be helpful to choose a meaningful date like a special event, birthday, or anniversary.
2. Change your environment. Remove any reminders of your addiction from your home and workplace. For example, separate from those who would encourage you to be involved with the object of your addiction . If you are trying to quit drinking, get rid of any alcohol, bottle openers, wine glasses, and corkscrews. If you’re trying to quit gambling, remove any playing cards, scratch tickets, or poker chips. Also, don’t let other people use or bring reminders of the addiction-related substance or behavior into your home.
3. Distract yourself. Instead of giving in to an urge to use, come up with alternative activities, such as going for a walk or calling a friend or family member to talk, so that you keep busy until the urge passes. Be prepared to deal with things that trigger your cravings, such as being in an environment where others are using.
4. Review your past attempts at quitting. Think about what worked and what did not. Consider what might have contributed to relapse and make changes accordingly.
S You Can Take To Overcome Addiction
There is a ton of information out there about addiction recovery, and there are always new theories and science that lead to new programs. Recommending the best program or way to recover from addiction is a loaded topic because each individual will respond to something different. Its important to know that there is no right or wrong approach in fact, the only right approach is the one that works for you!
Its also worth mentioning that there are many stories of recovered addicts who quit using without the help of any recovery programs! Some have turned to their churches or have received paid incentives for clean drug tests. Some have received psychiatric help or used cognitive behavioral therapy. And there are even people who simply outgrew their addictions. These people are usually those who used drugs and alcohol in their teens and 20s and then found a life that was more fulfilling, either through meaningful relationships, work, or other interests.
With all that in mind, here are some steps that you can take to help with recovery:
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Learn How To Stop An Addiction Behavior In Addiction Treatment At Grace Land Recovery
The best place to learn how to stop an addictive behavior is at a rehab facility such as Grace Land Recovery. Here at Grace Land Recovery, we offer a wide variety of addiction treatment programs and therapies. Through these programs and therapies, rehab patients learn how to both identify and manage their addiction triggers. Through our treatment programs and addiction therapies, rehab patients will also learn proper coping mechanisms to help them manage their addiction triggers.
One of the primary forms of addiction therapy that Grace Land Recovery offers is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Through our cognitive-behavioral therapy, our rehab patients can learn how to change their negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors into positive ones. This, in turn, will help our patients stop exhibiting their addictive behaviors.
We here at Grace Land also offer our patients many unique clinical services such as HIV education and nutrition and spirituality services. Through these services, our rehab patients will be able to make a smooth transition back into the real world after they complete their treatment. Ultimately, through all of the addiction treatment programs, therapies, and services that we offer here at Grace Land Recovery, rehab patients will be able to both achieve recovery and stop exhibiting their addictive behaviors.
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Ways To Overcome An Addictive Personality
Reviewed by Brittany Polansky, MSW, LCSW
South Florida Drug Rehab » 5 Ways to Overcome An Addictive Personality
People all over the world are dealing with what is known as an addictive personality disorder. Its more common than people may think. And its more harmful than people may believe. Often, addictive personalities lead to addiction.
Sometimes, people who have an addictive personality disorder become addicted to things like alcohol and drugs. Other individuals may develop an addiction to certain behaviors or activities.
In any case, though, addiction is unhealthy and harmful. So, its extremely important for those who struggle with an addictive personality to get help right away.
Maybe youve recently noticed an addictive personality in your life. Perhaps youve been trying to figure out how to overcome it in order to avoid further problems. Whether you are trying to prevent the development of an addiction problem or avoid addiction relapse, its best to seek professional help in overcoming the traits of an addictive personality.
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How Do I Stop Being So Addicted
Addiction is something from which the whole world needs to fight together so that it can be resolved and the world becomes a happy place to live. A person who is addicted to any type of thing, he doesnt care about the things happening next to him and he is unaware of the facts that are happening from around the world. Addiction is a very serious disease from which the whole world needs to fight together but many people are there who dont know about the term ADDICTION.
Firstly, a campaign should be made every month so that people get aware of this disease which needs to be cured together because addiction is a disease that leads to many serious diseases and leaves a very bad impact on society. Secondly, a person should avoid as much as he can getting into any type of addiction because it is better personally for everyone so that a person will live his life happily and without any tension. Therefore, a person should live happily without getting into addictions which leads to a good life.
Addictive behavior is a major problem in our society. Whats worse, its not just the addicts who suffer from this problem everyone around them does too. Friends and family members must endure unrelenting emotional and sometimes even physical abuse. They try to help their loved ones stop the addiction, but oftentimes they feel helpless and exhausted because no matter what they do, nothing changes.
Known Risk Factors For Addiction
While research has not supported the existence of an addictive personality, researchers do know that there are a number of non-personality-related factors that do increase the risk of developing an addiction. Some of these include:
- Genetics and family history: Studies have shown that addictions have a strong genetic component. Certain traits such as impulsivity and novelty seeking can also be inherited, and lead to an increased risk for addiction. However, having those traits or having a family history of addiction does not necessarily mean that you will develop an addiction.
- Environmental factors: Certain environmental variables are also tied to an increased risk for addiction including poverty, access to drugs, and trauma. Lifestyle factors such as engaging in habits that contribute to addiction may also increase your risk.
- Mental health conditions: Having another mental health condition such as depression, bipolar disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder can also increase your risk for addiction.
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What Is A Behavioral Addiction
Although even experts disagree about whether behavioral addictions are “real” addictions, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition explicitly included behaviors in the addictions category. But gambling disorder is the only officially recognized behavioral addiction.
Outside the world of professional psychiatry and psychology, the media has embraced the concepts of behavioral addictions, such as sex addiction and shopping addiction, and has also categorized other behaviors such as self-injury and self-harm and excessive plastic surgery as “addiction.”
Behavioral addictions follow the same pattern as substance-based addictions, and they result in problems in many areas of a person’s life.
Behavioral addictions have similar effects to substance addictions on relationships, which are often neglected in favor of the addictive behavior, undermining trust and putting pressure on partners and other family members to cover up and make up for difficulties arising from the addiction.
Even if you can’t find a service specializing in behavioral addiction, a psychiatrist or psychologist will still be able to help you change your problematic behaviors, improve your relationships, and cope without the addiction.